Exemplo n.º 1
 * module_uninstall.php performs reversion of module_install.php
 * the line below safe-guards this file from being accessed directly from
 * a web browser. It will only execute if required from within an ATutor script,
 * in our case the Module::uninstall() method.
if (!defined('AT_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
 * the following code is used for removing a module-specific directory created in module_install.php.
 * it generates appropriate error messages to aid in its creation.
//$directory = AT_CONTENT_DIR .'job_board';
 * the following code checks if there are any errors (generated previously)
 * then uses the SqlUtility to run reverted database queries of module.sql, 
 * ie. "create table" statement in module.sql is run as drop according table.
if (!$msg->containsErrors() && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/module.sql')) {
    // deal with the SQL file:
    require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/sqlutility.class.php';
    $sqlUtility = new SqlUtility();
     * the SQL file could be stored anywhere, and named anything, "module.sql" is simply
     * a convention we're using.
    $sqlUtility->revertQueryFromFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/module.sql', TABLE_PREFIX);

if (!defined('AT_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
// directory
$directory = AT_CONTENT_DIR . 'adobe_connect';
if (is_dir($directory) && is_writable($directory)) {
    require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . '../mods/_core/file_manager/filemanager.inc.php';
    if (!clr_dir($directory)) {
        $msg->addError(array('MODULE_UNINSTALL', ' ' . $directory . ' can\'t be removed'));
// db
$sqlfilepath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/module.sql';
if (!$msg->containsErrors() && file_exists($sqlfilepath)) {
    require_once AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/sqlutility.class.php';
    $sqlUtility = new SqlUtility();
    $sqlUtility->revertQueryFromFile($sqlfilepath, TABLE_PREFIX);