Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Agi.php Projeto: rootzig/SNEP
 protected function startRulePlugins()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $log = Zend_Registry::get('log');
     $this->rulePlugins = new PBX_Rule_Plugin_Broker();
     // Registrando plugin de tempo limite
     $this->rulePlugins->registerPlugin(new Snep_Rule_Plugin_TimeLimit());
     foreach (Snep_Modules::getInstance()->getRegisteredModules() as $module) {
         $plugins_dir = $config->system->path->base . "/" . $module->getModuleDir() . "/rule_plugins";
         if (file_exists($plugins_dir)) {
             $plugins = "";
             foreach (scandir($plugins_dir) as $filename) {
                 // Todos os arquivos .php devem ser classes de Plugins
                 if (preg_match("/.*\\.php\$/", $filename)) {
                     // Tentar instanciar e Adicionar no array
                     require_once $plugins_dir . "/" . $filename;
                     $classname = basename($filename, '.php');
                     $plugins .= " " . $classname;
                     if (class_exists($classname)) {
                         $this->rulePlugins->registerPlugin(new $classname());
             $log->debug("Plugins de regras: " . trim($plugins));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->breadcrumb = $this->view->translate("Welcome to Snep version %s", SNEP_VERSION);
     // Direcionando para o "snep antigo"
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     // GOD!
     $linfoData = new Zend_Http_Client('http://localhost/snep/lib/linfo/index.php?out=xml');
     try {
         $sysInfo = $linfoData->getLastResponse()->getBody();
         $sysInfo = simplexml_load_string($sysInfo);
     } catch (HttpException $ex) {
         echo $ex;
     if (trim($config->ambiente->db->host) == "") {
     } else {
         $systemInfo = array();
         $uptimeRaw = explode(';', $sysInfo->core->uptime);
         $systemInfo['uptime'] = $uptimeRaw[0];
                     require_once "includes/AsteriskInfo.php";
                     $astinfo = new AsteriskInfo();
         $astVersionRaw = explode('@', $astinfo->status_asterisk("core show version", "", True));
         preg_match('/Asterisk (.*) built/', $astVersionRaw[0], $astVersion);
         $systemInfo['asterisk'] = $astVersion[1];
         $systemInfo['mysql'] = trim(exec("mysql -V | awk -F, '{ print \$1 }' | awk -F'mysql' '{ print \$2 }'"));
         $systemInfo['linux_ver'] = $sysInfo->core->os . ' / ' . $sysInfo->core->Distribution;
         $systemInfo['linux_kernel'] = $sysInfo->core->kernel;
         $cpuRaw = explode('-', $sysInfo->core->CPU);
         $systemInfo['hardware'] = $cpuRaw[1];
         $cpuNumber = count(explode('<br />', $sysInfo->core->CPU));
         $cpuUsageRaw = explode(' ', $sysInfo->core->load);
         $loadAvarege = ($cpuUsageRaw[0] + $cpuUsageRaw[1] + $cpuUsageRaw[2]) / 3;
         $systemInfo['usage'] = round($loadAvarege * 100 / ($cpuNumber - 1));
         $systemInfo['memory']['ram'] = array('total' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->total)), 'free' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->free)), 'used' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->used)), 'percent' => floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->total) > 0 ? round(floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->used) / floatval($sysInfo->memory->Physical->total) * 100) : 0);
         $systemInfo['memory']['swap'] = array('total' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->free)), 'free' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->total)), 'used' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->used)), 'percent' => floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->total) > 0 ? round(floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->used) / floatval($sysInfo->memory->swap->core->total) * 100) : 0);
         $deviceArray = $sysInfo->mounts->mount;
         foreach ($deviceArray as $mount) {
             $systemInfo['space'][] = array('mount_point' => $mount["mountpoint"], 'size' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($mount["size"])), 'free' => $this->byte_convert(floatval($mount["free"])), 'percent' => floatval($mount["size"]) > 0 ? round(floatval($mount["used"]) / floatval($mount["size"]) * 100) : 0);
         $netArray = $sysInfo->net->interface;
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($netArray as $board) {
             if ($count < 6) {
                 $systemInfo['net'][] = array('device' => $board["device"], 'up' => $board["state"]);
         /// @todo tratar isso depois
                    $sqlN = "select count(*) from";
                    $select = $db->query($sqlN . ' peers');
                    $result = $select->fetch();
                    $systemInfo['num_peers'] = $result['count(*)'];
                    $select = $db->query($sqlN . ' trunks');
                    $result = $select->fetch();
                    $systemInfo['num_trunks'] = $result['count(*)'];
                    $select = $db->query($sqlN . ' regras_negocio');
                    $result = $select->fetch();
         $systemInfo['num_routes'] = $result['count(*)'];
         $systemInfo['modules'] = array();
         $modules = Snep_Modules::getInstance()->getRegisteredModules();
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             $systemInfo['modules'][] = array("name" => $module->getName(), "version" => $module->getVersion(), "description" => $module->getDescription());
         $this->view->indexData = $systemInfo;
         // Creates Snep_Inspector Object
         $objInspector = new Snep_Inspector();
         // Get array with status of inspected system requirements
         $inspect = $objInspector->getInspects();
         // Verify errors
         $this->view->error = false;
         foreach ($inspect as $log => $message) {
             if ($message['error'] == 1) {
                 $this->view->error = true;
         // Inspector url
         $this->view->inspector = $this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl() . '/inspector/';
Exemplo n.º 3
defined('APPLICATION_PATH') || define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
// Add standard library to the include path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/lib', get_include_path())));
// Initializing Snep Config
require_once "Snep/Config.php";
Snep_Config::setConfigFile(APPLICATION_PATH . '/includes/setup.conf');
$config = Snep_Config::getConfig();
defined('SNEP_VENDOR') || define('SNEP_VENDOR', $config->ambiente->emp_nome);
defined('SNEP_VERSION') || define('SNEP_VERSION', trim(file_get_contents(APPLICATION_PATH . "/configs/snep_version")));
// Define application environment
$snep_env = Snep_Config::getConfig()->system->debug ? "development" : "production";
defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : $snep_env);
if (APPLICATION_ENV === "development") {
    require_once "Zend/Debug.php";
// Adds the modules directory to the snep module system
require_once "Snep/Modules.php";
Snep_Modules::getInstance()->addPath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/modules");
/** Zend_Application */
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
require_once 'Zend/Config/Ini.php';
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/application.ini');
// Adding standard lib autoloader capabilities to keep old code running
$application->setAutoloaderNamespaces(array("Asterisk_", "PBX_", "Snep_"));
// Keeping old links to avoid rework in too much stuff.
require_once "Zend/Registry.php";
Zend_Registry::set("config", $config);
Zend_Registry::set("db", Snep_Db::getInstance());
/* Fight! */
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected function startModules()
     Snep_Modules::getInstance()->addPath(Snep_Config::getConfig()->system->path->base . "/modules");
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected function startActions()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $actions_dir = $config->system->path->base . "/lib/PBX/Rule/Action";
     $actions = PBX_Rule_Actions::getInstance();
     foreach (scandir($actions_dir) as $filename) {
         // Todos os arquivos .php devem ser classes de Actions
         if (preg_match("/.*\\.php\$/", $filename)) {
             // Tentar instanciar e Adicionar no array
             $classname = 'PBX_Rule_Action_' . basename($filename, '.php');
             if (class_exists($classname)) {
     foreach (Snep_Modules::getInstance()->getRegisteredModules() as $module) {
         if ($module->getModuleId() != null) {
             $actions_dir = $config->system->path->base . "/modules/" . $module->getModuleDir() . "/actions";
         } else {
             $actions_dir = $config->system->path->base . "/" . $module->getModuleDir() . "/actions";
         if (file_exists($actions_dir)) {
             foreach (scandir($actions_dir) as $filename) {
                 // Todos os arquivos .php devem ser classes de Actions
                 if (preg_match("/.*\\.php\$/", $filename)) {
                     // Tentar instanciar e Adicionar no array
                     require_once $actions_dir . "/" . $filename;
                     $classname = basename($filename, '.php');
                     if (class_exists($classname)) {