$snap->addInput('local', $test['class']); writelog('Doing test substep: ' . $test['class'] . '::' . $test['method']); // run tests with an exact match on the test name $snap->runTests('^' . $test['method'] . '$'); echo SNAP_STREAM_ENDING_TOKEN; exit; } // generate list of files to test if (is_dir($path)) { $file_list = SNAP_recurse_directory($path, $xtn); } else { $file_list = array($path); } writelog('Path contains ' . count($file_list) . ' files for scanning'); // start a dispatcher for multi-processing $dispatcher = new Snap_Dispatcher($php, __FILE__); // build master test list $analyzer = new Snap_FileAnalyzer(); $master_test_list = $dispatcher->dispatch(array('keys' => $file_list, 'dispatch' => array('analyze' => TRUE, 'verbose' => SNAPTEST_VERBOSE_MODE, 1 => '__KEY__'), 'onThreadComplete' => array($analyzer, 'onThreadComplete'), 'onThreadFail' => array($analyzer, 'onThreadFail'), 'onComplete' => array($analyzer, 'onComplete'))); unset($analyzer); // build a master test key list $master_test_key_list = array(); foreach ($master_test_list as $file => $classes) { if (!is_array($classes)) { die("File {$file} could not be read due to a fatal error:\n" . $classes . "\n"); } foreach ($classes as $klass => $tests) { foreach ($tests as $test) { $master_test_key_list[] = Snap_Request::makeTestKey($file, $klass, $test); } }
require_once $test['file']; // add the class now that it exists $snap->addInput('local', $test['class']); // run tests with an exact match on the test name $snap->runTests('^' . $test['method'] . '$'); echo SNAP_STREAM_ENDING_TOKEN; exit; } // generate list of files to test if (is_dir($path)) { $file_list = SNAP_recurse_directory($path, $xtn); } else { $file_list = array($path); } // start a dispatcher for multi-processing $dispatcher = new Snap_Dispatcher($php, __FILE__); // build master test list $analyzer = new Snap_FileAnalyzer(); $master_test_list = $dispatcher->dispatch(array('keys' => $file_list, 'dispatch' => array('analyze' => TRUE, 1 => '$key'), 'onThreadComplete' => array($analyzer, 'onThreadComplete'), 'onThreadFail' => array($analyzer, 'onThreadFail'), 'onComplete' => array($analyzer, 'onComplete'))); unset($analyzer); // build a master test key list $master_test_key_list = array(); foreach ($master_test_list as $file => $classes) { if (!is_array($classes)) { die("File {$file} could not be read due to a fatal error:\n" . $classes . "\n"); } foreach ($classes as $klass => $tests) { foreach ($tests as $test) { $master_test_key_list[] = Snap_Request::makeTestKey($file, $klass, $test); } }