/** * Zeigt die Einträge an * * @param int $max_entries_pp Anzahl Einträge pro Seite */ private function _view($max_entries_pp) { //Daten definiere und initialisieren $this->_tplfile = 'news.tpl'; $news_array = array(); //Seite herausfinden if (isset($this->_gpc['GET']['page']) && is_numeric($this->_gpc['GET']['page']) && $this->_gpc['GET']['page'] > 0) { $page = $this->_gpc['GET']['page']; } else { $page = 1; } //Daten holen $news_array = $this->_msbox->getEntries($max_entries_pp, $page, 'DESC', 'ASC', $this->_timeformat); $this->_mysql->query('SELECT COUNT(*) as many FROM `news` WHERE `news_ref_ID` = \'0\''); $entries = $this->_mysql->fetcharray('num'); $pagesnav_array = Page::get_static_pagesnav_array($entries[0], $max_entries_pp, $this->_gpc['GET']); $this->_smarty->assign('entrys', $entries[0]); foreach ($news_array as $key => $value) { //Nur news-Daten ohne $news_array['many'] abchecken $news_array[$key]['news_content'] = $this->_smilie->show_smilie(nl2br(htmlentities($value['news_content'])), $this->_mysql); foreach ($value['comments'] as $ckey => $cvalue) { $news_array[$key]['comments'][$ckey]['news_content'] = $this->_smilie->show_smilie(nl2br(htmlentities($cvalue['news_content'])), $this->_mysql); } } $this->_smarty->assign('newsarray', $news_array); $this->_smarty->assign('pages', $pagesnav_array); }
/** * Erstellt das Eintragsformular für Beiträge im Gästebuch. Wenn nötig werden der vorhergehende * Einträg (und die Kommentare dazu) ermittelt. * * @param boolean $first_form 1. Aufruf des Formulars? * @param string|null $error Errortexte * @param boolean $comment Ist der Beitrag ein Kommentar? * @param boolean $mysql_data Werden die Daten vom Mysql geholt. */ private function _send_entryform($first_form = true, $error = null, $comment = false, $mysql_data = false) { $data = array(); /* Daten ermitteln */ if ($first_form == false) { /* Daten aus Post-Array */ if ($comment == false) { $data['entry_title'] = stripslashes($this->_gpc['POST']['title']); } $data += array('entry_content' => stripslashes($this->_gpc['POST']['content']), 'entry_name' => stripslashes($this->_gpc['POST']['name']), 'entry_email' => stripslashes($this->_gpc['POST']['email']), 'entry_hp' => stripslashes($this->_gpc['POST']['hp'])); } elseif ($mysql_data == true) { //Daten aus dem msbox-Objekt holen $gbook_arr = $this->_msbox->getEntry($this->_gpc['GET']['ref_ID'], $this->_timeformat); $data += array('entry_title' => $gbook_arr['gbook_title'], 'entry_name' => $gbook_arr['gbook_name'], 'entry_content' => $gbook_arr['gbook_content'], 'entry_email' => $gbook_arr['gbook_email'], 'entry_hp' => $gbook_arr['gbook_hp'], 'entry_time' => $gbook_arr['gbook_time']); } else { /* Standard-Einträge */ $gbook_vars = $this->_configvars['Gbook']; $data += array('entry_title' => $gbook_vars['entry_title'], 'entry_content' => $gbook_vars['entry_content'], 'entry_name' => $gbook_vars['entry_name'], 'entry_email' => $gbook_vars['entry_email'], 'entry_hp' => $gbook_vars['entry_hp']); } /* Bei Kommentaren ist der vorhergehende Eintrag zu ermitteln */ if ($comment == true) { $this->_tplfile = "gbook_comment.tpl"; $data['gbook'] = $this->_msbox->getEntry($this->_gpc['GET']['ref_ID'], $this->_timeformat, true); $data['gbook']['title'] = htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_title']); $data['gbook']['content'] = $this->_smilie->show_smilie(htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_content']), $this->_mysql); $data['gbook']['name'] = htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_name']); $data['gbook']['email'] = htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_email']); $data['gbook']['hp'] = htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_hp']); $data['gbook']['time'] = htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_time']); $data['gbook']['ID'] = $data['gbook']['gbook_ID']; /* HTML-Zeichen umwandeln */ foreach ($data['gbook']['comments'] as $key => $value) { $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['content'] = $this->_smilie->show_smilie(htmlentities($value['gbook_content']), $this->_mysql); $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['email'] = htmlentities($value['gbook_email']); $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['hp'] = htmlentities($value['gbook_hp']); $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['name'] = htmlentities($value['gbook_name']); $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['time'] = htmlentities($value['gbook_time']); $data['gbook']['comments'][$key]['ID'] = $value['gbook_ID']; } /*Anzeigetitle des Editors festlegen */ $data['entry_title'] = 'RE: ' . htmlentities($data['gbook']['gbook_title']); } else { /* Keine Kommentareintrag -> Normaler Editor */ $this->_tplfile = "msg_entry.tpl"; } /* Error-Einträge */ if (isset($error)) { $data['dump_errors'] = true; $data['error_title'] = $this->_configvars['Form_Error']['error_title']; $data['error_content'] = $error; } $data['smilies_list'] = $this->_smilie->create_smiliesarray($this->_mysql); $this->_smarty->assign($data); }
static function eventCoreClassModuleTextsanitizerGetSmileys($args) { $isAll = $args[0]; $smileys =& $args[1]; $myts =& $args[2]; if (count($myts->smileys) == 0) { $myts->smileys = Smilies::getInstance()->getHandlerSmilies()->getSmilies(0, 0, false); } if ($isAll) { $smileys = $myts->smileys; return true; } foreach ($myts->smileys as $smile) { if (empty($smile['smiley_display'])) { continue; } $smileys[] = $smile; } return true; }
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ use Xoops\Core\Request; /** * smilies module * * @copyright XOOPS Project (http://xoops.org) * @license GNU GPL 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * @package smilies * @since 2.6.0 * @author Mage Grégory (AKA Mage) * @version $Id$ */ include dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/mainfile.php'; $xoops = Xoops::getInstance(); $xoops->logger()->quiet(); $target = Request::getString('target', ''); $xoops->simpleHeader(false); if ($target && preg_match('/^[0-9a-z_]*$/i', $target)) { $tpl = new XoopsTpl(); $tpl->assign('target', $target); $tpl->assign('smileys', Smilies::getInstance()->getHandlerSmilies()->getActiveSmilies(false)); $tpl->assign('closebutton', 1); $tpl->display('module:smilies/smilies_smiley.tpl'); } $xoops->simpleFooter();