getConfigDir() public method

Get config directory
public getConfigDir ( $index = null ) : array | string
return array | string configuration directory
  * Compile all template or config files
  * @param \Smarty $smarty
  * @param  string $extension     template file name extension
  * @param  bool   $force_compile force all to recompile
  * @param  int    $time_limit    set maximum execution time
  * @param  int    $max_errors    set maximum allowed errors
  * @param bool    $isConfig      flag true if called for config files
  * @return int number of template files compiled
 protected function compileAll(Smarty $smarty, $extension, $force_compile, $time_limit, $max_errors, $isConfig = false)
     // switch off time limit
     if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
     $_count = 0;
     $_error_count = 0;
     $sourceDir = $isConfig ? $smarty->getConfigDir() : $smarty->getTemplateDir();
     // loop over array of source directories
     foreach ($sourceDir as $_dir) {
         $_dir_1 = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir);
         $_dir_2 = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_dir_1);
         foreach ($_dir_2 as $_fileinfo) {
             $_file = $_fileinfo->getFilename();
             if (substr(basename($_fileinfo->getPathname()), 0, 1) == '.' || strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) {
             if (!substr_compare($_file, $extension, -strlen($extension)) == 0) {
             if ($_fileinfo->getPath() !== substr($_dir, 0, -1)) {
                 $_file = substr($_fileinfo->getPath(), strlen($_dir)) . DS . $_file;
             echo "\n<br>", $_dir, '---', $_file;
             $_start_time = microtime(true);
             $_smarty = clone $smarty;
             $_smarty->force_compile = $force_compile;
             try {
                 /* @var Smarty_Internal_Template $_tpl */
                 $_tpl = new $smarty->template_class($_file, $_smarty);
                 $_tpl->caching = Smarty::CACHING_OFF;
                 $_tpl->source = $isConfig ? Smarty_Template_Config::load($_tpl) : Smarty_Template_Source::load($_tpl);
                 if ($_tpl->mustCompile()) {
                     echo ' compiled in  ', microtime(true) - $_start_time, ' seconds';
                 } else {
                     echo ' is up to date';
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo "\n<br>        ------>Error: ", $e->getMessage(), "<br><br>\n";
             // free memory
             if ($max_errors !== null && $_error_count == $max_errors) {
                 echo "\n<br><br>too many errors\n";
     echo "\n<br>";
     return $_count;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * diagnose Smarty setup
  * If $errors is secified, the diagnostic report will be appended to the array, rather than being output.
  * @param Smarty $smarty  Smarty instance to test
  * @param array  $errors array to push results into rather than outputting them
  * @return bool status, true if everything is fine, false else
 public static function testInstall(Smarty $smarty, &$errors = null)
     $status = true;
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "<PRE>\n";
         echo "Smarty Installation test...\n";
         echo "Testing template directory...\n";
     // test if all registered template_dir are accessible
     foreach ($smarty->getTemplateDir() as $template_dir) {
         if (!is_dir($template_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$template_dir} is not a directory";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['template_dir'] = $message;
         } elseif (!is_readable($template_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$template_dir} is not readable";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['template_dir'] = $message;
         } else {
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo "{$template_dir} is OK.\n";
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing compile directory...\n";
     // test if registered compile_dir is accessible
     $_compile_dir = $smarty->getCompileDir();
     if (!is_dir($_compile_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_compile_dir} is not a directory";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['compile_dir'] = $message;
     } elseif (!is_readable($_compile_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_compile_dir} is not readable";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['compile_dir'] = $message;
     } elseif (!is_writable($_compile_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_compile_dir} is not writable";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['compile_dir'] = $message;
     } else {
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo "{$_compile_dir} is OK.\n";
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing plugins directory...\n";
     // test if all registered plugins_dir are accessible
     // and if core plugins directory is still registered
     $_core_plugins_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../plugins');
     $_core_plugins_available = false;
     foreach ($smarty->getPluginsDir() as $plugin_dir) {
         if (!is_dir($plugin_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$plugin_dir} is not a directory";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['plugins_dir'] = $message;
         } elseif (!is_readable($plugin_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$plugin_dir} is not readable";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['plugins_dir'] = $message;
         } elseif ($_core_plugins_dir && $_core_plugins_dir == realpath($plugin_dir)) {
             $_core_plugins_available = true;
         } else {
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo "{$plugin_dir} is OK.\n";
     if (!$_core_plugins_available) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "WARNING: Smarty's own libs/plugins is not available";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } elseif (!isset($errors['plugins_dir'])) {
             $errors['plugins_dir'] = $message;
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing cache directory...\n";
     $_cache_dir = $smarty->getCacheDir();
     // test if all registered cache_dir is accessible
     if (!is_dir($_cache_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_cache_dir} is not a directory";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['cache_dir'] = $message;
     } elseif (!is_readable($_cache_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_cache_dir} is not readable";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['cache_dir'] = $message;
     } elseif (!is_writable($_cache_dir)) {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: {$_cache_dir} is not writable";
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['cache_dir'] = $message;
     } else {
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo "{$_cache_dir} is OK.\n";
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing configs directory...\n";
     // test if all registered config_dir are accessible
     foreach ($smarty->getConfigDir() as $config_dir) {
         if (!is_dir($config_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$config_dir} is not a directory";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['config_dir'] = $message;
         } elseif (!is_readable($config_dir)) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: {$config_dir} is not readable";
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['config_dir'] = $message;
         } else {
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo "{$config_dir} is OK.\n";
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing sysplugin files...\n";
     // test if sysplugins are available
     if (is_dir($source)) {
         $expected = array("smarty_cacheresource.php" => true, "smarty_cacheresource_custom.php" => true, "smarty_cacheresource_keyvaluestore.php" => true, "smarty_config_source.php" => true, "smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_append.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_assign.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_block.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_break.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_call.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_capture.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_config_load.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_continue.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_debug.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_eval.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_extends.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_for.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_foreach.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_function.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_if.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_include.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_include_php.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_insert.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_ldelim.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_nocache.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_block_plugin.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_function_plugin.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_object_block_function.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_object_function.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_print_expression.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_registered_block.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_registered_function.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_private_special_variable.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_rdelim.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_section.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_setfilter.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compile_while.php" => true, "smarty_internal_compilebase.php" => true, "smarty_internal_config.php" => true, "smarty_internal_config_file_compiler.php" => true, "smarty_internal_configfilelexer.php" => true, "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" => true, "smarty_internal_data.php" => true, "smarty_internal_debug.php" => true, "smarty_internal_filter_handler.php" => true, "smarty_internal_function_call_handler.php" => true, "smarty_internal_get_include_path.php" => true, "smarty_internal_nocache_insert.php" => true, "smarty_internal_parsetree.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_eval.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_extends.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_file.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_registered.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_stream.php" => true, "smarty_internal_resource_string.php" => true, "smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php" => true, "smarty_internal_template.php" => true, "smarty_internal_templatebase.php" => true, "smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php" => true, "smarty_internal_templatelexer.php" => true, "smarty_internal_templateparser.php" => true, "smarty_internal_utility.php" => true, "smarty_internal_write_file.php" => true, "smarty_resource.php" => true, "smarty_resource_custom.php" => true, "smarty_resource_recompiled.php" => true, "smarty_resource_uncompiled.php" => true, "smarty_security.php" => true);
         $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($source);
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
             if (!$file->isDot()) {
                 $filename = $file->getFilename();
                 if (isset($expected[$filename])) {
         if ($expected) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: files missing from libs/sysplugins: " . join(', ', array_keys($expected));
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['sysplugins'] = $message;
         } elseif ($errors === null) {
             echo "... OK\n";
     } else {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: " . SMARTY_SYSPLUGINS_DIR . ' is not a directory';
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['sysplugins_dir_constant'] = $message;
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Testing plugin files...\n";
     // test if core plugins are available
     $source = SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR;
     if (is_dir($source)) {
         $expected = array("block.textformat.php" => true, "function.counter.php" => true, "function.cycle.php" => true, "function.fetch.php" => true, "function.html_checkboxes.php" => true, "function.html_image.php" => true, "function.html_options.php" => true, "function.html_radios.php" => true, "function.html_select_date.php" => true, "function.html_select_time.php" => true, "function.html_table.php" => true, "function.mailto.php" => true, "function.math.php" => true, "modifier.capitalize.php" => true, "modifier.date_format.php" => true, "modifier.debug_print_var.php" => true, "modifier.escape.php" => true, "modifier.regex_replace.php" => true, "modifier.replace.php" => true, "modifier.spacify.php" => true, "modifier.truncate.php" => true, "" => true, "modifiercompiler.count_characters.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.count_paragraphs.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.count_sentences.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.count_words.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.default.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.escape.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.from_charset.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.indent.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.lower.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.noprint.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.string_format.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.strip.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.strip_tags.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.to_charset.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.unescape.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.upper.php" => true, "modifiercompiler.wordwrap.php" => true, "outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php" => true, "shared.escape_special_chars.php" => true, "shared.literal_compiler_param.php" => true, "shared.make_timestamp.php" => true, "shared.mb_str_replace.php" => true, "shared.mb_unicode.php" => true, "shared.mb_wordwrap.php" => true, "variablefilter.htmlspecialchars.php" => true);
         $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($source);
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
             if (!$file->isDot()) {
                 $filename = $file->getFilename();
                 if (isset($expected[$filename])) {
         if ($expected) {
             $status = false;
             $message = "FAILED: files missing from libs/plugins: " . join(', ', array_keys($expected));
             if ($errors === null) {
                 echo $message . ".\n";
             } else {
                 $errors['plugins'] = $message;
         } elseif ($errors === null) {
             echo "... OK\n";
     } else {
         $status = false;
         $message = "FAILED: " . SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . ' is not a directory';
         if ($errors === null) {
             echo $message . ".\n";
         } else {
             $errors['plugins_dir_constant'] = $message;
     if ($errors === null) {
         echo "Tests complete.\n";
         echo "</PRE>\n";
     return $status;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Compile all config files
  * @param  string $extension     config file name extension
  * @param  bool   $force_compile force all to recompile
  * @param  int    $time_limit    set maximum execution time
  * @param  int    $max_errors    set maximum allowed errors
  * @param  Smarty $smarty        Smarty instance
  * @return integer number of config files compiled
 public static function compileAllConfig($extension, $force_compile, $time_limit, $max_errors, Smarty $smarty)
     // switch off time limit
     if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
     $smarty->force_compile = $force_compile;
     $_count = 0;
     $_error_count = 0;
     // loop over array of template directories
     foreach ($smarty->getConfigDir() as $_dir) {
         $_compileDirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir);
         $_compile = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_compileDirs);
         foreach ($_compile as $_fileinfo) {
             $_file = $_fileinfo->getFilename();
             if (substr(basename($_fileinfo->getPathname()), 0, 1) == '.' || strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) {
             if (!substr_compare($_file, $extension, -strlen($extension)) == 0) {
             if ($_fileinfo->getPath() == substr($_dir, 0, -1)) {
                 $_config_file = $_file;
             } else {
                 $_config_file = substr($_fileinfo->getPath(), strlen($_dir)) . DS . $_file;
             echo '<br>', $_dir, '---', $_config_file;
             $_start_time = microtime(true);
             try {
                 $_config = new Smarty_Internal_Config($_config_file, $smarty);
                 if ($_config->mustCompile()) {
                     echo ' compiled in  ', microtime(true) - $_start_time, ' seconds';
                 } else {
                     echo ' is up to date';
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo 'Error: ', $e->getMessage(), "<br><br>";
             if ($max_errors !== null && $_error_count == $max_errors) {
                 echo '<br><br>too many errors';
     return $_count;
function my_config_handler_file($resource_type, $resource_name, &$config_source, &$config_timestamp, Smarty $smarty)
    return $smarty->getConfigDir(0) . 'test.conf';