Exemplo n.º 1
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-12">

$hb = new HTMLIndent();
$html_snippet = SmartUtil::clean_html_string($hb->indent($result), false);
$options = array("editbutton" => false, "colorbutton" => false, "collapsed" => true);
$contents = array("body" => '<pre class="prettyprint linenums">' . $html_snippet . '</pre>', "header" => array("icon" => 'fa-code', "title" => '<h2>HTML Output (Run Time: ' . $run_time . ')</h2>'));
$ui->create_widget($options, $contents)->color('pink')->print_html();
//setting with callback and chaining (Like jQuery)
$widget->body("content", "This is a new value using jQuery style setup.")->header("toolbar", '')->header("title", "<h2>Toolbar removed!!!</h2>")->color('darken', function ($w) {
    $html_result = $w->print_html(true);
    $hb = new HTMLIndent();
    $html_snippet = SmartUtil::clean_html_string($hb->indent($html_result), false);
    $w->body("content", $w->body("content") . '<br /><br /><pre class="prettyprint linenums">' . $html_snippet . '</pre>')->print_html();

			<!-- end row -->

			<!-- row -->
			<div class="row">
Exemplo n.º 2
// print JS content
$js = $dt->print_js(true);
$run_time = $ui->run_time(false);
echo $html;
				<article class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12">
$options = array("editbutton" => false, "colorbutton" => false, "collapsed" => true);
// print html output
$hb = new HTMLIndent();
$html_snippet = SmartUtil::clean_html_string($hb->indent($html), false);
$contents = array("body" => '<pre class="prettyprint linenums">' . $html_snippet . '</pre>', "header" => array("icon" => 'fa fa-code', "title" => '<h2>HTML Output (Run Time: ' . $run_time . ')</h2>'));
$ui->create_widget($options, $contents)->color('pink')->print_html();
// print js
$js_snippet = SmartUtil::clean_html_string($js);
$js_contents = array("body" => '<pre class="prettyprint linenums">' . $js_snippet . '</pre>', "header" => array("icon" => 'fa fa-code', "title" => '<h2>JS Output</h2>'));
$ui->create_widget($options, $js_contents)->color('green')->print_html();
			<div class="row">

				<div class="col-sm-12">
					<div class="well">
$md = file_get_contents("docs/smartui/datatable.md");
$parsedown = new Parsedown();
$doc = $parsedown->parse($md);
echo str_replace('<pre', '<pre class="prettyprint linenums"', $doc);