Exemplo n.º 1
 function __construct()
     //	var_dump($this);
     self::$vars = Skeleteon_Generic::get_plug_vars();
     add_action('current_screen', array($this, 'reset_metaboxes'));
     //		add_action( 'shutdown',array($this,'sync_settings') );
     //	add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts',array(__CLASS__,'reset_metabox_positions_js'),101);
    $active_cl = $k == $active_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';
    echo '<a id="' . $smk . '-' . $k . '-tab" class="nav-tab' . $active_cl . '" href="?page=' . $curpage . '&tab=' . $k . '#' . $smk . '-' . $k . '-body">' . __($tab_title, $temp_vars['lang_slug']) . '</a>';

	<div id="content-scr-<?php 
echo $smk;
" class="container-screen container-fluid">
$tab_files = Skeleteon_Admin_Functions::get_tab_files(dirname(__FILE__), $smk);
// Load the active tab, or the first tab.
$tab_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/render-tab-' . $active_tab . '-of-screen-' . $smk . '.php';
echo '<div id="' . $smk . '-' . $active_tab . '-body" class="metabox-holder row grouppp">';
if (file_exists($tab_file)) {
    include_once $tab_file;
echo '</div>';
   foreach ( array_keys($tabs) as $tab ) {
	   $tab_file = dirname(__FILE__) .'/render-tab-'.$tab.'-of-screen-'.$smk.'.php';
	   //var_dump( $tab_file );
	   //var_dump( file_exists($tab_file) );
	   echo '<div id="'.$smk.'-'.$tab.'-body" class="metabox-holder row group">';
	  if( file_exists($tab_file) ) include_once( $tab_file);
	   echo '</div>';