public function onBeforeWrite()
     /* Clean up meta data */
     $this->owner->MetaDescription = $this->cleanData($this->owner->MetaDescription);
     $this->owner->MetaTitle = $this->cleanData($this->owner->MetaTitle);
     $this->owner->MetaKeywords = $this->tidyKeywords($this->owner->MetaKeywords);
     /* For users who may not alter the site structure */
     if ($this->owner->MetaTitle) {
         if ($this->owner->MetaTitle != $this->owner->Title) {
             // Meta title has changed
             $newMenuTitle = false;
             if ($this->owner->MenuTitle == $this->owner->Title) {
                 $newMenuTitle = $this->owner->MenuTitle;
             $this->owner->Title = $this->owner->MetaTitle;
             if ($newMenuTitle) {
         } else {
             /* Reset to null if changed back */
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     if (!$this->owner->config()->upgrade_on_build) {
     // Perform migrations (the legacy field will be left in the DB by the ORM)
     $class = $this->owner->class;
     $baseclass = $this->ownerBaseClass;
     if ($baseclass == $class) {
         // if(in_array('FeaturedImageExtension', Config::inst()->get($class, 'extensions'))){
         $rows = DB::query('SELECT * FROM "' . $baseclass . '"');
         $altered = false;
         foreach ($rows as $page) {
             if (array_key_exists('FeaturedImageID', $page) && ($imageID = $page['FeaturedImageID'])) {
                 DB::query('INSERT INTO "' . $baseclass . '_FeaturedImages" (' . $class . 'ID, ImageID) VALUES (' . $page['ID'] . ', ' . $page['FeaturedImageID'] . ')');
                 $altered = true;
                 //$page->FeaturedImageID = null; // leave as is...
                 //					$page->write();
         // Now drop the legacy field
         if ($altered) {
             DB::query('ALTER TABLE "' . $baseclass . '" DROP "FeaturedImageID"');
             DB::alteration_message('Migrated FeaturedImages to many_many on ' . $baseclass, 'changed');
  * After publishing or updating a page, this function POSTS to let 
  * blog services know your website has been updated.
  * Uses @webPingXML
  * Uses @doWebPing
 public function onAfterPublish(&$original)
     // Get the XML to post
     $postString = $this->webPingXML($original);
     // Set the site configuration settings to $config
     $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     // Check if the user has entered any urls to ping
     if (!empty($config->pingUrls)) {
     // Convert new lines to br tags and then replace any <br> tags with xhtml <br /> tags
     $pingUrls = str_replace("<br>", "<br />", nl2br($this->getPingUrls()));
     // Explode the $pingUrls into an array, removing any <br /> tags
     $pingUrls = explode("<br />", $pingUrls);
     // Check to make sure the $pingUrls have some value
     if (!empty($pingUrls)) {
         // Check if there is more than one url to ping
         if (is_array($pingUrls)) {
             // Loop through the urls
             foreach ($pingUrls as $url) {
                 // Post the XML to the url
                 $this->doWebPing($url, $postString);
         } else {
             // Post the XML to the url
             $this->doWebPing($pingUrls, $postString);
 public function updateCMSFields(\FieldList $fields)
     // Make more sense of the base fields
     //        $fields->insertBefore('Title', $fields->dataFieldByName('MenuTitle'));
     //        $fields->insertBefore('Title', $fields->dataFieldByName('URLSegment'));
     //        $fields->dataFieldByName('Title')->setTitle('Title');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * because we use this function you can NOT
  * use any statics in the file!!!
  * @return Array | null
 public static function get_extra_config($class, $extension, $args)
     if (Config::inst()->get("MetaTagsContentControllerEXT", "use_separate_metatitle") == 1) {
         $array = array('db' => array("MetaTitle" => "Varchar(255)") + self::$db);
     } else {
         $array = array('db' => self::$db);
     return (array) parent::get_extra_config($class, $extension, $args) + $array;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function __construct()
     // TODO Re-enable before we release 3.0 beta, for now it "breaks" too many modules
     // user_error(
     // 			'SiteTreeDecorator is deprecated, please use SiteTreeExtension instead.',
     // 			E_USER_NOTICE
     // 		);
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if ($this->owner->Embargo["date"] && !$this->owner->Embargo["time"]) {
         $this->owner->Embargo["time"] = "00:00";
     if ($this->owner->Expiry["date"] && !$this->owner->Expiry["time"]) {
         $this->owner->Expiry["time"] = "23:00";
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     $length = $this->owner->config()->MetaDescriptionLength ?: $this->MetaDescriptionLength;
     if (strlen($this->owner->MetaDescription) > $length) {
         /** @var Text $value */
         $value = $this->owner->dbObject('MetaDescription');
         $value = $value->LimitCharacters($length);
         $this->owner->MetaDescription = $value;
 public function onAfterWrite()
     foreach ($this->owner->Categories() as $category) {
         $category->HolderPageID = $this->owner->ParentID;
     foreach ($this->owner->Tags() as $tag) {
         $tag->HolderPageID = $this->owner->ParentID;
  * Update Metadata fields function
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if ($this->owner->ID && $this->owner->GenerateMetaData) {
         $this->owner->MetaTitle = strip_tags($this->owner->Title);
         $this->owner->MetaDescription = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($this->owner->Content), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
         if (self::$meta_desc_length > 0 && strlen($this->owner->MetaDescription) > self::$meta_desc_length) {
             $this->owner->MetaDescription = substr($this->owner->MetaDescription, 0, self::$meta_desc_length) . "...";
         // calculateKeywords
         $this->owner->MetaKeywords = MetaGenerator::generateKeywords($this->owner->Content, self::$min_word_char, self::$keyword_amount, self::$exclude_words);
    public function onAfterWrite()
        $ID = $this->owner->ID;
        $className = $this->owner->ClassName;
        $subClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($className);
        $versionsToDelete = array();
        $version_limit = Config::inst()->get('VersionTruncator', 'version_limit');
        if (is_numeric($version_limit)) {
            $search = DB::query('SELECT "RecordID", "Version" FROM "SiteTree_versions"
				 WHERE "RecordID" = ' . $ID . ' AND "ClassName" = \'' . $className . '\'
				 AND "PublisherID" > 0
				 ORDER BY "LastEdited" DESC LIMIT ' . $version_limit . ', 200');
            foreach ($search as $row) {
                array_push($versionsToDelete, array('RecordID' => $row['RecordID'], 'Version' => $row['Version']));
        $draft_limit = Config::inst()->get('VersionTruncator', 'draft_limit');
        if (is_numeric($draft_limit)) {
            $search = DB::query('SELECT "RecordID", "Version" FROM "SiteTree_versions"
				 WHERE "RecordID" = ' . $ID . ' AND "ClassName" = \'' . $className . '\'
				 AND "PublisherID" = 0
				 ORDER BY "LastEdited" DESC LIMIT ' . $draft_limit . ', 200');
            foreach ($search as $row) {
                array_push($versionsToDelete, array('RecordID' => $row['RecordID'], 'Version' => $row['Version']));
        $delete_old_page_types = Config::inst()->get('VersionTruncator', 'delete_old_page_types');
        if ($delete_old_page_types) {
            $search = DB::query('SELECT "RecordID", "Version" FROM "SiteTree_versions"
				 WHERE "RecordID" = ' . $ID . ' AND "ClassName" != \'' . $className . '\'');
            foreach ($search as $row) {
                array_push($versionsToDelete, array('RecordID' => $row['RecordID'], 'Version' => $row['Version']));
        /* If versions to delete, start deleting */
        if (count($versionsToDelete) > 0) {
            $affected_tables = array();
            foreach ($subClasses as $subclass) {
                $versionsTable = $subclass . '_versions';
                foreach ($versionsToDelete as $d) {
                    DB::query('DELETE FROM "' . $versionsTable . '"' . ' WHERE "RecordID" = ' . $d['RecordID'] . ' AND "Version" = ' . $d['Version']);
                    if (DB::affectedRows() == 1) {
                        array_push($affected_tables, $versionsTable);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function __construct()
     Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use SiteTreeExtension instead.');
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     $bt = defined('DB::USE_ANSI_SQL') ? "\"" : "`";
     if ($this->classHasAdvertisements($this->owner->ClassName)) {
         $objects = array(0 => 0);
         $images = array(0 => 0);
         $dos1 = $this->advertisementsToShow();
         if ($dos1) {
             foreach ($dos1 as $obj) {
                 $images[$obj->ID] = $obj->AdvertisementImageID;
                 $objects[$obj->ID] = $obj->ID;
         //check for non-existing images and delete advertisements associated with it
         foreach ($images as $objectID => $imageID) {
             if (!Image::get()->byID($imageID)) {
                 $obj = Advertisement::get()->byID($objectID);
                 if ($obj) {
         //check if a folder has been set and create objects
         if ($this->owner->AdvertisementsFolderID) {
             $dos2 = Image::get()->where("\"File\".\"ParentID\" = " . $this->owner->AdvertisementsFolderID . " AND \"Advertisement\".\"AdvertisementImageID\" IS NULL ")->leftJoin("Advertisement", "\"Advertisement\".\"AdvertisementImageID\" = \"File\".\"ID\" ");
             if ($dos2->count()) {
                 $advertisementsToAdd = array();
                 foreach ($dos2 as $image) {
                     $newAdvertisement = new Advertisement();
                     $newAdvertisement->AdvertisementImageID = $image->ID;
                     $newAdvertisement->Title = $image->Title;
                     $newAdvertisement->AutoAdded = true;
                     $objects[$newAdvertisement->ID] = $newAdvertisement->ID;
         if ($this->owner->AdvertisementStyleID) {
             if (!AdvertisementStyle::get()->byID($this->owner->AdvertisementStyleID)) {
                 $this->owner->AdvertisementStyleID = 0;
         //remove advdertisements if parent is being used...
         if ($this->owner->UseParentAdvertisements) {
             if ($this->advertisementParent()) {
                 $combos = $this->owner->Advertisements();
                 if ($combos) {
             } else {
                 $this->owner->UseParentAdvertisements = false;
 public function __construct($dataRecord = null)
     $this->api = CheckfrontModule::api();