public function testSiteExporterGeneratesHtmlAndAssets()
     $suffix = 0;
     while (is_dir($path = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . __CLASS__ . $suffix)) {
     $expect = array('index.html', 'about.html', 'about/staff.html', 'about/history.html', 'contact.html');
     $exporter = new SiteExporter();
     foreach ($expect as $file) {
 public function doExport($data, $form)
     $data = $form->getData();
     $links = array();
     $siteTitle = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->Title;
     // If the queued jobs module is installed, then queue up an export
     // job rather than performing the export.
     if (class_exists('QueuedJobService')) {
         $job = new SiteExportJob($form->getRecord());
         $job->theme = $data['ExportSiteTheme'];
         $job->baseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
         $job->baseUrlType = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType'];
         $job->email = $data['ExportSiteCompleteEmail'];
         return new SS_HTTPResponse($form->dataFieldByName('SiteExports')->FieldHolder(), 200, 'The site export job has been queued.');
     // First generate a temp directory to store the export content in.
     $temp = TEMP_FOLDER;
     $temp .= sprintf('/siteexport_%s', date('Y-m-d-His'));
     $exporter = new SiteExporter();
     $exporter->root = $form->getRecord();
     $exporter->theme = $data['ExportSiteTheme'];
     $exporter->baseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
     $exporter->makeRelative = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType'] == 'rewrite';
     // Then place the exported content into an archive, stored in the assets
     // root, and create a site export for it.
     $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-.+]/', '-', sprintf('', $siteTitle, date('c')));
     $dir = Folder::findOrMake(self::EXPORTS_DIR);
     $dirname = ASSETS_PATH . '/' . self::EXPORTS_DIR;
     $pathname = "{$dirname}/{$filename}";
     SiteExportUtils::zip_directory($temp, "{$dirname}/{$filename}");
     $file = new File();
     $file->ParentID = $dir->ID;
     $file->Title = $siteTitle . ' ' . date('c');
     $file->Filename = $dir->Filename . $filename;
     $export = new SiteExport();
     $export->ParentClass = $form->getRecord()->class;
     $export->ParentID = $form->getRecord()->ID;
     $export->Theme = SSViewer::current_theme();
     $export->BaseUrlType = ucfirst($data['ExportSiteBaseUrlType']);
     $export->BaseUrl = $data['ExportSiteBaseUrl'];
     $export->ArchiveID = $file->ID;
     return new SS_HTTPResponse($form->dataFieldByName('SiteExports')->FieldHolder(), 200, 'The site export has been generated.');
 public function process()
     if (!($remaining = $this->idsToProcess)) {
         $this->isComplete = true;
     if ($page = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', array_shift($remaining))) {
         $exporter = new SiteExporter();
         $exporter->customLinks = array($page->RelativeLink());
         $exporter->root = $this->getRoot();
         $exporter->theme = $this->theme;
         $exporter->baseUrl = $this->baseUrl;
         $exporter->makeRelative = $this->baseUrlType == 'rewrite';
     $this->idsToProcess = $remaining;
     if (!$remaining) {
         $this->isComplete = true;