fatalError() public static method

Deprecation: This method will be removed in SSP 2.0. Please raise a SimpleSAML_Error_Error exception instead.
public static fatalError ( $trackId = 'na', $errorCode = null, Exception $e = null )
$e Exception
Exemplo n.º 1
 * Helper function for handling exception/errors.
 * This function will send an error response to the SP which contacted this IdP.
 * @param Exception $exception  The exception.
function handleError(Exception $exception)
    global $requestcache, $config, $metadata, $idpentityid;
    assert('array_key_exists("Issuer", $requestcache)');
    $issuer = $requestcache['Issuer'];
    if (array_key_exists('RequestID', $requestcache)) {
        $requestID = $requestcache['RequestID'];
    } else {
        $requestID = NULL;
    if (array_key_exists('RelayState', $requestcache)) {
        $relayState = $requestcache['RelayState'];
    } else {
        $relayState = NULL;
    $error = sspmod_saml2_Error::fromException($exception);
    SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Returning error to sp: ' . var_export($issuer, TRUE));
    try {
        $idpMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($idpentityid, 'saml20-idp-hosted');
        $spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($issuer, 'saml20-sp-remote');
        if (array_key_exists('ConsumerURL', $requestcache)) {
            $consumerURL = $requestcache['ConsumerURL'];
        } else {
            $urlArray = $spMetadata->getArrayizeString('AssertionConsumerService');
            $consumerURL = $urlArray[0];
        $ar = sspmod_saml2_Message::buildResponse($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $consumerURL);
        $ar->setStatus(array('Code' => $error->getStatus(), 'SubCode' => $error->getSubStatus(), 'Message' => $error->getStatusMessage()));
        $binding = new SAML2_HTTPPost();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'GENERATEAUTHNRESPONSE', $e);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Load the RelayState argument. The RelayState argument contains the address
 * we should redirect the user to after a successful authentication.
if (!array_key_exists('RelayState', $_REQUEST)) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NORELAYSTATE');
$relaystate = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
if ($username = $_POST['username']) {
    try {
        $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($ldapconfig['servers'], $ldapconfig['enable_tls']);
        $attributes = $ldap->validate($ldapconfig, $username, $_POST['password']);
        if ($attributes === FALSE) {
            $error = "LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS";
        } else {
            $session->setNameID(array('value' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'LDAPERROR', $e);
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, $ldapconfig['template']);
$t->data['header'] = 'simpleSAMLphp: Enter username and password';
$t->data['relaystate'] = htmlspecialchars($relaystate);
$t->data['error'] = $error;
if (isset($error)) {
    $t->data['username'] = htmlspecialchars($username);
Exemplo n.º 3
    if (array_key_exists('url', $idpmeta)) {
        $metaArray['url'] = $idpmeta['url'];
    if (array_key_exists('scope', $idpmeta)) {
        $metaArray['scope'] = $idpmeta['scope'];
    $metaflat = '$metadata[' . var_export($idpentityid, TRUE) . '] = ' . var_export($metaArray, TRUE) . ';';
    $metaArray['certData'] = $certInfo['certData'];
    $metaBuilder = new SimpleSAML_Metadata_SAMLBuilder($idpentityid);
    $metaBuilder->addContact('technical', array('emailAddress' => $config->getString('technicalcontact_email', NULL), 'name' => $config->getString('technicalcontact_name', NULL)));
    $metaxml = $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptorText();
    /* Sign the metadata if enabled. */
    $metaxml = SimpleSAML_Metadata_Signer::sign($metaxml, $idpmeta, 'SAML 2 IdP');
    if (array_key_exists('output', $_GET) && $_GET['output'] == 'xhtml') {
        $defaultidp = $config->getString('default-saml20-idp', NULL);
        $t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'metadata.php', 'admin');
        $t->data['header'] = 'saml20-idp';
        $t->data['metaurl'] = SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery();
        $t->data['metadata'] = htmlentities($metaxml);
        $t->data['metadataflat'] = htmlentities($metaflat);
        $t->data['defaultidp'] = $defaultidp;
    } else {
        header('Content-Type: application/xml');
        echo $metaxml;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'METADATA', $exception);
Exemplo n.º 4
                $casusername = $success->item(0)->textContent;
                return array($casusername, $attributes);
        } else {
            throw new Exception("validate or serviceValidate not specified");
         * First request, will redirect the user to the CAS server for authentication.
    } else {
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info("AUTH - cas-ldap: redirecting to {$cas['login']}");
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::redirect($cas['login'], array('service' => $service));
try {
    $relaystate = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
    list($username, $casattributes) = casValidate($casconfig);
    SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - cas-ldap: ' . $username . ' authenticated by ' . $casconfig['validate']);
    $ldapattributes = array();
    if ($ldapconfig['servers']) {
        $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($ldapconfig['servers'], $ldapconfig['enable_tls']);
        $ldapattributes = $ldap->validate($ldapconfig, $username);
    $attributes = array_merge_recursive($casattributes, $ldapattributes);
    $session->setNameID(array('value' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'));
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'CASERROR', $exception);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Accept a SAML Request and form a Response
 * NOTE: that this function is Google Specific
function gsaml_send_auth_response($samldata)
    global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER;
    SimpleSAML_Configuration::init($CFG->dirroot . '/auth/gsaml/config');
    $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
    $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
    $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
    try {
        $idpentityid = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted');
        $idmetaindex = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted', 'metaindex');
        $idpmetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrent('saml20-idp-hosted');
        if (!array_key_exists('auth', $idpmetadata)) {
            throw new Exception('Missing mandatory parameter in SAML 2.0 IdP Hosted Metadata: [auth]');
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'METADATA', $exception);
    ///	SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SSOService: Accessing SAML 2.0 IdP endpoint SSOService');
    if (!$config->getValue('enable.saml20-idp', false)) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS');
    $rawRequest = $samldata;
    if (!empty($SESSION->samlrelaystate)) {
        $relaystate = $SESSION->samlrelaystate;
    } else {
        $relaystate = NULL;
    $decodedRequest = @base64_decode($rawRequest);
    if (!$decodedRequest) {
        throw new Exception('Could not base64 decode SAMLRequest GET parameter');
    $samlRequestXML = @gzinflate($decodedRequest);
    if (!$samlRequestXML) {
        $error = error_get_last();
        throw new Exception('Could not gzinflate base64 decoded SAMLRequest: ' . $error['message']);
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($samlRequestXML, 'saml20');
    $samlRequest = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_AuthnRequest($config, $metadata);
    if (!is_null($relaystate)) {
    // $samlRequest presenting the request object
    $authnrequest = $samlRequest;
    if ($session == NULL) {
        debugging('No SAML Session gsaml_send_auth_response', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        return false;
        // if this func returns we Know it's an error
    if (!empty($USER->id)) {
        // TODO: if moodle user is not the same as google user
        //       use the mapping
        $username = $USER->username;
    } else {
        debugging('No User given to gsaml_send_auth_response', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        return false;
    //TODO: better errors
    if (!($domain = get_config('auth/gsaml', 'domainname'))) {
        debugging('No domain set in gsaml_send_auth_response', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        return false;
        // if this func returns we Know it's an error
    $attributes['useridemail'] = array($username . '@' . $domain);
    // was login
    $session->setNameID(array('value' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'));
    $requestcache = array('RequestID' => $authnrequest->getRequestID(), 'Issuer' => $authnrequest->getIssuer(), 'ConsentCookie' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID(), 'RelayState' => $authnrequest->getRelayState());
    try {
        $spentityid = $requestcache['Issuer'];
        $spmetadata = $metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');
        $sp_name = isset($spmetadata['name']) ? $spmetadata['name'] : $spentityid;
        // TODO: Are we really tracking SP's???
        // Adding this service provider to the list of sessions.
        // Right now the list is used for SAML 2.0 only.
        ///		SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SSOService: Sending back AuthnResponse to ' . $spentityid);
        // TODO: handle passive situtation
        // Rigth now I replaced $isPassive with isset($isPassive) to prevent notice on debug mode
        if (isset($isPassive)) {
            /* Generate an SAML 2.0 AuthNResponse message
            			   With statusCode: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoPassive
            $ar = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_AuthnResponse($config, $metadata);
            $authnResponseXML = $ar->generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $requestcache['RequestID'], null, array(), 'NoPassive');
            // Sending the AuthNResponse using HTTP-Post SAML 2.0 binding
            $httppost = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_SAML20_HTTPPost($config, $metadata);
            $httppost->sendResponse($authnResponseXML, $idpentityid, $spentityid, $requestcache['RelayState']);
         * Attribute handling
        $attributes = $session->getAttributes();
        $afilter = new SimpleSAML_XML_AttributeFilter($config, $attributes);
        $afilter->process($idpmetadata, $spmetadata);
        // KEEP this code for REFERENCE
        //		/**
        //		 * Make a log entry in the statistics for this SSO login.
        //		 */
        //		$tempattr = $afilter->getAttributes();
        //		$realmattr = $config->getValue('statistics.realmattr', null);
        //		$realmstr = 'NA';
        //		if (!empty($realmattr)) {
        //			//error_log('SSO 420: if (!empty($realmattr)) {\n ',0);
        //			if (array_key_exists($realmattr, $tempattr) && is_array($tempattr[$realmattr]) ) {
        //				$realmstr = $tempattr[$realmattr][0];
        //			} else {
        //				SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Could not get realm attribute to log [' . $realmattr. ']');
        //			}
        //		}
        //		SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('saml20-idp-SSO ' . $spentityid . ' ' . $idpentityid . ' ' . $realmstr);
        $afilter->processFilter($idpmetadata, $spmetadata);
        $filteredattributes = $afilter->getAttributes();
        //		/*
        //		 * Dealing with attribute release consent.
        //		 */
        //		$requireconsent = false;
        //		if (isset($idpmetadata['requireconsent'])) {
        //			//error_log('SSO 453: if (isset($idpmetadata[\'requireconsent\']))\n ',0);
        //			if (is_bool($idpmetadata['requireconsent'])) {
        //				$requireconsent = $idpmetadata['requireconsent'];
        //			} else {
        //				throw new Exception('SAML 2.0 IdP hosted metadata parameter [requireconsent] is in illegal format, must be a PHP boolean type.');
        //			}
        //		}
        //		if ($requireconsent) {
        //			$consent = new SimpleSAML_Consent_Consent($config, $session, $spentityid, $idpentityid, $attributes, $filteredattributes, $requestcache['ConsentCookie']);
        //			if (!$consent->consent()) {
        //				/* Save the request information. */
        //				$authId = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
        //				$session->setAuthnRequest('saml2', $authId, $requestcache);
        //				$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'consent.php', 'attributes.php');
        //				$t->data['header'] = 'Consent';
        //				$t->data['sp_name'] = $sp_name;
        //				$t->data['attributes'] = $filteredattributes;
        //				$t->data['consenturl'] = SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery();//$selfURLNoQuery; //SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery(); DEBUG
        //				$t->data['requestid'] = $authId;
        //				$t->data['consent_cookie'] = $requestcache['ConsentCookie'];
        //				$t->data['usestorage'] = $consent->useStorage();
        //				$t->data['noconsent'] = '/' . $config->getBaseURL() . 'noconsent.php';
        //				$t->show();
        //				exit;
        //			}
        //		}
        // Generate the SAML 2.0 AuthNResponse message
        $ar = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_AuthnResponse($config, $metadata);
        $authnResponseXML = $ar->generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $requestcache['RequestID'], null, $filteredattributes);
        // TODO: clean the $SESSION->samlrelaystate so we don't accidently call it again
        // Sending the AuthNResponse using HTTP-Post SAML 2.0 binding
        $httppost = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_SAML20_HTTPPost($config, $metadata);
        $httppost->sendResponse($authnResponseXML, $idmetaindex, $spentityid, $requestcache['RelayState']);
        // VERY IMPORTANT BUG FIX to stop outputing the rest of the page.
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        // TODO: better error reporting
        debugging('<pre>' . print_r($exception, true) . '</pre>', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /* Transpose from $entities[entityid][type] to $output[type][entityid]. */
        $output = SimpleSAML_Utilities::transposeArray($entities);
        /* Merge all metadata of each type to a single string which should be
         * added to the corresponding file.
        foreach ($output as $type => &$entities) {
            $text = '';
            foreach ($entities as $entityId => $entityMetadata) {
                if ($entityMetadata === NULL) {
                /* Remove the entityDescriptor element because it is unused, and only
                 * makes the output harder to read.
                $text .= '$metadata[' . var_export($entityId, TRUE) . '] = ' . var_export($entityMetadata, TRUE) . ";\n";
            $entities = $text;
    } else {
        $xmldata = '';
        $output = array();
    $template = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'metadata-converter.php', 'admin');
    $template->data['xmldata'] = $xmldata;
    $template->data['output'] = $output;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError('', 'METADATA_PARSER', $exception);
Exemplo n.º 7
        if (!SimpleSAML_Utilities::checkDateConditions($notBefore, $notOnOrAfter)) {
            throw new Exception('The response has expired.');
    /* Extract the name identifier from the response. */
    $nameid = $xpath->query('./saml:AuthenticationStatement/saml:Subject/saml:NameIdentifier', $assertion);
    if ($nameid->length === 0) {
        throw new Exception('Could not find the name identifier in the response from the WS-Fed IdP \'' . $idpEntityId . '\'.');
    $nameid = array('Format' => $nameid->item(0)->getAttribute('Format'), 'value' => $nameid->item(0)->textContent);
    /* Extract the attributes from the response. */
    $attributes = array();
    $attributeValues = $xpath->query('./saml:AttributeStatement/saml:Attribute/saml:AttributeValue', $assertion);
    foreach ($attributeValues as $attribute) {
        $name = $attribute->parentNode->getAttribute('AttributeName');
        $value = $attribute->textContent;
        if (!array_key_exists($name, $attributes)) {
            $attributes[$name] = array();
        $attributes[$name][] = $value;
    /* Mark the user as logged in. */
    /* Redirect the user back to the page which requested the login. */
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'PROCESSASSERTION', $exception);
if (!$config->getBoolean('enable.saml20-idp', false)) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError(isset($session) ? $session->getTrackID() : null, 'NOACCESS');
try {
    $idpentityid = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted');
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'METADATA', $exception);
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutServiceiFrame: Got IdP entity id: ' . $idpentityid);
$logouttype = 'traditional';
$idpmeta = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrent('saml20-idp-hosted');
if (array_key_exists('logouttype', $idpmeta)) {
    $logouttype = $idpmeta['logouttype'];
if ($logouttype !== 'iframe') {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS', new Exception('This IdP is configured to use logout type [' . $logouttype . '], but this endpoint is only available for IdP using logout type [iframe]'));
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutServiceiFrameNoJavascript: Accessing SAML 2.0 IdP endpoint SingleLogoutService (iFrame version without javascript support) ');
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
$idpentityid = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted');
$templistofsps = $session->get_sp_list(SimpleSAML_Session::STATE_ONLINE);
$listofsps = array();
foreach ($templistofsps as $spentityid) {
    if (!empty($_COOKIE['spstate-' . sha1($spentityid)])) {
        $listofsps[] = $spentityid;
if (count($templistofsps) === count($listofsps)) {
    $templistofsps = $session->get_sp_list(SimpleSAML_Session::STATE_ONLINE);
Exemplo n.º 9
* AUTHOR: Samuel Muñoz Hidalgo
* EMAIL: samuel.mh@gmail.com
*		Pretty form to get a managed InfoCard
*		User flow controller.
*		Displays the template and request a non null xmlToken
/* Load the configuration. */
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$autoconfig = $config->copyFromBase('logininfocard', 'config-login-infocard.php');
$Infocard = $autoconfig->getValue('InfoCard');
/* Load the session of the current user. */
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
if ($session == NULL) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOSESSION');
if (!array_key_exists('AuthState', $_REQUEST)) {
    SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('NO AUTH STATE');
    SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('ERROR: NO AUTH STATE');
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing AuthState parameter.');
} else {
    $authStateId = $_REQUEST['AuthState'];
    SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('AUTH STATE:  ' . $authStateId);
$username = null;
$password = null;
$state = "validate";
if (array_key_exists('form', $_POST) && $_POST['form'] != NULL) {
    if (array_key_exists('username', $_POST) && $_POST['username'] != NULL) {
        if (array_key_exists('password', $_POST) && $_POST['password'] != NULL) {
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutServiceiFrame: Got IdP entity id: ' . $idpEntityId);
$logouttype = $idpMetadata->getString('logouttype', 'traditional');
if ($logouttype !== 'iframe') {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS', new Exception('This IdP is configured to use logout type [' . $logouttype . '], but this endpoint is only available for IdP using logout type [iframe]'));
if (!isset($_REQUEST['SAMLResponse'])) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'SLOSERVICEPARAMS', new Exception('No valid SAMLResponse found? Probably some error in remote partys metadata that sends something to this endpoint that is not SAML LogoutResponses'));
$binding = SAML2_Binding::getCurrentBinding();
$logoutResponse = $binding->receive();
if (!$logoutResponse instanceof SAML2_LogoutResponse) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'SLOSERVICEPARAMS', new Exception('Message received on response endpoint wasn\'t a response. Was: ' . get_class($logoutResponse)));
$spEntityId = $logoutResponse->getIssuer();
if ($spEntityId === NULL) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'SLOSERVICEPARAMS', new Exception('Missing issuer on logout response.'));
$spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($spEntityId, 'saml20-sp-remote');
sspmod_saml2_Message::validateMessage($spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $logoutResponse);
$sphash = sha1($spEntityId);
setcookie('spstate-' . $sphash, '1');
// Duration: 2 hours
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutServiceiFrameResponse: Logging out completed');
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<title>Logout OK</title>
Exemplo n.º 11
    $groupsAttr = $amc->getGroupsAttr();
    if ($groupsAttr !== NULL) {
        if (!array_key_exists($groupsAttr, $attributes)) {
            throw new Exception('The user doesn\'t have an attribute named \'' . $groupsAttr . '\'. This attribute is expected to contain the groups the user is a member of.');
        $authData['Groups'] = $attributes[$groupsAttr];
    } else {
        $authData['Groups'] = array();
    $authData['RemoteIP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    foreach ($attributes as $n => $v) {
        $authData['ATTR_' . $n] = $v;
    /* Store the authentication data in the memcache server. */
    $data = '';
    foreach ($authData as $n => $v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {
            $v = implode(':', $v);
        $data .= $n . '=' . $v . "\r\n";
    $memcache = $amc->getMemcache();
    $expirationTime = $session->remainingTime();
    $memcache->set($sessionID, $data, 0, $expirationTime);
    /* Register logout handler. */
    $session->registerLogoutHandler('SimpleSAML_AuthMemCookie', 'logoutHandler');
    /* Redirect the user back to this page to signal that the login is completed. */
} catch (Exception $e) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'CONFIG', $e);
  * This function processes a response message and adds information from it to the
  * current session if it is valid. It throws an exception if it is invalid.
 public function process()
     $status = $this->findstatus();
     if ($status == 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success') {
         /* Find the issuer of this response. */
         $this->issuer = $this->findIssuer();
         /* Validate the signature element. */
         /* Process all assertions. */
         $assertions = $this->doXPathQuery('/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion');
         foreach ($assertions as $assertion) {
         if ($this->nameid === NULL) {
             throw new Exception('No nameID found in AuthnResponse.');
         /* Update the session information */
         $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
     } elseif ($status == 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:NoPassive') {
         /* Do not process the authResponse when NoPassive is sent - we continue with an empty set of attributes.
         			Some day we will be able to tell the application what happened */
         $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
     } else {
         SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'RESPONSESTATUSNOSUCCESS', new Exception("Status = " . $status));
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Extract some parameters from the logout request
        $requestid = $message->getId();
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - SP.SingleLogoutService: IdP (' . $idpEntityId . ') is sending logout request to me SP (' . $spEntityId . ') requestid ' . $requestid);
        SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('saml20-idp-SLO idpinit ' . $spEntityId . ' ' . $idpEntityId);
        /* Create response. */
        $lr = sspmod_saml2_Message::buildLogoutResponse($spMetadata, $idpMetadata);
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - SP.SingleLogoutService: SP me (' . $spEntityId . ') is sending logout response to IdP (' . $idpEntityId . ')');
        /* Send response. */
        $binding = new SAML2_HTTPRedirect();
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'LOGOUTREQUEST', $exception);
} elseif ($message instanceof SAML2_LogoutResponse) {
    SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('saml20-sp-SLO spinit ' . $spEntityId . ' ' . $idpEntityId);
    $id = $message->getRelayState();
    if (empty($id)) {
        /* For backwardscompatibility. */
        $id = $message->getInResponseTo();
    $returnTo = $session->getData('spLogoutReturnTo', $id);
    if (empty($returnTo)) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'LOGOUTINFOLOST');
} else {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'SLOSERVICEPARAMS');
Exemplo n.º 14
 private static function getMetadata($eid, $revision, $type = null, array $option = null)
     $janus_config = sspmod_janus_DiContainer::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $entityController = sspmod_janus_DiContainer::getInstance()->getEntityController();
     if (!($entity = $entityController->setEntity($eid, $revision))) {
         self::$_error = array('Entity could not be loaded - Eid: ' . $eid . ' Revisionid: ' . $revision);
         return false;
     $metadata_raw = $entityController->getMetadata();
     // Get metadata fields
     $nm_mb = new sspmod_janus_MetadataFieldBuilder($janus_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $entity->getType()));
     $metadatafields_required = $nm_mb->getMetadataFields();
     // Get required metadata fields
     $required = array();
     foreach ($metadatafields_required as $mf) {
         if (isset($mf->required) && $mf->required === true) {
             $required[] = $mf->name;
     // Get metadata to me tested
     $metadata = array();
     foreach ($metadata_raw as $k => $v) {
         // Metadata field not defined
         if (!isset($metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()])) {
         // Value not set for metadata
         if (is_string($v->getValue()) && $v->getValue() == '') {
         // Compute is the default values is allowed
         $default_allow = false;
         if (isset($metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow) && is_bool($metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow)) {
             $default_allow = $metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow;
          * Do not include metadata if value is set to default and default
          * is not allowed.
         if (!$default_allow && (isset($metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()]->default) && $v->getValue() == $metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()]->default)) {
         $metadata[] = $v->getKey();
     // Compute missing metadata that is required
     $missing_required = array_diff($required, $metadata);
     $entityId = $entity->getEntityid();
     if (!empty($missing_required)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS - Missing required metadata fields. Entity_id:' . $entityId);
         self::$_error = $missing_required;
         return false;
     try {
         $metaArray = $entityController->getMetaArray();
         $metaArray['eid'] = $eid;
         $blockedEntities = $entityController->getBlockedEntities();
         $allowedEntities = $entityController->getAllowedEntities();
         $disabledConsent = $entityController->getDisableConsent();
         $metaFlat = '// Revision: ' . $entity->getRevisionid() . "\n";
         $metaFlat .= var_export($entityId, TRUE) . ' => ' . var_export($metaArray, TRUE) . ',';
         // Add authproc filter to block blocked entities
         if (!empty($blockedEntities) || !empty($allowedEntities)) {
             $metaFlat = substr($metaFlat, 0, -2);
             if (!empty($allowedEntities)) {
                 $metaFlat .= "  'allowed' => array(\n";
                 $metaArray['allowed'] = array();
                 foreach ($allowedEntities as $allowedEntity) {
                     $metaFlat .= "      '" . $allowedEntity['remoteentityid'] . "',\n";
                     $metaArray['allowed'][] = $allowedEntity['remoteentityid'];
                 $metaFlat .= "  ),\n";
             if (!empty($blockedEntities)) {
                 $metaFlat .= "  'blocked' => array(\n";
                 $metaArray['blocked'] = array();
                 foreach ($blockedEntities as $blockedEntity) {
                     $metaFlat .= "    '" . $blockedEntity['remoteentityid'] . "',\n";
                     $metaArray['blocked'][] = $blockedEntity['remoteentityid'];
                 $metaFlat .= "  ),\n";
             $metaFlat .= '),';
         // Add disable consent
         if (!empty($disabledConsent)) {
             $metaFlat = substr($metaFlat, 0, -2);
             $metaFlat .= "  'consent.disable' => array(\n";
             foreach ($disabledConsent as $key => $value) {
                 $metaFlat .= "    '" . $key . "',\n";
             $metaFlat .= "  ),\n";
             $metaFlat .= '),';
         $maxCache = isset($option['maxCache']) ? $option['maxCache'] : null;
         $maxDuration = isset($option['maxDuration']) ? $option['maxDuration'] : null;
         try {
             $metaBuilder = new SimpleSAML_Metadata_SAMLBuilder($entityId, $maxCache, $maxDuration);
             $metaBuilder->addMetadata($metaArray['metadata-set'], $metaArray);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS - Entity_id:' . $entityId . ' - Error generating XML metadata - ' . var_export($e, true));
             self::$_error = array('Error generating XML metadata - ' . $e->getMessage());
             return false;
         // Add organization info
         if (!empty($metaArray['OrganizationName']) && !empty($metaArray['OrganizationDisplayName']) && !empty($metaArray['OrganizationURL'])) {
             $metaBuilder->addOrganizationInfo(array('OrganizationName' => $metaArray['OrganizationName'], 'OrganizationDisplayName' => $metaArray['OrganizationDisplayName'], 'OrganizationURL' => $metaArray['OrganizationURL']));
         // Add contact info
         if (!empty($metaArray['contact'])) {
             $metaBuilder->addContact('technical', $metaArray['contact']);
         switch ($type) {
             case self::XML:
                 return $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptor();
             case self::XMLREADABLE:
                 return $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptorText();
             case self::PHPARRAY:
                 return $metaArray;
             case self::FLATFILE:
                 return $metaFlat;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
         SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'JANUS - Metadatageneration', $exception);
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Display this error.
  * This method displays a standard simpleSAMLphp error page and exits.
 public function show()
     $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
     if ($this->cause !== NULL) {
         $e = $this->cause;
     } else {
         $e = $this;
     SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), $this->errorCode, $e);
Exemplo n.º 16
require_once '../../_include.php';
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('WS-Fed - SP.initSLO: Accessing WS-Fed SP initSLO script');
if (!$config->getBoolean('enable.wsfed-sp', false)) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS');
if (isset($_REQUEST['RelayState'])) {
    $returnTo = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
} else {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NORELAYSTATE');
if (isset($session)) {
    try {
        $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
        $idpentityid = $session->getIdP();
        $spentityid = isset($_GET['spentityid']) ? $_GET['spentityid'] : $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID();
         * Create a logout request
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info('WS-Fed - SP.initSLO: SP (' . $spentityid . ') is sending logout request to IdP (' . $idpentityid . ')');
        $idpmeta = $metadata->getMetaData($idpentityid, 'wsfed-idp-remote');
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::redirect($idpmeta['prp'], array('wa' => 'wsignout1.0', 'wct' => gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', time()), 'wtrealm' => $spentityid, 'wctx' => $returnTo));
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'CREATEREQUEST', $exception);
} else {
    SimpleSAML_Logger::info('WS-Fed - SP.initSLO: User is already logged out. Go back to relaystate');
Exemplo n.º 17
     * Clean up session object to save storage.
    if ($config->getBoolean('debug', false)) {
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutService: Session Size before cleaning: ' . $session->getSize());
    if ($config->getBoolean('debug', false)) {
        SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutService: Session Size after cleaning: ' . $session->getSize());
     * Check if the Single Logout procedure is initated by an SP (alternatively IdP initiated SLO
    if (array_key_exists('Issuer', $logoutInfo)) {
        $spEntityId = $logoutInfo['Issuer'];
        $spMetadata = $metadata->getMetadataConfig($spEntityId, 'saml20-sp-remote');
        $lr = sspmod_saml2_Message::buildLogoutResponse($idpMetadata, $spMetadata);
        $binding = new SAML2_HTTPRedirect();
    } elseif (array_key_exists('RelayState', $logoutInfo)) {
    } else {
        echo 'You are logged out';
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'GENERATELOGOUTRESPONSE', $exception);
Exemplo n.º 18

require_once '../_include.php';
try {
    $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
    $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
    /* Make sure that the user has admin access rights. */
} catch (Exception $e) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError('na', NULL, $e);
Exemplo n.º 19

require_once '../_include.php';
 * This page handles adding of metadata.
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$metaConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('metashare.php');
if (!$metaConfig->getBoolean('metashare.enable', FALSE)) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 401 Forbidden');
    $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS');
$store = SimpleSAML_MetaShare_Store::getInstance();
$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'metashare-add.php', 'metashare');
if (!array_key_exists('url', $_GET) || empty($_GET['url'])) {
    $t->data['url'] = NULL;
    $t->data['status'] = 'nourl';
$url = $_GET['url'];
$t->data['url'] = $url;
/* We accept http or https URLs */
if (substr($url, 0, 7) !== 'http://' && substr($url, 0, 8) !== 'https://') {
    $t->data['status'] = 'invalidurl';
/* Attempt to download the metadata. */
$metadata = file_get_contents($url);
Exemplo n.º 20
        warning('technicalcontact_email should be set to a email address users can contact for support.');
/* Load configuration and session information. */
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
/* Check if the user is logged in with admin access. */
/* Find config directories. */
$configDir = $config->getBaseDir() . 'config/';
$configTemplateDir = $config->getBaseDir() . 'config-templates/';
/* Find all available configuration files. */
$configFiles = array();
$dirHandle = opendir($configTemplateDir);
if ($dirHandle === FALSE) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackId(), 'READCONFIGTEMPLATES');
while (($configFile = readdir($dirHandle)) !== FALSE) {
    /* We are only interrested in .php-files in the directory. */
    if (substr($configFile, -4) !== '.php') {
    $configFiles[] = $configFile;
if (array_key_exists('file', $_GET)) {
    /* The user has selected a file. */
    $file = $_GET['file'];
    /* Can we check this file? */
    if (canCheckFile($file) !== TRUE) {
        $file = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 21
$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
$metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
$ldapconfigfile = $config->getBaseDir() . 'config/ldapmulti.php';
require_once $ldapconfigfile;
SimpleSAML_Logger::info('AUTH - ldap-multi: Accessing auth endpoint login-ldapmulti');
if (empty($session)) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOSESSION');
$error = null;
$attributes = array();
/* Load the RelayState argument. The RelayState argument contains the address
 * we should redirect the user to after a successful authentication.
if (!array_key_exists('RelayState', $_REQUEST)) {
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NORELAYSTATE');
if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
    try {
        $ldapconfig = $ldapmulti[$_POST['org']];
        if ($ldapconfig['search.enable'] === TRUE) {
            if (!$ldap->bind($ldapconfig['search.username'], $ldapconfig['search.password'])) {
                throw new Exception('Error authenticating using search username & password.');
            $dn = $ldap->searchfordn($ldapconfig['search.base'], $ldapconfig['search.attributes'], $_POST['username']);
        } else {
            $dn = str_replace('%username%', $_POST['username'], $ldapconfig['dnpattern']);
        $pwd = $_POST['password'];
        $ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($ldapconfig['hostname'], $ldapconfig['enable_tls']);
        if ($pwd == "" or !$ldap->bind($dn, $pwd)) {
    $entitiesDescriptorName = $janus_config->getString('export.entitiesDescriptorName', 'Federation');
    $entitiesDescriptor->setAttribute('Name', $entitiesDescriptorName);
    if ($maxCache !== NULL) {
        $entitiesDescriptor->setAttribute('cacheDuration', 'PT' . $maxCache . 'S');
    if ($maxDuration !== NULL) {
        $entitiesDescriptor->setAttribute('validUntil', SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateTimestamp(time() + $maxDuration));
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
        if ($entity['entityid'] == $exclude_entityid) {
        $entityDescriptor = sspmod_janus_MetaExport::getXMLMetadata($entity['eid'], $entity['revisionid'], array('maxCache' => $maxCache, 'maxDuration' => $maxDuration));
        if (empty($entityDescriptor) || !$entityDescriptor) {
        $entitiesDescriptor->appendChild($xml->importNode($entityDescriptor, TRUE));
    /* Sign the metadata if enabled. */
    if ($janus_config->getBoolean('sign.enable', FALSE)) {
        $signer = new SimpleSAML_XML_Signer(array('privatekey' => $janus_config->getString('sign.privatekey'), 'privatekey_pass' => $janus_config->getString('sign.privatekey_pass', NULL), 'certificate' => $janus_config->getString('sign.certificate'), 'id' => 'ID'));
        $signer->sign($entitiesDescriptor, $entitiesDescriptor, $entitiesDescriptor->firstChild);
    header('Content-Type: application/xml');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="federation.xml"');
    echo $xml->saveXML();
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
    SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'AGGREGATOR', $exception);