  * Warning - this method is incomplete
  * @param SimpleGraph $graph an RDF graph that should be augmented
  * @return HttpResponse
 function augment_graph($graph)
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $request = $this->request_factory->make('POST', $this->uri, $this->credentials);
     return $request->execute();
Exemplo n.º 2
 function test_get_access_status()
     $accessStatusUri = 'http://example.org/store/config/access-status';
     $dummyGraph = new SimpleGraph();
     $dummyGraph->add_resource_triple($accessStatusUri, 'http://schemas.talis.com/2006/bigfoot/configuration#accessMode', 'http://expected');
     $response = new HttpResponse(200);
     $response->body = $dummyGraph->to_rdfxml();
     $mockRequest = $this->getMock('HttpRequest', array('set_accept', 'execute'), array('GET', $accessStatusUri));
     $mockRequestFactory = $this->getMock('HttpRequestFactory', array('make'));
     $config = new Config("http://example.org/store/config", null, $mockRequestFactory);
     $actual = $config->get_access_status();
     $this->assertEquals('http://expected', $actual, 'Access status should be correct');
  * Create a new instance of this class
  * @param string uri URI of the resource
  * @param Credentials credentials the credentials to use for authenticated requests (optional)
 function __construct($uri, $credentials = null, $request_factory = null)
     $this->uri = $uri;
     $this->credentials = $credentials;
     $this->request_factory = $request_factory;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function translateLabelsOnPage($xpath_query)
     global $nameTranslations;
     foreach ($this->translate_langs as $lang) {
         $doc = $this->fetchDocFromUrl($this->translatePageUrlTo($lang));
         $xpath = new DomXpath($doc);
         $graph = new SimpleGraph();
         foreach ($xpath->query($xpath_query) as $a) {
             $nodeId = $this->getNodeIdFromUrl($a->getAttribute('href'));
             $uri = INST . 'institutions/' . $nodeId;
             $this->graph->add_literal_triple($uri, RDFS_LABEL, $a->textContent, $lang);
             $nameTranslations[$uri][$lang] = $a->textContent;
         echo trim($graph->to_ntriples());
  * Create a new store on the platform. This is currently restricted to Talis administrators.
  * @param string name the name of the store
  * @param string template_uri the URI of the store template to use
  * @return HttpRequest
 function create_store($name, $template_uri)
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $uri = $this->uri;
     $mimetype = MIME_RDFXML;
     $request = $this->request_factory->make('POST', $uri, $this->credentials);
     $sr = new SimpleGraph();
     $sr->add_resource_triple('_:req', BF_STORETEMPLATE, $template_uri);
     $sr->add_literal_triple('_:req', BF_STOREREF, $name);
     return $request->execute();
 function get_label($uri, $capitalize = false, $use_qnames = FALSE)
     if ($label = $this->get_first_literal($uri, RDFS_LABEL)) {
         return $label;
     if ($label = $this->get_first_literal($uri, API . 'name')) {
         return $label;
     if ($label = $this->get_first_literal($uri, API . 'label')) {
         return $label;
     } else {
         return parent::get_label($uri, $capitalize, $use_qnames);
Exemplo n.º 7
 function loadDataFromItem()
     $uri = $this->ConfigGraph->getCompletedItemTemplate();
     $this->list_of_item_uris = array($uri);
     $viewerUri = $this->getViewer();
     $this->viewQuery = $this->SparqlWriter->getViewQueryForUri($uri, $viewerUri);
     if (LOG_VIEW_QUERIES) {
         logViewQuery($this->Request, $this->viewQuery);
     $response = $this->SparqlEndpoint->graph($this->viewQuery, PUELIA_RDF_ACCEPT_MIMES);
     $pageUri = $this->Request->getUriWithoutPageParam();
     if ($response->is_success()) {
         $rdf = $response->body;
         $this->DataGraph->add_resource_triple($pageUri, FOAF . 'primaryTopic', $uri);
         $label = $this->DataGraph->get_first_literal($uri, SKOS . 'prefLabel');
         if (!empty($label) || ($label = $this->DataGraph->get_label($uri))) {
             $this->DataGraph->add_literal_triple($pageUri, RDFS_LABEL, $label);
         $this->DataGraph->add_resource_triple($uri, FOAF . 'isPrimaryTopicOf', $pageUri);
         $this->DataGraph->add_resource_triple($this->Request->getUri(), API . 'definition', $this->endpointUrl);
         if ($datasetUri = $this->ConfigGraph->getDatasetUri()) {
             $this->DataGraph->add_resource_triple($pageUri, VOID . 'inDataset', $datasetUri);
             $voidRequest = $this->HttpRequestFactory->make('GET', $datasetUri);
             $voidResponse = $voidRequest->execute();
             if ($voidResponse->is_success()) {
                 $voidGraph = new SimpleGraph();
                 $base = array_shift(explode('#', $datasetUri));
                 $voidGraph->add_rdf($voidResponse->body, $base);
                 if ($licenseUri = $voidGraph->get_first_resource($datasetUri, DCT . 'license')) {
                     $this->DataGraph->add_resource_triple($this->Request->getUri(), DCT . 'license', $licenseUri);
                 } else {
                     logDebug($datasetUri . ' has no dct:license');
             } else {
                 logDebug("VoID document could not be fetched from {$datasetUri}");
     } else {
         logError("Endpoint returned {$response->status_code} {$response->body} View Query <<<{$this->viewQuery}>>> failed against {$this->SparqlEndpoint->uri}");
         $this->errorMessages[] = "The SPARQL endpoint used by this URI configuration did not return a successful response.";
     $this->pageUri = $pageUri;
Exemplo n.º 8

define('MORIARTY_ARC_DIR', 'arc/');
require 'inc.php';
require 'credentials.inc.php';
require_once 'moriarty/credentials.class.php';
function report($r)
    if ($r->is_success() === false) {
$void = new SimpleGraph();
$void->add_literal_triple(WHOISWHO, DCT . 'modified', date('c'), false, XSDT . 'dateTime');
$graph = new Graph('http://api.talis.com/stores/euwhoiswho/meta', new Credentials(STORE_USER, STORE_PASS));
$graph->mirror_from_uri(WHOISWHO, $void->to_json());
$graph->submit_ntriples_in_batches_from_file('roles.nt', 500, 'report');
$graph->mirror_from_uri("http://institutions.publicdata.eu/", file_get_contents('institutions.publicdata.eu.ttl'));
$graph->submit_ntriples_in_batches_from_file('all.nt', 500, 'report');
  * Execute a graph type sparql query and obtain the result as a SimpleGraph. An empty SimpleGraph is returned if any HTTP errors occur.
  * @param string query the describe or construct query to execute
  * @return SimpleGraph
 function graph_to_simple_graph($query)
     $graph = new SimpleGraph();
     $response = $this->graph($query);
     if ($response->is_success()) {
     return $graph;
 public function __construct()
     $this->aTempImages = array();
     $this->aSourceObjects = array();
     $this->aSinkObjects = array();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Return the current access status for the store.
 function get_access_status()
     $accessStatusUri = $this->uri . '/access-status';
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $request = $this->request_factory->make('GET', $accessStatusUri, $this->credentials);
     $response = $request->execute();
     if ($response->is_success()) {
         $graph = new SimpleGraph($response->body);
         $accessMode = $graph->get_first_resource($accessStatusUri, 'http://schemas.talis.com/2006/bigfoot/configuration#accessMode');
         return $accessMode;
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Error determining access status: ' . $response->to_string());
Exemplo n.º 12
  * mirror_from_uri:
  * @return array of responses from http requests, and overall success status 
  * @author Keith Alexander
 function mirror_from_uri($url, $rdf_content = false)
     $return = array('get_page' => false, 'get_copy' => false, 'update_data' => false, 'success' => false);
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     if (!$rdf_content) {
         $web_page_request = $this->request_factory->make('GET', $url);
         $web_page_response = $web_page_request->execute();
         $return['get_page'] = $web_page_response;
         $web_page_content = $web_page_response->body;
     } else {
         $web_page_content = $rdf_content;
         $return['rdf_content'] = $rdf_content;
     if ($rdf_content or $web_page_response->is_success()) {
         $newGraph = new SimpleGraph();
         $newGraph->add_rdf($web_page_content, $url);
         $jsonGraphContent = $newGraph->to_json();
         $newGraph->add_resource_triple($url, OPEN_JSON, $jsonGraphContent);
         $newGraph->skolemise_bnodes(trim($url, '#') . '#');
         $after = $newGraph->get_index();
         # get previous copy if it exists
         $cached_page_response = $this->describe($url, 'json');
         $return['get_copy'] = $cached_page_response;
         if ($cached_page_response->status_code == '200') {
             $description_index = json_decode($cached_page_response->body, true);
             if (isset($description_index[$url]) and isset($description_index[$url][OPEN_JSON])) {
                 $before = json_decode($description_index[$url][OPEN_JSON][0]['value'], 1);
             } else {
                 $before = false;
         } else {
             if ($cached_page_response->status_code == '404') {
                 $before = false;
             } else {
                 return $return;
         # build new changeset
         $Changeset = new ChangeSet(array('before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'creatorName' => 'Graph::mirror_from_uri', 'changeReason' => 'mirroring from ' . $url));
         if ($Changeset->has_changes()) {
             $return['update_data'] = $this->apply_changeset($Changeset);
             if ($return['update_data']->is_success()) {
                 $return['success'] = true;
             } else {
                 if ($return['update_data']->status_code == '409') {
                     # Conflict. some statements already removed.
                     $before_graph = new SimpleGraph($before);
                     $return['reapply_before_triples'] = $this->get_metabox()->submit_turtle($before_graph->to_turtle());
                     if ($return['reapply_before_triples']->status_code == '204') {
                         #Succeeded. No content
                         $return['update_data'] = $this->get_metabox()->apply_changeset($Changeset);
                         $return['success'] = $return['update_data']->is_success();
                 } else {
                     return $return;
             return $return;
         } else {
             $return['success'] = true;
             return $return;
     } else {
         return $return;
    function test_get_resource_property_values()
        $ex = "http://example.com/";
        $turtle = <<<_TTL_
@base <{$ex}> .

<s> <has> <a> , <b> , <c> , <d> , <e> .
<a> <p> 2 .      
<b> <p> 3 .      
<c> <p> 1 .      
<e> <p> "!" , "_" .

        $graph = new SimpleGraph();
        $expected = array($ex . 'd', $ex . 'e', $ex . 'c', $ex . 'a', $ex . 'b');
        $actual = $graph->get_resource_triple_values($ex . 's', $ex . 'has', $ex . 'p');
        $actual_r = $graph->get_resource_triple_values($ex . 's', $ex . 'has', $ex . 'p', true);
        $actual_unsorted = $graph->get_resource_triple_values($ex . 's', $ex . 'has');
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, "should return the resource values of one property, ordered by a property of those resources");
        $this->assertEquals(array_reverse($expected), $actual_r, "should return the resource values of one property, ordered by a property of those resources, sorted in descending order");
        $this->assertEquals(count($actual), count($actual_unsorted), "number of results should be the same whether sorted or not");
 function __init()
     $csIndex = array();
     $CSNS = 'http://purl.org/vocab/changeset/schema#';
     // Get the triples to be added
     if (empty($this->before)) {
         $additions = $this->after;
     } else {
         $additions = SimpleGraph::diff($this->after, $this->before);
     //Get the triples to be removed
     if (empty($this->after)) {
         $removals = $this->before;
     } else {
         $removals = SimpleGraph::diff($this->before, $this->after);
     // $removals = !empty($this->after)? SimpleGraph::diff($this->before, $this->after) : $this->before;
     //remove etag triples
     foreach (array('removals' => $removals, 'additions' => $additions) as $name => $graph) {
         foreach ($graph as $uri => $properties) {
             if (isset($properties["http://schemas.talis.com/2005/dir/schema#etag"])) {
                 if (count(${$name}[$uri]) == 0) {
     //    print_r(array_keys($additions));
     //    print_r(array_keys($removals));
     //    print_r(array_merge(array_keys($additions), array_keys($removals)));
     // Get an array of all the subject uris
     $subjectIndex = !empty($this->a['subjectOfChange']) ? array($this->a['subjectOfChange']) : array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($additions), array_keys($removals)));
     //    print_r($subjectIndex);
     // Get the metadata for all the changesets
     $date = !empty($this->a['createdDate']) ? $this->a['createdDate'] : date(DATE_ATOM);
     $creator = !empty($this->a['creatorName']) ? $this->a['creatorName'] : 'Moriarty ChangeSet Builder';
     $reason = !empty($this->a['changeReason']) ? $this->a['changeReason'] : 'Change using Moriarty ChangeSet Builder';
     $csCount = 0;
     foreach ($subjectIndex as $subjectOfChange) {
         $csID = '_:cs' . $csCount;
         $csIndex[$subjectOfChange] = $csID;
         $this->addT($csID, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', $CSNS . 'ChangeSet', 'uri');
         $subjectType = strpos($subjectOfChange, '_:') === 0 ? 'bnode' : 'uri';
         $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'subjectOfChange', $subjectOfChange, $subjectType);
         $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'createdDate', $date, 'literal');
         $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'creatorName', $creator, 'literal');
         $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'changeReason', $reason, 'literal');
         /* add extra user-given properties to each changeset*/
         if (!empty($this->a['properties'])) {
             foreach ($this->a['properties'] as $p => $objs) {
                 $this->addT($csID, $p, $objs);
     /*iterate through the triples to be added, 
       reifying them, 
       and linking to the Statements from the appropriate changeset
     $reifiedAdditions = SimpleGraph::reify($additions, 'Add');
     if (!empty($reifiedAdditions)) {
         foreach ($reifiedAdditions as $nodeID => $props) {
             $subject = $props['http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#subject'][0]['value'];
             if (in_array($subject, $subjectIndex)) {
                 $csID = $csIndex[$subject];
                 $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'addition', $nodeID, 'bnode');
             // if dc:source is given in the instantiating arguments, add it to the statement as provenance
             if (isset($this->a['http://purl.org/dc/terms/source'])) {
                 $this->addT($nodeID, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/source', $this->a['http://purl.org/dc/terms/source'], 'uri');
     /*iterate through the triples to be removed, 
       reifying them, 
       and linking to the Statements from the appropriate changeset
     $reifiedRemovals = SimpleGraph::reify($removals, 'Remove');
     foreach ($reifiedRemovals as $nodeID => $props) {
         $subject = $props['http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#subject'][0]['value'];
         if (in_array($subject, $subjectIndex)) {
             $csID = $csIndex[$subject];
             $this->addT($csID, $CSNS . 'removal', $nodeID, 'bnode');
     // foreach($this->_index as $uri => $props){
     //  if(
     //      !isset($props[$CSNS.'removal'])
     //      AND
     //      !isset($props[$CSNS.'addition'])
     //      ){
     //        unset($this->_index[$uri]);
     //    }
     // }
     $this->_index = SimpleGraph::merge($this->_index, $reifiedAdditions, $reifiedRemovals);
  * Get the changeset that would be applied by the update method.
  * @return ChangeSet
 function get_update_changeset()
     $store = new Store($this->_store_uri, $this->_credentials, $this->_request_factory);
     $query = $this->get_sparql();
     $res = $this->get();
     $cs = new SimpleGraph();
     $diffs = $this->get_differences($res);
     $node_index = 0;
     foreach ($diffs as $s => $diff_info) {
         $removals = $diff_info['removals'];
         $additions = $diff_info['additions'];
         $cs_subj = '_:cs' . $node_index++;
         $cs->add_resource_triple($cs_subj, RDF_TYPE, CS_CHANGESET);
         $cs->add_resource_triple($cs_subj, CS_SUBJECTOFCHANGE, $s);
         $cs->add_literal_triple($cs_subj, CS_CHANGEREASON, "Update from DataTable");
         $cs->add_literal_triple($cs_subj, CS_CREATEDDATE, gmdate(DATE_ATOM));
         $cs->add_literal_triple($cs_subj, CS_CREATORNAME, "Moriarty DataTable");
         if (count($removals) > 0) {
             foreach ($removals as $p => $p_list) {
                 foreach ($p_list as $p_info) {
                     $node = '_:r' . $node_index;
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($cs_subj, CS_REMOVAL, $node);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_TYPE, RDF_STATEMENT);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_SUBJECT, $s);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_PREDICATE, $p);
                     if ($p_info['type'] === 'literal') {
                         $dt = array_key_exists('datatype', $p_info) ? $p_info['datatype'] : null;
                         $lang = array_key_exists('lang', $p_info) ? $p_info['lang'] : null;
                         $cs->add_literal_triple($node, RDF_OBJECT, $p_info['value'], $lang, $dt);
                     } else {
                         $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_OBJECT, $p_info['value']);
         if (count($additions) > 0) {
             foreach ($additions as $p => $p_list) {
                 foreach ($p_list as $p_info) {
                     $node = '_:a' . $node_index;
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($cs_subj, CS_ADDITION, $node);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_TYPE, RDF_STATEMENT);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_SUBJECT, $s);
                     $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_PREDICATE, $p);
                     if ($p_info['type'] === 'literal') {
                         $dt = array_key_exists('datatype', $p_info) ? $p_info['datatype'] : null;
                         $lang = array_key_exists('lang', $p_info) ? $p_info['lang'] : null;
                         $cs->add_literal_triple($node, RDF_OBJECT, $p_info['value'], $lang, $dt);
                     } else {
                         $cs->add_resource_triple($node, RDF_OBJECT, $p_info['value']);
     return $cs;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function __construct()
     $this->aSourceNodes = array();
     $this->aSinkNodes = array();
     $this->aRedundancySettings = array();
     $this->aContextSearches = array();
Exemplo n.º 17
require_once MORIARTY_DIR . 'simplegraph.class.php';
if ($describer_class) {
    $describer = new $describer_class();
} else {
    require_once MORIARTY_DIR . 'store.class.php';
    $describer = new Store($store_uri);
$response = $describer->describe($resource_uri, 'cbd', 'json');
$body = '';
$content_location = '';
$etag = '';
if ($response->is_success()) {
    if (array_key_exists('etag', $response->headers)) {
        $etag = $response->headers['etag'];
    $g = new SimpleGraph();
    if (!$g->has_triples_about($resource_uri)) {
        send_not_found($uri, $template);
    } else {
        $g->remove_property_values($resource_uri, 'http://schemas.talis.com/2005/dir/schema#etag');
        if ($uri != $doc_uri) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
            header("Location: " . $doc_uri);
        } else {
            $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, RDF_TYPE, FOAF_DOCUMENT);
            $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, RDF_TYPE, 'http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text');
            $g->add_resource_triple($doc_uri, FOAF_PRIMARYTOPIC, $resource_uri);
            $g->add_literal_triple($doc_uri, 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/title', 'Linked Data for ' . $g->get_label($resource_uri, TRUE));
            foreach ($media_types as $extension => $type_info) {
Exemplo n.º 18
        $val = strtolower($val);
        return $val;
    function writeLog($msg)
        echo $msg . "\n";
$ee = new Election_Results("http://www.europarl.europa.eu/parliament/archive/elections2009/en/national_parties_en_txt.html");
//echo $ee->lookupCountry("BE");
$data_base_uri = "http://data.kasabi.com/dataset/european-election-results/";
$schema_base_uri = "http://data.kasabi.com/dataset/european-election-results/def/";
# build a graph
$graph = new SimpleGraph();
//$def = new SimpleGraph() ;
$graph->add_turtle(file_get_contents(PROJECT_ROOT . 'defs/eu-dataset-definition.ttl'));
$graph->set_namespace_mapping('eedef', $schema_base_uri);
$graph->set_namespace_mapping('ee', $data_base_uri);
$graph->set_namespace_mapping('qb', 'http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#');
$graph->set_namespace_mapping('dct', 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/');
$electionPercentageData = $ee->getSeatsByPartyByStateTablePercentages();
// seats won counts
foreach ($ee->getSeatsByPartyByStateTableCounts() as $k1 => $v) {
    foreach ($v as $k2 => $val) {
        if ($k2 == 'PoliticalGroupAbbr') {
            // add political groups
            $political_group = $data_base_uri . "political_group/" . $ee->uri_safe($v['PoliticalGroupAbbr']);
            $graph->add_resource_triple($political_group, $graph->qname_to_uri("rdf:type"), $schema_base_uri . "PoliticalGroup");
            $graph->add_literal_triple($political_group, $graph->qname_to_uri("rdfs:label"), html_entity_decode($v['PoliticalGroupName'], ENT_QUOTES));
Exemplo n.º 19
 function test_store_data_sends_simple_graph_as_turtle()
     $fake_request_factory = new FakeRequestFactory();
     $fake_request = new FakeHttpRequest(new HttpResponse());
     $fake_request_factory->register('POST', "http://example.org/store/meta", $fake_request);
     $g = new SimpleGraph();
     $store = new Store("http://example.org/store", new FakeCredentials(), $fake_request_factory);
     $response = $store->store_data($g);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('Content-Type: text/turtle', $fake_request->get_headers()));
Exemplo n.º 20
  * mirror_from_url
  * @return array of responses from http requests, and overall success status 
  * @author Keith Alexander
 function mirror_from_url($url, $rdf_content = false)
     $return = array('get_page' => false, 'get_copy' => false, 'put_page' => false, 'update_data' => false, 'success' => false);
     if (empty($this->request_factory)) {
         $this->request_factory = new HttpRequestFactory();
     $last_cached_page_uri = $this->get_contentbox()->uri . '/mirrors/' . $url;
     if (!$rdf_content) {
         $web_page_request = $this->request_factory->make('GET', $url);
         $web_page_response = $web_page_request->execute();
         $return['get_page'] = $web_page_response;
         $web_page_content = $web_page_response->body;
     } else {
         $web_page_content = $rdf_content;
         $return['rdf_content'] = $rdf_content;
     if ($rdf_content or $web_page_response->is_success()) {
         $newGraph = new SimpleGraph();
         $newGraph->add_rdf($web_page_content, $url);
         $newGraph->add_resource_triple($url, OPEN_LASTCACHEDPAGE, $last_cached_page_uri);
         $newGraph->skolemise_bnodes($last_cached_page_uri . '/');
         $after = $newGraph->get_index();
         # get previous copy if it exists
         $cached_page_request = $this->request_factory->make('GET', $last_cached_page_uri, $this->credentials);
         $cached_page_response = $cached_page_request->execute();
         $return['get_copy'] = $cached_page_response;
         if ($cached_page_response->status_code == '200') {
             $before = json_decode($cached_page_response->body, true);
         } else {
             if ($cached_page_response->status_code == '404') {
                 $before = false;
             } else {
                 return $return;
         # build new changeset
         $Changeset = new ChangeSet(array('before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'creatorName' => 'Store::mirror_from_url', 'changeReason' => 'mirroring from ' . $url));
         if ($Changeset->has_changes()) {
             $return['update_data'] = $this->get_metabox()->apply_changeset($Changeset);
             if ($return['update_data']->is_success()) {
                 $return['success'] = true;
             } else {
                 if ($return['update_data']->status_code == '409') {
                     # Conflict. some statements already removed.
                     $before_graph = new SimpleGraph($before);
                     $return['reapply_before_triples'] = $this->get_metabox()->submit_turtle($before_graph->to_turtle());
                     if ($return['reapply_before_triples']->status_code == '204') {
                         #Succeeded. No content
                         $return['update_data'] = $this->get_metabox()->apply_changeset($Changeset);
                         $return['success'] = $return['update_data']->is_success();
                 } else {
                     return $return;
             $put_page_request = $this->request_factory->make('PUT', $last_cached_page_uri, $this->credentials);
             $put_page_response = $put_page_request->execute();
             $return['put_page'] = $put_page_response;
             $return['success'] = $put_page_response->is_success();
             return $return;
         } else {
             $return['success'] = true;
             return $return;
     } else {
         return $return;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @access private
 function make_job_request($jobtype, $time = null, $label = null)
     $time = $time == null ? gmmktime() : $time;
     $formatted_time = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z", $time);
     $label = $label == null ? 'Job submitted ' . $formatted_time : $label;
     $job = new SimpleGraph();
     $job->add_resource_triple('_:job', BF_JOBTYPE, $jobtype);
     $job->add_resource_triple('_:job', RDF_TYPE, BF_JOBREQUEST);
     $job->add_literal_triple('_:job', BF_STARTTIME, $formatted_time);
     $job->add_literal_triple('_:job', RDFS_LABEL, $label);
     return $job;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Constructor
  * @param SimpleGraph $oGraph The graph to browse
  * @param string $sType "Node", "Edge" or null
 public function __construct(SimpleGraph $oGraph, $sType = null)
     $this->iCurrentIdx = -1;
     $this->aList = array();
     switch ($sType) {
         case 'Node':
             foreach ($oGraph->_GetNodes() as $oNode) {
                 $this->aList[] = $oNode;
         case 'Edge':
             foreach ($oGraph->_GetEdges() as $oEdge) {
                 $this->aList[] = $oEdge;
             foreach ($oGraph->_GetNodes() as $oNode) {
                 $this->aList[] = $oNode;
             foreach ($oGraph->_GetEdges() as $oEdge) {
                 $this->aList[] = $oEdge;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Obtain the graph's bounded description of a given resource. This is designed to be fast since it uses RDF/JSON which requires no parsing by the SimpleGraph class. This method always returns a SimpleGraph, which will be empty if any HTTP errors occured.
  * @see http://n2.talis.com/wiki/Metabox#Describing_a_Resource
  * @param string uri the URI of the resource to be described
  * @return SimpleGraph
 function describe_to_simple_graph($uri)
     $graph = new SimpleGraph();
     $response = $this->describe($uri, OUTPUT_TYPE_JSON);
     if ($response->is_success()) {
     return $graph;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function testGetParserErrors()
     $graph = new SimpleGraph();
     $errors = $graph->get_parser_errors();
     $this->assertTrue(empty($errors), "Errors should be empty");
     $errors = $graph->get_parser_errors();
     $this->assertFalse(empty($errors), "Errors should not be empty");
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($errors[0]), "Errors first item should not be empty");
Exemplo n.º 25
 function test_match_compare_string_with_boolean()
     $g = new SimpleGraph();
     $g->set_namespace_mapping('ex', 'http://example.org/');
     $g->add_literal_triple('http://example.org/subj', 'http://example.org/pred', 'obj');
     $g->add_literal_triple('http://example.org/subj2', 'http://example.org/pred', '');
     $gp = new GraphPath('*[literal-value(ex:pred) = true()]');
     $this->assertPathSelects($gp, $g);
Exemplo n.º 26
 function test_to_html_renders_bnodes_as_anchors()
     $g = new SimpleGraph();
     $g->add_resource_triple('http://example.org/subj', 'http://example.org/pred', '_:bn123');
     $g->add_resource_triple('_:bn123', 'http://example.org/pred', 'http://example.org/obj');
     $html = $g->to_html();
     $this->assertContains('<a href="http://example.org/subj">subj</a>', $html, "html should contain links to bnode anchors");
     $this->assertContains('<a href="#bn123">_:bn123</a>', $html, "html should contain links to bnode anchors");
     $this->assertContains('<a id="bn123" href="#bn123">_:bn123</a>', $html, "html should contain anchors for bnodes");
Exemplo n.º 27
 function test_update_adds_bnode()
     $fake_request_factory = new FakeRequestFactory();
     $fake_response = new HttpResponse();
     $fake_response->status_code = 200;
     $fake_response->body = $this->_select_result2;
     $query = "select ?_uri ?name where { optional {?_uri <http://example.org/name> ?name. } }";
     $fake_request = new FakeHttpRequest($fake_response);
     $fake_request_factory->register('GET', "http://example.org/store/services/sparql?query=" . urlencode($query) . '&output=json', $fake_request);
     $fake_request_cs = new FakeHttpRequest(new HttpResponse());
     $fake_request_factory->register('POST', "http://example.org/store/meta", $fake_request_cs);
     $dt = new DataTable("http://example.org/store", null, $fake_request_factory);
     $dt->map('http://example.org/name', 'name');
     $dt->set('name', 'foo', 'bnode');
     $cs = new SimpleGraph();
     $changesets = $cs->get_subjects_of_type(CS_CHANGESET);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($changesets));
     $additions = $cs->get_resource_triple_values($changesets[0], CS_ADDITION);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($additions));
     $this->assertTrue($cs->has_resource_triple($additions[0], RDF_OBJECT, "_:foo"));