public function find_children($categoryId, $conn) { $this->categoryId = $categoryId; //finding left and right $sql = "SELECT CategoryName,dpth, rgt, lft FROM nested_category WHERE CategoryId={$categoryId}"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if (is_null($result)) { return; } $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (is_null($row)) { return; } $this->categoryName = array_shift($row); $myDpth = array_shift($row); $myRgt = array_shift($row); $myLft = array_shift($row); $sql = "SELECT categoryName, categoryId FROM nested_category WHERE lft>{$myLft} and rgt<{$myRgt} and dpth={$myDpth}+1"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if (is_null($result)) { return; } while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $b = new SimpleClass($row["categoryName"], $row["categoryId"]); $b->find_children($row["categoryId"], $conn); array_push($this->child_categories, $b); } }
/** * tag_open method * * @param string $parser * @param string $tag * @param array $attribs */ function tag_open($parser, $tag, $attribs) { $node = new SimpleClass(); $node->setArray($attribs); $node->setProp("_TAGNAME", $tag); $this->datas[] = $node; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->name = 'Complex Class Instance'; $this->dataStore = array('foo', 1, 'dateInfo' => new \DateTime(), 'classInfo' => new SimpleClass()); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { $this->assocArray['position_' . $i] = $i; $this->numArray[] = $i; } }
/** * helper function initialise a simpleClass Object * * @param string $class * @param string $tree * @return string */ function _initClass($tag, $attribs = array()) { $node = new SimpleClass(); $node->setArray($attribs); $node->setProp("_TAGNAME", $tag); $this->datas[] = $node; //$this->_debug( 3, '', 'Initialized simple class', 'OK' ); }
public function testSimpleClassConversion() { $o = new SimpleClass(); $o->setName("test"); $o->setDescription("description"); $this->assertEquals("test", $o->getName()); $this->assertEquals("description", $o->getDescription()); $json = $o->toJSON(); $this->assertEquals('{"name":"test","desc":"description"}', $json); $newO = new SimpleClass(); $newO->fromJson($json); $this->assertEquals($o, $newO); }
function foo() { $args = func_get_args(); parent::foo(); }
/** * @covers SimpleClass::simpleFunction */ public function testSimpleFunction() { $this->assertEquals('Simple', $this->object->simpleFunction()); }
/** * @requires PHP 7.0 * @expectedException \Error * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Call to undefined method/ */ public function testNonExistingMethodCall() { $this->expectOutputRegex('/Call to undefined method/'); $obj = new SimpleClass(); $obj->nonExistingMethod(); }
<?php require 'simpleclass.php'; $s = new SimpleClass(); $s->displayvar(); $s->var = 'other value'; $s->displayvar(); var_dump($s);
$func("xudedong"); $func = "echoit"; $func("vcbnm"); ?> <?php class SimpleClass { // property declaration public $var = 'a default value,<br />'; // method declaration public function displayVar() { echo $this->var; } } $sim = new SimpleClass(); $sim->displayVar(); ?>
<?php require_once "simple_class.php"; $simple_class1 = new SimpleClass(); $simple_class2 = new SimpleClass(); $simple_class3 = new SimpleClass(); $simple_class4 = new SimpleClass(); $simple_class5 = new SimpleClass(); echo "Simple Class called <b>5</b> times: <br />"; echo "Number of 'connections': " . SimpleClass::getTotalCalls(); echo "<br /><br />"; require_once "singleton.php"; $simple_class1 = Singleton::getInstance(); $simple_class2 = Singleton::getInstance(); $simple_class3 = Singleton::getInstance(); $simple_class4 = Singleton::getInstance(); $simple_class5 = Singleton::getInstance(); echo "<br /><br />"; echo "Singleton called <b>5</b> times: <br />"; echo "Number of 'connections': " . Singleton::getTotalCalls();
function displayVar() { echo "Classe Herdeira\n"; parent::displayVar(); }
<article> <h2>Steg 1 - intro teori</h2> <p>Läste på om begreppen: objekt, metod, egenskaper/properties och inkapsling. <p>Slår på all error-reporting för php <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?> </article> <article> <h2>Steg 2 - att använda en enkel klass</h2> <p> <?php $sp = new SimpleClass(); $sp->DisplayVar(); $sp->var = "a new value"; echo "<p>"; $sp->DisplayVar(); ?> </article> <article> <h2>Steg 3 - en tärningsklass</h2> <p>Simulera tärningsslag genom att ange ett värde för GET-parametern <strong>rolls</strong> <?php $d = new CDice(); if (isset($_GET['rolls'])) { $n = (int) filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'rolls'); echo "<p>Slår tärningen {$n} gånger";
function displayVar() { echo "Расширенный класс\n"; parent::displayVar(); }
function displayVar() { echo "Extending class\n"; parent::displayVar(); }
//public $var5 = $myVar; // правильное определение свойств: public $var6 = myConstant; public $var7 = array(true, false); // Это разрешено только в PHP 5.3.0 и более поздних версиях. public $var8 = <<<'EOD' hello world EOD; // MY public function GetClassInfo() { return SimpleClass::class; } } define("myConstant", "myConstant"); $SimleObj = new SimpleClass(); ?> <pre><?php // var_dump($SimleObj); ?> </pre><?php ?> <pre><?php echo $SimleObj->GetClassInfo(); ?> </pre><?php ?> <pre><?php echo $SimleObj->var1; ?> </pre><?php