Exemplo n.º 1
 public function product($event)
     $model = new \Shop\Models\Products();
     $tags = $model->getTags();
     \Base::instance()->set('tags', $tags);
     $view = \Dsc\System::instance()->get('theme');
     return $view->renderLayout('Shop/Admin/Views::quickadd/tag.php');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Gets all products assigned to a category, regardless of publication status, etc
  * @param unknown $category_id            
 public static function products($category_id, $filters = array())
     $model = new \Shop\Models\Products();
     $model->setState('filter.category.id', $category_id);
     foreach ($filters as $key => $value) {
         $model->setState($key, $value);
     $items = $model->getItems();
     return $items;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * \T (tab) delimited feed of products
  * http://www.pepperjamnetwork.com/doc/product_feed_advanced.html
 public function productsTxt()
     $settings = \Shop\Models\Settings::fetch();
     if (!$settings->{'feeds.pepperjam_products.enabled'}) {
     $this->app->set('CACHE', true);
     $cache = \Cache::instance();
     $cache_period = 3600 * 24;
     if ($cache->exists('pepperjam.products_text', $string)) {
         header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
         echo $string;
     $base = \Dsc\Url::base();
     $model = (new \Shop\Models\Products())->setState('filter.published_today', true)->setState('filter.inventory_status', 'in_stock')->setState('filter.publication_status', 'published');
     $conditions = $model->conditions();
     $conditions['product_type'] = array('$nin' => array('giftcard', 'giftcards'));
     $cursor = \Shop\Models\Products::collection()->find($conditions)->sort(array('title' => 1));
      * name	sku	buy_url	image_url	description_short	description_long	price	manufacturer
     $column_headers = array('name', 'sku', 'buy_url', 'image_url', 'description_short', 'description_long', 'price', 'manufacturer');
     $string = implode("\t", $column_headers) . "\r\n";
     foreach ($cursor as $product_doc) {
         $product = new \Shop\Models\Products($product_doc);
         foreach ($product->variantsInStock() as $variant) {
             $valid = true;
             $price = $product->price($variant['id']);
             // Skip products where price == 0.00
             if (empty($price)) {
             $pieces = array('name' => null, 'sku' => null, 'buy_url' => null, 'image_url' => null, 'description_short' => null, 'description_long' => null, 'price' => null, 'manufacturer' => null);
             $pieces['name'] = $product->title;
             $sku = $variant['sku'] ? $variant['sku'] : $product->{'tracking.sku'};
             if (!$sku) {
                 $sku = $variant['id'];
             $pieces['sku'] = $sku;
             $pieces['buy_url'] = $base . 'shop/product/' . $product->slug . '?variant_id=' . $variant['id'];
             // image_link
             if ($image = $variant['image'] ? $variant['image'] : $product->{'featured_image.slug'}) {
                 $pieces['image_url'] = $base . 'asset/' . $image;
             $pieces['description_short'] = $product->title . ' ';
             if ($attribute_title = \Dsc\ArrayHelper::get($variant, 'attribute_title')) {
                 $pieces['description_short'] .= $attribute_title;
             $pieces['description_short'] = trim($pieces['description_short']);
             $pieces['description_long'] = strip_tags($product->getAbstract());
             $pieces['price'] = $price;
             if ($brand = $settings->{'feeds.pepperjam_products.brand'}) {
                 $pieces['manufacturer'] = $brand;
             global $product;
             //walk peices logging empty values and omiting them
             array_walk($pieces, function (&$value, $key) {
                 global $product;
                 if (empty($value)) {
                     \Dsc\Mongo\Collections\Logs::add($product->title . ' | ID: ' . $product->id . ' is missing ' . $key, 'WARNING', 'PepperJam');
                     $valid = false;
             if ($valid) {
                 $string .= implode("\t", $pieces) . "\r\n";
     $cache->set('pepperjam.products_text', $string, $cache_period);
     header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
     echo $string;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function productsXml()
     $settings = \Shop\Models\Settings::fetch();
     if (!$settings->{'feeds.gm_products.enabled'}) {
     $this->app->set('CACHE', true);
     $cache = \Cache::instance();
     $cache_period = 3600 * 24;
     if ($cache->exists('googlemerchant.products_xml', $string)) {
         header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
         echo $string;
     $base = \Dsc\Url::base();
     $model = (new \Shop\Models\Products())->setState('filter.published_today', true)->setState('filter.inventory_status', 'in_stock')->setState('filter.publication_status', 'published');
     $conditions = $model->conditions();
     $conditions['product_type'] = array('$nin' => array('giftcard', 'giftcards'));
     $cursor = \Shop\Models\Products::collection()->find($conditions)->sort(array('title' => 1));
      * Generate XML
     $x = new \XMLWriter();
     $x->setIndentString(" ");
     $x->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $x->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
     $x->writeAttribute('xmlns:g', 'http://base.google.com/ns/1.0');
     $title = $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.title'} ? $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.title'} : 'Product Feed';
     // title
     $link = $base;
     // link
     if ($description = $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.description'}) {
         // description
     foreach ($cursor as $product_doc) {
         $product = new \Shop\Models\Products($product_doc);
         foreach ($product->variantsInStock() as $variant) {
             $price = $product->price($variant['id']);
             // Skip products where price == 0.00
             if (empty($price)) {
             // title
             // description
             $x->text($base . 'shop/product/' . $product->slug);
             // g:link
             // image_link
             if ($image = $variant['image'] ? $variant['image'] : $product->{'featured_image.slug'}) {
                 $x->text($base . 'asset/' . $image);
                 // g:image_link
             // google_product_category
             if ($product->{'gm_product_category'}) {
                 // g:google_product_category
             // TODO product_type
             // gender = female (or male, unisex)
             $gender = $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.gender'};
             if ($product->{'gm_products.gender'}) {
                 $gender = $product->{'gm_products.gender'};
             if ($gender) {
                 // g:gender
             // age_group = adult (or newborn, infanct, toddler, kids)
             $age_group = $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.age_group'};
             if ($product->{'gm_products.age_group'}) {
                 $age_group = $product->{'gm_products.age_group'};
             if ($age_group) {
                 // g:age_group
             // following handles color, size, pattern, material (if they are set as attributes)
             foreach ($product->attributes as $attribute) {
                 $att_title = strtolower($attribute['title']);
                 if (in_array($att_title, array('color', 'material', 'pattern', 'size'))) {
                     $att_id = $attribute['id'];
                     // get the attribute options
                     $options = array();
                     foreach ($attribute['options'] as $option) {
                         $options[] = $option['id'];
                     if ($found = array_intersect($options, $variant['attributes'])) {
                         $key = array_search($found, $variant['attributes']);
                         if (!empty($variant['attribute_titles'][$key])) {
                             $x->startElement('g:' . $att_title);
                             // g:$att_title
             // since we do variants: item_group_id
             // g:item_group_id
             $sku = $variant['sku'] ? $variant['sku'] : $product->{'tracking.sku'};
             if (!$sku) {
                 $sku = $variant['id'];
             // g:id
             if ($brand = $settings->{'feeds.gm_products.brand'}) {
                 // g:brand
             // g:mpn
             $x->text($price . ' USD');
             // g:price
             // g:condition
             $x->text('in stock');
             // g:availability
             // item
     // channel
     // rss
     $string = $x->outputMemory();
     $cache->set('googlemerchant.products_xml', $string, $cache_period);
     header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
     echo $string;