Exemplo n.º 1
$paramList = array();
// should be in order for display
$optionList = array();
usort($workerList, "WorkerCompare");
$k = 0;
foreach ($workerList as $worker) {
    $optionList[] = array($k, $worker->assignString());
    $paramList[$k] = $worker;
// workerList
// should be in order for display
$optionOutList = array();
usort($workerOutList, "WorkerCompare");
foreach ($workerOutList as $worker) {
    $shiftPreference = ShiftPreference::selectID($worker->workerid, $job->jobid);
    $workerstring = $worker->assignString();
    if ($shiftPreference->desirePercent != NULL) {
        $workerstring .= ' (' . $shiftPreference->desirePercent . '%)';
    $optionOutList[] = array($k, $workerstring);
    $paramList[$k] = $worker;
// workerOutList
// paramlist is a combination of the two; such that the posted PARAM_LIST_MULTIPLE is correct
$_SESSION[PARAM_LIST] = $paramList;
// ok, start the html
include 'section/header.php';
Exemplo n.º 2
function createStationPreferenceHTMLList($workerid, $jobid)
    $preference = ShiftPreference::selectID($workerid, $jobid);
    $_POST[PARAM_DESIRE] = $preference->desirePercent;
    echo '<form method="POST" name="stationviewpage_stationsetpreference_form" action="ShiftPreferenceExplicitAction.php">';
    swwat_createInputValidateInteger(PARAM_DESIRE, "stationviewpage_stationsetpreference_form", 3, FALSE);
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class="fieldValue" type="Submit" value="Save Preference"/><p/>';
    echo '</form>';

// $Id: ShiftPreferenceExplicitAction.php 1800 2012-09-07 04:23:26Z preston $ Copyright (c) ConSked, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
include 'util/authenticate.php';
require_once 'db/ShiftPreference.php';
require_once 'db/StationJob.php';
require_once 'db/Worker.php';
require_once 'properties/constants.php';
require_once 'swwat/gizmos/parse.php';
require_once 'util/log.php';
require_once 'util/session.php';
 * This Controller is used by the StationViewPage's submit button
$author = getWorkerAuthenticated();
$job = getStationCurrent();
// note only works for CIW when station:job = 1:1
$preference = ShiftPreference::selectID($author->workerid, $job->jobid);
try {
    $desire = swwat_parse_integer(html_entity_decode($_POST[PARAM_DESIRE]), 3, FALSE);
} catch (ParseSWWATException $ex) {
    // ignore, but do nothing!
header('Location: StationViewPage.php');
include 'StationViewPage.php';
Exemplo n.º 4
function reviewPageContent()
    echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"preferencereview_form\" action=\"PreferenceReviewAction.php\">\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "<div id=\"content\" style=\"clear:both\">\n";
    echo "Below are all the sessions you&apos;ve shown interest in. You&apos;re welcome to trim down the list. You MUST set a maximum number of hours at the bottom of the page (it is defaulted to 20), and we&apos;ll schedule you for where we need you the most!\n";
    echo "<p />\n";
    echo "Note: Our system won&apos;t allow us to double book you, so if you have two sessions at the same time, you&apos;ll only be scheduled for one.  Also know that if you requested more shifts than the maximum amount of hours you can commit, you will not be booked to all of the events you selected.\n";
    echo "<p />\n";
    echo "Click next at the bottom of the page once you are comfortable with your selections.\n";
    echo "<p />\n";
    $jobIncludeList = array();
    $jobIncludeList[] = "Volunteer";
    $jobList = Job::selectExpo($expo->expoid);
    usort($jobList, "JobCompare");
    $date = array();
    $max_job_size = 0;
    $max_time_size = 0;
    $max_location_size = 0;
    $max_title_size = 0;
    foreach ($jobList as $j) {
        $stationDateTime = swwat_format_shift($j->startTime, $j->stopTime);
        list($stationDate, $stationTime, $start) = explode(';', $stationDateTime);
        $date[] = $stationDate;
        $job = $j->jobTitle;
        if (strlen($job) > $max_job_size) {
            $max_job_size = strlen($job);
        if (strlen($stationTime) > $max_time_size) {
            $max_time_size = strlen($stationTime);
        $location = $j->location;
        if (strlen($location) > $max_location_size) {
            $max_location_size = strlen($location);
        $title = $j->stationTitle;
        if (strlen($title) > $max_title_size) {
            $max_title_size = strlen($title);
    $date = array_values(array_unique($date));
    $max_radio_size = "10%";
    $max_percent_size = "5%";
    //$max_job_size = 12*($max_job_size);
    $max_time_size = "12%";
    $max_hours_size = "5%";
    $max_location_size = "15%";
    $max_title_size = "53%";
    $table_size = "95%";
    $numColumns = 6;
    echo "<table width=\"" . $table_size . "\" align=\"center\" class=\"research\">\n";
    echo "<tr class=\"accordion\">\n";
    echo "<th width=\"120\" class=\"rowTitle\"></th>";
    echo "<th width=\"" . $max_percent_size . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">Percent Filled</th>";
    //echo "<th width=\"".$max_job_size."\" class=\"rowTitle\">Job</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"" . $max_time_size . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">Time</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"" . $max_hours_size . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">Hours</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"" . $max_location_size . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">Location</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"" . $max_title_size . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">Title</th>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    // kludge to remove empty dates
    for ($k = 0; $k < count($date); $k++) {
        $count[$k] = 0;
        for ($l = 0; $l < count($jobList); $l++) {
            $sp = ShiftPreference::selectID($author->workerid, $jobList[$l]->jobid);
            if (!is_null($sp)) {
                $desire = $sp->desirePercent;
            } else {
                $desire = 0;
            $stationDateTime = swwat_format_shift($jobList[$l]->startTime, $jobList[$l]->stopTime);
            list($stationDate, $stationTime, $start) = explode(';', $stationDateTime);
            if (!strcmp($date[$k], $stationDate) && in_array($jobList[$l]->jobTitle, $jobIncludeList) && $desire != 0) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < count($date); $k++) {
        $dow = date('l', strtotime($date[$k]));
        if ($count[$k] != 0) {
            echo "<tr class=\"accordion\">\n";
            echo "<th colspan=\"" . $numColumns . "\" class=\"rowTitle\">";
            echo "<div style=\"float:left\">" . htmlspecialchars($date[$k] . ", " . $dow) . "</div>\n";
            echo "<div style=\"float:right\"><img id=\"icon1\" src=\"" . PARAM_COLLAPSE_ICON . "\"/></div>\n";
            echo "</th>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        for ($l = 0; $l < count($jobList); $l++) {
            //$optionArray = array(array($jobList[$l]->jobid.":0", "No"), array($jobList[$l]->jobid.":1", "Yes"));
            $param_station = PARAM_TITLE . $l;
            if (!isset($_POST[$param_station])) {
                $_POST[$param_station] = NULL;
            $sp = ShiftPreference::selectID($author->workerid, $jobList[$l]->jobid);
            if (!is_null($sp)) {
                $desire = $sp->desirePercent;
            } else {
                $desire = 0;
            $stationDateTime = swwat_format_shift($jobList[$l]->startTime, $jobList[$l]->stopTime);
            list($stationDate, $stationTime, $start) = explode(';', $stationDateTime);
            $start = $jobList[$l]->startTime;
            $stop = $jobList[$l]->stopTime;
            $diff = $start->diff($stop);
            $hours = $diff->d * 24 + $diff->h + $diff->i / 60 + $diff->s / 360;
            if ($jobList[$l]->minCrew != 0) {
                $percent = intval(100 * ($jobList[$l]->assignedCrew / $jobList[$l]->minCrew)) . "%";
            } else {
                $percent = "-";
            $s = Station::selectID($jobList[$l]->stationid);
            $dclass = preg_replace('/\\s/', '_', $date[$k]);
            if (!strcmp($date[$k], $stationDate) && in_array($jobList[$l]->jobTitle, $jobIncludeList) && $desire != 0) {
                echo "<tr class=\"" . $dclass . "\">\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">";
                //swwat_createRadioSelect($param_station, $optionArray, "radio", $jobList[$l]->jobid.":".$desire);
                echo "<input id=\"" . $param_station . "n\" name=\"" . $param_station . "\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" . $jobList[$l]->jobid . ":0" . "\" ";
                if ($desire == 0) {
                    echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
                echo "/>";
                echo "<label for=\"" . $param_station . "n\">No&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>\n";
                echo "<input id=\"" . $param_station . "y\" name=\"" . $param_station . "\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" . $jobList[$l]->jobid . ":100" . "\" ";
                if ($desire != 0) {
                    echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
                echo "/>";
                echo "<label for=\"" . $param_station . "y\">Yes</label>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">" . htmlspecialchars($percent) . "</td>\n";
                //echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">".htmlspecialchars($jobList[$l]->jobTitle)."</td>\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">" . htmlspecialchars($stationTime) . "</td>\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">" . htmlspecialchars($hours) . "</td>\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">" . htmlspecialchars($jobList[$l]->location) . "</td>\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\">";
                echo "<div style=\"float:left\">" . htmlspecialchars($jobList[$l]->stationTitle) . "</div>\n";
                echo "<div style=\"float:right\"><img id=\"icon2\" src=\"" . PARAM_EXPAND_ICON . "\"/></div>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                echo "<tr class=\"description " . $param_station . " " . $dclass . "\">\n";
                echo "<td class=\"fieldValue\" style=\"text-align: center\" colspan=\"" . $numColumns . "\">";
                echo htmlspecialchars($s->description) . "<br><a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($s->URL) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($s->URL) . "</a></td>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    echo "<p />";
    $_POST[PARAM_MAXHOURS] = $author->selectMaxHours($expo->expoid);
    echo "The MAXIMUM number of hours I am available to work is ";
    swwat_createInputValidateInteger(PARAM_MAXHOURS, "content", 2);
    echo "<p />";
    echo "</div><!-- content -->\n";