  * Create collections starting from a specific id, and
  * running until we are at the end
  * @var $startingPoint int
  * @var $cb callable
 public function createCollections($startingPoint, $cb)
     $increment = 5000;
      * Create a faked parse search, so we can re-use existing infrastructure
     $parsedSearch = array('sortFields' => array(array('field' => 'id', 'direction' => 'asc')), 'additionalJoins' => array(), 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => array());
      * Actually fetch the spots
     $svcProvSpotList = new Services_Providers_SpotList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao());
     while (true) {
         if ($cb !== null) {
             $cb('start', $startingPoint, $increment);
         // if
          * Get the current list of spots
         $parsedSearch['filter'] = ' (s.id > ' . (int) $startingPoint . ') ' . ' AND (s.collectionid IS NULL) ' . ' AND (s.stamp > 1290578400)' . ' AND (s.category <> 2) ' . ' AND (s.category <> 3) ' . ' AND (NOT ((s.category = 0) AND (s.subcatz = \'z3|\')))' . ' AND (NOT ((s.category = 0) AND (s.subcatz = \'z0|\') AND (s.subcatd LIKE \'%d6|%\')))' . ' AND (NOT ((s.category = 0) AND (s.subcatz = \'z0|\') AND (s.subcatd = \'d13|\')))';
         # exclude music videos as well
         $dbSpotList = $svcProvSpotList->fetchSpotList(0, 0, $increment, $parsedSearch);
         $startingPoint += $increment;
          * Parse the spots and get an collection id for it
         $dbSpotList['list'] = $this->createCollectionsFromList($dbSpotList['list']);
         if (empty($dbSpotList['list'])) {
             if ($cb !== null) {
                 $cb('finish', $startingPoint, $increment);
             // if
         // if
          * now update the database
         $dbConnection = $this->_daoFactory->getConnection();
         foreach ($dbSpotList['list'] as $spot) {
             $dbConnection->exec('UPDATE spots SET collectionid = :collectionid WHERE messageid = :messageid', array(':collectionid' => array($spot['collectionid'], PDO::PARAM_INT), ':messageid' => array($spot['messageid'], PDO::PARAM_INT)));
         // foreach
         if ($cb !== null) {
             $cb('finish', $startingPoint, $increment);
         // if
     // while
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Search the spotweb database for a specific piece of information
  * @param $outputtype
 function search($outputtype)
     # Check users' permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_perform_search, '');
     $searchParams = array();
      * Now determine what type of information we are searching for using sabnzbd
     if (($this->_params['t'] == "t" || $this->_params['t'] == "tvsearch") && $this->_params['rid'] != "") {
         # validate input
         if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,6}$/', $this->_params['rid'])) {
         # if
          * Actually retrieve the information from TVRage, based on the
          * tvrage passed by the API
         $svcMediaInfoTvrage = new Services_MediaInformation_Tvrage($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
         $tvRageInfo = $svcMediaInfoTvrage->retrieveInfo();
         if (!$tvRageInfo->isValid()) {
         # if
          * Try to parse the season parameter. This can be either in the form of S1, S01, 1, 2012, etc.
          * we try to standardize all these types of season definitions into one format.
         $episodeSearch = '';
         $seasonSearch = '';
         if (preg_match('/^[sS][0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['season']) || preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', $this->_params['season'])) {
              * Did we get passed a 4 digit season (most likely a year), or a
              * two digit season?
             if (strlen($this->_params['season']) < 3) {
                 if (is_numeric($this->_params['season'])) {
                     $seasonSearch = 'S' . str_pad($this->_params['season'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 } else {
                     $seasonSearch = $this->_params['season'];
                 # else
             } else {
                 $seasonSearch = $this->_params['season'] . ' ';
             # else
         } elseif ($this->_params['season'] != "") {
         # if
          * And try to add an episode parameter, basically the same set of rules
          * as for the season
         if (preg_match('/^[eE][0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep']) || preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep']) || preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}\\/[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->_params['ep'])) {
             if (is_numeric($this->_params['ep'])) {
                 $episodeSearch .= 'E' . str_pad($this->_params['ep'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
             } else {
                 $episodeSearch .= $this->_params['ep'];
             # else
         } elseif ($this->_params['ep'] != "") {
         } else {
             // Complete season search, add wildcard character to season
             $seasonSearch .= '*';
             // and search for the text 'Season ' ...
             $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:OR:+\"" . $tvRageInfo->getTitle() . "\" +\"Season " . (int) $this->_params['season'] . "\"";
         # else
          * The + operator is supported both by PostgreSQL and MySQL's FTS
          * We search both for S04E17 and S04 E17 (with a space)
         $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:OR:+\"" . $tvRageInfo->getTitle() . "\" +" . $seasonSearch . $episodeSearch;
         if (!empty($episodeSearch)) {
             $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:OR:+\"" . $tvRageInfo->getTitle() . "\" +" . $seasonSearch . ' +' . $episodeSearch;
         # if
     } elseif ($this->_params['t'] == "music") {
         if (empty($this->_params['artist']) && empty($this->_params['cat'])) {
             $this->_params['cat'] = 3000;
         } else {
             $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:DEF:\"" . $this->_params['artist'] . "\"";
         # if
     } elseif ($this->_params['t'] == "m" || $this->_params['t'] == "movie") {
         # validate input
         if ($this->_params['imdbid'] == "") {
         } elseif (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,8}$/', $this->_params['imdbid'])) {
         # if
          * Actually retrieve the information from imdb, based on the
          * imdbid passed by the API
         $svcMediaInfoImdb = new Services_MediaInformation_Imdb($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
         $imdbInfo = $svcMediaInfoImdb->retrieveInfo();
         if (!$imdbInfo->isValid()) {
         # if
         /* Extract the release date from the IMDB info page */
         if ($imdbInfo->getReleaseYear() != null) {
             $movieReleaseDate = '+(' . $imdbInfo->getReleaseYear() . ')';
         } else {
             $movieReleaseDate = '';
         # else
          * Add movie title to the query
         $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:OR:+\"" . $imdbInfo->getTitle() . "\" " . $movieReleaseDate;
         // imdb sometimes returns the title translated, if so, pass the original title as well
         if ($imdbInfo->getAlternateTitle() != null) {
             $searchParams['value'][] = "Title:=:OR:+\"" . $imdbInfo->getAlternateTitle() . "\" " . $movieReleaseDate;
         # if
     } elseif (!empty($this->_params['q'])) {
         $searchTerm = str_replace(" ", " +", $this->_params['q']);
         $searchParams['value'][] = "Titel:=:OR:+" . $searchTerm;
     # elseif
      * When a user added a maximum age for queries, convert it to
      * a Spotweb query as well
     if ($this->_params['maxage'] != "" && is_numeric($this->_params['maxage'])) {
         $searchParams['value'][] = "date:>:DEF:-" . $this->_params['maxage'] . "days";
     # if
      * We combine the "newznabapi" categories, with a custom extension for
      * categories so we can filter deeper than the newznab API can per default
     $tmpCat = array();
     foreach (explode(",", $this->_params['cat']) as $category) {
         $tmpCat[] = $this->nabcat2spotcat($category);
     # foreach
     $searchParams['tree'] = implode(",", $tmpCat) . ',' . $this->_params['spotcat'];
      * Do not retrieve spots with a filesize of zero (these are very old spots,
      * which have no NZB linked to it) as they are useless for a API consumer
     $searchParams['value'][] = "filesize:>:DEF:0";
      * Gather the preference of the results per page and use it in this
      * system as well when no value is explicitly provided
     if (!empty($this->_params['limit']) && is_numeric($this->_params['limit']) && $this->_params['limit'] < 500) {
         $limit = $this->_params['limit'];
     } else {
         $limit = $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'];
     # else
     if (!empty($this->_params['offset']) && is_numeric($this->_params['offset'])) {
         $pageNr = $this->_params['offset'];
     } else {
         $pageNr = 0;
     # else
      * We get a bunch of query parameters, so now change this to the actual
      * search query the user requested including the required sorting
     $svcUserFilter = new Services_User_Filters($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
     $svcSearchQp = new Services_Search_QueryParser($this->_daoFactory->getConnection());
     $parsedSearch = $svcSearchQp->filterToQuery($searchParams, array('field' => 'stamp', 'direction' => 'DESC'), $this->_currentSession, $svcUserFilter->getIndexFilter($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']));
      * Actually fetch the spots, we always perform
      * this action even when the watchlist is editted
     $svcProvSpotList = new Services_Providers_SpotList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao());
     $spotsTmp = $svcProvSpotList->fetchSpotList($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], $pageNr, $limit, $parsedSearch);
     $this->showResults($spotsTmp, $pageNr * $limit, $outputtype);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function render()
     # Make sure the proper permissions are met
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spotdetail, '');
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spots_index, '');
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_rssfeed, '');
     $nzbhandling = $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['nzbhandling'];
     # Don't allow the RSS feed to be cached
      * Transform the query parameters to a list of filters, fields, 
      * sortings, etc.
     $svcUserFilter = new Services_User_Filters($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
     $svcSearchQp = new Services_Search_QueryParser($this->_daoFactory->getConnection());
     $parsedSearch = $svcSearchQp->filterToQuery($this->_params['search'], array('field' => $this->_params['sortby'], 'direction' => $this->_params['sortdir']), $this->_currentSession, $svcUserFilter->getIndexFilter($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']));
      * Actually fetch the spots
     $pageNr = $this->_params['page'];
     $svcProvSpotList = new Services_Providers_SpotList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao());
     $spotsTmp = $svcProvSpotList->fetchSpotList($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], $pageNr, $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'], $parsedSearch);
     # Create an XML document for RSS
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $doc->formatOutput = true;
     $rss = $doc->createElement('rss');
     $rss->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
     $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:atom', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
     $atomSelfLink = $doc->createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom', 'atom10:link');
     $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('href', html_entity_decode($this->_tplHelper->makeSelfUrl("full")));
     $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('rel', 'self');
     $atomSelfLink->setAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml');
     $channel = $doc->createElement('channel');
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('generator', 'Spotweb v' . SPOTWEB_VERSION));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('language', 'nl'));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', 'Spotweb'));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('description', 'Spotweb RSS Feed'));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_tplHelper->makeBaseUrl("full")));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('webMaster', $this->_currentSession['user']['mail'] . ' (' . $this->_currentSession['user']['firstname'] . ' ' . $this->_currentSession['user']['lastname'] . ')'));
     $channel->appendChild($doc->createElement('pubDate', date('r')));
     # Retrieve full spots so we can show images for spots etc.
     foreach ($spotsTmp['list'] as $spotHeaders) {
         try {
             $spot = $this->_tplHelper->getFullSpot($spotHeaders['messageid'], false);
              * We supress the error by using this ugly operator simply because the library
              * sometimes gives an notice and we cannot be bothered to fix it, but it does
              * give an incorrect and unusable RSS feed
             $spot = @$this->_tplHelper->formatSpot($spot);
             $title = str_replace(array('<', '>', '&'), array('&#x3C;', '&#x3E;', '&amp;'), $spot['title']);
             $poster = empty($spot['spotterid']) ? $spot['poster'] : $spot['poster'] . " (" . $spot['spotterid'] . ")";
             $guid = $doc->createElement('guid', $spot['messageid']);
             $guid->setAttribute('isPermaLink', 'false');
             $description = $doc->createElement('description');
             $descriptionCdata = $doc->createCDATASection($spot['description'] . '<br /><font color="#ca0000">Door: ' . $poster . '</font>');
             $item = $doc->createElement('item');
             $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('title', $title));
             $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('link', $this->_tplHelper->makeBaseUrl("full") . '?page=getspot&amp;messageid=' . urlencode($spot['messageid']) . $this->_tplHelper->makeApiRequestString()));
             $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('author', $spot['messageid'] . ' (' . $poster . ')'));
             $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('pubDate', date('r', $spot['stamp'])));
             $item->appendChild($doc->createElement('category', SpotCategories::HeadCat2Desc($spot['category']) . ': ' . SpotCategories::Cat2ShortDesc($spot['category'], $spot['subcata'])));
             $enclosure = $doc->createElement('enclosure');
             $enclosure->setAttribute('url', html_entity_decode($this->_tplHelper->makeNzbUrl($spot)));
             $enclosure->setAttribute('length', $spot['filesize']);
             switch ($nzbhandling['prepare_action']) {
                 case 'zip':
                     $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/zip');
                     $enclosure->setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nzb');
             # switch
         } catch (Exception $x) {
             // Article not found. ignore.
         # catch
     # foreach
     # Output XML
     echo $doc->saveXML();
Exemplo n.º 4
 function render()
     SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     # Give an page title
     $this->_pageTitle = _("overview");
      * Make sure the user has the appropriate permissions
     $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spots_index, '');
      * When the user wants to perform a search, it needs specific search rights
      * as well
     if (!empty($this->_params['search'])) {
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_perform_search, '');
     # if
      * We get a bunch of query parameters, so now change this to the actual
      * search query the user requested including the required sorting
     $svcUserFilter = new Services_User_Filters($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings);
     $svcSearchQp = new Services_Search_QueryParser($this->_daoFactory->getConnection());
     $parsedSearch = $svcSearchQp->filterToQuery($this->_params['search'], array('field' => $this->_params['sortby'], 'direction' => $this->_params['sortdir']), $this->_currentSession, $svcUserFilter->getIndexFilter($this->_currentSession['user']['userid']));
      * If any specific action was chosen, we perform that as well
     if (isset($parsedSearch['filterValueList'][0]['fieldname']) && $parsedSearch['filterValueList'][0]['fieldname'] == "Watch") {
         # Make sure the appropriate permissions are set
         $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_watchlist, '');
         $svcSpotStateListDao = new Services_Actions_SpotStateList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotStateListDao());
         switch ($this->_action) {
             case 'remove':
                 $svcSpotStateListDao->removeFromWatchList($this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
                 $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
                 $spotsNotifications->sendWatchlistHandled($this->_action, $this->_params['messageid']);
             case 'add':
                 $svcSpotStateListDao->addToWatchList($this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']);
                 $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_daoFactory, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession);
                 $spotsNotifications->sendWatchlistHandled($this->_action, $this->_params['messageid']);
         # switch
     # if
      * Get the offset from the URL, if none given, we default to zero
     $pageNr = $this->_params['pagenr'];
      * Actually fetch the spots, we always perform
      * this action even when the watchlist is editted
     $svcProvSpotList = new Services_Providers_SpotList($this->_daoFactory->getSpotDao());
     $spotsTmp = $svcProvSpotList->fetchSpotList($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], $pageNr, $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'], $parsedSearch);
      * If we are on the first page, we want to pass '-1' as the previous page,
      * so the templates can deduce we are on the first page.
      * If there are no more spots, make sure we don't show
      * the nextpage link
     if ($spotsTmp['hasmore']) {
         $nextPage = $pageNr + 1;
     } else {
         $nextPage = -1;
     # else
     $prevPage = max($pageNr - 1, -1);
     #- display stuff -#
     $this->template('spots', array('spots' => $spotsTmp['list'], 'quicklinks' => $this->_settings->get('quicklinks'), 'filters' => $svcUserFilter->getFilterList($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], 'filter'), 'nextPage' => $nextPage, 'prevPage' => $prevPage, 'parsedsearch' => $parsedSearch, 'data' => $this->_params['data']));
     SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);