public function myStreams() { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/ServiceModel.php'; $serviceModel = new ServiceModel(); $params = array('entries' => $serviceModel->fetchEntries()); return $this->view->partial('_my_streams.phtml', $params); }
public function run() { $services = array(array('category' => '', 'staff_id' => 0, 'order' => 0, 'name' => "BLOCKED", 'price' => 0, 'occurrences' => 1, 'duration' => 0, 'user_limit' => 0), array('category' => 'lesson', 'staff_id' => 1, 'order' => 1, 'name' => "Private Lesson", 'price' => '125', 'occurrences' => 1, 'duration' => 60, 'user_limit' => 1), array('category' => 'lesson', 'staff_id' => 1, 'order' => 2, 'name' => "9-hole Playing Lesson", 'price' => '275', 'occurrences' => 1, 'duration' => 180, 'user_limit' => 1), array('category' => 'lesson', 'staff_id' => 1, 'order' => 3, 'name' => "Performance Series (3 Months)", 'price' => '70', 'occurrences' => 12, 'occurrences_schedule' => 7, 'duration' => 60, 'user_limit' => 1), array('category' => 'lesson', 'staff_id' => 1, 'order' => 4, 'name' => "Performance Series (6 Months)", 'price' => '65', 'occurrences' => 24, 'occurrences_schedule' => 7, 'duration' => 60, 'user_limit' => 1), array('category' => 'lesson', 'staff_id' => 1, 'order' => 5, 'name' => "Performance Series (12 Months)", 'price' => '60', 'occurrences' => 48, 'occurrences_schedule' => 7, 'duration' => 60, 'user_limit' => 1)); foreach ($services as $service) { ServiceModel::create($service); } }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { // Get all the lesson services $services = ServiceModel::getCategory('lesson')->get(); foreach ($services as $service) { $service->slug = ''; $service->save(); } }
public function findMastersAdminFilter($category = 0, $city_id = 0, $country_id = 0, $sex = 0, $blocked = 0, $activated = 0, $checked = 0, $sort_field = "id", $sort_dir = "ASC", $find_string = "", $limit = 20, $page = 0) { $find_sql = " 1=1 "; if ($city_id > 0) { $find_sql .= " AND User.city_id = " . $city_id . ""; } if ($country_id > 0) { $find_sql .= " AND User.country_id = " . $country_id . ""; } if ($sex == "1") { $find_sql .= " AND = 1 "; } if ($sex == "2") { $find_sql .= " AND = 2 "; } if ($blocked == 3) { $find_sql .= " AND User.status = 3 "; } if ($checked == 1) { $find_sql .= " AND User.data_status = 0 "; } if ($checked == 2) { $find_sql .= " AND User.data_status = 1 "; } if ($activated == 1) { $find_sql .= " AND User.status >= 1 "; } if ($activated == 2) { $find_sql .= " AND User.status = 0 "; } $create_uid_sql = ""; if ($category > 0) { App::import('model', 'Categories'); $cats = new Categories(); $cats->findRecursiveCategoriesByCategoryId($category); $subcat = $cats->ids; $subcat[] = $category; if (count($subcat) > 0) { App::import('model', 'ServiceModel'); $services_model = new ServiceModel(); $services_ids = array(); foreach ($subcat as $cat) { $services_by_cats = $services_model->find('all', array('conditions' => array('category_id' => $cat))); foreach ($services_by_cats as $service) { $s_id = $service['services']['id']; if (!in_array($s_id, $services_ids)) { $services_ids[] = $s_id; } } } if (count($services_ids) > 0) { $services_users_ids = array(); App::import('model', 'Servicetouser'); $servicetouser = new Servicetouser(); foreach ($services_ids as $s_id) { $result = $servicetouser->find('all', array('conditions' => array('service_id' => $s_id))); foreach ($result as $user) { $master_id = $user['service_to_users']['user_id']; if (!in_array($master_id, $services_users_ids)) { $services_users_ids[] = $master_id; } } } $uid_count = count($services_users_ids); if ($uid_count > 0) { $create_uid_sql .= " AND ("; $c = 0; foreach ($services_users_ids as $u_id) { $c++; if ($c == 1) { $create_uid_sql .= " = {$u_id} "; } else { $create_uid_sql .= " OR = {$u_id} "; } } $create_uid_sql .= ") "; } } } } if (!empty($find_string)) { $find_string = mb_strtolower($find_string); $find_string_sql = " AND firstname LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " lastname LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " about_me LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " education LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " specialization LIKE '%{$find_string}%'"; } else { $find_string_sql = ""; } if (empty($create_uid_sql) and $category > 0) { //если поиск мастера по категориям ничего не дал - возвращается пустой массив return $result = array(0, 0); } else { if ($page <= 0 or !is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } $limit_page = $limit * ($page - 1); $order_sql = " ORDER BY {$sort_field} {$sort_dir} LIMIT {$limit_page}, {$limit}"; $query = "SELECT * FROM users AS User WHERE " . $find_sql . $find_string_sql . $create_uid_sql . $order_sql; //echo $query; $result_page = $this->query($query); $query_total = "SELECT count(*) AS t_count FROM users AS User WHERE " . $find_sql . $find_string_sql . $create_uid_sql; //echo $query_total; $result_total = $this->query($query_total); return array($result_total[0][0]['t_count'], $result_page); } }
<?php @(include 'phplifestream-conf.php'); defined('BOOTSTRAP_FILE') or define('BOOTSTRAP_FILE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap_cron.php'); require_once BOOTSTRAP_FILE; require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/ServiceModel.php'; require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/StreamModel.php'; set_time_limit(0); $logger = Zend_Registry::get('logger'); $logger->info('Started aggregate job'); $serviceModel = new ServiceModel(); $streamModel = new StreamModel(); foreach ($serviceModel->aggregate() as $entry) { try { // Kinda hacky, but keep it like this til we have a better plan if (isset($entry['categories'])) { $entry['tags'] = $entry['categories']; unset($entry['categories']); } $streamModel->add($entry); } catch (DuplicateStreamEntryException $e) { // We dont care about this here. } catch (Exception $e) { $logger->info('Got exception ' . $e->getMessage() . '(' . get_class($e) . ')'); } } $logger->info('Finished aggregate job');
public function dadosservicesAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $page = $this->_request->getParam("page", 1); $limit = $this->_request->getParam("rows"); $sidx = $this->_request->getParam("sidx", 1); $sord = $this->_request->getParam("sord"); $cdequipment = $this->_request->getParam("cdequipment"); $servicesModel = new ServiceModel(); $supplierModel = new SupplierModel(); /* DADOS DOS PARÂMETROS */ $servicesEquip = $servicesModel->getServices($cdequipment); $count = count($servicesEquip); if ($count > 0 && $limit != 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $response = new stdClass(); $response->page = $page; $response->total = $total_pages; $response->records = $count; $i = 0; foreach ($servicesEquip as $row) { if ($row->fgservicetype == '1') { $nmservicetype = "Calibração"; } else { $nmservicetype = "Manutenção"; } $value = new Zend_Date($row->dtservice, 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); $value = $value->toString('dd-MM-YYYY'); /* DADOS DOS FORNECEDORES */ $servicesSupplier = $supplierModel->getSupplierByCd($row->cdsupplier); $response->rows[$i]['cell'] = array($row->cdservice, $row->cdsupplier, $row->fgservicetype, $servicesSupplier->nmsupplier, $nmservicetype, $value); $i++; } $this->view->dadosservices = $response; }
public function findOrdersAdminFilter($category = 0, $city_id = 0, $country_id = 0, $master_status = "all", $admin_status = 'all', $payed = "all", $sort_field = "id", $sort_dir = "ASC", $find_string = "", $limit = 20, $page = 0) { $find_sql = " 1=1 "; if ($city_id > 0) { $find_sql .= " AND `Order`.city_id = " . $city_id . ""; } if ($country_id > 0) { $find_sql .= " AND `Order`.country_id = " . $country_id . ""; } if ($payed !== "all") { $find_sql .= " AND `Order`.`payed` = '{$payed}' "; } if ($admin_status !== "all") { $find_sql .= " AND `Order`.status = '{$admin_status}' "; } if ($master_status !== "all") { $find_sql .= " AND IN (SELECT order_id FROM user_orders AS MasterOrder WHERE `MasterOrder`.status = '{$master_status}') "; } //if ($activated == 2) $find_sql .= " AND User.status = 0 "; $create_uid_sql = ""; if ($category > 0) { App::import('model', 'Categories'); $cats = new Categories(); $cats->findRecursiveCategoriesByCategoryId($category); $subcat = $cats->ids; $subcat[] = $category; if (count($subcat) > 0) { App::import('model', 'ServiceModel'); $services_model = new ServiceModel(); $services_ids = array(); foreach ($subcat as $cat) { $services_by_cats = $services_model->find('all', array('conditions' => array('category_id' => $cat))); foreach ($services_by_cats as $service) { $s_id = $service['services']['id']; if (!in_array($s_id, $services_ids)) { $services_ids[] = $s_id; } } } if (count($services_ids) > 0) { $create_uid_sql .= " AND ("; $c = 0; foreach ($services_ids as $s_id) { $c++; if ($c == 1) { $create_uid_sql .= "`Order`.service_id = {$s_id} "; } else { $create_uid_sql .= " OR `Order`.service_id = {$s_id} "; } } $create_uid_sql .= ") "; } } } if (!empty($find_string)) { $find_string = mb_strtolower($find_string); $find_string_sql = " AND\n\t\t\t\t\t`Order`.name LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " `Order`.phone LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " `Order`.mail LIKE '%{$find_string}%' OR " . " `Order`.text LIKE '%{$find_string}%'"; } else { $find_string_sql = ""; } if (empty($create_uid_sql) and $category > 0) { //если поиск заявки по категориям ничего не дал - возвращается пустой массив //die(1); return $result = array(0, 0); } else { if ($page <= 0 or !is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } $limit_page = $limit * ($page - 1); if ($sort_field == "modified") { $order_table = 'order_actions'; } else { $order_table = 'Order'; } $order_sql = " ORDER BY `{$order_table}`.{$sort_field} {$sort_dir} LIMIT {$limit_page}, {$limit}"; $query = "SELECT *, (SELECT max('created') FROM order_actions LIMIT 1) AS last_ops FROM `orders` AS `Order`\n\t\t\t WHERE " . $find_sql . $find_string_sql . $create_uid_sql . $order_sql; //echo $query; $result_page = $this->query($query); $query_total = "SELECT count(*) AS t_count FROM `orders` AS `Order`\n\n\t\t\tWHERE " . $find_sql . $find_string_sql . $create_uid_sql; //echo $query_total; $result_total = $this->query($query_total); $t_count = $result_total[0][0]['t_count'] ? $result_total[0][0]['t_count'] : 0; return array($t_count, $result_page); } }