Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function doSearch(PostArrayAdapter $params)
      * Параметры
     $process = $params->int('process');
     $action = $params->int('action');
     $actionParent = $params->int('parent_action');
     $dateFrom = $params->int('date_from');
     $dateTo = $params->int('date_to');
      * Запрос
     $what[] = 'id_rec';
     $what[] = 'concat(ifnull(id_user, ""), concat("/", id_user_authed)) as user_authed';
     $what[] = 'dt_event';
     $what[] = 'n_action';
     $what[] = 'v_data';
     $what[] = 'b_encoded';
     $where['id_process'] = $process;
     if ($actionParent) {
         $where['id_rec_parent'] = $actionParent;
     if ($action) {
         $where['n_action'] = $action;
     if ($dateFrom) {
         $where[] = Query::assocParam('dt_event', $dateFrom, true, '>=');
     if ($dateTo) {
         $where[] = Query::assocParam('dt_event', $dateTo, true, '<=');
     $order = 'dt_event asc, id_rec asc';
     $limit = 500;
      * Работа с данными
     $query = Query::select($what, 'ps_audit', $where, null, $order, $limit);
     $result = PSDB::getArray($query);
     foreach ($result as &$row) {
         //Декодируем действие
         $row['n_action'] = BaseAudit::getByCode($process)->decodeAction($row['n_action'], false);
         //Декодируем данные
         $encoded = 1 * $row['b_encoded'];
         if ($encoded) {
             $row['v_data'] = print_r(BaseAudit::decodeData($row['v_data']), true);
     $results = new SearchResults($result, $query);
     $results->addSetting('v_data', SearchResults::COL_PRE);
     $results->addSetting('n_action', SearchResults::COL_NOWRAP);
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public function find($strQuery, $blnExact = false)
        global $_CONF;
        //*** Set query property.
        $objReturn = new SearchResults();
        $strQuery = str_replace("*", "%", $strQuery);
        //*** Convert query to stem.
        $arrWords = array_values($this->stemPhrase($strQuery));
        $intWordCount = count($arrWords);
        //*** Query does not validate.
        if (!$arrWords) {
            return $objReturn;
        //*** Set query property.
        $strSql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT pcms_search_index.elementId, COUNT(pcms_search_index.id) as word,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(pcms_search_index.count) as count FROM pcms_search_index, pcms_element WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tpcms_search_index.elementId = pcms_element.id AND\n\t\t\t\t\tpcms_element.accountId = '%s' AND ", quote_smart($_CONF['app']['account']->getId()));
        $strSql .= '(' . implode(' OR ', array_fill(0, $intWordCount, '?')) . ')
					GROUP BY pcms_search_index.elementId';
        //*** AND query?
        if ($blnExact) {
            $strSql .= ' HAVING word = ' . $intWordCount;
        $strSql .= ' ORDER BY word DESC, count DESC';
        //*** Inject the search words into the query.
        $arrSql = explode('?', $strSql);
        $strTempSql = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $intWordCount; $i++) {
            $equal = stripos($arrWords[$i], "%") !== false ? "LIKE" : "=";
            $strTempSql .= $arrSql[$i] . "word {$equal} '" . $arrWords[$i] . "'";
        $strTempSql .= $arrSql[$i];
        //*** Query the database.
        $objSearchIndexes = SearchIndex::select($strTempSql);
        foreach ($objSearchIndexes as $objSearchIndex) {
            $objElement = Element::selectByPk($objSearchIndex->getElementId());
            if (!isset($intMaxWeight)) {
                $intMaxWeight = $objSearchIndex->getCount();
            if (!isset($intMaxCount)) {
                $intMaxCount = $objSearchIndex->getWord();
            $intRatio = round(100 / ($intMaxWeight * $intMaxCount) * $objSearchIndex->getCount() * $objSearchIndex->getWord());
            $objSearchResult = new SearchResult();
            $objSearchResult->id = $objSearchIndex->getElementId();
            $objSearchResult->name = $objElement->getName();
            $objSearchResult->value = $objElement->getDescription();
            $objSearchResult->ratio = $intRatio;
        return $objReturn;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * [nearestNeighbour description]
  * @param  Node          $node        [description]
  * @param  Point         $originPoint [description]
  * @param  SearchResults $results     [description]
  * @param  integer       $depth       [description]
  * @return [type]                     [description]
 public static function nearestNeighbour(Node $node, Point $originPoint, SearchResults $results, $depth = 0)
     $numDimensions = $originPoint->getNumDimensions();
     $axis = $depth % $numDimensions;
     $originToNodeDistance = self::euclidianDistance($originPoint, $node->getPoint());
     $results->insertResult($node, $originToNodeDistance);
     $originNodeSplittingCoordinate = $originPoint[$axis];
     $currentNodeSplittingCoordinate = $node->getPoint()[$axis];
     $searchDirection = $originNodeSplittingCoordinate < $currentNodeSplittingCoordinate ? 'left' : 'right';
     switch ($searchDirection) {
         case 'left':
             $targetNode = $node->getLeftChild();
             $oppositeNode = $node->getRightChild();
         case 'right':
             $targetNode = $node->getRightChild();
             $oppositeNode = $node->getLeftChild();
     if ($targetNode) {
         self::nearestNeighbour($targetNode, $originPoint, $results, $depth + 1);
     if ($oppositeNode) {
         $tempSearchPoint = new Point();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numDimensions; $i++) {
             if ($i == $axis) {
                 $tempSearchPoint[$i] = $node->getPoint()[$i];
             } else {
                 if ($originPoint[$i] <= $oppositeNode->getHyperRectangle()[$i]['min']) {
                     $tempSearchPoint[$i] = $oppositeNode->getHyperRectangle()[$i]['min'];
                 } elseif ($originPoint[$i] < $oppositeNode->getHyperRectangle()[$i]['max']) {
                     $tempSearchPoint[$i] = $originPoint[$i];
                 } else {
                     $tempSearchPoint[$i] = $oppositeNode->getHyperRectangle()[$i]['max'];
         $tempDistance = self::euclidianDistance($tempSearchPoint, $originPoint);
         if ($tempDistance <= $results->getLastResultDistance()) {
             self::nearestNeighbour($oppositeNode, $originPoint, $results, $depth + 1);
 public function getMemberAdvertisements($memberID, $currentPage, $pagingAmount, $dbConnection)
     $advertisementSearchResults = null;
     $advertisementSkeletons = null;
     try {
         //Construct Search Parameter object
         $advertisementSearchParameters = new SearchParameters();
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::CURRENT_PAGE_ID, $currentPage);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::PAGING_AMOUNT_ID, $pagingAmount);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(AdvertisementSearchConstants::MEMBER_INPUT_ID, $memberID);
         $advertisementCount = AdvertisementSearchDao::getSearchAdvertisementsCount($advertisementSearchParameters, $dbConnection);
         $advertisementSkeletons = AdvertisementSearchDao::searchAdvertisements($advertisementSearchParameters, $dbConnection);
         $advertisementSearchResults = new SearchResults();
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SEARCH_PARAMETERS, $advertisementSearchParameters);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SKELETONS, $advertisementSkeletons);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::COUNT, $advertisementCount);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::PAGE_COUNT, ceil($advertisementCount / $pagingAmount));
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $advertisementSearchResults = null;
         echo 'Caught exception: ' . $ex->getMessage();
     return $advertisementSearchResults;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function loader($workflow = false)
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_products')) {
     add_screen_option('per_page', array('label' => __('Products Per Page', 'Shopp'), 'default' => 20, 'option' => 'edit_' . ShoppProduct::$posttype . '_per_page'));
     $per_page_option = get_current_screen()->get_option('per_page');
     $defaults = array('cat' => false, 'paged' => 1, 'per_page' => $per_page_option['default'], 's' => '', 'sl' => '', 'matchcol' => '', 'view' => $this->view, 'is_inventory' => false, 'is_trash' => false, 'is_bestselling' => false, 'categories_menu' => false, 'inventory_menu' => false, 'lowstock' => 0, 'columns' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', 'where' => array(), 'joins' => array());
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_GET);
     if (false !== ($user_per_page = get_user_option($per_page_option['option']))) {
         $args['per_page'] = $user_per_page;
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $url = ShoppAdminController::url($_GET);
     $subs = array('all' => array('label' => Shopp::__('All'), 'where' => array("p.post_status!='trash'")), 'published' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Published'), 'where' => array("p.post_status='publish'")), 'drafts' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Drafts'), 'where' => array("p.post_status='draft'")), 'onsale' => array('label' => Shopp::__('On Sale'), 'where' => array("s.sale='on' AND p.post_status != 'trash'")), 'featured' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Featured'), 'where' => array("s.featured='on' AND p.post_status != 'trash'")), 'bestselling' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Bestselling'), 'where' => array("p.post_status!='trash'", BestsellerProducts::threshold() . " < s.sold"), 'order' => 'bestselling'), 'inventory' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Inventory'), 'where' => array("s.inventory='on' AND p.post_status != 'trash'")), 'trash' => array('label' => Shopp::__('Trash'), 'where' => array("p.post_status='trash'")));
     if (!shopp_setting_enabled('inventory')) {
     switch ($view) {
         case 'inventory':
             if (shopp_setting_enabled('inventory')) {
                 $is_inventory = true;
             } else {
                 Shopp::redirect(add_query_arg('view', null, $url), true);
         case 'trash':
             $is_trash = true;
         case 'bestselling':
             $is_bestselling = true;
     if ($is_inventory) {
         $per_page = 50;
     $pagenum = absint($paged);
     $start = $per_page * ($pagenum - 1);
     $where = $subs[$this->view]['where'];
     if (!empty($s)) {
         $SearchResults = new SearchResults(array('search' => $s, 'nostock' => 'on', 'published' => 'off', 'paged' => -1));
         $ids = array_keys($SearchResults->products);
         $where[] = "p.ID IN (" . join(',', $ids) . ")";
     if (!empty($cat)) {
         global $wpdb;
         $joins[$wpdb->term_relationships] = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr ON (p.ID=tr.object_id)";
         $joins[$wpdb->term_taxonomy] = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.term_id={$cat})";
         if (-1 == $cat) {
             $joins[$wpdb->term_relationships] = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr ON (p.ID=tr.object_id)";
             $where[] = 'tr.object_id IS NULL';
     // Detect custom taxonomies
     $taxonomies = array_intersect(get_object_taxonomies(ShoppProduct::$posttype), array_keys($_GET));
     if (!empty($taxonomies)) {
         foreach ($taxonomies as $n => $taxonomy) {
             global $wpdb;
             $term = get_term_by('slug', $_GET[$taxonomy], $taxonomy);
             if (!empty($term->term_id)) {
                 $joins[$wpdb->term_relationships . '_' . $n] = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr{$n} ON (p.ID=tr{$n}.object_id)";
                 $joins[$wpdb->term_taxonomy . '_' . $n] = "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt{$n} ON (tr{$n}.term_taxonomy_id=tt{$n}.term_taxonomy_id AND tt{$n}.term_id={$term->term_id})";
     if (!empty($sl) && shopp_setting_enabled('inventory')) {
         switch ($sl) {
             case "ns":
                 foreach ($where as &$w) {
                     $w = str_replace("s.inventory='on'", "s.inventory='off'", $w);
                 $where[] = "s.inventory='off'";
             case "oos":
                 $where[] = "(s.inventory='on' AND s.stock = 0)";
             case "ls":
                 $ls = shopp_setting('lowstock_level');
                 if (empty($ls)) {
                     $ls = '0';
                 $where[] = "(s.inventory='on' AND s.lowstock != 'none')";
             case "is":
                 $where[] = "(s.inventory='on' AND s.stock > 0)";
     $lowstock = shopp_setting('lowstock_level');
     // Setup queries
     $pd = WPDatabaseObject::tablename(ShoppProduct::$table);
     $pt = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(ShoppPrice::$table);
     $ps = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(ProductSummary::$table);
     $orderdirs = array('asc', 'desc');
     if (in_array($order, $orderdirs)) {
         $orderd = strtolower($order);
     } else {
         $orderd = 'asc';
     if (isset($subs[$this->view]['order'])) {
         $order = $subs[$this->view]['order'];
     $ordercols = '';
     switch ($orderby) {
         case 'name':
             $order = 'title';
             if ('desc' == $orderd) {
                 $order = 'reverse';
         case 'price':
             $order = 'lowprice';
             if ('desc' == $orderd) {
                 $order = 'highprice';
         case 'date':
             $order = 'newest';
             if ('desc' == $orderd) {
                 $order = 'oldest';
         case 'sold':
             $ordercols = 's.sold ' . $orderd;
         case 'gross':
             $ordercols = 's.grossed ' . $orderd;
         case 'inventory':
             $ordercols = 's.stock ' . $orderd;
         case 'sku':
             $ordercols = 'pt.sku ' . $orderd;
     if (in_array($this->view, array('onsale', 'featured', 'inventory'))) {
         $joins[$ps] = "INNER JOIN {$ps} AS s ON p.ID=s.product";
     $loading = array('where' => $where, 'joins' => $joins, 'limit' => "{$start},{$per_page}", 'load' => array('categories', 'coverimages'), 'published' => false, 'order' => $order, 'nostock' => true);
     if (!empty($ordercols)) {
         $loading['orderby'] = $ordercols;
     if ($is_inventory) {
         // Override for inventory products
         $where[] = "(pt.context='product' OR pt.context='variation') AND pt.type != 'N/A'";
         $loading = array('columns' => "pt.id AS stockid,IF(pt.context='variation',CONCAT(p.post_title,': ',pt.label),p.post_title) AS post_title,pt.sku AS sku,pt.stock AS stock", 'joins' => array_merge(array($pt => "LEFT JOIN {$pt} AS pt ON p.ID=pt.product"), $joins), 'where' => $where, 'groupby' => 'pt.id', 'orderby' => str_replace('s.', 'pt.', $ordercols), 'limit' => "{$start},{$per_page}", 'nostock' => true, 'published' => false);
     // Override loading product meta and limiting by pagination in the workflow list
     if ($workflow) {
         $loading['ids'] = true;
         $loading['pagination'] = false;
         $loading['load'] = array();
     $this->products = new ProductCollection();
     // Overpagination protection, redirect to page 1 if the requested page doesn't exist
     $num_pages = ceil($this->products->total / $per_page);
     if ($paged > 1 && $paged > $num_pages) {
         Shopp::redirect(add_query_arg('paged', null, $url));
     // Return a list of product keys for workflow list requests
     if ($workflow) {
         return $this->products->worklist();
     // Get sub-screen counts
     $subcounts = Shopp::cache_get('shopp_product_subcounts', 'shopp_admin');
     if ($subcounts) {
         foreach ($subcounts as $name => $total) {
             if (isset($subs[$name])) {
                 $subs[$name]['total'] = $total;
     } else {
         $subcounts = array();
         foreach ($subs as $name => &$subquery) {
             $subquery['total'] = 0;
             $query = array('columns' => "count(*) AS total", 'table' => "{$pd} as p", 'joins' => array(), 'where' => array());
             $query = array_merge($query, $subquery);
             $query['where'][] = "p.post_type='shopp_product'";
             if (in_array($name, array('onsale', 'bestselling', 'featured', 'inventory'))) {
                 $query['joins'][$ps] = "INNER JOIN {$ps} AS s ON p.ID=s.product";
             $query = sDB::select($query);
             $subquery['total'] = sDB::query($query, 'auto', 'col', 'total');
             $subcounts[$name] = $subquery['total'];
         Shopp::cache_set('shopp_product_subcounts', $subcounts, 'shopp_admin');
     $this->subs = $subs;
Exemplo n.º 6
	 * Interface processor for the product list manager
	 * @return void
	function products ($workflow=false) {
		global $Ecart,$Products;
		$db = DB::get();
		$Settings = &EcartSettings();

		if ( !(is_ecart_userlevel() || current_user_can('ecart_products')) )
			wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));

		$defaults = array(
			'cat' => false,
			'pagenum' => 1,
			'per_page' => 20,
			's' => '',
			'sl' => '',
			'matchcol' => '',
			'f' => ''

		$args = array_merge($defaults,$_GET);

		if (!$workflow) {
			if (empty($categories)) $categories = array('');

			$category_table = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table);
			$query = "SELECT id,name,parent FROM $category_table ORDER BY parent,name";
			$categories = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY);
			$categories = sort_tree($categories);
			if (empty($categories)) $categories = array();

			$categories_menu = '<option value="">'.__('View all categories','Ecart').'</option>';
			$categories_menu .= '<option value="-"'.($cat=='-'?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.__('Uncategorized','Ecart').'</option>';
			foreach ($categories as $category) {
				$padding = str_repeat("&nbsp;",$category->depth*3);
				if ($cat == $category->id) $categories_menu .= '<option value="'.$category->id.'" selected="selected">'.$padding.esc_html($category->name).'</option>';
				else $categories_menu .= '<option value="'.$category->id.'">'.$padding.esc_html($category->name).'</option>';
			$inventory_filters = array(
				'all' => __('View all products','Ecart'),
				'is' => __('In stock','Ecart'),
				'ls' => __('Low stock','Ecart'),
				'oos' => __('Out-of-stock','Ecart'),
				'ns' => __('Not stocked','Ecart')
			$inventory_menu = menuoptions($inventory_filters,$sl,true);

		$subfilters = array('f' => 'featured','p' => 'published','s' => 'onsale','i' => 'inventory');
		$subs = array(
			'all' => array('label' => __('All','Ecart'),'columns' => "count(distinct pd.id) AS total",'where'=>'true'),
			'published' => array('label' => __('Published','Ecart'),'total' => 0,'columns' => "count(distinct pd.id) AS total",'where'=>"pd.status='publish'",'request' => 'p'),
			'onsale' => array('label' => __('On Sale','Ecart'),'total' => 0,'columns' => "count(distinct pd.id) AS total",'where'=>"pt.sale='on'",'request' => 's'),
			'featured' => array('label' => __('Featured','Ecart'),'total' => 0,'columns' => "count(distinct pd.id) AS total",'where'=>"pd.featured='on'",'request' => 'f'),
			'inventory' => array('label' => __('Inventory','Ecart'),'total' => 0,'columns' => "count(distinct pt.id) AS total",'where'=>"pt.inventory='on' AND pt.type!='N/A'",'grouping'=>'pt.id','request' => 'i')

		if ('i' == $f) $per_page = 50;

		$pagenum = absint( $pagenum );
		if ( empty($pagenum) )
			$pagenum = 1;
		if( !$per_page || $per_page < 0 )
			$per_page = 20;
		$start = ($per_page * ($pagenum-1));

		$pd = DatabaseObject::tablename(Product::$table);
		$pt = DatabaseObject::tablename(Price::$table);
		$catt = DatabaseObject::tablename(Category::$table);
		$clog = DatabaseObject::tablename(Catalog::$table);

		$orderby = "pd.created DESC";

		$where = "true";
		$having = "";
		if (!empty($s)) {
			$products = new SearchResults(array("search"=>$s));
			$ids = array_keys($products->products);
			$where .= " AND pd.id IN (".join(',',$ids).")";
		// if (!empty($cat)) $where .= " AND cat.id='$cat' AND (clog.category != 0 OR clog.id IS NULL)";
		if (!empty($cat)) {
			if ($cat == "-") {
				$having = "HAVING COUNT(cat.id) = 0";
			} else {
				$matchcol .= ", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cat.id ORDER BY cat.id SEPARATOR ',') AS catids";
				$where .= " AND cat.id IN (SELECT parent FROM $clog WHERE parent=$cat AND type='category')";
		if (!empty($sl)) {
			switch($sl) {
				case "ns": $where .= " AND pt.inventory='off'"; break;
				case "oos":
					$where .= " AND (pt.inventory='on')";
					$having .= (empty($having)?"HAVING ":" AND ")."SUM(pt.stock) = 0";
				case "ls":
					$ls = $Settings->get('lowstock_level');
					if (empty($ls)) $ls = '0';
					$where .= " AND (pt.inventory='on' AND pt.stock <= $ls AND pt.stock > 0)";
				case "is": $where .= " AND (pt.inventory='on' AND pt.stock > 0)";

		if (!empty($f))	$where .= " AND ".$subs[$subfilters[$f]]['where'];

		$base = $Settings->get('base_operations');
		if ($base['vat']) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate();
		if (empty($taxrate)) $taxrate = 0;

		if ('i' == $f) {
			$columns = "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS pt.id,pd.id as product,pd.name,pd.slug,pt.label,pt.optionkey,pt.stock,pt.sku";

			// Load the products
			$query = "SELECT $columns $matchcol FROM $pt AS pt LEFT JOIN $pd AS pd ON pd.id=pt.product LEFT JOIN $clog AS clog ON pd.id=clog.product LEFT JOIN $catt AS cat ON cat.id=clog.parent AND clog.type='category' WHERE $where GROUP BY pt.id $having ORDER BY pd.id,pt.sortorder LIMIT $start,$per_page";
			$Products = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY);
			$productcount = $db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total");

		} else {
			$columns = "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS pd.id,pd.name,pd.slug,pd.featured,pd.variations,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cat.name ORDER BY cat.name SEPARATOR ', ') AS categories,
			IF(pt.options=0,IF(pt.tax='off',pt.price,pt.price+(pt.price*$taxrate)),-1) AS mainprice,
			IF(MAX(pt.tax)='off',MAX(pt.price),MAX(pt.price+(pt.price*$taxrate))) AS maxprice,
			IF(MAX(pt.tax)='off',MIN(pt.price),MIN(pt.price+(pt.price*$taxrate))) AS minprice,
			IF(pt.inventory='on','on','off') AS inventory,
			ROUND(SUM(pt.stock)/IF(clog.id IS NULL,1,count(DISTINCT clog.id)),0) AS stock";
			if ($workflow) $columns = "pd.id";

			// Load the products
			$query = "SELECT $columns $matchcol FROM $pd AS pd LEFT JOIN $pt AS pt ON pd.id=pt.product AND pt.type != 'N/A' AND pt.context != 'addon' LEFT JOIN $clog AS clog ON pd.id=clog.product LEFT JOIN $catt AS cat ON cat.id=clog.parent AND clog.type='category' WHERE $where GROUP BY pd.id $having ORDER BY $orderby LIMIT $start,$per_page";
			$Products = $db->query($query,AS_ARRAY);

			$productcount = $db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total");


		foreach ($subs as $name => &$subquery) {
			if ($name == "all") { $subquery['total'] = (int)$productcount->total; continue; }
			$columns = $subquery['columns'];
			if (!empty($f)) $where = str_replace(" AND ".$subs[$subfilters[$f]]['where'],"",$where);
			$w = ($where == "true")?$subquery['where']:"$where AND ({$subquery['where']})";
			$category_join = (strpos($w,"type='category'") !== false)?"LEFT JOIN $clog AS clog ON pd.id=clog.product LEFT JOIN $catt AS cat ON cat.id=clog.parent AND clog.type='category'":"";

			$grouping = "GROUP BY ".(isset($subquery['grouping'])?$subquery['grouping']:"pd.id");

			$query = "SELECT $columns $matchcol FROM $pd AS pd LEFT JOIN $pt AS pt ON pd.id=pt.product AND pt.type != 'N/A' $category_join WHERE $w $grouping $having";
			$found = $db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total");

			if (isset($found->total)) $subquery['total'] = number_format((int)$found->total);


		$num_pages = ceil($productcount->total / $per_page);
		$page_links = paginate_links( array(
			'base' => add_query_arg(array("edit"=>null,'pagenum' => '%#%')),
			'format' => '',
			'total' => $num_pages,
			'current' => $pagenum,

		if ('i' == $f) {

		if ($workflow) return $Products;

Exemplo n.º 7
 public function select_product()
     $SearchResults = new SearchResults(array('load' => array('prices'), 'search' => $_GET['s'], 'nostock' => 'on', 'published' => 'off', 'paged' => -1, 'limit' => 10));
     $results = array();
     foreach ($SearchResults->products as $Product) {
         foreach ($Product->prices as $Variant) {
             if ('N/A' == $Variant->type) {
             // Skip disabled prices
             $results[] = array('id' => "{$Product->id}-{$Variant->id}", 'name' => $Product->name, 'variant' => Shopp::__('Price & Delivery') != $Variant->label ? $Variant->label : '', 'unitprice' => $Variant->promoprice);
     header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     echo json_encode($results);
 public function searchForBandMembersAdvanced($bandID, $firstName, $lastName, $gender, $ageRange, $country, $state, $city, $region, $searchType, $currentPage, $pagingAmount, $dbConnection = null)
     $memberSearchResults = null;
     $memberSkeletons = null;
     $countryID = null;
     $stateID = null;
     $cityID = null;
     $regionID = null;
     try {
         $memberSearchParameters = new SearchParameters();
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::SEARCH_TYPE_INPUT_ID, $searchType);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::CURRENT_PAGE_ID, $currentPage);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::PAGING_AMOUNT_ID, $pagingAmount);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(MemberSearchConstants::BAND_INPUT_ID, $bandID);
         //These elements are common to both search types
         $countryID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($country, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($countryID != null) {
             $stateID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($state, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($stateID != null) {
             $cityID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($city, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($cityID != null) {
             $regionID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($region, 'defaultValue', '0');
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_COUNTRY_INPUT_ID, $countryID);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_STATE_INPUT_ID, $stateID);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_CITY_INPUT_ID, $cityID);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_REGION_INPUT_ID, $regionID);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(MemberSearchConstants::FIRST_NAME_INPUT_ID, $firstName);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(MemberSearchConstants::LAST_NAME_INPUT_ID, $lastName);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(MemberSearchConstants::GENDER_INPUT_ID, $gender);
         $memberSearchParameters->setVariable(MemberSearchConstants::AGE_INPUT_ID, $lastName);
         $memberCount = MemberSearchDao::getMemberSearchCount($memberSearchParameters, $dbConnection);
         $memberSkeletons = MemberSearchDao::searchMembers($memberSearchParameters, $ageRange);
         $memberSearchResults = new SearchResults();
         $memberSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SEARCH_PARAMETERS, $memberSearchParameters);
         $memberSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SKELETONS, $memberSkeletons);
         $memberSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::COUNT, $memberCount);
         $memberSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::PAGE_COUNT, ceil($memberCount / $pagingAmount));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $memberSearchResults = null;
         echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     return $memberSearchResults;
 public function browseAdvertisementByLocation($country, $state, $city, $region, $searchType, $currentPage, $pagingAmount, $dbConnection = null)
     $advertisementSearchResults = null;
     $advertisementSkeletons = null;
     $countryID = null;
     $stateID = null;
     $cityID = null;
     $regionID = null;
     try {
         //Construct Search Parameter object
         $advertisementSearchParameters = new SearchParameters();
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::CURRENT_PAGE_ID, $currentPage);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(SearchConstants::PAGING_AMOUNT_ID, $pagingAmount);
         //These elements are common to both search types
         $countryID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($country, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($countryID != null) {
             $stateID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($state, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($stateID != null) {
             $cityID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($city, 'defaultValue', '0');
         if ($cityID != null) {
             $regionID = SearchUtilities::processSelectValues($region, 'defaultValue', '0');
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_COUNTRY_INPUT_ID, $countryID);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_STATE_INPUT_ID, $stateID);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_CITY_INPUT_ID, $cityID);
         $advertisementSearchParameters->setVariable(LocationConstants::LOCATION_REGION_INPUT_ID, $regionID);
         $advertisementCount = AdvertisementSearchDao::getSearchAdvertisementsCount($advertisementSearchParameters, $dbConnection);
         $advertisementSkeletons = AdvertisementSearchDao::searchAdvertisements($advertisementSearchParameters, $dbConnection);
         $advertisementSearchResults = new SearchResults();
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SEARCH_PARAMETERS, $advertisementSearchParameters);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::SKELETONS, $advertisementSkeletons);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::COUNT, $advertisementCount);
         $advertisementSearchResults->setVariable(SearchResults::PAGE_COUNT, ceil($advertisementCount / $pagingAmount));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $advertisementSearchResults = null;
         echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     return $advertisementSearchResults;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function find($strQuery, $arrFilters = array(), $blnExact = FALSE, $arrAllowedTypes = array())
     /* Search for elements containing keywords
      * Filters may look like this:
      * array("element.Shops", "template.HomePage > element.Misc > templates.Banner", "element:1399")
      * Allowed types may look like this:
      * array("element.Shops", "template.HomePage", "element:1399")
     $objReturn = new SearchResults();
     if (!empty($strQuery)) {
         $objSearch = new Search();
         $objReturn = $objSearch->find($strQuery, $blnExact);
         //*** Filters.
         if (count($arrFilters) > 0) {
             //*** Parse filters.
             $arrElementIds = array();
             foreach ($arrFilters as $strFilter) {
                 $arrRecursive = explode(">", $strFilter);
                 $objElement = $this;
                 foreach ($arrRecursive as $strRecursive) {
                     $arrFilter = explode(".", trim($strRecursive));
                     if (!empty($arrFilter[1])) {
                         switch ($arrFilter[0]) {
                             case "element":
                                 if (is_numeric($arrFilter[1])) {
                                     $objElement = $this->getElementById($arrFilter[1]);
                                 } else {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->get($arrFilter[1]);
                             case "elements":
                                 if (is_numeric($arrFilter[1])) {
                                     $objElement = $this->getElementById($arrFilter[1])->getElements();
                                 } else {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->getElements($arrFilter[1]);
                             case "template":
                                 if (is_numeric($arrFilter[1])) {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->getElementByTemplateId($arrFilter[1]);
                                 } else {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->getElementByTemplate($arrFilter[1]);
                             case "templates":
                                 if (is_numeric($arrFilter[1])) {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->getElementsByTemplateId($arrFilter[1]);
                                 } else {
                                     $objElement = $objElement->getElementsByTemplate($arrFilter[1]);
                 if (method_exists($objElement, "count")) {
                     $objElements = $objElement;
                     foreach ($objElements as $objElement) {
                         array_push($arrElementIds, $objElement->getElement()->getId());
                 } else {
                     array_push($arrElementIds, $objElement->getElement()->getId());
             //*** Apply filters.
             $objResults = new SearchResults();
             foreach ($objReturn as $objResult) {
                 foreach ($arrElementIds as $intElementId) {
                     $objElement = $this->getElementById($objResult->id);
                     if (is_object($objElement) && $objElement->hasParentId($intElementId)) {
                         if (count($arrAllowedTypes) > 0) {
                             foreach ($arrAllowedTypes as $allowedType) {
                                 $arrFilter = explode(".", trim($allowedType));
                                 if (!empty($arrFilter[1])) {
                                     switch ($arrFilter[0]) {
                                         case "element":
                                             if (is_numeric($arrFilter[1])) {
                                                 if ($objElement->getId() == $arrFilter[1]) {
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($objElement->getName() == $arrFilter[1]) {
                                         case "template":
                                             if ($objElement->getTemplateName() == $arrFilter[1]) {
                         } else {
             $objReturn = $objResults;
     return $objReturn;
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function processImpl(PostArrayAdapter $adapter, $button)
     return new AjaxSuccess(SearchResults::convert($this->doSearch($adapter))->toAttay());
Exemplo n.º 12

 * File the search
 * Call:   call/window.search.php
require '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$showResults = !empty($_POST);
if (isset($_GET['get']) && $_GET['get'] == 'true') {
    $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
    $showResults = true;
if (empty($_POST) || Request::param('get') == 'true') {
    echo '<div class="panel-heading">';
    echo '<h1>' . __('Search for activities') . '</h1>';
    echo '</div>';
    $Formular = new SearchFormular();
$Results = new SearchResults($showResults);