public function afterConstruct()
     $params = array('uri' => $this->uri, 'dates' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days')) . ',' . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days')));
     $this->url = '' . http_build_query($params, '', '&');
     $this->regexp = '@circulation="(\\d+)"@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     // id is okay too!
     $this->url = '' . urlencode($this->groupId);
     $this->regexp = '@likes":\\s(\\d+)@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '';
     $search = $this->search or $this->name;
     // optional country code to record
     $this->regexp = '@<td class="rank">(\\d+)</td><td class="blog"><a href="[^"]+">' . preg_quote($search, '@') . '</a>@';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . urlencode($this->TestGroup->host);
     // optional country code to record
     if (!empty($this->countryCode)) {
         $this->regexp = '@' . strtoupper($this->countryCode) . '<\\/a>:\\s+([\\d,.]+)@is';
     } else {
         $this->regexp = '@trafficstats">\\s+([\\d,.]+)@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . urlencode($this->search);
     $this->regexp = '@estimatedResultCount":"([^"]+)"@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->name = sprintf('SERP "%s"', $this->search);
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . $this->videoID . '&v=2&alt=jsonc';
     $this->regexp = '@' . preg_quote($this->property, '@') . '":\\s*(\\d+)@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . urlencode($this->username);
     $this->regexp = '@id="follower_count" class="stats_count numeric">([\\d+.,]+)\\s*</span>@i';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . $this->videoID . '.xml';
     $this->regexp = '@<' . preg_quote($this->property, '@') . '>(.*)</' . preg_quote($this->property, '@') . '>@';
     return parent::afterConstruct();
 public function afterConstruct()
     $this->url = '' . $this->uri;
     $this->regexp = '@wikio-score:[^\\d]+([0-9.]+)@is';
     return parent::afterConstruct();