Exemplo n.º 1
 *	This function print statistic about a user for a scorm organization
 *	@param int $idscorm_organization id of the organization
 *  @param int $idUser id of the user
 *	@return string to output
function scorm_userstat($idscorm_organization, $idUser, $idReference = NULL, $mvc = false)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/scorm_items_track.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CPManagerDb.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/RendererBase.php';
    // get idscorm_package
    $query = "SELECT idscorm_package, org_identifier " . " FROM %lms_scorm_organizations" . " WHERE idscorm_organization = '" . $idscorm_organization . "'";
    $rs = sql_query($query) or communicationError("3");
    list($idscorm_package, $org_identifier) = sql_fetch_row($rs);
    $it = new Scorm_ItemsTrack($GLOBALS['dbConn'], $GLOBALS['prefix_lms']);
    $org_info = $it->getItemsInfo($idReference, NULL, $idscorm_organization);
    $output = "";
    $str = "<br />" . (!$mvc ? "<div class=\"std_block\">" : "");
    if ($mvc) {
        $output .= $str;
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content');
    $cpm = new CPManagerDb();
    $cpm->Open($idReference, $idscorm_package, $GLOBALS['dbConn'], $GLOBALS['prefix_lms']);
    $rb = new RendererDefaultImplementation();
    $rb->imgPrefix = getPathImage() . 'treeview/';
    $rb->imgOptions = 'width="24" height="24"';
    $rb->showlinks = FALSE;
    $rb->showit = TRUE;
    $rb->itemtrack = $it;
    $rb->idUser = $idUser;
    $rb->resBase = "";
    if (function_exists('cbMakeReportLink')) {
        $rb->linkCustomCallBack = 'cbMakeReportLink';
    //$rb->renderStatusCallBack = "renderStatus";
    $str = $cpm->RenderOrganization($org_identifier, $rb);
    if ($mvc) {
        $output .= $str;
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content');
    if (!$mvc) {
        $GLOBALS['page']->add("</div>", 'content');
    if ($mvc) {
        return $output;
Exemplo n.º 2
 if ($playertemplate != '') {
     if (!file_exists(getPathTemplate() . 'player_scorm/' . $playertemplate . '/def_style.css')) {
         $playertemplate = 'default';
 } else {
     $playertemplate = 'default';
 $idscorm_organization = $idResource;
 $idUser = (int) getLogUserId();
 /*Start database connection***********************************************/
 /* get scorm version */
 $scormVersion = getScormVersion('idscorm_organization', $idscorm_organization);
 /* get object title */
 list($lo_title) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT title" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_organization" . " WHERE idResource = '{$idResource}'" . "   AND objectType = 'scormorg'"));
 $itemtrack = new Scorm_ItemsTrack(null, $GLOBALS['prefix_lms']);
 $rsItemTrack = $itemtrack->getItemTrack($idUser, $idReference, NULL, $idscorm_organization);
 if ($rsItemTrack === FALSE) {
     // The first time for this user in this organization
     $itemtrack->createItemsTrack($idUser, $idReference, $idscorm_organization);
     // Now should be present
     $rsItemTrack = $itemtrack->getItemTrack($idUser, $idReference, NULL, $idscorm_organization);
 $arrItemTrack = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsItemTrack);
 // with id_item_track of organization|user|reference create an entry in commontrack table
 require_once _lms_ . '/class.module/track.object.php';
 require_once _lms_ . '/class.module/track.scorm.php';
 $track_so = new Track_ScormOrg($arrItemTrack['idscorm_item_track'], false, false, NULL, $environment);
 if ($track_so->idReference === NULL) {
     $track_so->createTrack($idReference, $arrItemTrack['idscorm_item_track'], $idUser, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ab-initio', 'scormorg');
Exemplo n.º 3
 function SetValue($idUser, $idReference, $idscorm_item, $param, $value)
     soap__dbgOut("+SetValue( {$idUser}, {$idReference}, {$idscorm_item}, {$param}, {$value})");
     $dbconn = $GLOBALS['dbConn'];
     // get item_track
     $itemtrack = new Scorm_ItemsTrack($dbconn, $GLOBALS['prefix_lms']);
     $rs = $itemtrack->getItemTrack($idUser, $idReference, $idscorm_item);
     $arrItemTrackData = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
     // get tracking
     soap__dbgOut("before: Scorm_Tracking(NULL, NULL, {$arrItemTrackData['idscorm_tracking']}, NULL, {$dbconn}, FALSE, FALSE);");
     $trackobj = new Scorm_Tracking(NULL, NULL, $arrItemTrackData['idscorm_tracking'], NULL, $dbconn, FALSE, FALSE);
     soap__dbgOut("after: Scorm_Tracking(NULL, NULL, {$arrItemTrackData['idscorm_tracking']}, NULL, {$dbconn}, FALSE, FALSE);");
     if ($trackobj->setParam($param, $value) === false) {
         soap__dbgOut("Scorm_Tracking setParam({$param}, {$value}) return false");
         soap__dbgOut("Scorm_Tracking error: " . $trackobj->getErrorCode() . "\n" . $trackobj->getErrorText());
         $status = "error";
         $error = $trackobj->getErrorCode();
         $errorString = $trackobj->getErrorText();
     } else {
         soap__dbgOut("Scorm_Tracking setParam({$param}, {$value}) return true");
         $status = "success";
         $error = "";
         $errorString = "";
     $arr_result = array(new SOAP_Value('status', 'string', $status), new SOAP_Value('error', 'string', $error), new SOAP_Value('errorString', 'string', $errorString));
     soap__dbgOut("-SetValue return {$status}");
     return $arr_result;
Exemplo n.º 4
\t// -->
echo '<body id="page_head" class="' . ($playertemplate != '' ? $playertemplate . '_back' : 'standard_back') . '" onload="Initialize()">';
echo "<div id=\"headnav\">\n" . "\t<div>\n" . "\t\t<div id=\"prevblocklink\" style=\"display:block; float: left;\">\n" . "\t\t\t<A id=\"prevsco\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"navPrev(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" id=\"imgprev\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "bt_sx.png\" alt=\"Back\" /></A>\n" . "\t\t\t<span id=\"prevlink\"></span>" . "\t\t</div>\n" . "\t\t<div id=\"nextblocklink\" style=\"display:block; float: left;\">\n" . "\t\t\t<A id=\"nextsco\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"navNext(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" id=\"imgnext\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "bt_dx.png\" alt=\"Next\" /></A>\n" . "\t\t\t<span id=\"nextlink\"></span>\n" . "\t\t</div>\n" . "\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "\t\t<!--\n" . "\t\t\tif(window.top.isShowTree()) {\n" . "\t\t\t\tdocument.write('<a id=\"hidetree\" style=\"display:inline\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"hideTree(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "hide_tree.png\" alt=\"Hide Tree\" /></a>');\n" . "\t\t\t\tdocument.write('<a id=\"showtree\" style=\"display:none\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"showTree(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "show_tree.png\" alt=\"Show Tree\" /></a>');\n" . "\t\t\t} else {\n" . "\t\t\t\tdocument.write('<a id=\"hidetree\" style=\"display:none\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"hideTree(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "hide_tree.png\" alt=\"Hide Tree\" /></a>');\n" . "\t\t\t\tdocument.write('<a id=\"showtree\" style=\"display:inline\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"showTree(); return false;\"><img class=\"imgnav\" src=\"" . $imagesPath . "show_tree.png\" alt=\"Show Tree\" /></a>');\n" . "\t\t\t}\n" . "\t\t-->\n" . "\t\t</script>\n" . "\t</div>\n" . "</div>\n";
/*echo '<div id="headerLogo">';
echo '<img src="'.$imagesPath.'logo.jpg" alt="logo spaghettilearning scorm" />';
echo '</div>';*/
//echo '<div class="header">'."\n"
//	."\t".'<img class="immagineSx logo_sx" src="'.getPathImage().'scorm/logo.png" alt="Left logo" />'."\n";
//echo "<img id=\"immagineSx\" src=\"../../templates/".$_SESSION["sesTemplate"]."/images/scorm/logo.png\" alt=\"Logo\" />\n";
// statistics
echo '<div id="statistics">';
$itemtrack = new Scorm_ItemsTrack($dbconn, $GLOBALS['prefix_lms']);
$rs = $itemtrack->getItemTrack(sl_sal_getUserId(), $idReference, NULL, $idscorm_organization);
if ($rs === FALSE) {
    echo "Lesson never initiated";
} else {
    $report = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
    echo Lang::t('_PROGRESS', 'scorm') . " " . $report['nDescendantCompleted'] . "/" . $report['nDescendant'] . "<br />";
    $widthMax = 220;
    $widthOne = ($widthMax - $report['nDescendant']) / $report['nDescendant'];
    $posRel = 2;
    echo '<div class="scorm_progressbarstat">';
    //echo "<div >";
    for ($nRep = 0; $nRep < $report['nDescendantCompleted']; $nRep++, $posRel += $widthOne + 1) {
        echo "<div class=\"scorm_complete\" style=\"width: " . $widthOne . "px; left:" . $posRel . "px; top: 2px;\"></div>";
        //echo "<div class=\"scorm_complete\" style=\"width: ".$widthOne."%;\" >&nbsp;</div>";