Exemplo n.º 1
  * Easy Installation Handler
  * Function to save special purpose
  * @param string $purpose
 public function _savePurpose($purpose = '')
     if ($purpose == 'mpd') {
         // Install MPD Plugin
         $this->installPlugin('http://shop.max2play.com/media/downloadable/beta/mpd.tar', true, 2, false);
         // Disable Squeezebox-Server, Audioplayer, Remove Autostart Audioplayer
         $this->removePlugins(array('Audioplayer', 'Squeezebox Server'));
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'squeezelite', 0);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'shairport', 0);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'mpd', 1);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'ympd', 1);
         //Create Sambashare for /var/lib/mpd
         include_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/model/Samba.php';
         $smb = new Samba();
         $test1 = $smb->setName('Max2Play-Music');
         $test2 = $smb->setOption('path', '/var/lib/mpd');
         $test3 = $smb->setOption('comment', 'Max2Play Music MPD');
         $test4 = $smb->setOption('writeable', 'yes');
         $test5 = $smb->setOption('create mode', '777');
         shell_exec("echo '" . $smb->getShareConf() . "' >> /opt/max2play/samba.conf");
         $output = shell_exec('sudo /opt/max2play/setSambaPass.sh "max2play"');
         shell_exec("sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart");
         $this->view->message[] = _t('You can access your Music-Folder from other computers via network. Password is "max2play".');
         $this->view->message[] = _t('Music Player can be installed / started on Music Player (MPD) tab.');
     if ($purpose == 'squeeze') {
         $this->enablePlugin('Audioplayer', 2);
         $this->enablePlugin('Squeezebox Server', 4);
         $this->enablePlugin('Jivelite', 6);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'squeezelite', 1);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'mpd', 0);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'shairport', 0);
         $this->view->message[] = _t('Audioplayer Squeezelite is enabled and can be configured on Audioplayer-tab. Install a Squeezebox Server, if you do not already have one running.');
     if ($purpose == 'airplay') {
         $this->enablePlugin('Audioplayer', 2);
         $this->removePlugins(array('Squeezebox Server'));
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'squeezelite', 0);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'shairport', 1);
         $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/autostart.conf', 'mpd', 0);
         $this->view->message[] = _t('Airplay is now enabled by default.');
     $this->saveConfigFileParameter('/opt/max2play/options.conf', 'purpose', $purpose);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * レスを書き込む
 * @return boolean 書き込み成功なら true、失敗なら false
function postIt($host, $bbs, $key, $post)
    global $_conf, $post_result, $post_error2ch, $p2cookies, $popup, $rescount, $ttitle_en;
    global $bbs_cgi;
    $method = 'POST';
    $bbs_cgi_url = 'http://' . $host . $bbs_cgi;
    $URL = parse_url($bbs_cgi_url);
    // URL分解
    if (isset($URL['query'])) {
        // クエリー
        $URL['query'] = '?' . $URL['query'];
    } else {
        $URL['query'] = '';
    // プロキシ
    if ($_conf['proxy_use']) {
        $send_host = $_conf['proxy_host'];
        $send_port = $_conf['proxy_port'];
        $send_path = $bbs_cgi_url;
    } else {
        $send_host = $URL['host'];
        $send_port = isset($URL['port']) ? $URL['port'] : 80;
        $send_path = $URL['path'] . $URL['query'];
    if (!$send_port) {
        $send_port = 80;
    // デフォルトを80
    $request = "{$method} {$send_path} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $request .= "Host: {$URL['host']}\r\n";
    $request .= "User-Agent: Monazilla/1.00 ({$_conf['p2ua']})\r\n";
    $request .= "Referer: http://{$URL['host']}/\r\n";
    // クッキー
    $cookies_to_send = '';
    if ($p2cookies) {
        foreach ($p2cookies as $cname => $cvalue) {
            if ($cname != 'expires') {
                $cookies_to_send .= " {$cname}={$cvalue};";
    // be.2ch.net 認証クッキー
    if (P2Util::isHostBe2chNet($host) || !empty($_REQUEST['beres'])) {
        $cookies_to_send .= ' MDMD=' . $_conf['be_2ch_code'] . ';';
        // be.2ch.netの認証コード(パスワードではない)
        $cookies_to_send .= ' DMDM=' . $_conf['be_2ch_mail'] . ';';
        // be.2ch.netの登録メールアドレス
    if (!$cookies_to_send) {
        $cookies_to_send = ' ;';
    $request .= 'Cookie:' . $cookies_to_send . "\r\n";
    //$request .= 'Cookie: PON='.$SPID.'; NAME='.$FROM.'; MAIL='.$mail."\r\n";
    $request .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
    // {{{ POSTの時はヘッダを追加して末尾にURLエンコードしたデータを添付
    if (strcasecmp($method, 'POST') == 0) {
        $post_enc = array();
        while (list($name, $value) = each($post)) {
            // したらば or be.2ch.netなら、EUCに変換
            if (P2Util::isHostJbbsShitaraba($host) || P2Util::isHostBe2chNet($host)) {
                $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'CP51932', 'CP932');
            $post_enc[] = $name . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
        $postdata = implode("&", $post_enc);
        $request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
        $request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($postdata) . "\r\n";
        $request .= "\r\n";
        $request .= $postdata;
    } else {
        $request .= "\r\n";
    // }}}
    // WEBサーバへ接続
    $fp = fsockopen($send_host, $send_port, $errno, $errstr, $_conf['http_conn_timeout']);
    if (!$fp) {
        $errstr = p2h($errstr);
        showPostMsg(false, "サーバ接続エラー: {$errstr} ({$errno})<br>p2 Error: 板サーバへの接続に失敗しました", false);
        return false;
    stream_set_timeout($fp, $_conf['http_read_timeout'], 0);
    //echo '<h4>$request</h4><p>' . $request . "</p>"; //for debug
    fputs($fp, $request);
    $start_here = false;
    $post_seikou = false;
    while (!p2_stream_eof($fp, $timed_out)) {
        if ($start_here) {
            $wr = '';
            while (!p2_stream_eof($fp, $timed_out)) {
                $wr .= fread($fp, 164000);
            $response = $wr;
        } else {
            $l = fgets($fp, 164000);
            //echo $l .'<br>'; // for debug
            // クッキーキタ
            if (preg_match('/Set-Cookie: (.+?)\\r\\n/', $l, $matches)) {
                //echo '<p>' . $matches[0] . '</p>'; //
                $cgroups = explode(';', $matches[1]);
                if ($cgroups) {
                    foreach ($cgroups as $v) {
                        if (preg_match('/(.+)=(.*)/', $v, $m)) {
                            $k = ltrim($m[1]);
                            if ($k != 'path') {
                                if (!$p2cookies) {
                                    $p2cookies = array();
                                $p2cookies[$k] = $m[2];
                if ($p2cookies) {
                    $cookies_to_send = '';
                    foreach ($p2cookies as $cname => $cvalue) {
                        if ($cname != 'expires') {
                            $cookies_to_send .= " {$cname}={$cvalue};";
                    $newcookies = "Cookie:{$cookies_to_send}\r\n";
                    $request = preg_replace('/Cookie: .*?\\r\\n/', $newcookies, $request);
                // 転送は書き込み成功と判断
            } elseif (preg_match('/^Location: /', $l, $matches)) {
                $post_seikou = true;
            if ($l == "\r\n") {
                $start_here = true;
    // be.2ch.net or JBBSしたらば 文字コード変換 EUC→SJIS
    if (P2Util::isHostBe2chNet($host) || P2Util::isHostJbbsShitaraba($host)) {
        $response = mb_convert_encoding($response, 'CP932', 'CP51932');
        //<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
        $response = preg_replace('{<head>(.*?)<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">(.*)</head>}is', '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">$1$2</head>', $response);
    $kakikonda_match = '{<title>.*(?:書きこみました|■ 書き込みました ■|書き込み終了 - SubAll BBS).*</title>}is';
    $cookie_kakunin_match = '{<!-- 2ch_X:cookie -->|<title>■ 書き込み確認 ■</title>|>書き込み確認。<}';
    if (preg_match('/<.+>/s', $response, $matches)) {
        $response = $matches[0];
    // カキコミ成功
    if ($post_seikou || preg_match($kakikonda_match, $response)) {
        $reload = empty($_POST['from_read_new']);
        showPostMsg(true, '書きこみが終わりました。', $reload);
        // +Wiki sambaタイマー
        if ($_conf['wiki.samba_timer']) {
            require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/wiki/Samba.php';
            $samba = new Samba();
            $samba->setWriteTime($host, $bbs);
        return true;
        //$response_ht = p2h($response);
        //echo "<pre>{$response_ht}</pre>";
        // cookie確認(post再チャレンジ)
    } elseif (preg_match($cookie_kakunin_match, $response)) {
        showCookieConfirmation($host, $response);
        return false;
        // その他はレスポンスをそのまま表示
    } else {
        echo preg_replace('@こちらでリロードしてください。<a href="\\.\\./[a-z]+/index\\.html"> GO! </a><br>@', '', $response);
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Add a new Sambashare
  * If this Method is called with $share as a already existing share it is not really adding a new one but deleting another -> see removeSambashare
  * use testparm to check config
  * @param Samba $share
  * @return boolean
 public function addSambashare($share = false)
     if (!$share) {
         $smb = new Samba();
         $test1 = $smb->setName($_GET['name']);
         $test2 = $smb->setOption('path', $_GET['path']);
         $test3 = $smb->setOption('comment', $_GET['comment']);
         $test4 = $smb->setOption('writeable', $_GET['writeable']);
         $test5 = $smb->setOption('create mode', $_GET['create_mode']);
     } else {
         $smb = $share;
         $test1 = true;
     if ($test1) {
         shell_exec("echo '" . $smb->getShareConf() . "' >> " . $this->_sambaconf);
         if (!$share) {
             $this->view->message[] = _("Sambashare successfully added");
         return true;
     $this->view->message[] = _("Sambashare NOT added! Please refer to the description below!");
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
    $htm['kaiko_set_hidden_js'] = ' onclick="setHiddenValue(this);"';
    $htm['table_begin'] = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td align="left" colspan="2">';
    $htm['table_break1'] = '</td></tr><tr><td align="left">';
    $htm['table_break2'] = '</td><td align="right">';
    $htm['table_end'] = '</td></tr></table>';
    $htm['name_label'] = '<label for="FROM">名前</label>:';
    $htm['mail_label'] = '<label for="mail">E-mail</label>:';
    $htm['name_extra_at'] = ' tabindex="1"';
    $htm['mail_extra_at'] = ' tabindex="2"';
    $htm['msg_extra_at'] = ' tabindex="3"';
    $htm['submit_extra_at'] = ' tabindex="4"';
// +Wiki:sambaタイマー
if ($_conf['wiki.samba_timer']) {
    require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/wiki/Samba.php';
    $samba = new Samba();
    $htm['samba'] .= $samba->createTimer($samba->getSamba($host, $bbs));
// 下書き保存
$savedraft = '';
if (!$_conf['ktai'] && $_conf['expack.editor.savedraft'] != 0 || $_conf['iphone'] && $_conf['expack.editor.mobile.savedraft'] != 0) {
    $savedraft = <<<EOP
<input id="post_draft_button" type="button" value="下書き保存" onclick="DraftKakiko.saveDraftForm(this.form)">
<span id="post_draft_msg" class="autosave-info"></span>
} elseif ($_conf['ktai'] && $_conf['expack.editor.mobile.savedraft']) {
    $savedraft = <<<EOP
<input type="submit" name="savedraft" value="下書保存">
// 文字コード判定用文字列を先頭に仕込むことでmb_convert_variables()の自動判定を助ける