Exemplo n.º 1
  * The expand-property report is defined in RFC3253 section 3.8.
  * This report is very similar to a standard PROPFIND. The difference is
  * that it has the additional ability to look at properties containing a
  * {DAV:}href element, follow that property and grab additional elements
  * there.
  * Other rfc's, such as ACL rely on this report, so it made sense to put
  * it in this plugin.
  * @param string $path
  * @param Xml\Request\ExpandPropertyReport $report
  * @return void
 protected function expandPropertyReport($path, $report)
     $depth = $this->server->getHTTPDepth(0);
     $result = $this->expandProperties($path, $report->properties, $depth);
     $xml = $this->server->xml->write('{DAV:}multistatus', new DAV\Xml\Response\MultiStatus($result), $this->server->getBaseUri());
     $this->server->httpResponse->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=utf-8');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Draws a table row for a property
  * @param HtmlOutputHelper $html
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return string
 private function drawPropertyValue($html, $value)
     if (is_scalar($value)) {
         return $html->h($value);
     } elseif ($value instanceof HtmlOutput) {
         return $value->toHtml($html);
     } elseif ($value instanceof \Sabre\Xml\XmlSerializable) {
         // There's no default html output for this property, we're going
         // to output the actual xml serialization instead.
         $xml = $this->server->xml->write('{DAV:}root', $value, $this->server->getBaseUri());
         // removing first and last line, as they contain our root
         // element.
         $xml = explode("\n", $xml);
         $xml = array_slice($xml, 2, -2);
         return "<pre>" . $html->h(implode("\n", $xml)) . "</pre>";
     } else {
         return "<em>unknown</em>";
Exemplo n.º 3
  * This method takes a path/name of an asset and turns it into url
  * suiteable for http access.
  * @param string $assetName
  * @return string
 protected function getAssetUrl($assetName)
     return $this->server->getBaseUri() . '?sabreAction=asset&assetName=' . urlencode($assetName);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * We intercept this to handle POST requests on calendars.
  * @param RequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return null|bool
 function httpPost(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     $path = $request->getPath();
     // Only handling xml
     $contentType = $request->getHeader('Content-Type');
     if (strpos($contentType, 'application/xml') === false && strpos($contentType, 'text/xml') === false) {
     // Making sure the node exists
     try {
         $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
     } catch (DAV\Exception\NotFound $e) {
     $requestBody = $request->getBodyAsString();
     // If this request handler could not deal with this POST request, it
     // will return 'null' and other plugins get a chance to handle the
     // request.
     // However, we already requested the full body. This is a problem,
     // because a body can only be read once. This is why we preemptively
     // re-populated the request body with the existing data.
     $message = $this->server->xml->parse($requestBody, $request->getUrl(), $documentType);
     switch ($documentType) {
         // Dealing with the 'share' document, which modified invitees on a
         // calendar.
         case '{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}share':
             // We can only deal with IShareableCalendar objects
             if (!$node instanceof IShareableCalendar) {
             $this->server->transactionType = 'post-calendar-share';
             // Getting ACL info
             $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything
             if ($acl) {
                 $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write');
             $node->updateShares($message->set, $message->remove);
             // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues,
             // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled.
             $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well');
             // Breaking the event chain
             return false;
             // The invite-reply document is sent when the user replies to an
             // invitation of a calendar share.
         // The invite-reply document is sent when the user replies to an
         // invitation of a calendar share.
         case '{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}invite-reply':
             // This only works on the calendar-home-root node.
             if (!$node instanceof CalendarHome) {
             $this->server->transactionType = 'post-invite-reply';
             // Getting ACL info
             $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything
             if ($acl) {
                 $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write');
             $url = $node->shareReply($message->href, $message->status, $message->calendarUri, $message->inReplyTo, $message->summary);
             // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues,
             // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled.
             $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well');
             if ($url) {
                 $writer = $this->server->xml->getWriter($this->server->getBaseUri());
                 $writer->startElement('{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}shared-as');
                 $writer->write(new Href($url));
                 $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
             // Breaking the event chain
             return false;
         case '{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}publish-calendar':
             // We can only deal with IShareableCalendar objects
             if (!$node instanceof IShareableCalendar) {
             $this->server->transactionType = 'post-publish-calendar';
             // Getting ACL info
             $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything
             if ($acl) {
                 $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write');
             // iCloud sends back the 202, so we will too.
             // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues,
             // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled.
             $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well');
             // Breaking the event chain
             return false;
         case '{' . Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}unpublish-calendar':
             // We can only deal with IShareableCalendar objects
             if (!$node instanceof IShareableCalendar) {
             $this->server->transactionType = 'post-unpublish-calendar';
             // Getting ACL info
             $acl = $this->server->getPlugin('acl');
             // If there's no ACL support, we allow everything
             if ($acl) {
                 $acl->checkPrivileges($path, '{DAV:}write');
             // Adding this because sending a response body may cause issues,
             // and I wanted some type of indicator the response was handled.
             $response->setHeader('X-Sabre-Status', 'everything-went-well');
             // Breaking the event chain
             return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Draws a table row for a property
  * @param string $name
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return string
 private function drawPropertyRow($name, $value)
     $view = 'unknown';
     if (is_string($value)) {
         $view = 'string';
     } elseif ($value instanceof DAV\Property) {
         $mapping = ['Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\IHref' => 'href', 'Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\HrefList' => 'hreflist', 'Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\SupportedMethodSet' => 'valuelist', 'Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\ResourceType' => 'xmlvaluelist', 'Sabre\\DAV\\Property\\SupportedReportSet' => 'xmlvaluelist', 'Sabre\\DAVACL\\Property\\CurrentUserPrivilegeSet' => 'xmlvaluelist', 'Sabre\\DAVACL\\Property\\SupportedPrivilegeSet' => 'supported-privilege-set'];
         $view = 'complex';
         foreach ($mapping as $class => $val) {
             if ($value instanceof $class) {
                 $view = $val;
     list($ns, $localName) = DAV\XMLUtil::parseClarkNotation($name);
     $realName = $name;
     if (isset($this->server->xmlNamespaces[$ns])) {
         $name = $this->server->xmlNamespaces[$ns] . ':' . $localName;
     $xmlValueDisplay = function ($propName) {
         $realPropName = $propName;
         list($ns, $localName) = DAV\XMLUtil::parseClarkNotation($propName);
         if (isset($this->server->xmlNamespaces[$ns])) {
             $propName = $this->server->xmlNamespaces[$ns] . ':' . $localName;
         return "<span title=\"" . $this->escapeHTML($realPropName) . "\">" . $this->escapeHTML($propName) . "</span>";
     echo "<tr><th><span title=\"", $this->escapeHTML($realName), "\">", $this->escapeHTML($name), "</span></th><td>";
     switch ($view) {
         case 'href':
             echo "<a href=\"" . $this->server->getBaseUri() . $value->getHref() . '">' . $this->server->getBaseUri() . $value->getHref() . '</a>';
         case 'hreflist':
             echo implode('<br />', array_map(function ($href) {
                 if (stripos($href, 'mailto:') === 0 || stripos($href, '/') === 0 || stripos($href, 'http:') === 0 || stripos($href, 'https:') === 0) {
                     return "<a href=\"" . $this->escapeHTML($href) . '">' . $this->escapeHTML($href) . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     return "<a href=\"" . $this->escapeHTML($this->server->getBaseUri() . $href) . '">' . $this->escapeHTML($this->server->getBaseUri() . $href) . '</a>';
             }, $value->getHrefs()));
         case 'xmlvaluelist':
             echo implode(', ', array_map($xmlValueDisplay, $value->getValue()));
         case 'valuelist':
             echo $this->escapeHTML(implode(', ', $value->getValue()));
         case 'supported-privilege-set':
             $traverse = function ($priv) use(&$traverse, $xmlValueDisplay) {
                 echo "<li>";
                 echo $xmlValueDisplay($priv['privilege']);
                 if (isset($priv['abstract']) && $priv['abstract']) {
                     echo " <i>(abstract)</i>";
                 if (isset($priv['description'])) {
                     echo " " . $this->escapeHTML($priv['description']);
                 if (isset($priv['aggregates'])) {
                     echo "\n<ul>\n";
                     foreach ($priv['aggregates'] as $subPriv) {
                     echo "</ul>";
                 echo "</li>\n";
             echo "<ul class=\"tree\">";
             $traverse($value->getValue(), '');
             echo "</ul>\n";
         case 'string':
             echo $this->escapeHTML($value);
         case 'complex':
             echo '<em title="' . get_class($value) . '">complex</em>';
             echo '<em>unknown</em>';
     return ob_get_clean();