  * Render a notice for the user to read the docs before adding add-ons
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing Product Reviews Pro! Before getting started, please take a moment to %sread the documentation%s :) ', self::TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="http://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-product-reviews-pro/" target="_blank">', '</a>'), 'read-the-docs-notice', array('always_show_on_settings' => false, 'notice_class' => 'updated'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Render admin notices
  * @since 1.6.0
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     // Warn about iThemes Security 'Filter Long URL Strings' setting
     if (class_exists('ITSEC_Tweaks')) {
         $ithemes_security_settings = get_site_option('itsec_tweaks', array('long_url_strings' => false));
         if ($this->is_plugin_settings() && isset($ithemes_security_settings['long_url_strings']) && $ithemes_security_settings['long_url_strings']) {
             $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(esc_html__('Oops, looks like iThemes Security is set to Filter Long URLs. This is likely to cause a conflict with Social Login -- please disable that setting for optimal functionality.', 'woocommerce-social-login'), 'ithemes_security_long_url_strings', array('always_show_on_settings' => false));
  * Render a notice for the user to read the docs before using the plugin
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing Order Status Manager! Before you get started, please take a moment to %sread through the documentation%s.', $this->text_domain), '<a href="' . $this->get_documentation_url() . '">', '</a>'), 'read-the-docs', array('always_show_on_settings' => false, 'notice_class' => 'updated'));
  * Render a notice for the user to read the docs before adding add-ons
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     // only render on plugins or settings screen
     if ('plugins' === $screen->id || $this->is_plugin_settings()) {
         $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing Memberships! To get started, take a minute to %sread the documentation%s and then %ssetup a membership plan%s :)', self::TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="http://docs.woothemes.com/document/woocommerce-memberships/" target="_blank">', '</a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('edit.php?post_type=wc_membership_plan') . '">', '</a>'), 'get-started-notice', array('always_show_on_settings' => false, 'notice_class' => 'updated'));
  * Checks if required PHP extensions are loaded and adds an admin notice
  * for any missing extensions.  Also plugin settings can be checked
  * as well.
  * @since 2.1.1
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
  * Render a notice for the user to read the docs before adding custom fields
  * @since 1.1.4
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     // add notice for selecting export format
     if ($this->is_plugin_settings()) {
         $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing Admin Custom Order Fields! Before you get started, please %sread the documentation%s', WC_Admin_Custom_Order_Fields::TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $this->get_documentation_url() . '">', '</a>'), 'read-the-docs', array('always_show_on_settings' => false));
  * Checks if the configure-complus message needs to be rendered
  * @since 1.5.3
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // on the plugin settings page render a notice if 3DSecure is enabled and mcrypt is not installed
     if ($this->is_plugin_settings()) {
         $wc_gateway_realex = new WC_Gateway_Realex();
         if ($wc_gateway_realex->is_enabled()) {
             $threedsecure = $wc_gateway_realex->get_threedsecure();
             if ($threedsecure->is_enabled() && !extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
                 $message = sprintf(__('WooCommerce Realex Payment Gateway: 3DSecure: PHP extension %1$smcrypt%2$s not detected, 3DSecure will not be active and no liability shift will occur until you install the %3$smcrypt%4$s PHP extension.  Contact your host or server administrator to configure and install PHP mcrypt.', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex'), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.setup.php">', '</a>');
                 $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice($message, 'mcrypt-missing');
     // check ssl dependency
  * Render a notice for the user to select their desired export format
  * @since 3.4.0
  * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
 public function add_admin_notices()
     // show any dependency notices
     // add notice for selecting export format
     $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice(sprintf(__('Thanks for installing the Customer/Order CSV Export plugin! To get started, please %sset your export format%s. ', WC_Customer_Order_CSV_Export::TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $this->get_settings_url() . '">', '</a>'), 'export-format-notice', array('always_show_on_settings' => false, 'notice_class' => 'updated'));