public function getNPCLoot(SR_Player $player) { $leader = $player->getParty()->getLeader(); $leader->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName(Forest_Clearing::THESWORD)), $this->getName()); SR_PlayerVar::setVal($leader, Forest_Clearing::SWORDKEY, '2'); return array(); }
public static function execute(SR_Player $player, array $args) { return self::rply($player, '5241', array(SR_NPC::$NPC_COUNTER, Shadowrun4::getCityCount(), SR_Location::$LOCATION_COUNT, SR_Item::getTotalItemCount(), SR_Spell::getTotalSpellCount(), SR_Quest::getTotalQuestCount(), Shadowcmd::translate('stats'))); // $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); // $message = sprintf('In Shadowlamb v3 there are: %s different NPC in %s Areas with %s Locations. %s Items, %s Spells and %s Quests. Try #stats to show how many are playing.', SR_NPC::$NPC_COUNTER, Shadowrun4::getCityCount(), SR_Location::$LOCATION_COUNT, SR_Item::getTotalItemCount(), SR_Spell::getTotalSpellCount(), SR_Quest::getTotalQuestCount()); // return $bot->reply($message); }
public function getSearchLoot(SR_Player $player) { if (rand(0, 2)) { return array(SR_Item::createByName('Bacon')); } return parent::getSearchLoot($player); }
public static function execute(SR_Player $player, array $args) { $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); if (count($args) < 2 || count($args) > 3) { $bot->reply(Shadowhelp::getHelp($player, 'gmi')); return false; } $target = Shadowrun4::getPlayerByShortName($args[0]); if ($target === -1) { $player->message('The username is ambigious.'); return false; } if ($target === false) { $player->message('The player is not in memory or unknown.'); return false; } if (false === $target->isCreated()) { $bot->reply(sprintf('The player %s has not started a game yet.', $args[0])); return false; } if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($args[1]))) { $bot->reply(sprintf('The item %s could not be created.', $args[1])); return false; } if (isset($args[2])) { if (!$item->isItemStackable()) { $bot->reply('No amount for equipment!'); return false; } $item->saveVar('sr4it_amount', intval($args[2])); } $b = chr(2); $target->giveItems(array($item), sprintf("{$b}[GM]_%s{$b}", $player->getName())); return true; }
public function getSearchLoot(SR_Player $player) { $amt = SR_PlayerVar::getVal($player, 'TR_HQ2_DR', 0); if ($amt > 1) { return parent::getSearchLoot($player); } SR_PlayerVar::setVal($player, 'TR_HQ2_DR', $amt + 1); return array(SR_Item::createByName('LargeBeer')); }
public function setOrk(SR_Player $player) { $data = $this->getQuestData(); $data['ORK1'] = 1; $this->saveQuestData($data); $player->message($this->lang('orkmsg')); // $player->message('The Ork dies. You grab his knife. It has "Renraku" as initials.'); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('Knife')), 'The Ork'); }
public function getSearchLoot(SR_Player $player) { if (0 !== SR_PlayerVar::getVal($player, '__WCSLC2', 0)) { return array(); } $player->message(sprintf('You search the garbage of Tom\'s habitat and find some interesting scrolls.')); SR_PlayerVar::setVal($player, '__WCSLC2', 1); return array(SR_Item::createByName('TomsScroll1'), SR_Item::createByName('TomsScroll2'), SR_Item::createByName('TomsScroll3')); }
public function onQuestSolve(SR_Player $player) { $nuyen = 750; $player->message($this->lang('hand_back', array($nuyen))); // $player->message('Malois sneakily hands you '.$nuyen.' Nuyen and a piece of paper.'); $player->giveNuyen($nuyen); $note = SR_Item::createByName('Note'); $player->giveItems(array($note)); }
public function getSearchLoot(SR_Player $player) { $amt = SR_PlayerVar::getVal($player, 'TR_CE_1', 0); if ($amt >= 2) { return parent::getSearchLoot($player); } SR_PlayerVar::setVal($player, 'TR_CE_1', $amt + 1); return array(SR_Item::createByName('Wine')); }
private function onSparkleItem(SR_Player $player) { $items = array('Ring', 'Amulet', 'Earring', 'LO_Ring', 'Knife', 'Stiletto', 'TinfoilCap', 'TinfoilBelt', 'TinfoilSandals'); $iname = Shadowfunc::randomListItem($items); if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($iname))) { $player->message('DB Error 4'); return false; } return $player->giveItems(array($item), $this->lang($player, 'from_lake')); }
public function onQuestSolve(SR_Player $player) { // $xp = 3; // $ny = 450; $player->message($this->lang('grats', array($this->getRewardNuyen(), $this->getRewardXP()))); // $player->message('The biker says: "Haha chummer, good job. Take this." - He hands you '.$ny.' nuyen and a BikerHelmet. You also gained '.$xp.' XP.'); // $player->giveXP($xp); // $player->giveNuyen($ny); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('BikerHelmet'))); }
private function onRing(SR_Player $player) { if ('1' === SR_PlayerVar::getVal($player, self::KEY_RING, '0')) { $this->onDirt($player); } else { $this->partyMessage($player, 'dig3', array($player->getName())); SR_PlayerVar::setVal($player, self::KEY_RING, '1'); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('KylesRing')), $this->lang($player, 'from_chest')); } }
public function getItemModifiersA(SR_Player $player) { $back = array(); switch ($player->getRace()) { default: $back['attack'] = 5; $back['intelligence'] = 1.5; break; } return SR_Item::mergeModifiers(parent::getItemModifiersA($player), $back); }
public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args) { $c = Shadowrun4::SR_SHORTCUT; $quest = SR_Quest::getQuest($player, 'Renraku_I'); if (!$quest->isAccepted($player)) { $this->rply('intro1'); $this->rply('intro2'); // $this->reply('Hello chummer, are you alright? You have been asleep for 32 hours!' ); // $this->reply('You are another victim of Renraku?'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Hello', 'Renraku'); // $this->reply('You were saying something about Renraku... Don`t ask me why ... But ... Take this... And maybe wear some clothes... :S'); $this->rply('intro3'); $items = array(SR_Item::createByName('FirstAid'), SR_Item::createByName('Clothes'), SR_Item::createByName('Trousers'), SR_Item::createByName('Shoes')); $player->giveItems($items, $this->getName()); $quest->accept($player); $player->help($this->langNPC('intro4')); $player->help($this->langNPC('intro5')); $player->help($this->langNPC('intro6')); // $player->help('Equip your items now with the #equip command. Try #(eq)uip 3, #(eq)uip Trousers and #eq Shoes.'); // $player->help('Check your character with: #(s)tatus, #(i)nventory, #e(q)uipment. Examine items with #(ex)amine.'); // $player->help('The first thing you should do after checking your equipment is to find new "#kp" in your current city with #(exp)lore.'); } elseif ($word === 'renraku') { $this->rply('renraku1'); $this->rply('renraku2'); // $this->reply('Geez, you don`t even remember what Renraku is?'); // $this->reply('Check out these links: and, chiphead.'); } elseif ($word === 'chiphead') { $this->rply('chiphead'); // $this->reply('Yeah, chiphead... Oh you don`t have a headcomputer yet? Your hairstyle suggested it.'); } elseif ($word === 'headcomputer') { $this->rply('headcomputer'); // $this->reply('Chummer, you must be really confused... A headcomputer is an interface to connect you to computer terminals... Maybe get some '.$c.'sleep.'); } elseif ($word === 'hello') { $this->rply('hello'); // $this->reply('Yeah, hello. Do you need a Hotel room? Somehow I like you chummer, so you don`t need to pay.'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Yes'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'No'); } elseif ($word === 'yes') { $this->rply('yes'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Yes'); // $this->reply('Oh yes, you need a room to rest. Just do '.$c.'sleep here. You don`t need to pay.'); } elseif ($word === 'no') { $this->rply('no'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'No'); // $this->reply('Oh, alright, if you don`t need a room now. You can come back anytime.'); } else { $this->rply('default'); // $this->reply('Hello, chummer, I hope you are alright now?'); } }
public static function execute(SR_Player $player, array $args) { $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); $c = Shadowrun4::SR_SHORTCUT; $b = chr(2); if ($player->isCreated()) { $bot->rply('1171'); // $bot->reply('Your character has been created already. You can type '.$c.'reset to start over.'); return false; } $races2 = SR_Player::getHumanRaces(); $races = implode(', ', $races2); $genders = implode(', ', array_keys(SR_Player::$GENDER)); if (count($args) !== 2) { return self::onHelp($player, $races, $genders); } $race = strtolower($args[0]); if (!in_array($race, $races2, true)) { $bot->rply('1172', array($races)); // $bot->reply('Your race is unknown or an NPC only race. Valid races: '.$races.'.'); return false; } $gender = strtolower($args[1]); if (!SR_Player::isValidGender($gender)) { $bot->rply('1173', array($genders)); // $bot->reply('Your gender is unknown. Valid genders: '.$genders.'.'); return false; } $player->saveOption(SR_Player::CREATED, true); $player->saveVars(array('sr4pl_race' => $race, 'sr4pl_gender' => $gender)); $player->initRaceGender(); Shadowcmd_aslset::onASLSetRandom($player); $player->modify(); $player->healHP(10000); $player->healMP(10000); $p = $player->getParty(); $p->pushAction('inside', 'Redmond_Hotel'); $player->msg('start_1'); $player->msg('start_2'); $player->msg('start_3'); $player->hlp('start_4'); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('Pen'))); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Shadowrun'); $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Renraku'); $player->giveKnowledge('places', 'Redmond_Hotel'); Shadowcmd_gmm::sendGlobalMessage(sprintf('Welcome a new player: %s the %s %s.', $player->getName(), $player->getGender(), $player->getRace())); return true; }
public function on_reward(SR_Player $player, array $args) { $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); if (count($args) !== 1) { $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'usage')); // $bot->reply('Usage: #reward <attribute|skill>. Will create a new rune.'); return false; } $f = strtolower($args[0]); if (isset(SR_Player::$SKILL[$f])) { $f = SR_Player::$SKILL[$f]; } if (isset(SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE[$f])) { $f = SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE[$f]; } if ($f === 'essence') { $min = 0.1; $max = 0.1; } elseif (in_array($f, SR_Player::$SKILL)) { $min = 0.2; $max = 0.6; } elseif (in_array($f, SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE)) { $min = 0.4; $max = 0.8; } else { $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'unknown')); // $bot->reply('This skill or attribute is unknown.'); return false; } $itemname = 'Rune_of_' . $f . ':' . Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 1); if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($itemname))) { $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'broken')); // $bot->reply('My smith hammer is broken!'); return false; } $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'cheers')); // $bot->reply('The dwarf cheers and get\'s to work.'); $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'received', array($itemname))); // $bot->reply("You received ${itemname}."); $key = self::REWARD_RUNES; $player->giveItems(array($item)); $player->decreaseConst($key, -1); if (!$player->hasConst($key)) { $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'rewarded')); // $bot->reply('You haved used all your #reward now.'); } return true; }
private function onEventMushroom(SR_Party $party) { foreach ($party->getMembers() as $member) { $member instanceof SR_Player; if ($member->isHuman()) { $percent = 0.05; $luck = $member->get('luck'); $percent += $luck / 200; if (Shadowfunc::dicePercent($percent)) { $amt = rand(2, 4); $member->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('Bolete', $amt))); $member->message($this->lang($member, 'mushrooms', array($amt))); } } } }
public function giveElectronicParts(SR_Player $player) { if (!$this->isInQuest($player)) { return array(); } $data = $this->getQuestData(); if (!isset($data['DROPPED'])) { $data['DROPPED'] = 0; } if ($data['DROPPED'] >= $this->getNeededAmount()) { return array(); } $data['DROPPED']++; $this->saveQuestData($data); return array(SR_Item::createByName('ElectronicParts')); }
public function onLeaveLocation(SR_Party $party) { foreach ($party->getMembers() as $member) { $member instanceof SR_Player; # The heat is on? if (!$member->hasConst(self::KEY)) { continue; } if (false !== ($milk = $member->getInvItemByName('Milk', false, false))) { $amt = $milk->getAmount(); if (false !== $member->deleteFromInventory($milk)) { $member->message($this->lang($member, 'sour')); $member->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('SourMilk', $amt))); } } } }
public static function giveItem(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $id, $amt = 1) { if ($amt < 1) { $player->msg('1038'); // $player->message('Please give a positive amount of items.'); return false; } if (false === ($item = $player->getInvItem($id))) { $player->msg('1029'); // $player->message('You don`t have that item.'); return false; } // if (false === $item->isItemTradeable()) // { // $player->message('You are not allowed to trade this item.'); // return false; // } if ($item->isItemStackable()) { if ($amt > $item->getAmount()) { $player->msg('1040', array($item->getItemName())); // $player->message(sprintf('You only have %d %s.', $item->getAmount(), $item->getName())); return false; } $giveItem = SR_Item::createByName($item->getItemName(), $amt, true); $item->useAmount($player, $amt); } else { if ($amt !== 1) { $player->message('Currently you can only give one equipment at a time.'); return false; } $player->removeFromInventory($item); $giveItem = $item; } $busymsg = $player->isFighting() ? Shadowfunc::displayBusy($player->busy(SR_Player::GIVE_TIME)) : ''; self::rply($player, '5115', array($amt, $giveItem->displayFullName($player), $target->getName(), $busymsg)); // $player->message(sprintf('You gave %d %s to %s.%s', $amt, $giveItem->getName(), $target->getName(), $busymsg)); $target->giveItems(array($giveItem), $player->getName()); // if ($target instanceof SR_TalkingNPC) // { // $target->onNPCGive($player, $items); // } return true; }
public function checkQuest(SR_NPC $npc, SR_Player $player) { $given = $this->giveQuesties($player, $npc, 'BlackOrchid', 0, 1); if ($given > 0) { if (rand(0, 4) === 0) { $npc->reply($this->lang('yay1')); $player->message($this->lang('yay2')); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('WhiteOrchid')), $npc->getName()); if ($this->isInQuest($player)) { $this->onSolve($player); } } else { $npc->reply($this->lang('aww')); } } else { $npc->reply($this->lang('more')); } return true; }
public function getReward(SR_Player $player) { $possible = array(array('LO_Rune_of_attack:0.3', 'Rune_of_body:0.5')); if ($player->getBase('bows') >= 0) { $possible[] = array('SportBow_of_bows:1,attack:1', 'Ammo_Arrow', 'Ammo_Arrow'); } if ($player->getBase('pistols') >= 0) { $possible[] = array('AresPredator_of_attack:1,max_dmg:1', 'Ammo_9mm'); } if ($player->getBase('ninja') >= 0) { $possible[] = array('NinjaSword'); } if ($player->getBase('magic') >= 0) { $possible[] = array('ElvenStaff_of_magic:2,max_hp:2'); } $reward = $possible[array_rand($possible, 1)]; $back = array(); foreach ($reward as $itemname) { $back[] = SR_Item::createByName($itemname); } return $back; }
public function onNPCQuestTalkB(SR_TalkingNPC $npc, SR_Player $player, $word, array $args = NULL) { $need = $this->getNeededAmount(); $ny = $this->getRewardNuyen(); $dny = Shadowfunc::displayNuyen($ny); switch ($word) { case 'shadowrun': $npc->reply("I have to securely inform some friends with some message."); $npc->reply("Can you show a DataCrystal to all my friends?"); break; case 'confirm': $npc->reply("Just show them to all the Johnsons."); break; case 'yes': $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('DataCrystal')), 'Mr.Johnson'); $npc->reply("Just show them to all the Johnsons."); break; case 'no': $npc->reply('ok'); break; } return true; }
public function on_fill(SR_Player $player, array $args) { switch (count($args)) { case 0: $amt = 1; break; case 1: $amt = (int) $args[0]; break; default: return $player->message(Shadowhelp::getHelp($player, 'fill')); } if (false === ($item = $player->getInvItem('EmptyBottle'))) { return $player->message('You don\'t have any empty bottles.'); } if ($item->getAmount() < $amt) { return $player->message(sprintf('You only have %d empty bottles.', $item->getAmount())); } if (false === $item->useAmount($player, $amt)) { return $player->message('ERROR!'); } return $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('WaterBottle', $amt)), 'the well'); }
public function checkQuest(SR_NPC $npc, SR_Player $player) { $have_before = $this->getAmount(); $need = $this->getNeededAmount(); $have = $this->giveQuesties($player, $npc, 'FairyStaff', $have_before, $need); if ($have > $have_before) { $npc->reply('Thank you a lot, chummer.'); $this->saveAmount($have); } if ($have >= $need) { $npc->reply('Ok chummer, i will now tell you howto #brew potions.'); $npc->reply('Simply use the #brew <spell> [<level>] command and have a WaterBottle ready.'); if ($player->getBase('alchemy') < 0) { $player->message('You have learned the alchemy skill and unlocked the #brew command.'); $player->saveBase('alchemy', 0); $player->modify(); } $this->onSolve($player); $npc->reply('You know what ... i give you 4 WaterBottles for a startup.'); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('WaterBottle', 4))); } else { $npc->reply(sprintf('I still need %d Fairy Staffs for my experiments.', $need - $have)); } }
public function checkQuest(SR_NPC $npc, SR_Player $player) { if (!$this->isInQuest($player)) { return false; } if ($this->getAmount() >= $this->getNeededAmount()) { $npc->reply($this->lang('thanks')); // $npc->reply('Thank you very much!'); $player->message($this->lang('reward')); // $player->message(sprintf('The elve cheers and hands out a glowing dark bow.')); $bow = SR_Item::createByName('DarkBow'); $mod1 = SR_Rune::randModifier($player, 10); $mod2 = SR_Rune::randModifier($player, 10); $modifiers = SR_Rune::mergeModifiers($mod1, $mod2); $bow->addModifiers($modifiers); $player->giveItems(array($bow), $npc->getName()); $this->onSolve($player); return true; } else { $npc->reply($this->lang('more', array($this->getAmount(), $this->getNeededAmount()))); // $npc->reply(sprintf('I see you have punished %s of %s Angry Elves.', $this->getAmount(), $this->getNeededAmount())); return false; } }
private function onViewItem(SR_Clan $clan, SR_Player $player, $itemname, $amt) { if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($itemname, $amt, false))) { $player->message('ITEM ERROR'); return false; } $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); return $bot->reply($item->getItemInfo($player)); }
public function onUsePotion(SR_Player $player, array $args) { // echo "Using potion".implode(',', $args).PHP_EOL; $receive_bottle = true; $mods = $this->getItemModifiersB(); $spellname = key($mods); $level = array_shift($mods); if (false === ($spell = SR_Spell::getSpell($spellname))) { $player->message('Unknown spell'); return false; } $spell->setCaster($player); $spell->setMode(SR_Spell::MODE_POTION); if (count($args) === 0) { $args[] = ''; } if ($spell->isOffensive()) { $receive_bottle = false; if (!$player->isFighting()) { $player->msg('1180'); // $player->message('This potion works in combat only.'); return false; } } if (false !== ($target = $spell->getTarget($player, $args, false))) { if (!$spell->isOffensive() && $target->getID() !== $player->getID()) { $player->msg('1181'); // $player->message('You cannot inject potions into other peoples mouth\'.'); return false; } } // echo "Using potion 2222 ".implode(',', $args).PHP_EOL; # Dummy player $mods['magic'] = false === isset($mods['magic']) ? $player->getBase('magic') : $mods['magic']; $mods['intelligence'] = false === isset($mods['intelligence']) ? $player->getBase('intelligence') : $mods['intelligence']; $mods['wisdom'] = false === isset($mods['wisdom']) ? $player->getBase('wisdom') : $mods['wisdom']; $dummy = new SR_Player(SR_Player::getPlayerData(0)); $dummy->setVar('sr4pl_magic', $mods['magic']); $dummy->setVar('sr4pl_intelligence', $mods['intelligence']); $dummy->setVar('sr4pl_wisdom', $mods['wisdom']); $dummy->setSpellData(array($spellname => $level)); $dummy->modify(); $spell->setCaster($dummy); if (false === $spell->onCast($player, $args, $level)) { return false; } if ($receive_bottle) { $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('EmptyBottle'))); } return true; }
/** * Pop an item from your mount. * @param SR_Player $player * @param array $args */ private static function on_pop(SR_Player $player, array $args) { if (self::inCombatOrDungeon($player)) { return false; } $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player); $mount = $player->getMount(); array_shift($args); // if (0 === ($cnt = count($args))) // { // return self::on_show($player, $args); // } // if ($cnt > 2) // { // return self::on_help($player, $args); // } # Is Storage Mount? if (0 >= ($max = $mount->getMountWeight())) { self::rply($player, '1037'); // $bot->reply(sprintf('You cannot store items in your %s.', $mount->getName())); return false; } # GetItem $itemname = array_shift($args); if (false === ($item = $player->getMountInvItem($itemname))) { self::rply($player, '1042'); // $bot->reply('You don`t have that item in your mount.'); return false; } $itemname = $item->getItemName(); $ditemname = $item->displayFullName($player); $amt = isset($args[0]) ? intval(array_shift($args)) : 1; $collected = 0; # Pre-Amt if ($amt <= 0) { self::rply($player, '1038'); // $bot->reply('Please pop a positve amount of items.'); return false; } # Stack if ($item->isItemStackable()) { $have_amt = $item->getAmount(); if ($amt > $have_amt) { self::rply($player, '1043', array($ditemname, $mount->getName())); // $bot->reply(sprintf('You don\'t have that much %s in your %s.', $itemname, $mount->getName())); return false; } if (false === ($item2 = SR_Item::createByName($itemname, $amt, true))) { $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot create item in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } if (false === $item->useAmount($player, $amt)) { $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot use item amount in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } // if ($item->getAmount() <= 0) // { // if (false === $player->removeFromMountInv($item)) // { // $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot remove from mount inventory in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__)); // } // } $player->giveItem($item2); $collected = $amt; } else { $items2 = $player->getMountItems($itemname, $amt); foreach ($items2 as $item2) { if (false !== $player->removeFromMountInv($item2)) { if (false !== $player->giveItem($item2)) { $collected++; if ($collected >= $amt) { break; } } } } } // $player->updateInventory(); $player->modify(); $invid = -1; if (false !== ($invItem = $player->getInvItemByName($itemname))) { $invid = $invItem->getInventoryID(); } return self::rply($player, '5081', array($collected, $ditemname, $mount->displayName($player), $invid)); // $reply = sprintf('You collect %d %s from your %s and put it into your inventory.', $collected, $itemname, $mount->getName()); // append inventory id if it can be determined // $invItem = $player->getInvItemByName($itemname); // if ($invItem !== false) // { // $reply .= sprintf(' Inventory ID: %d.', $invItem->getInventoryID()); // } // return $bot->reply($reply); }
public function onHacked(SR_Player $player, $hits) { $player->message('You managed to create a backup from a big data server.'); $player->giveItems(array(SR_Item::createByName('NySoftBackup')), 'hacking a computer'); }