public function install() { $id = $this->xGetString('id'); $name = $this->xGetString('name'); if (SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id) && !SPRequest::bool('force')) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('TEMPLATE_INST_DUPLICATE', $name) . ' ' . Sobi::Txt('FORCE_TPL_UPDATE', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'extensions.install', 'force' => 1, 'root' => basename($this->root) . '/' . basename($this->xmlFile))))); } $requirements = $this->xGetChilds('requirements/*'); if ($requirements && $requirements instanceof DOMNodeList) { SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.requirements')->check($requirements); } $language = $this->xGetChilds('language/file'); $folder = @$this->xGetChilds('language/@folder')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($language && $language instanceof DOMNodeList && $language->length) { $langFiles = array(); foreach ($language as $file) { $adm = false; if ($file->attributes->getNamedItem('admin')) { $adm = $file->attributes->getNamedItem('admin')->nodeValue == 'true' ? true : false; } $langFiles[$file->attributes->getNamedItem('lang')->nodeValue][] = array('path' => Sobi::FixPath("{$this->root}/{$folder}/" . trim($file->nodeValue)), 'name' => $file->nodeValue, 'adm' => $adm); } SPFactory::CmsHelper()->installLang($langFiles, false, true); } $path = SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id, 'front', false); if (SPRequest::bool('force')) { /** @var $from SPDirectory */ $from = SPFactory::Instance('', $this->root); $from->moveFiles($path); } else { if (!SPFs::move($this->root, $path)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_MOVE_DIRECTORY', $this->root, $path)); } } if (!SPRequest::bool('force')) { $section = $this->xGetChilds('install'); if ($section instanceof DOMNodeList && $section->length) { $this->section($id); } } //05 Oct 2015 Kishore $exec = $this->xGetString('exec'); if ($exec && SPFs::exists($path . DS . $exec)) { include_once "{$path}/{$exec}"; } /** @var $dir SPDirectory */ $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', $path); $zip = array_keys($dir->searchFile('.zip', false)); if (count($zip)) { foreach ($zip as $file) { SPFs::delete($file); } } Sobi::Trigger('After', 'InstallTemplate', array($id)); $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install')); $dir->deleteFiles(); return Sobi::Txt('TP.TEMPLATE_HAS_BEEN_INSTALLED', array('template' => $name)); }
public function execute() { $this->start = microtime(true); $sites = $this->getSites(); $responses = array(); $status = 'working'; $message = null; $this->format = SPRequest::bool('fullFormat') ? self::FORMAT_FULL : self::FORMAT; // $this->format = SPRequest::bool( 'fullFormat' ) ? self::FORMAT_FULL : self::FORMAT_FULL; $task = SPRequest::task(); if (in_array($task, array('crawler.init', 'crawler.restart'))) { if ($task == 'crawler.restart') { SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(Sobi::Section()); } SPFactory::db()->truncate(self::DB_TABLE); $multiLang = Sobi::Cfg('lang.multimode', false); if ($multiLang) { $langs = SPFactory::CmsHelper()->getLanguages(); if ($multiLang && $langs) { foreach ($langs as $lang) { $responses[] = $this->getResponse(Sobi::Cfg('live_site') . 'index.php?option=com_sobipro&sid=' . Sobi::Section() . '&lang=' . $lang); } } } $responses[] = $this->getResponse(Sobi::Cfg('live_site') . 'index.php?option=com_sobipro&sid=' . Sobi::Section()); $sites = $this->getSites(); } if (!count($sites) && !in_array($task, array('crawler.init', 'crawler.restart'))) { $message = Sobi::Txt('CRAWL_URL_PARSED_DONE', SPFactory::db()->select('count(*)', self::DB_TABLE)->loadResult()); SPFactory::db()->truncate(self::DB_TABLE); $this->response(array('status' => 'done', 'data' => array(), 'message' => $message)); } if (count($sites)) { $i = 0; $timeLimit = SPRequest::int('timeLimit', self::TIME_LIMIT, 'get', true); foreach ($sites as $site) { if (!strlen($site)) { continue; } $responses[] = $this->getResponse($site); $i++; if (microtime(true) - $this->start > $timeLimit) { break; } } $message = Sobi::Txt('CRAWL_URL_PARSED_WORKING', $i, count($sites)); } $this->response(array('status' => $status, 'data' => $responses, 'message' => $message)); }
public function install() { $id = $this->xGetString('id'); $name = $this->xGetString('name'); if (SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id) && !SPRequest::bool('force')) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('TEMPLATE_INST_DUPLICATE', $name) . ' ' . Sobi::Txt('FORCE_TPL_UPDATE', Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'extensions.install', 'force' => 1, 'root' => basename($this->root) . '/' . basename($this->xmlFile))))); } $requirements = $this->xGetChilds('requirements/*'); if ($requirements && $requirements instanceof DOMNodeList) { SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.requirements')->check($requirements); } $path = SPLoader::dirPath('usr.templates.' . $id, 'front', false); if (SPRequest::bool('force')) { /** @var $from SPDirectory */ $from = SPFactory::Instance('', $this->root); $from->moveFiles($path); } else { if (!SPFs::move($this->root, $path)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_MOVE_DIRECTORY', $this->root, $path)); } } if (!SPRequest::bool('force')) { $section = $this->xGetChilds('install'); if ($section instanceof DOMNodeList && $section->length) { $this->section($id); } } $exec = $this->xGetString('exec'); if ($exec && SPFs::exists($this->root . DS . $exec)) { include_once "{$this->root}/{$exec}"; } /** @var $dir SPDirectory */ $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', $path); $zip = array_keys($dir->searchFile('.zip', false)); if (count($zip)) { foreach ($zip as $file) { SPFs::delete($file); } } Sobi::Trigger('After', 'InstallTemplate', array($id)); $dir =& SPFactory::Instance('', SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install')); $dir->deleteFiles(); return Sobi::Txt('TP.TEMPLATE_HAS_BEEN_INSTALLED', array('template' => $name)); }
/** * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database * @param SPEntry $entry * @param string $request * @param bool $clone * @throws SPException * @return bool */ public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST', $clone = false) { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } $del = SPRequest::bool($this->nid . '_delete', false, $request); if ($clone) { $orgSid = SPRequest::sid(); $this->loadData($orgSid); $files = $this->getExistingFiles(); $cloneFiles = array(); if (isset($files['original']) && file_exists(SOBI_ROOT . '/' . $files['original'])) { return $this->cloneFiles($entry, $request, $files, $cloneFiles); } } $fileSize = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'size'); $cropped = null; static $store = null; $cache = false; if ($store == null) { $store = SPFactory::registry()->get('requestcache_stored'); } if (is_array($store) && isset($store[$this->nid])) { if (!strstr($store[$this->nid], 'file://') && !strstr($store[$this->nid], 'directory://')) { $data = $store[$this->nid]; $cache = true; $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name', $request); } else { SPRequest::set($this->nid, $store[$this->nid]); $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name'); $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name'); } } else { $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name'); $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name'); } $sPath = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->savePath); $path = SPLoader::dirPath($sPath, 'root', false); /** Wed, Oct 15, 2014 13:51:03 * Implemented a cropper with Ajax checker. * This is the actual method to get those files * Other methods left for BC * */ if (!$data) { $directory = SPRequest::string($this->nid, $store[$this->nid], false, $request); if (strlen($directory)) { list($data, $dirName, $files, $coordinates) = $this->getAjaxFiles($directory); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == '.') { continue; } if ($file == '..') { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'icon_') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'resized_') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'cropped_') !== false) { $cropped = $dirName . $file; SPFs::upload($cropped, $path . basename($cropped)); continue; } if (strpos($file, '.var') !== false) { continue; } $fileSize = filesize($dirName . $file); $orgName = $file; } } if (strlen($coordinates)) { $coordinates = json_decode(SPLang::clean($coordinates), true); /** @var SPImage $croppedImage */ $croppedImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $dirName . $orgName); $croppedImage->crop($coordinates['width'], $coordinates['height'], $coordinates['x'], $coordinates['y']); $cropped = 'cropped_' . $orgName; $croppedImage->saveAs($path . $cropped); } $data = strlen($cropped) ? $cropped : $dirName . $file; } } $files = array(); /* if we have an image */ if ($data && $orgName) { if ($fileSize > $this->maxSize) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_TOO_LARGE', $this->name, $fileSize, $this->maxSize)); } if ($cropped) { SPFs::upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName); } /** * @var SPImage $orgImage */ if ($cache) { $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $data); $orgImage->move($path . $orgName); } else { $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image'); $nameArray = explode('.', $orgName); $ext = strtolower(array_pop($nameArray)); $nameArray[] = $ext; $orgName = implode('.', $nameArray); if ($cropped) { // Fri, Jul 3, 2015 17:15:05 // it has been actually uploaded at ~425 // not sure why we are trying to upload it again if (SPFs::exists($dirName . $data)) { $orgImage->upload($dirName . $data, $path . basename($data)); } else { $orgImage->setFile($path . basename($data)); } } else { $orgImage->upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName); } } $files['data']['exif'] = $orgImage->exif(); $this->cleanExif($files['data']['exif']); if (Sobi::Cfg('image_field.fix_rotation', true)) { if ($orgImage->fixRotation()) { $orgImage->save(); } } if ($this->resize) { $image = clone $orgImage; try { $image->resample($this->resizeWidth, $this->resizeHeight, false); $files['image'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->imageName, true); $image->saveAs($path . $files['image']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $image->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } } if ($this->generateThumb) { $thumb = clone $orgImage; try { $thumb->resample($this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight, false); $files['thumb'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->thumbName, true); $thumb->saveAs($path . $files['thumb']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $thumb->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } } $ico = clone $orgImage; try { $icoSize = explode(':', Sobi::Cfg('image.ico_size', '80:80')); $ico->resample($icoSize[0], $icoSize[1], false); $files['ico'] = $this->parseName($entry, strtolower($orgName), 'ico_{orgname}_' . $this->nid, true); $ico->saveAs($path . $files['ico']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $ico->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } if (!$this->keepOrg) { $orgImage->delete(); } else { $files['original'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, '{orgname}', true); } foreach ($files as $i => $file) { if ($i == 'data') { continue; } $files[$i] = $sPath . $file; } } elseif ($del) { $this->delImgs(); $files = array(); } else { return true; } $this->storeData($entry, $request, $files); }
public static function fields($sid = 0, $types = null) { if (!$sid) { $sid = SPRequest::sid('request', Sobi::Section(), false); } if (!$types) { $types = SPRequest::string('types', null); $types = SPFactory::config()->structuralData($types, true); } $fields = SPConfig::fields($sid, $types); if (SPRequest::bool('fields-xhr')) { SPFactory::mainframe()->cleanBuffer()->customHeader(); exit(json_encode($fields)); } else { return $fields; } }
protected function reject() { if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) { Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($this->authorise('manage')) { $changes = array(); $objects = array('entry' => $this->_model, 'user' => SPFactory::user(), 'author' => SPFactory::Instance('cms.base.user', $this->_model->get('owner'))); $messages =& SPFactory::registry()->get('messages'); $reason = SPLang::replacePlaceHolders(SPRequest::string('reason', null, true, 'post'), $objects); $objects['reason'] = nl2br($reason); $messages['rejection'] = $objects; SPFactory::registry()->set('messages', $messages); $this->_model->setMessage($reason, 'reason'); if (SPRequest::bool('unpublish', false, 'post')) { $this->_model->changeState(0, $reason, false); $changes[] = 'unpublish'; } if (SPRequest::bool('trigger_unpublish', false, 'post')) { Sobi::Trigger('Entry', 'AfterChangeState', array($this->_model, 0, 'messages' => $this->_model->get('messages'))); } if (SPRequest::bool('discard', false, 'post')) { $changes[] = 'discard'; $data = $this->_model->discard(false); } if (SPRequest::bool('trigger_unapprove', false, 'post')) { Sobi::Trigger('Entry', 'AfterUnapprove', array($this->_model, 0)); } Sobi::Trigger('Entry', 'AfterReject', array($this->_model, 0)); SPFactory::message()->logAction('reject', $this->_model->get('id'), $data, $reason); $this->response(Sobi::Back(), Sobi::Txt('ENTRY_REJECTED', $this->_model->get('name')), true, SPC::SUCCESS_MSG); } }
protected function template() { /* determine template file */ $template = SPRequest::cmd('sptpl', $this->_task); if (strstr($template, '.')) { $template = explode('.', $template); $this->templateType = $template[0]; $this->template = $template[1]; } else { $this->templateType = $this->_type; $this->template = $template ? $template : $this->_task; } if (strlen($template && $template != $this->_task) && !SPRequest::bool('xmlc')) { $template = "/{$this->templateType}/{$this->template}.xsl"; SPFactory::registry()->set('cache_view_template', $template); } }
/** * Executes the controller task * @return void */ public function execute() { if (!$this->_cache) { try { if (is_array($this->_ctrl)) { foreach ($this->_ctrl as &$c) { $c->execute(); } } else { if ($this->_ctrl instanceof SPControl) { $this->_ctrl->execute(); } else { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('No controller to execute'), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('%s', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { /** @var $view SPFrontView */ $view = SPFactory::View('cache'); $view->cachedView($this->_cache['xml'], $this->_cache['template'], $this->_cache['cid'], $this->_cache['config']); $view->display(); } /* send header data etc ...*/ if (SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'raw' && SPRequest::bool('xmlc')) { SPFactory::cache()->storeView(array()); } SPFactory::mainframe()->endOut(); Sobi::Trigger('End'); /* redirect if any redirect has been set */ SPFactory::mainframe()->redirect(); ini_set('display_errors', $this->_err); error_reporting($this->_deb); restore_error_handler(); }
/** * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database * @param SPEntry $entry * @param string $request * @throws SPException * @return bool */ public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST') { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } $del = SPRequest::bool($this->nid . '_delete', false, $request); $fileSize = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'size'); $cropped = null; static $store = null; $cache = false; if ($store == null) { $store = SPFactory::registry()->get('requestcache_stored'); } if (is_array($store) && isset($store[$this->nid])) { if (!strstr($store[$this->nid], 'file://') && !strstr($store[$this->nid], 'directory://')) { $data = $store[$this->nid]; $cache = true; $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name', $request); } else { SPRequest::set($this->nid, $store[$this->nid]); $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name'); $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name'); } } else { $data = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'tmp_name'); $orgName = SPRequest::file($this->nid, 'name'); } $sPath = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->savePath); $path = SPLoader::dirPath($sPath, 'root', false); /** Wed, Oct 15, 2014 13:51:03 * Implemented a cropper with Ajax checker. * This is the actual method to get those files * Other methods left for BC * */ if (!$data) { $directory = SPRequest::string($this->nid, $store[$this->nid], false, $request); if (strlen($directory)) { list($data, $dirName, $files, $coordinates) = $this->getAjaxFiles($directory); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == '.') { continue; } if ($file == '..') { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'icon_') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'resized_') !== false) { continue; } if (strpos($file, 'cropped_') !== false) { $cropped = $dirName . $file; SPFs::upload($cropped, $path . basename($cropped)); continue; } if (strpos($file, '.var') !== false) { continue; } $fileSize = filesize($dirName . $file); $orgName = $file; } } if (strlen($coordinates)) { $coordinates = json_decode(SPLang::clean($coordinates), true); /** @var SPImage $croppedImage */ $croppedImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $dirName . $orgName); $croppedImage->crop($coordinates['width'], $coordinates['height'], $coordinates['x'], $coordinates['y']); $cropped = 'cropped_' . $orgName; $croppedImage->saveAs($path . $cropped); } $data = strlen($cropped) ? $cropped : $dirName . $file; } } $files = array(); /* if we have an image */ if ($data && $orgName) { if ($fileSize > $this->maxSize) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_TOO_LARGE', $this->name, $fileSize, $this->maxSize)); } if ($cropped) { SPFs::upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName); } /** * @var SPImage $orgImage */ if ($cache) { $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image', $data); $orgImage->move($path . $orgName); } else { $orgImage = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.image'); $nameArray = explode('.', $orgName); $ext = strtolower(array_pop($nameArray)); $nameArray[] = $ext; $orgName = implode('.', $nameArray); if ($cropped) { $orgImage->upload($dirName . $data, $path . basename($data)); } else { $orgImage->upload($dirName . $orgName, $path . $orgName); } } $files['data']['exif'] = $orgImage->exif(); $this->cleanExif($files['data']['exif']); if (Sobi::Cfg('image_field.fix_rotation', true)) { if ($orgImage->fixRotation()) { $orgImage->save(); } } if ($this->resize) { $image = clone $orgImage; try { $image->resample($this->resizeWidth, $this->resizeHeight, false); $files['image'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->imageName, true); $image->saveAs($path . $files['image']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $image->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } } if ($this->generateThumb) { $thumb = clone $orgImage; try { $thumb->resample($this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight, false); $files['thumb'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, $this->thumbName, true); $thumb->saveAs($path . $files['thumb']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $thumb->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } } $ico = clone $orgImage; try { $icoSize = explode(':', Sobi::Cfg('image.ico_size', '80:80')); $ico->resample($icoSize[0], $icoSize[1], false); $files['ico'] = $this->parseName($entry, strtolower($orgName), 'ico_{orgname}', true); $ico->saveAs($path . $files['ico']); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); $ico->delete(); throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_IMG_CANNOT_RESAMPLE', $x->getMessage())); } if (!$this->keepOrg) { $orgImage->delete(); } else { $files['original'] = $this->parseName($entry, $orgName, '{orgname}', true); } foreach ($files as $i => $file) { if ($i == 'data') { continue; } $files[$i] = $sPath . $file; } } elseif ($del) { $this->delImgs(); $files = array(); } else { return true; } /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); $this->verify($entry, $request); $time = SPRequest::now(); $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'); $uid = Sobi::My('id'); /* if we are here, we can save these data */ /* collect the needed params */ $save = count($files) ? SPConfig::serialize($files) : null; $params = array(); $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp'); $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown'); $params['fid'] = $this->fid; $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id'); $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section'); $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang(); $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state'); $params['baseData'] = $db->escape($save); $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed'); /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */ if ($entry->get('version') == 1) { $params['createdTime'] = $time; $params['createdBy'] = $uid; $params['createdIP'] = $IP; } $params['updatedTime'] = $time; $params['updatedBy'] = $uid; $params['updatedIP'] = $IP; $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved'); if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) { --$this->editLimit; } $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit; /* save it */ try { $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } }