static function create($name, $label, $semanticProperty = null, $isList = null, $delimiter = null, $display = null) { $f = new SFTemplateField(); $f->mFieldName = trim(str_replace('\\', '', $name)); $f->mLabel = trim(str_replace('\\', '', $label)); $f->setSemanticProperty($semanticProperty); $f->mIsList = $isList; $f->mDelimiter = $delimiter; $f->mDisplay = $display; // Delimiter should default to ','. if ($isList && !$delimiter) { $f->mDelimiter = ','; } return $f; }
function execute( $query ) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $sfgScriptPath; global $wgLang, $smwgContLang; # Check permissions if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'createclass' ) ) { $this->displayRestrictionError(); return; } $this->setHeaders(); $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $sfgScriptPath . "/skins/SemanticForms.css" ); $numStartingRows = 10; self::addJavascript( $numStartingRows ); $property_name_error_str = ''; $save_page = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'save' ); if ( $save_page ) { $template_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "template_name" ) ); $form_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "form_name" ) ); $category_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "category_name" ) ); if ( $template_name === '' | $form_name === '' || $category_name === '' ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'sf_createclass_missingvalues' ); return; } $fields = array(); $jobs = array(); // cycle through all the rows passed in for ( $i = 1; $wgRequest->getCheck( "property_name_$i" ); $i++ ) { // go through the query values, setting the appropriate local variables $property_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "property_name_$i" ) ); if ( empty( $property_name ) ) continue; $field_name = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( "field_name_$i" ) ); if ( $field_name === '' ) $field_name = $property_name; $property_type = $wgRequest->getVal( "property_type_$i" ); $allowed_values = $wgRequest->getVal( "allowed_values_$i" ); $is_list = $wgRequest->getCheck( "is_list_$i" ); // create an SFTemplateField based on these // values, and add it to the $fields array $field = SFTemplateField::create( $field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list ); $fields[] = $field; // create the property, and make a job for it $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText( $property_type, '', $allowed_values ); $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name ); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $property_title, $params ); } // create the template, and save it $full_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText( $template_name, $fields, null, $category_name, null, null, null ); $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name ); $template_article = new Article( $template_title, 0 ); $edit_summary = ''; $template_article->doEdit( $full_text, $edit_summary ); // create the form, and make a job for it $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create( $template_name, '', false ); $form_templates = array( $form_template ); $form = SFForm::create( $form_name, $form_templates ); $full_text = $form->createMarkup(); $form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( SF_NS_FORM, $form_name ); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $form_title, $params ); // create the category, and make a job for it $full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText( $form_name, $category_name, '' ); $category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $category_name ); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob( $category_title, $params ); Job::batchInsert( $jobs ); $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'sf_createclass_success' ); return; } $datatype_labels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels(); // make links to all the other 'Create...' pages, in order to // link to them at the top of the page $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $creation_links = array(); $creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateProperty' ); $creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateTemplate' ); $creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateForm' ); $creation_links[] = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage( $sk, 'CreateCategory' ); $create_class_docu = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_docu', $wgLang->listToText( $creation_links ) ); $leave_field_blank = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_leavefieldblank' ); $form_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_nameinput' ); $template_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createtemplate_namelabel' ); $category_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createcategory_name' ); $property_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createproperty_propname' ); $field_name_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createtemplate_fieldname' ); $type_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createproperty_proptype' ); $allowed_values_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_allowedvalues' ); $list_of_values_label = wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_listofvalues' ); $text = <<<END <form action="" method="post"> <p>$create_class_docu</p> <p>$leave_field_blank</p> <p>$template_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="template_name"></p> <p>$form_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="form_name"></p> <p>$category_name_label <input type="text" size="30" name="category_name"></p> <div> <table id="mainTable"> <tr> <th colspan="2">$property_name_label</th> <th>$field_name_label</th> <th>$type_label</th> <th>$allowed_values_label</th> <th>$list_of_values_label</th> </tr> END; // Make one more row than what we're displaying - use the // last row as a "starter row", to be cloned when the // "Add another" button is pressed. for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numStartingRows + 1; $i++ ) { if ( $i == $numStartingRows + 1 ) { $rowString = 'id="starterRow" style="display: none"'; $n = 'starter'; } else { $rowString = ''; $n = $i; } $text .= <<<END <tr $rowString> <td>$n.</td> <td><input type="text" size="25" name="property_name_$n" /></td> <td><input type="text" size="25" name="field_name_$n" /></td> <td> <select name="property_type_$n"> END; $optionsStr =""; foreach ( $datatype_labels as $label ) { $text .= " <option>$label</option>\n"; $optionsStr .= $label . ","; } $text .= <<<END </select> </td> <td><input type="text" size="25" name="allowed_values_$n" /></td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="is_list_$n" /></td> END; } $text .= <<<END </tr> </table> </div> END; $add_another_button = Html::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'value' => wfMsg( 'sf_formedit_addanother' ), 'onclick' => "createClassAddRow()" ) ); $text .= Html::rawElement( 'p', null, $add_another_button ) . "\n"; // Set 'title' as hidden field, in case there's no URL niceness $cc = $this->getTitle(); $text .= SFFormUtils::hiddenFieldHTML( 'title', SFUtils::titleURLString( $cc ) ); $text .= Html::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'save', 'value' => wfMsg( 'sf_createclass_create' ) ) ); $text .= "</form>\n"; $wgOut->addHTML( $text ); }
/** * Generate pages (form and templates) specified in the list. */ public static function generatePages($pageSchemaObj, $selectedPages) { global $wgUser; $psTemplates = $pageSchemaObj->getTemplates(); $form_templates = array(); $jobs = array(); foreach ($psTemplates as $psTemplate) { // Generate every specified template $templateName = $psTemplate->getName(); $templateTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $templateName); $fullTemplateName = PageSchemas::titleString($templateTitle); $template_fields = self::getFieldsFromTemplateSchema($psTemplate); if (class_exists('SIOPageSchemas')) { $internalObjProperty = SIOPageSchemas::getInternalObjectPropertyName($psTemplate); } else { $internalObjProperty = null; } // TODO - actually, the category-setting should be // smarter than this: if there's more than one // template in the schema, it should probably be only // the first non-multiple template that includes the // category tag. if ($psTemplate->isMultiple()) { $categoryName = null; } else { $categoryName = $pageSchemaObj->getCategoryName(); } $templateText = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText($templateName, $template_fields, $internalObjProperty, $categoryName, null, null, null); if (in_array($fullTemplateName, $selectedPages)) { $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $templateText; $jobs[] = new PSCreatePageJob($templateTitle, $params); } $templateValues = self::getTemplateValues($psTemplate); if (array_key_exists('Label', $templateValues)) { $templateLabel = $templateValues['Label']; } else { $templateLabel = null; } $form_fields = self::getFormFieldInfo($psTemplate, $template_fields); // Create template info for form, for use in generating // the form (if it will be generated). $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create($templateName, $templateLabel, $psTemplate->isMultiple(), null, $form_fields); $form_templates[] = $form_template; } Job::batchInsert($jobs); // Create form, if it's specified. $formName = self::getFormName($pageSchemaObj); if (!empty($formName)) { $formInfo = self::getMainFormInfo($pageSchemaObj); $formTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe(SF_NS_FORM, $formName); $fullFormName = PageSchemas::titleString($formTitle); if (in_array($fullFormName, $selectedPages)) { self::generateForm($formName, $formTitle, $form_templates, $formInfo, $categoryName); } } }
/** * Get the fields of the template, along with the semantic property * attached to each one (if any), by parsing the text of the template. */ function getAllFields() { global $wgContLang; $templateFields = array(); $fieldNamesArray = array(); // The way this works is that fields are found and then stored // in an array based on their location in the template text, so // that they can be returned in the order in which they appear // in the template, not the order in which they were found. // Some fields can be found more than once (especially if // they're part of an "#if" statement), so they're only // recorded the first time they're found. $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $this->mTemplateName); $template_article = null; if (isset($template_title)) { $template_article = new Article($template_title, 0); } if (isset($template_article)) { $templateText = $template_article->getContent(); // Ignore 'noinclude' sections and 'includeonly' tags. $templateText = StringUtils::delimiterReplace('<noinclude>', '</noinclude>', '', $templateText); $templateText = strtr($templateText, array('<includeonly>' => '', '</includeonly>' => '')); // First, look for "arraymap" parser function calls // that map a property onto a list. if ($ret = preg_match_all('/{{#arraymap:{{{([^|}]*:?[^|}]*)[^\\[]*\\[\\[([^:]*:?[^:]*)::/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $field_name) { if (!in_array($field_name, $fieldNamesArray)) { $propertyName = $matches[2][$i]; $this->handlePropertySettingInTemplate($field_name, $propertyName, true, $templateFields, $templateText); $fieldNamesArray[] = $field_name; } } } elseif ($ret === false) { // There was an error in the preg_match_all() // call - let the user know about it. if (preg_last_error() == PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) { print 'Semantic Forms error: backtrace limit exceeded during parsing! Please increase the value of <a href="">pcre.backtrack-limit</a> in the PHP settings.'; } } // Second, look for normal property calls. if (preg_match_all('/\\[\\[([^:|\\[\\]]*:*?[^:|\\[\\]]*)::{{{([^\\]\\|}]*).*?\\]\\]/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $propertyName) { $field_name = trim($matches[2][$i]); if (!in_array($field_name, $fieldNamesArray)) { $propertyName = trim($propertyName); $this->handlePropertySettingInTemplate($field_name, $propertyName, false, $templateFields, $templateText); $fieldNamesArray[] = $field_name; } } } // Then, get calls to #set and #set_internal // (thankfully, they have basically the same syntax). if (preg_match_all('/#(set|set_internal):(.*?}}})\\s*}}/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[2] as $match) { if (preg_match_all('/([^|{]*?)=\\s*{{{([^|}]*)/mis', $match, $matches2)) { foreach ($matches2[1] as $i => $propertyName) { $fieldName = trim($matches2[2][$i]); if (!in_array($fieldName, $fieldNamesArray)) { $propertyName = trim($propertyName); $this->handlePropertySettingInTemplate($fieldName, $propertyName, false, $templateFields, $templateText); $fieldNamesArray[] = $fieldName; } } } } } // Then, get calls to #declare. if (preg_match_all('/#declare:(.*?)}}/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $setValues = explode('|', $match); foreach ($setValues as $valuePair) { $keyAndVal = explode('=', $valuePair); if (count($keyAndVal) == 2) { $propertyName = trim($keyAndVal[0]); $fieldName = trim($keyAndVal[1]); if (!in_array($fieldName, $fieldNamesArray)) { $this->handlePropertySettingInTemplate($fieldName, $propertyName, false, $templateFields, $templateText); $fieldNamesArray[] = $fieldName; } } } } } // Finally, get any non-semantic fields defined. if (preg_match_all('/{{{([^|}]*)/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $fieldName) { $fieldName = trim($fieldName); if (!empty($fieldName) && !in_array($fieldName, $fieldNamesArray)) { $cur_pos = stripos($templateText, $fieldName); $templateFields[$cur_pos] = SFTemplateField::create($fieldName, $wgContLang->ucfirst($fieldName)); $fieldNamesArray[] = $fieldName; } } } } ksort($templateFields); return $templateFields; }
function getAllFieldsCargo($templateTitle) { $cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams = array(); $templateFields = array(); // First, get the table name, and fields, declared for this // template. $templatePageID = $templateTitle->getArticleID(); $tableSchemaString = CargoUtils::getPageProp($templatePageID, 'CargoFields'); // See if there even is DB storage for this template - if not, // exit. if (is_null($tableSchemaString)) { return null; } $tableSchema = CargoTableSchema::newFromDBString($tableSchemaString); $tableName = CargoUtils::getPageProp($templatePageID, 'CargoTableName'); // Then, match template params to Cargo table fields, by // parsing call(s) to #cargo_store. $templateText = SFUtils::getPageText($templateTitle); // Ignore 'noinclude' sections and 'includeonly' tags. $templateText = StringUtils::delimiterReplace('<noinclude>', '</noinclude>', '', $templateText); $templateText = strtr($templateText, array('<includeonly>' => '', '</includeonly>' => '')); // Let's find every #cargo_store tag. // Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to use a regexp // search for this, because it's hard to know which set of // double brackets represents the end of such a call. Instead, // we'll do some manual parsing. $cargoStoreLocations = array(); $curPos = 0; while (true) { $newPos = strpos($templateText, "#cargo_store:", $curPos); if ($newPos === false) { break; } $curPos = $newPos + 13; $cargoStoreLocations[] = $curPos; } $cargoStoreCalls = array(); foreach ($cargoStoreLocations as $locNum => $startPos) { $numUnclosedBrackets = 2; if ($locNum < count($cargoStoreLocations) - 1) { $lastPos = $cargoStoreLocations[$locNum + 1]; } else { $lastPos = strlen($templateText) - 1; } $curCargoStoreCall = ''; $curPos = $startPos; while ($curPos <= $lastPos) { $curChar = $templateText[$curPos]; $curCargoStoreCall .= $curChar; if ($curChar == '}') { $numUnclosedBrackets--; } elseif ($curChar == '{') { $numUnclosedBrackets++; } if ($numUnclosedBrackets == 0) { break; } $curPos++; } $cargoStoreCalls[] = $curCargoStoreCall; } foreach ($cargoStoreCalls as $cargoStoreCall) { if (preg_match_all('/([^|{]*?)=\\s*{{{([^|}]*)/mis', $cargoStoreCall, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $cargoFieldName) { $templateParameter = trim($matches[2][$i]); $cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams[$templateParameter] = $cargoFieldName; } } } // Now, combine the two sets of information into an array of // SFTemplateFields objects. $fieldDescriptions = $tableSchema->mFieldDescriptions; foreach ($cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams as $templateParameter => $cargoField) { $templateField = SFTemplateField::create($templateParameter, $templateParameter); if (array_key_exists($cargoField, $fieldDescriptions)) { $fieldDescription = $fieldDescriptions[$cargoField]; $templateField->setCargoFieldData($tableName, $cargoField, $fieldDescription); } $templateFields[] = $templateField; } return $templateFields; }
function printCreateTemplateForm() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $sfgScriptPath; self::addJavascript(); $text = ''; $save_page = $wgRequest->getCheck('wpSave'); $preview_page = $wgRequest->getCheck('wpPreview'); if ($save_page || $preview_page) { $validToken = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getVal('csrf'), 'CreateTemplate'); if (!$validToken) { $text = "This appears to be a cross-site request forgery; canceling save."; $wgOut->addHTML($text); return; } $fields = array(); // Cycle through the query values, setting the // appropriate local variables. foreach ($wgRequest->getValues() as $var => $val) { $var_elements = explode("_", $var); // we only care about query variables of the form "a_b" if (count($var_elements) != 2) { continue; } list($field_field, $id) = $var_elements; if ($field_field == 'name' && $id != 'starter') { $field = SFTemplateField::create($val, $wgRequest->getVal('label_' . $id), $wgRequest->getVal('semantic_property_' . $id), $wgRequest->getCheck('is_list_' . $id)); $fields[] = $field; } } // Assemble the template text, and submit it as a wiki // page. $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $template_name = $wgRequest->getVal('template_name'); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name); $category = $wgRequest->getVal('category'); $aggregating_property = $wgRequest->getVal('semantic_property_aggregation'); $aggregation_label = $wgRequest->getVal('aggregation_label'); $template_format = $wgRequest->getVal('template_format'); $full_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText($template_name, $fields, null, $category, $aggregating_property, $aggregation_label, $template_format); $text = SFUtils::printRedirectForm($title, $full_text, "", $save_page, $preview_page, false, false, false, null, null); $wgOut->addHTML($text); return; } $text .= ' <form id="createTemplateForm" action="" method="post">' . "\n"; // Set 'title' field, in case there's no URL niceness $text .= Html::hidden('title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText()) . "\n"; $text .= "\t<p id=\"template_name_p\">" . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_namelabel') . ' <input size="25" id="template_name" name="template_name" /></p>' . "\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_categorylabel') . ' <input size="25" name="category" /></p>' . "\n"; $text .= "\t<fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('legend', null, wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_templatefields')) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('p', null, wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_fieldsdesc')) . "\n"; $all_properties = self::getAllPropertyNames(); $text .= '<div id="fieldsList">' . "\n"; $text .= self::printFieldEntryBox("1", $all_properties); $text .= self::printFieldEntryBox("starter", $all_properties, false); $text .= "</div>\n"; $add_field_button = Html::input(null, wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_addfield'), 'button', array('onclick' => "createTemplateAddField()")); $text .= Html::rawElement('p', null, $add_field_button) . "\n"; $text .= "\t</fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t<fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('legend', null, wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_aggregation')) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('p', null, wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_aggregationdesc')) . "\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_semanticproperty') . ' ' . self::printPropertiesDropdown($all_properties, "aggregation") . "</p>\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_aggregationlabel') . ' ' . Html::input('aggregation_label', null, 'text', array('size' => '25')) . "</p>\n"; $text .= "\t</fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_outputformat') . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::input('template_format', 'standard', 'radio', array('checked' => true), null) . ' ' . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_standardformat') . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::input('template_format', 'infobox', 'radio', null) . ' ' . wfMsg('sf_createtemplate_infoboxformat') . "</p>\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::hidden('csrf', $this->getUser()->getEditToken('CreateTemplate')) . "\n"; $save_button_text = wfMsg('savearticle'); $preview_button_text = wfMsg('preview'); $text .= <<<END \t<div class="editButtons"> \t<input type="submit" id="wpSave" name="wpSave" value="{$save_button_text}" /> \t<input type="submit" id="wpPreview" name="wpPreview" value="{$preview_button_text}" /> \t</div> \t</form> END; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $create_property_link = SFUtils::linkForSpecialPage($sk, 'CreateProperty'); $text .= "\t<br /><hr /><br />\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::rawElement('p', null, $create_property_link . '.') . "\n"; $wgOut->addExtensionStyle($sfgScriptPath . "/skins/SemanticForms.css"); $wgOut->addHTML($text); }
function createAllPages() { $out = $this->getOutput(); $req = $this->getRequest(); $user = $this->getUser(); $template_name = trim($req->getVal("template_name")); $template_multiple = $req->getBool("template_multiple"); // If this is a multiple-instance template, there // shouldn't be a corresponding form or category. if ($template_multiple) { $form_name = null; $category_name = null; } else { $form_name = trim($req->getVal("form_name")); $category_name = trim($req->getVal("category_name")); } if ($template_name === '' || !$template_multiple && ($form_name === '' || $category_name === '')) { $out->addWikiMsg('sf_createclass_missingvalues'); return; } $fields = array(); $jobs = array(); // Cycle through all the rows passed in. for ($i = 1; $req->getVal("field_name_{$i}") != ''; $i++) { // Go through the query values, setting the appropriate // local variables. $field_name = trim($req->getVal("field_name_{$i}")); $property_name = trim($req->getVal("property_name_{$i}")); $property_type = $req->getVal("property_type_{$i}"); $allowed_values = $req->getVal("allowed_values_{$i}"); $is_list = $req->getCheck("is_list_{$i}"); // Create an SFTemplateField object based on these // values, and add it to the $fields array. $field = SFTemplateField::create($field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list); if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) { $field->setFieldType($property_type); // Hopefully it's safe to use a Cargo // utility method here. $possibleValues = CargoUtils::smartSplit(',', $allowed_values); $field->setPossibleValues($possibleValues); } $fields[] = $field; // Create the property, and make a job for it. if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && !empty($property_name)) { $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values); $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $user->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $params['edit_summary'] = wfMessage('sf_createproperty_editsummary', $property_type)->inContentLanguage()->text(); $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params); } } // Also create the "connecting property", if there is one. $connectingProperty = trim($req->getVal('connecting_property')); if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && $connectingProperty != '') { global $smwgContLang; $datatypeLabels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels(); $property_type = $datatypeLabels['_wpg']; $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values); $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $connectingProperty); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $user->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $params['edit_summary'] = wfMessage('sf_createproperty_editsummary', $property_type)->inContentLanguage()->text(); $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params); } // Create the template, and save it (might as well save // one page, instead of just creating jobs for all of them). $template_format = $req->getVal("template_format"); $sfTemplate = new SFTemplate($template_name, $fields); if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) { $sfTemplate->mCargoTable = trim($req->getVal("cargo_table")); } if (defined('SMW_VERSION') && $template_multiple) { $sfTemplate->setConnectingProperty($connectingProperty); } else { $sfTemplate->setCategoryName($category_name); } $sfTemplate->setFormat($template_format); $full_text = $sfTemplate->createText(); $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name); $edit_summary = ''; if (method_exists('WikiPage', 'doEditContent')) { // MW 1.21+ $template_page = new WikiPage($template_title); $content = new WikitextContent($full_text); $template_page->doEditContent($content, $edit_summary); } else { // MW <= 1.20 $template_article = new Article($template_title); $template_article->doEdit($full_text, $edit_summary); } // Create the form, and make a job for it. if ($form_name != '') { $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create($template_name, '', false); $form_items = array(); $form_items[] = array('type' => 'template', 'name' => $form_template->getTemplateName(), 'item' => $form_template); $form = SFForm::create($form_name, $form_items); $full_text = $form->createMarkup(); $form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SF_NS_FORM, $form_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $user->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($form_title, $params); } // Create the category, and make a job for it. if ($category_name != '') { $full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText($form_name, $category_name, ''); $category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_CATEGORY, $category_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $user->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($category_title, $params); } if (class_exists('JobQueueGroup')) { JobQueueGroup::singleton()->push($jobs); } else { // MW <= 1.20 Job::batchInsert($jobs); } $out->addWikiMsg('sf_createclass_success'); }
function printCreateTemplateForm($query) { $out = $this->getOutput(); $req = $this->getRequest(); if (!is_null($query)) { $presetTemplateName = str_replace('_', ' ', $query); $out->setPageTitle(wfMessage('sf-createtemplate-with-name', $presetTemplateName)->text()); $template_name = $presetTemplateName; } else { $presetTemplateName = null; $template_name = $req->getVal('template_name'); } $out->addModules('ext.semanticforms.main'); $this->addJavascript(); $text = ''; $save_page = $req->getCheck('wpSave'); $preview_page = $req->getCheck('wpPreview'); if ($save_page || $preview_page) { $validToken = $this->getUser()->matchEditToken($req->getVal('csrf'), 'CreateTemplate'); if (!$validToken) { $text = "This appears to be a cross-site request forgery; canceling save."; $out->addHTML($text); return; } $fields = array(); // Cycle through the query values, setting the // appropriate local variables. foreach ($req->getValues() as $var => $val) { $var_elements = explode("_", $var); // we only care about query variables of the form "a_b" if (count($var_elements) != 2) { continue; } list($field_field, $id) = $var_elements; if ($field_field == 'name' && $id != 'starter') { $field = SFTemplateField::create($val, $req->getVal('label_' . $id), $req->getVal('semantic_property_' . $id), $req->getCheck('is_list_' . $id), $req->getVal('delimiter_' . $id)); $field->setFieldType($req->getVal('field_type_' . $id)); // Fake attribute. $field->mAllowedValuesStr = $req->getVal('allowed_values_' . $id); $fields[] = $field; } } // Assemble the template text, and submit it as a wiki // page. $out->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name); $category = $req->getVal('category'); $cargo_table = $req->getVal('cargo_table'); $aggregating_property = $req->getVal('semantic_property_aggregation'); $aggregation_label = $req->getVal('aggregation_label'); $template_format = $req->getVal('template_format'); $sfTemplate = new SFTemplate($template_name, $fields); $sfTemplate->setCategoryName($category); $sfTemplate->mCargoTable = $cargo_table; $sfTemplate->setAggregatingInfo($aggregating_property, $aggregation_label); $sfTemplate->setFormat($template_format); $full_text = $sfTemplate->createText(); $text = SFUtils::printRedirectForm($title, $full_text, "", $save_page, $preview_page, false, false, false, null, null); $out->addHTML($text); return; } $text .= ' <form id="createTemplateForm" action="" method="post">' . "\n"; if (is_null($presetTemplateName)) { // Set 'title' field, in case there's no URL niceness $text .= Html::hidden('title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText()) . "\n"; $text .= "\t<p id=\"template_name_p\">" . wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_namelabel')->escaped() . ' <input size="25" id="template_name" name="template_name" /></p>' . "\n"; } $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_categorylabel')->escaped() . ' <input size="25" name="category" /></p>' . "\n"; if (!defined('SMW_VERSION') && defined('CARGO_VERSION')) { $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_cargotablelabel')->escaped() . ' <input size="25" name="cargo_table" /></p>' . "\n"; } $text .= "\t<fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('legend', null, wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_templatefields')->text()) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('p', null, wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_fieldsdesc')->text()) . "\n"; if (defined('SMW_VERSION')) { $all_properties = self::getAllPropertyNames(); } else { $all_properties = array(); } $text .= '<div id="fieldsList">' . "\n"; $text .= self::printFieldEntryBox("1", $all_properties); $text .= self::printFieldEntryBox("starter", $all_properties, false); $text .= "</div>\n"; $add_field_button = Html::input(null, wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_addfield')->text(), 'button', array('class' => "createTemplateAddField")); $text .= Html::rawElement('p', null, $add_field_button) . "\n"; $text .= "\t</fieldset>\n"; if (defined('SMW_VERSION')) { $text .= "\t<fieldset>\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('legend', null, wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_aggregation')->text()) . "\n"; $text .= "\t" . Html::element('p', null, wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_aggregationdesc')->text()) . "\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_semanticproperty')->escaped() . ' ' . self::printPropertiesComboBox($all_properties, "aggregation") . "</p>\n"; $text .= "\t<p>" . wfMessage('sf_createtemplate_aggregationlabel')->escaped() . ' ' . Html::input('aggregation_label', null, 'text', array('size' => '25')) . "</p>\n"; $text .= "\t</fieldset>\n"; } $text .= self::printTemplateStyleInput('template_format'); $text .= "\t" . Html::hidden('csrf', $this->getUser()->getEditToken('CreateTemplate')) . "\n"; $save_button_text = wfMessage('savearticle')->escaped(); $preview_button_text = wfMessage('preview')->escaped(); $text .= <<<END \t<div class="editButtons"> \t<input type="submit" id="wpSave" name="wpSave" value="{$save_button_text}" /> \t<input type="submit" id="wpPreview" name="wpPreview" value="{$preview_button_text}" /> \t</div> \t</form> END; $out->addHTML($text); }
/** * Returns an array of SFTemplateField objects, representing the fields * of a template, based on the contents of a <PageSchema> tag. */ public static function getFieldsFromTemplateSchema($psTemplate) { $psFields = $psTemplate->getFields(); $templateFields = array(); foreach ($psFields as $psField) { if (defined('SMW_VERSION')) { $prop_array = $psField->getObject('semanticmediawiki_Property'); $propertyName = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject($prop_array, 'name'); if (!is_null($prop_array) && empty($propertyName)) { $propertyName = $psField->getName(); } } else { $propertyName = null; } if ($psField->getLabel() === '') { $fieldLabel = $psField->getName(); } else { $fieldLabel = $psField->getLabel(); } $templateField = SFTemplateField::create($psField->getName(), $fieldLabel, $propertyName, $psField->isList(), $psField->getDelimiter(), $psField->getDisplay()); $templateField->setNamespace($psField->getNamespace()); if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) { $cargoFieldArray = $psField->getObject('cargo_Field'); $fieldType = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject($cargoFieldArray, 'Type'); $allowedValues = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject($cargoFieldArray, 'AllowedValues'); if ($fieldType != '') { $templateField->setFieldType($fieldType); $templateField->setPossibleValues($allowedValues); } } $templateFields[] = $templateField; } return $templateFields; }
/** * Returns an array of SFTemplateField objects, representing the fields * of a template, based on the contents of a <PageSchema> tag. */ public static function getFieldsFromTemplateSchema($psTemplate) { $psFields = $psTemplate->getFields(); $templateFields = array(); foreach ($psFields as $psField) { $prop_array = $psField->getObject('semanticmediawiki_Property'); $propertyName = PageSchemas::getValueFromObject($prop_array, 'name'); if (!is_null($prop_array) && empty($propertyName)) { $propertyName = $psField->getName(); } if ($psField->getLabel() === '') { $fieldLabel = $psField->getName(); } else { $fieldLabel = $psField->getLabel(); } $templateField = SFTemplateField::create($psField->getName(), $fieldLabel, $propertyName, $psField->isList(), $psField->getDelimiter(), $psField->getDisplay()); $templateField->setNamespace($psField->getNamespace()); $templateFields[] = $templateField; } return $templateFields; }
static function createAllPages() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser; $template_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("template_name")); $template_multiple = $wgRequest->getBool("template_multiple"); // If this is a multiple-instance template, there // shouldn't be a corresponding form or category. if ($template_multiple) { $form_name = null; $category_name = null; } else { $form_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("form_name")); $category_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("category_name")); } if ($template_name === '' || !$template_multiple && ($form_name === '' || $category_name === '')) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('sf_createclass_missingvalues'); return; } $fields = array(); $jobs = array(); // Cycle through all the rows passed in. for ($i = 1; $wgRequest->getCheck("field_name_{$i}"); $i++) { // go through the query values, setting the appropriate local variables $property_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("property_name_{$i}")); $field_name = trim($wgRequest->getVal("field_name_{$i}")); $property_type = $wgRequest->getVal("property_type_{$i}"); $allowed_values = $wgRequest->getVal("allowed_values_{$i}"); $is_list = $wgRequest->getCheck("is_list_{$i}"); // Create an SFTemplateField object based on these // values, and add it to the $fields array. $field = SFTemplateField::create($field_name, $field_name, $property_name, $is_list); $fields[] = $field; // Create the property, and make a job for it. if (!empty($property_name)) { $full_text = SFCreateProperty::createPropertyText($property_type, '', $allowed_values); $property_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SMW_NS_PROPERTY, $property_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($property_title, $params); } } // Create the template, and save it (might as well save // one page, instead of just creating jobs for all of them). $template_format = $wgRequest->getVal("template_format"); $full_text = SFTemplateField::createTemplateText($template_name, $fields, null, $category_name, null, null, $template_format); $template_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_TEMPLATE, $template_name); $template_article = new Article($template_title, 0); $edit_summary = ''; $template_article->doEdit($full_text, $edit_summary); // Create the form, and make a job for it. $form_template = SFTemplateInForm::create($template_name, '', false); $form_templates = array($form_template); $form = SFForm::create($form_name, $form_templates); $full_text = $form->createMarkup(); $form_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(SF_NS_FORM, $form_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($form_title, $params); // Create the category, and make a job for it. $full_text = SFCreateCategory::createCategoryText($form_name, $category_name, ''); $category_title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_CATEGORY, $category_name); $params = array(); $params['user_id'] = $wgUser->getId(); $params['page_text'] = $full_text; $jobs[] = new SFCreatePageJob($category_title, $params); Job::batchInsert($jobs); $wgOut->addWikiMsg('sf_createclass_success'); }
static function newFromFormFieldTag($tag_components, $template_in_form, $form_is_disabled) { global $wgParser, $wgUser; $field_name = trim($tag_components[1]); // See if this field matches one of the fields defined for this // template - if it is, use all available information about // that field; if it's not, either include it in the form or // not, depending on whether the template has a 'strict' // setting in the form definition. $the_field = null; $all_fields = $template_in_form->getAllFields(); foreach ($all_fields as $cur_field) { if ($field_name == $cur_field->getFieldName()) { $the_field = $cur_field; break; } } if ($the_field == null) { if ($template_in_form->strictParsing()) { $dummy_ff = new SFFormField(); $dummy_ff->template_field = new SFTemplateField(); $dummy_ff->mIsList = false; return $dummy_ff; } $the_field = SFTemplateField::create($field_name, null); } // Create an SFFormField object, containing this field as well // as settings from the form definition file. $f = new SFFormField(); $f->template_field = $the_field; $f->mFieldArgs = array(); $semantic_property = null; $cargo_table = $cargo_field = null; $show_on_select = array(); $fullFieldName = $template_in_form->getTemplateName() . '[' . $field_name . ']'; // Cycle through the other components. for ($i = 2; $i < count($tag_components); $i++) { $component = trim($tag_components[$i]); if ($component == 'mandatory') { $f->mIsMandatory = true; } elseif ($component == 'hidden') { $f->mIsHidden = true; } elseif ($component == 'restricted') { $f->mIsRestricted = !$wgUser || !$wgUser->isAllowed('editrestrictedfields'); } elseif ($component == 'list') { $f->mIsList = true; } elseif ($component == 'unique') { $f->mFieldArgs['unique'] = true; } elseif ($component == 'edittools') { // free text only $f->mFieldArgs['edittools'] = true; } $sub_components = array_map('trim', explode('=', $component, 2)); if (count($sub_components) == 1) { // add handling for single-value params, for custom input types $f->mFieldArgs[$sub_components[0]] = true; if ($component == 'holds template') { $f->mIsHidden = true; $f->mHoldsTemplate = true; } } elseif (count($sub_components) == 2) { // First, set each value as its own entry in $this->mFieldArgs. $f->mFieldArgs[$sub_components[0]] = $sub_components[1]; // Then, do all special handling. if ($sub_components[0] == 'input type') { $f->mInputType = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'default') { // We call recursivePreprocess() here, // and not the more standard // recursiveTagParse(), so that // wikitext in the value, and bare URLs, // will not get turned into HTML. $f->mDefaultValue = $wgParser->recursivePreprocess($sub_components[1]); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'preload') { $f->mPreloadPage = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'show on select') { // html_entity_decode() is needed to turn '>' to '>' $vals = explode(';', html_entity_decode($sub_components[1])); foreach ($vals as $val) { $val = trim($val); if (empty($val)) { continue; } $option_div_pair = explode('=>', $val, 2); if (count($option_div_pair) > 1) { $option = $option_div_pair[0]; $div_id = $option_div_pair[1]; if (array_key_exists($div_id, $show_on_select)) { $show_on_select[$div_id][] = $option; } else { $show_on_select[$div_id] = array($option); } } else { $show_on_select[$val] = array(); } } } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'autocomplete on property') { $f->mFieldArgs['autocomplete field type'] = 'property'; $f->mFieldArgs['autocompletion source'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'autocomplete on category') { $f->mFieldArgs['autocomplete field type'] = 'category'; $f->mFieldArgs['autocompletion source'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'autocomplete on concept') { $f->mFieldArgs['autocomplete field type'] = 'concept'; $f->mFieldArgs['autocompletion source'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'autocomplete on namespace') { $f->mFieldArgs['autocomplete field type'] = 'namespace'; $autocompletion_source = $sub_components[1]; // Special handling for "main" (blank) // namespace. if ($autocompletion_source == "") { $autocompletion_source = "main"; } $f->mFieldArgs['autocompletion source'] = $autocompletion_source; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'autocomplete from url') { $f->mFieldArgs['autocomplete field type'] = 'external_url'; $f->mFieldArgs['autocompletion source'] = $sub_components[1]; // 'external' autocompletion is always done remotely, i.e. via API $f->mFieldArgs['remote autocompletion'] = true; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values') { // Handle this one only after // 'delimiter' has also been set. $values = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse($sub_components[1]); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values from property') { $propertyName = $sub_components[1]; $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getAllValuesForProperty($propertyName); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values from query') { $pages = SFUtils::getAllPagesForQuery($sub_components[1]); foreach ($pages as $page) { $page_name_for_values = $page->getDbKey(); $f->mPossibleValues[] = $page_name_for_values; } } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values from category') { $category_name = ucfirst($sub_components[1]); $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getAllPagesForCategory($category_name, 10); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values from concept') { $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getAllPagesForConcept($sub_components[1]); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values from namespace') { $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getAllPagesForNamespace($sub_components[1]); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'values dependent on') { global $sfgDependentFields; $sfgDependentFields[] = array($sub_components[1], $fullFieldName); } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'unique for category') { $f->mFieldArgs['unique'] = true; $f->mFieldArgs['unique_for_category'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'unique for namespace') { $f->mFieldArgs['unique'] = true; $f->mFieldArgs['unique_for_namespace'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'unique for concept') { $f->mFieldArgs['unique'] = true; $f->mFieldArgs['unique_for_concept'] = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'property') { $semantic_property = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'cargo table') { $cargo_table = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'cargo field') { $cargo_field = $sub_components[1]; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'default filename') { $default_filename = str_replace('<page name>', $page_name, $sub_components[1]); // Parse value, so default filename can // include parser functions. $default_filename = $wgParser->recursiveTagParse($default_filename); $f->mFieldArgs['default filename'] = $default_filename; } elseif ($sub_components[0] == 'restricted') { $f->mIsRestricted = !array_intersect($wgUser->getEffectiveGroups(), array_map('trim', explode(',', $sub_components[1]))); } } } // end for if (!array_key_exists('delimiter', $f->mFieldArgs)) { $f->mFieldArgs['delimiter'] = ","; } $delimiter = $f->mFieldArgs['delimiter']; // If the 'values' parameter was set, separate it based on the // 'delimiter' parameter, if any. if (!empty($values)) { // Remove whitespaces, and un-escape characters $valuesArray = array_map('trim', explode($delimiter, $values)); $f->mPossibleValues = array_map('htmlspecialchars_decode', $valuesArray); } // If we're using Cargo, there's no equivalent for "values from // property" - instead, we just always get the values if a // field and table have been specified. if (is_null($f->mPossibleValues) && defined('CARGO_VERSION') && $cargo_table != null && $cargo_field != null) { // We only want the non-null values. Ideally this could // be done by calling getValuesForCargoField() with // an "IS NOT NULL" clause, but unfortunately that fails // for array/list fields. // Instead of getting involved with all that, we'll just // remove the null/blank values afterward. $cargoValues = SFUtils::getAllValuesForCargoField($cargo_table, $cargo_field); $f->mPossibleValues = array_filter($cargoValues, 'strlen'); } if (!is_null($f->mPossibleValues)) { if (array_key_exists('mapping template', $f->mFieldArgs)) { $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getLabelsFromTemplate($f->mPossibleValues, $f->mFieldArgs['mapping template']); } elseif (array_key_exists('mapping property', $f->mFieldArgs)) { $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getLabelsFromProperty($f->mPossibleValues, $f->mFieldArgs['mapping property']); } elseif (array_key_exists('mapping cargo table', $f->mFieldArgs) && array_key_exists('mapping cargo field', $f->mFieldArgs)) { $f->mPossibleValues = SFUtils::getLabelsFromCargoField($f->mPossibleValues, $f->mFieldArgs['mapping cargo table'], $f->mFieldArgs['mapping cargo field']); } } // Backwards compatibility. if ($f->mInputType == 'datetime with timezone') { $f->mInputType = 'datetime'; $f->mFieldArgs['include timezone'] = true; } elseif ($f->mInputType == 'text' || $f->mInputType == 'textarea') { // Backwards compatibility. $f->mFieldArgs['no autocomplete'] = true; } if ($template_in_form->allowsMultiple()) { $f->mFieldArgs['part_of_multiple'] = true; } if (count($show_on_select) > 0) { $f->mFieldArgs['show on select'] = $show_on_select; } // Disable this field if either the whole form is disabled, or // it's a restricted field and user doesn't have sysop privileges. $f->mIsDisabled = $form_is_disabled || $f->mIsRestricted; // Do some data storage specific to the Semantic MediaWiki and // Cargo extensions. if (defined('SMW_VERSION')) { // If a property was set in the form definition, // overwrite whatever is set in the template field - // this is somewhat of a hack, since parameters set in // the form definition are meant to go into the // SFFormField object, not the SFTemplateField object // it contains; // it seemed like too much work, though, to create an // SFFormField::setSemanticProperty() function just for // this call. if (!is_null($semantic_property)) { $f->template_field->setSemanticProperty($semantic_property); } else { $semantic_property = $f->template_field->getSemanticProperty(); } if (!is_null($semantic_property)) { global $sfgFieldProperties; $sfgFieldProperties[$fullFieldName] = $semantic_property; } } if (defined('CARGO_VERSION')) { if ($cargo_table != null && $cargo_field != null) { $f->template_field->setCargoFieldData($cargo_table, $cargo_field); } $fullCargoField = $f->template_field->getFullCargoField(); if (!is_null($fullCargoField)) { global $sfgCargoFields; $sfgCargoFields[$fullFieldName] = $fullCargoField; } } if ($template_in_form->getTemplateName() == null || $template_in_form->getTemplateName() === '') { $f->mInputName = $field_name; } elseif ($template_in_form->allowsMultiple()) { // 'num' will get replaced by an actual index, either in PHP // or in Javascript, later on $f->mInputName = $template_in_form->getTemplateName() . '[num][' . $field_name . ']'; $f->setFieldArg('origName', $template_in_form->getTemplateName() . '[' . $field_name . ']'); } else { $f->mInputName = $template_in_form->getTemplateName() . '[' . $field_name . ']'; } return $f; }
function getAllFieldsCargo($templateTitle) { $cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams = array(); $templateFields = array(); // First, get the table name, and fields, declared for this // template. $templatePageID = $templateTitle->getArticleID(); $tableSchemaString = CargoUtils::getPageProp($templatePageID, 'CargoFields'); // See if there even is DB storage for this template - if not, // exit. if (is_null($tableSchemaString)) { return null; } $tableSchema = CargoTableSchema::newFromDBString($tableSchemaString); $tableName = CargoUtils::getPageProp($templatePageID, 'CargoTableName'); // Then, match template params to Cargo table fields, by // parsing call(s) to #cargo_store. $templateText = SFUtils::getPageText($templateTitle); // Ignore 'noinclude' sections and 'includeonly' tags. $templateText = StringUtils::delimiterReplace('<noinclude>', '</noinclude>', '', $templateText); $templateText = strtr($templateText, array('<includeonly>' => '', '</includeonly>' => '')); if (preg_match_all('/#cargo_store:(.*?}})\\s*}}/mis', $templateText, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { if (preg_match_all('/([^|{]*?)=\\s*{{{([^|}]*)/mis', $match, $matches2)) { foreach ($matches2[1] as $i => $cargoFieldName) { $templateParameter = trim($matches2[2][$i]); $cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams[$templateParameter] = $cargoFieldName; } } } } // Now, combine the two sets of information into an array of // SFTemplateFields objects. $fieldDescriptions = $tableSchema->mFieldDescriptions; foreach ($cargoFieldsOfTemplateParams as $templateParameter => $cargoField) { $templateField = SFTemplateField::create($templateParameter, $templateParameter); if (array_key_exists($cargoField, $fieldDescriptions)) { $fieldDescription = $fieldDescriptions[$cargoField]; $templateField->setCargoFieldData($tableName, $cargoField, $fieldDescription); } $templateFields[] = $templateField; } return $templateFields; }