Exemplo n.º 1
  * Init when you only know the WP post
  * @param $wp_post - a WP_Post instance
  * @return a new PmpSyncer
 public static function fromPost(WP_Post $wp_post)
     $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
     $guid = get_post_meta($wp_post->ID, 'pmp_guid', true);
     if ($guid) {
         $doc = $sdk->fetchDoc($guid);
         return new self($doc, $wp_post);
         // doc might be null
     } else {
         return new self(null, $wp_post);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Returns data used to build select menu of users that can be set as a distributor for a post
 * @since 0.0.1
function _pmp_dist_option_select_distributor_for_post($post)
    $ret = array('default_guid' => get_option('pmp_default_distributor', false), 'type' => 'distributor');
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    $pmp_things = $sdk->query2json('queryDocs', array('profile' => 'user', 'limit' => 9999));
    $pmp_things['items'] = array_filter($pmp_things['items'], function ($item) {
        if ($item['attributes']['guid'] !== pmp_get_my_guid()) {
            return $item;
    $pmp_guid = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'pmp_guid', true);
    $pmp_doc = $sdk->query2json('fetchDoc', $pmp_guid);
    $existing_distributors = $pmp_doc['items'][0]['links']['distributor'];
    $existing_options = array();
    if (!empty($existing_distributors)) {
        foreach ($existing_distributors as $distributor) {
            $distributor->guid = $sdk->guid4href($distributor->href);
            array_push($existing_options, $distributor);
    $existing_guids = array_map(function ($item) {
        return $item->guid;
    }, $existing_options);
    $settings = get_option('pmp_dist_settings');
    $default_guids = $settings['pmp_dist_default_distributor'];
    if (!empty($pmp_things['items'])) {
        foreach ($pmp_things['items'] as $thing) {
            $thing_guid = $thing['attributes']['guid'];
            if (in_array($thing_guid, $existing_guids) || empty($existing_guids) && in_array($thing_guid, $default_guids)) {
                $selected = true;
            } else {
                $selected = false;
            if (empty($existing_guids) && in_array($thing_guid, $default_guids)) {
                $title = $thing['attributes']['title'] . ' (default)';
            } else {
                $title = $thing['attributes']['title'];
            $option = array('selected' => $selected, 'guid' => $thing['attributes']['guid'], 'title' => $title);
            $options[] = $option;
    $ret['options'] = $options;
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Input field for default distributor setting
 * @since 0.0.1
function pmp_dist_default_distributor_input()
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    $pmp_things = $sdk->query2json('queryDocs', array('profile' => 'user', 'limit' => 9999));
    $settings = get_option('pmp_dist_settings');
    $guids = $settings['pmp_dist_default_distributor'];
	<select id="pmp_dist_default_distributor" name="pmp_dist_settings[pmp_dist_default_distributor][]" class="chosen" multiple>
    foreach ($pmp_things['items'] as $user) {
		<option <?php 
        if (in_array($user['attributes']['guid'], $guids)) {
        echo $user['attributes']['guid'];
        echo $user['attributes']['title'];
	<script type="text/javascript">
		(function() {
			var $ = jQuery;

			$(document).ready(function() {
				$('select.chosen').chosen({disable_search_threshold: 10});

Exemplo n.º 4
 * For each saved search query, query the PMP and perform the appropriate action (e.g., auto draft, auto publish or do nothing)
 * @since 0.3
function pmp_import_for_saved_queries()
    $search_queries = pmp_get_saved_search_queries();
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    foreach ($search_queries as $id => $query_data) {
        if ($query_data->options->query_auto_create == 'off') {
        $default_opts = array('profile' => 'story', 'limit' => 25);
        $cron_name = 'pmp_last_saved_search_cron_' . sanitize_title($query_data->options->title);
        $last_saved_search_cron = get_option($cron_name, false);
        if (!empty($last_saved_search_cron)) {
            $default_opts['startcreated'] = $last_saved_search_cron;
        } else {
            // First time pulling, honor the initial pull limit
            if (!empty($query_data->options->initial_pull_limit)) {
                $default_opts['limit'] = $query_data->options->initial_pull_limit;
        $query_args = array_merge($default_opts, (array) $query_data->query);
        pmp_debug("========== saved-searching: {$query_data->options->title} ==========");
        $result = $sdk->queryDocs($query_args);
        if (empty($result)) {
            pmp_debug('  -- NO RESULTS!');
        } else {
            pmp_debug("  -- got {$result->items()->count()} of {$result->items()->totalItems()} total");
        // process results, recording the biggest "created" date
        $last_created = null;
        foreach ($result->items() as $item) {
            $syncer = PmpPost::fromDoc($item);
            if ($syncer->post) {
            } else {
                if ($query_data->options->query_auto_create == 'draft') {
                    $syncer->pull(false, 'draft');
                } else {
                    $syncer->pull(false, 'publish');
            // make sure we got a post out of the deal
            $post_id = $syncer->post->ID;
            if (!$post_id) {
            if (is_null($last_created) || $item->attributes->created > $last_created) {
                $last_created = $item->attributes->created;
            // set the category(s)
            if (isset($query_data->options->post_category)) {
                // Make sure "Uncategorized" category doesn't stick around if it
                // wasn't explicitly set as a category for the saved search import.
                $assigned_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id);
                $uncategorized = get_category(1);
                // Check for "Uncategorized" in the already-assigned categories
                $in_assigned_cats = array_search($uncategorized->term_id, $assigned_categories);
                // Check for "Uncategorized" in the saved-search categories
                $in_saved_search_cats = array_search($uncategorized->term_id, $query_data->options->post_category);
                // If "Uncategorized" is in assigned categories and NOT in saved-search categories, ditch it.
                if ($in_assigned_cats >= 0 && $in_saved_search_cats === false) {
                    unset($assigned_categories[array_search($uncategorized->term_id, $assigned_categories)]);
                // Set the newly generated list of categories for the post
                wp_set_post_categories($post_id, array_values(array_unique(array_merge($assigned_categories, $query_data->options->post_category))));
        // only set the last-searched-cron if we got a date
        if ($last_created) {
            update_option($cron_name, $last_created);
 function test_getImageEnclosure()
     $doc = $this->make_enclosure_image(array());
     // favors large/primary/standard crops
     $doc = $this->make_enclosure_image(array('foobar', 'something', 'large', 'blah'));
     $this->assertEquals('large', SDKWrapper::getImageEnclosure($doc)->meta->crop);
     $doc = $this->make_enclosure_image(array('foobar', 'primary', 'blah'));
     $this->assertEquals('primary', SDKWrapper::getImageEnclosure($doc)->meta->crop);
     $doc = $this->make_enclosure_image(array('standard', 'foo', 'blah'));
     $this->assertEquals('standard', SDKWrapper::getImageEnclosure($doc)->meta->crop);
     // falls back to first
     $doc = $this->make_enclosure_image(array('foo', 'and', 'bar'));
     $this->assertEquals('foo', SDKWrapper::getImageEnclosure($doc)->meta->crop);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Make sure distributor-set collections are preserved when pushing to the PMP
 * @since 0.0.1
function pmp_dist_preserve_distributor_collection($doc, $previous_collection, $post)
    $current_guids = array_map(function ($item) {
        return SDKWrapper::guid4href($item->href);
    }, $doc->links->collection);
    $previous_guids = array_map(function ($item) {
        return SDKWrapper::guid4href($item->href);
    }, $previous_collection);
    $difference = array_diff($previous_guids, $current_guids);
    if (!empty($difference)) {
        $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
        foreach ($difference as $idx => $guid_to_check) {
            $collection = $sdk->fetchDoc($guid_to_check);
            foreach ($doc->links->distributor as $distributor) {
                if ($distributor->href == $collection->links->owner[0]->href) {
                    $doc->links->collection[] = $previous_collection[$idx];
    return $doc;
  * Handle new-ing a pmp doc (without saving it)
  * @return boolean success
 protected function new_doc()
     $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
     $this->doc = $sdk->newDoc('base', array('attributes' => array('title' => $this->post->post_title, 'published' => date('c', strtotime($this->post->post_date)), 'itags' => array_merge(self::$ITAGS, array("post-id-{$this->post->ID}")))));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Render the plugin's series and properties pages
 * @since 0.2
function pmp_collections_page()
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'pmp-properties-menu') {
        $name = 'Properties';
        $profile = 'property';
    } else {
        if ($_GET['page'] == 'pmp-series-menu') {
            $name = 'Series';
            $profile = 'series';
    if (isset($_POST['pmp-unset-default-' . $profile])) {
        delete_option('pmp_default_' . $profile);
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    $pmp_collection = $sdk->query2json('queryDocs', array('profile' => $profile, 'writeable' => 'true', 'limit' => 9999));
    $context = array('PMP' => pmp_json_obj(array('default_collection' => get_option('pmp_default_' . $profile, false), 'pmp_collection' => $pmp_collection, 'profile' => $profile, 'name' => $name)), 'name' => $name, 'profile' => $profile);
    pmp_render_template('collections.php', $context);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Get the current user's PMP GUID
 * @since 0.2
function pmp_get_my_guid()
    $pmp_my_guid_transient_key = 'pmp_my_guid';
    $pmp_my_guid_transient = get_transient($pmp_my_guid_transient_key);
    if (!empty($pmp_my_guid_transient)) {
        return $pmp_my_guid_transient;
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    $me = $sdk->fetchUser('me');
    $pmp_my_guid_transient = $me->attributes->guid;
    set_transient($pmp_my_guid_transient_key, $pmp_my_guid_transient, 0);
    return $pmp_my_guid_transient;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Builds a data structure that describes a select menu for the post based on the $type
 * @param $type (string) The document option to create a select menu for
 * (i.e., 'group', 'property' or 'series').
 * @since 0.3
function _pmp_select_for_post($post, $type)
    $ret = array('default_guid' => get_option('pmp_default_' . $type, false), 'type' => $type);
    $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
    $pmp_things = $sdk->query2json('queryDocs', array('profile' => $type, 'writeable' => 'true', 'limit' => 9999));
    $override = pmp_get_collection_override_value($post, $type);
    $options = array();
    // Pad the options with an empty value
    $options[] = array('selected' => selected($override, false, false), 'guid' => '', 'title' => '--- No ' . $type . ' ---');
    if (!empty($pmp_things['items'])) {
        foreach ($pmp_things['items'] as $thing) {
            if (!empty($override)) {
                $selected = selected($override, $thing['attributes']['guid'], false);
            $option = array('selected' => isset($selected) ? $selected : '', 'guid' => $thing['attributes']['guid'], 'title' => $thing['attributes']['title']);
            $options[] = $option;
    $ret['options'] = $options;
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Static field for currently connected user
 * @since 0.3
function pmp_user_title_input()
    $options = get_option('pmp_settings');
    if (empty($options['pmp_api_url']) || empty($options['pmp_client_id']) || empty($options['pmp_client_secret'])) {
        echo '<p><em>Not connected</em></p>';
    } else {
        try {
            $sdk = new SDKWrapper();
            $me = $sdk->fetchUser('me');
            $title = $me->attributes->title;
            $link = pmp_get_support_link($me->attributes->guid);
            echo "<p><a target='_blank' href='{$link}'>{$title}</a></p>";
        } catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\AuthException $e) {
            echo '<p style="color:#a94442"><b>Unable to connect - invalid Client-Id/Secret</b></p>';
        } catch (\Pmp\Sdk\Exception\HostException $e) {
            echo '<p style="color:#a94442"><b>Unable to connect - ' . $options['pmp_api_url'] . ' is unreachable</b></p>';