public function create($board, $email, $from = null) { $this->board = $board; $this->board_id = $board->boardid; $this->email = $email; $this->hash = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $this->date = time(); if ($from) { $this->from = $from; $this->from_id = $from->userid; } //$sql = "INSERT INTO invitations (inv_email, inv_board_id, inv_hash, inv_date) VALUES('$to', " . $this->boardid . ", '$hash', '" .SC::dbDate() . "')"; $insert_array = array("inv_email" => SC::dbString($this->email), "inv_board_id" => $this->board->boardid, "inv_hash" => SC::dbString($this->hash), "inv_date" => SC::dbDate($this->date, true), "inv_from_id" => $this->from_id); $db = new SCDB(); $db->insertFromArray($insert_array, "invitations"); $invite_id = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); if ($invite_id) { $this->id = $invite_id; } else { throw new InviteException(mysql_error($db->conn)); } $this->sendEmail(); return $this; }
public function create() { if (!$this->boardname) { throw new BoardException("You must give the board a name", 400); } if (!$this->description) { $description = ""; } if (!$this->privacy) { $this->privacy = 0; } else { $this->privacy = 1; } /* if((!$this->creating || !$this->creator()->existing) && $this->creatorid) { $this->creator = new SCUser($this->creatorid); } */ if ($this->creator()->existing) { $db = new SCDB(); $this->createdate = SC::dbDate(); //$sql = "INSERT INTO boards (brd_name, brd_creator, brd_createdate, brd_privacy, brd_description) VALUES('" . SC::dbString($boardname) ."', " . $userid . ", '" . $createdate . "', $privacy, '" . SC::dbString($description) . "')"; //$db->query($sql); $insert_array = array("brd_name" => SC::dbString($this->boardname, true), "brd_creator" => $this->creator()->userid, "brd_createdate" => $this->createdate, "brd_privacy" => $this->privacy, "brd_description" => SC::dbString($this->description, true)); $db->insertFromArray($insert_array, "boards"); if (mysql_insert_id($db->conn)) { $new_board = new SCBoard(mysql_insert_id($db->conn)); $this->fromArray($new_board->toArray()); $this->addUser($this->creatorid, 10); return $this; } else { $this->setNull(); //$this->message = mysql_error($db->conn) . "\n" . $sql; //echo($this->message); } } else { throw new BoardException("You must have a valid user to create a board", 401); } }
public function create() { //$userid, $subject, $text, $source=false) { if (!$this->author() || !$this->author()->userid) { throw new ThreadException("You need a valid userid to create a thread"); } if (!$this->boardid) { throw new ThreadException("You need a valid boardid to create a thread"); } if (!$this->subject) { throw new ThreadException("You need a subject to create a thread"); } if (!$this->text && !$this->media) { throw new ThreadException("You need a valid message to create a thread"); } if (!$this->author()->isMemberOf($this->boardid)) { throw new ThreadException("You may only create threads for boards you belong to", 401); } if ($this->type == "image") { $asset = new SCAsset($this->author()->userid, $this->media); $this->media = $asset->hash; } //$sql = "INSERT INTO messages (msg_date, msg_author, msg_subject, msg_text, msg_board_id" . ($source ? ", msg_source" : "") . ") VALUES('".SC::dbDate()."', $userid, '".SC::dbString($subject) ."', '" .SC::dbString($text) ."', " . $this->boardid . ($source ? ", '" . SC::dbString($source) . "'" : "") . ")"; $db = new SCDB(); //$db->query($sql); $insert_array = array("msg_date" => SC::dbDate(), "msg_author" => SC::dbString($this->author()->userid, true), "msg_subject" => SC::dbString($this->subject, true), "msg_text" => SC::dbString($this->text, true), "msg_board_id" => $this->boardid, "msg_source" => SC::dbString($this->source, true), "msg_type" => SC::dbString($this->type, true)); if ($this->media) { $insert_array["msg_media"] = SC::dbString($this->media, true); } if ($this->caption) { $insert_array["msg_media_caption"] = SC::dbString($this->caption, true); } $db->insertFromArray($insert_array, "messages"); $newthread = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); if ($newthread) { /* if(!SC::isLocal()) { $user = SCUser::newFromId($userid); $Name = "Switchcomb"; //senders name $email = $this->boardid.""; //senders e-mail adress $recipient = ""; //recipient $mail_body = "Posted By: " . $user->displayname . "\n\n" .str_replace("<br/>", "\n", $text); //mail body $subject = "[" . $newthread . "] $subject"; //subject $header = "From: ". $Name . " <" . $email . ">\r\nBcc:" . SC::emailList() ."\r\n"; //optional headerfields mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); //mail command :) } */ $thread = new SCThread($newthread); $this->fromArray($thread->toArray()); try { $messageMail = SCEmail::newMessageEmail($thread); $messageMail->sendEmail(); } catch (Exception $ex) { } return $this; } else { throw new ThreadException(mysql_error($db->conn)); } }
public function saveAsset() { $meta = array("orig-name" => $this->orig_path); $s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, false); if ($s3->putObject($this->toArray(), SC_IMAGEBUCKET, $this->path(), S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ, $meta)) { $db = new SCDB(); $type_array = explode("/", $this->type); $db_array = array("asset_user_id" => $this->creatorid, "asset_hash" => SC::dbString($this->hash), "asset_createdate" => SC::dbDate($this->create_time), "asset_type" => SC::dbString($type_array[0]), "asset_mime_type" => SC::dbString($this->type), "asset_orig_path" => SC::dbString($this->orig_path), "asset_size" => $this->size, "asset_folder" => SC::dbString($this->folder)); $db->insertFromArray($db_array, "assets"); //echo $this->url(); } }
public function create($password = null, $confirm_password = null) { if ($this->existing) { throw new Exception("This is an existing user... you can not create an existing user", 400); } if (!$password || !$confirm_password) { throw new Exception("Password and Password Confirmation are required", 400); } if (strcmp($password, $confirm_password) !== 0) { throw new Exception("Password and Password Confirmation do not match", 400); } $create_array = $this->toArray(true); $create_array["user_password"] = SC::dbString(SCUser::saltPassword($password), true); $create_array["user_createdate"] = SC::dbDate(); $db = new SCDB(); $db->insertFromArray($create_array, "users"); $user_id = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); if ($user_id) { $user = new SCUser($user_id); $this->fromArray($user->toArray()); } else { throw new UserException(mysql_error($db->conn)); } return $this; }
public function create($invite = false) { if (!$this->userid) { throw new MembershipException("You can not create a memebership without a userid", 400); } if (!$this->boardid) { throw new MembershipException("You can not create a memebership without a boardid", 400); } $this->join_date = SC::dbDate(); $db = new SCDB(); $insert_array = array("mem_user_id" => $this->userid, "mem_board_id" => $this->boardid, "mem_admin_level" => $this->admin_level, "mem_joindate" => $this->join_date, "mem_receives_emails" => $this->receives_emails); $db->insertFromArray($insert_array, "memberships"); $membership_id = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); if ($membership_id) { $this->loadFromMembershipId($membership_id); if ($invite && $invite instanceof SCInvite) { $invite->setAccepted(); } } else { throw new MembershipException(mysql_error($db->conn)); } return $this; }
public function create() { /* if((!$this->author || !$this->author->existing) && $this->authorid) { $this->author = new SCUser($this->authorid); } */ if (!$this->author() || !$this->author()->userid) { throw new MessageException("You need a valid userid to create a message"); } if (!$this->threadid) { throw new MessageException("You need a valid threadid to create a message"); } if (!$this->boardid) { throw new MessageException("You need a valid boardid to create a message"); } if (!$this->text && !$this->media) { throw new MessageException("You need valid message content to create a message"); } if ($this->type == "image") { $asset = new SCAsset($this->author()->userid, $this->media); $this->media = $asset->hash; } //$sql = "INSERT INTO messages (msg_date, msg_author, msg_subject, msg_text, msg_board_id" . ($source ? ", msg_source" : "") . ") VALUES('".SC::dbDate()."', $userid, '".SC::dbString($subject) ."', '" .SC::dbString($text) ."', " . $this->boardid . ($source ? ", '" . SC::dbString($source) . "'" : "") . ")"; $db = new SCDB(); //$db->query($sql); $insert_array = array("msg_date" => SC::dbDate(), "msg_author" => SC::dbString($this->author()->userid, true), "msg_subject" => SC::dbString($this->subject, true), "msg_text" => SC::dbString($this->text, true), "msg_thread" => $this->threadid, "msg_board_id" => $this->boardid, "msg_source" => SC::dbString($this->source, true), "msg_type" => SC::dbString($this->type, true)); if ($this->media) { $insert_array["msg_media"] = SC::dbString($this->media, true); } if ($this->caption) { $insert_array["msg_media_caption"] = SC::dbString($this->caption, true); } $db->insertFromArray($insert_array, "messages"); $newmessage = mysql_insert_id($db->conn); if ($newmessage) { $message = new SCMessage($newmessage); $this->fromArray($message->toArray()); try { $messageMail = SCEmail::newMessageEmail($message); $messageMail->sendEmail(); } catch (Exception $ex) { } return $this; } else { throw new MessageException(mysql_error($db->conn)); } }