  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Make a new Template object
     // Replace $path with the following line if you want to create a
     // template tailored for this page:
     $path = $this->pathModuleRoot . 'templates/';
     // store the link values
     // $this->linkValues[ 'view' ] = 'add/new/href/data/here';
     // store the link labels
     $this->linkLabels['add'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Add]');
     $this->linkLabels['edit'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Edit]');
     $this->linkLabels['del'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Delete]');
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
     // $this->linkLabels[ 'view' ] = 'new link label here';
     //         $adminLink = $this->linkValues[ 'adminHome' ];
     //         $this->template->set('adminLink', $adminLink );
     // get pricing info
     // get base price for event participation
     $event = new RowManager_EventManager($this->event_id);
     $eventBasePrice = $event->getEventBasePrice();
     // get price rules for specific event
     $priceRules = new RowManager_PriceRuleManager();
     $ruleManager = $priceRules->getListIterator();
     $priceRulesArray = $ruleManager->getDataList();
     //	echo "<pre>".print_r($priceRulesArray,true)."</pre>";
     // array storing the rules applied to a particular registrant
     $rulesApplied = array();
     $priceGetter = new FinancialTools();
     $basePriceForThisGuy = $priceGetter->getBasePriceForRegistrant($this->reg_id, $this->event_id, $this->campus_id, $eventBasePrice, $priceRulesArray, $rulesApplied);
     // get Personal Info
     $registration = new RowManager_RegistrationManager();
     $person = new RowManager_PersonManager();
     $assignment = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
     // assigns campus to person
     $campus = new RowManager_CampusManager();
     //   $campus->setCampusID($this->campus_id);
     $personalInfo = new MultiTableManager();
     $personalInfo->addRowManager($assignment, new JoinPair($person->getJoinOnPersonID(), $assignment->getJoinOnPersonID()));
     $personalInfo->addRowManager($campus, new JoinPair($campus->getJoinOnCampusID(), $assignment->getJoinOnCampusID()));
     $personalInfo->addRowManager($registration, new JoinPair($registration->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person->getJoinOnPersonID()));
     $this->listManager = $personalInfo->getListIterator();
     $personInfoArray = $this->listManager->getDataList();
     //         echo "<pre>".print_r($this->listManager,true)."</pre>";
     //        echo "<pre>".print_r($personInfoArray,true)."</pre>";
     // cycle through registrations and store balance owing for each
     $this->owingArray = array();
     $priceGetter = new FinancialTools();
     foreach (array_keys($personInfoArray) as $k) {
         $personData = current($personInfoArray);
         $this->person_id = $personData['person_id'];
         $this->person_info['person_fname'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_fname'] = $personData['person_fname'];
         $this->person_info['person_lname'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_lname'] = $personData['person_lname'];
         $this->person_info['campus_desc'] = '';
         $this->person_info['campus_desc'] = $personData['campus_desc'];
         $this->person_info['person_email'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_email'] = $personData['person_email'];
         $this->person_info['gender_id'] = '';
         $this->person_info['gender_id'] = $personData['gender_id'];
         $this->person_info['person_local_addr'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_local_addr'] = $personData['person_local_addr'];
         $this->person_info['person_local_city'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_local_city'] = $personData['person_local_city'];
         $this->person_info['person_local_province_id'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_local_province_id'] = $personData['person_local_province_id'];
         $this->person_info['person_local_pc'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_local_pc'] = $personData['person_local_pc'];
         $this->person_info['person_local_phone'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_local_phone'] = $personData['person_local_phone'];
         $this->person_info['person_addr'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_addr'] = $personData['person_addr'];
         $this->person_info['person_city'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_city'] = $personData['person_city'];
         $this->person_info['province_id'] = '';
         $this->person_info['province_id'] = $personData['province_id'];
         $this->person_info['person_pc'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_pc'] = $personData['person_pc'];
         $this->person_info['person_phone'] = '';
         $this->person_info['person_phone'] = $personData['person_phone'];
         $this->person_info['registration_status'] = $personData['registration_status'];
     $this->linkValues["EditPersonInfo"] .= $this->person_id;
     // set current registration status ID
     $this->template->set('currentRegStatus', $this->person_info['registration_status']);
     // get list of registration statuses
     $regStatuses = new RowManager_StatusManager();
     $regStatusesList = $regStatuses->getListIterator();
     $regStatusesArray = $regStatusesList->getDataList();
     $statusList = array();
     foreach (array_keys($regStatusesArray) as $k) {
         $record = current($regStatusesArray);
         $statusList[key($regStatusesArray)] = $record['status_desc'];
     // 						echo 'status list = <pre>'.print_r($statusList, true).'</pre>';
     // set registration status information
     $this->template->set('statusFormAction', $this->formAction);
     $this->template->set('statusList', $statusList);
     $this->template->set('statusButtonText', 'Update');
     // set some variables calculated previously; placed here because I need to get PERSON_ID for link
     // which had to be set before prepareTemplate(), which has to be executed BEFORE setting variables...
     $this->template->set('eventBasePrice', $eventBasePrice);
     $this->template->set('priceRules', $rulesApplied);
     $this->template->set('basePriceForThisGuy', $basePriceForThisGuy);
     //$priceGetter->calcBalanceOwing($this->reg_id);		// NOT NEEDED BECAUSE TOTALS CALCULATED
     $this->template->set('person', $this->person_info);
     // get provinces and genders
     $provinces = new RowManager_ProvinceManager();
     $provinceList = $provinces->getListIterator();
     $provincesArray = $provinceList->getDataList();
     //        echo "<pre>".print_r($provincesArray,true)."</pre>";
     $province_info = array();
     foreach (array_keys($provincesArray) as $k) {
         $province = current($provincesArray);
         $province_info[$province['province_id']] = $province['province_desc'];
     $this->template->set('list_province_id', $province_info);
     $genders = new RowManager_GenderManager();
     $genderList = $genders->getListIterator();
     $genderArray = $genderList->getDataList();
     //        echo "<pre>".print_r($genderArray,true)."</pre>";
     $gender_info = array();
     foreach (array_keys($genderArray) as $k) {
         $gender = current($genderArray);
         $gender_info[$gender['gender_id']] = $gender['gender_desc'];
     $this->template->set('list_gender_id', $gender_info);
     // send in scholarships table, cash transactions table, and credit card transactions table
     $this->template->set('scholarshipsAdminBox', $this->generateScholarshipsTable());
     $this->template->set('cashTransAdminBox', $this->generateCashTransactionsTable());
     $this->template->set('ccTransAdminBox', $this->generateCCTransactionsTable());
     // get scholarship total
     $scholarships = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager();
     $scholarshipTotal = new MultiTableManager();
     $scholarshipTotal->setFunctionCall('SUM', 'scholarship_amount');
     $scholarshipsList = $scholarshipTotal->getListIterator();
     $scholarshipsArray = $scholarshipsList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($scholarshipsArray) as $k) {
         $scholarshp = current($scholarshipsArray);
         $scholarship_total = $scholarshp['SUM(scholarship_amount)'];
     if (!isset($scholarship_total)) {
         $scholarship_total = 0;
     $this->template->set('scholarshipTotal', $scholarship_total);
     // get cash total
     $cashTrans = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashTransTotal = new MultiTableManager();
     $cashTransTotal->setFunctionCall('SUM', 'cashtransaction_amtPaid');
     $cashTransList = $cashTransTotal->getListIterator();
     $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $k) {
         $cash_trans = current($cashTransArray);
         $cash_total = $cash_trans['SUM(cashtransaction_amtPaid)'];
     if (!isset($cash_total)) {
         $cash_total = 0;
     $this->template->set('cashTotal', $cash_total);
     // get cash owed
     $cashOwed = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashOwedTotal = new MultiTableManager();
     $cashOwedTotal->setFunctionCall('SUM', 'cashtransaction_amtPaid');
     $cashOwedList = $cashOwedTotal->getListIterator();
     $cashOwedArray = $cashOwedList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($cashOwedArray) as $k) {
         $cash_owed = current($cashOwedArray);
         $cash_owing = $cash_owed['SUM(cashtransaction_amtPaid)'];
     if (!isset($cash_owing)) {
         $cash_owing = 0;
     $this->template->set('cashOwed', $cash_owing);
     // get credit card total
     $ccTrans = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager();
     $ccTransTotal = new MultiTableManager();
     $ccTransTotal->setFunctionCall('SUM', 'cctransaction_amount');
     $ccTransList = $ccTransTotal->getListIterator();
     $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $k) {
         $cc_trans = current($ccTransArray);
         $cc_total = $cc_trans['SUM(cctransaction_amount)'];
     if (!isset($cc_total)) {
         $cc_total = 0;
     $this->template->set('ccTotal', $cc_total);
     // TODO??: get credit card transactions NOT processed
     // set form for editing registration-specific form fields' values
     $this->template->set('eventFieldsFormSingle', $this->generateFieldValuesForm());
     // store any additional link Columns
     // example:
     //$title = $this->labels->getLabel( '[title_groups]');
     //$columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel( '[groups]');
     //$link = $this->linkValues[ 'groups' ];
     //$fieldName = 'accessgroup_id';
     //$this->addLinkColumn( $title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
     // store the page labels
     // NOTE: use this location to update any label tags ...
     // example:
     // $name = $user->getName();
     // $this->labels->setLabelTag( '[Title]', '[userName]', $name);
     // store the Row Manager's XML Node Name
     //        $this->template->set( 'rowManagerXMLNodeName', RowManager_RegistrationManager::XML_NODE_NAME );
     $this->template->set('rowManagerXMLNodeName', MultiTableManager::XML_NODE_NAME);
     // store the primary key field name for the data being displayed
     $this->template->set('primaryKeyFieldName', 'registration_id');
     // Load over-payment message, if necessary
     if ($this->ccTrans_subPage->hasOverPaid()) {
         $this->template->set('attemptedOverpayment', true);
     // TODO: somehow merge the primary join with the balance owing join.... for efficiency
      *  Set up any additional data transfer to the Template here...
     //       $this->template->set( 'dataList', $this->dataList);
     $templateName = 'page_EditRegistrationDetails.tpl.php';
     // if you are creating a custom template for this page then
     // replace $templateName with the following:
     //$templateName = 'page_EditCampusRegistrations.php';
     return $this->template->fetch($templateName);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function setRegistrationStatus()
     $backup_event_id = -1;
     $status_message = 'No registration created!';
     if (isset($this->reg_id) && $this->reg_id != '') {
         // check cim_hrdb_person to determine if a person has been affiliated with registration
         $regs = new RowManager_RegistrationManager();
         $person = new RowManager_PersonManager();
         $regCheck = new MultiTableManager();
         $regCheck->addRowManager($person, new JoinPair($regs->getJoinOnPersonID(), $person->getJoinOnPersonID()));
         $regsList = $regCheck->getListIterator();
         $regsArray = $regsList->getDataList();
         // variables to be used for later checks
         $person_id = '';
         $confirm_num = '';
         $person_address = '';
         $person_email = '';
         $person_city = '';
         $person_province = '0';
         $person_pcode = '';
         $person_phone = '';
         // should be only one registration status (for 1 reg_id)
         foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($regsArray);
             $backup_event_id = $record['event_id'];
             $person_id = $record['person_id'];
             $confirm_num = $record['registration_confirmNum'];
             $person_email = $record['person_email'];
             $person_address = $record['person_addr'];
             $person_city = $record['person_city'];
             $person_province = $record['province_id'];
             $person_pcode = $record['person_pc'];
             $person_phone = $record['person_phone'];
         // determine whether any person records were found for registration
         if (!isset($regsArray) || count($regsArray) < 1) {
             $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
             $status_message = 'No person record associated with registration.';
             // ASSUMPTION: set reg_id ==> created registration record
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         } else {
             if (isset($regsArray) && ($person_email == '' || $person_address == '' || $person_city == '' || $person_province == '' || $person_province == '0' || $person_pcode == '' || $person_phone == '')) {
                 $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
                 $status_message = 'Please ensure that you have entered the following data:' . '<br> name, e-mail address, permanent address, city, province, postal code, and phone number.';
                 return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         // check cim_hrdb_assignment to determine that the person has been assigned to a campus
         $assign = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
         $status = new RowManager_CampusAssignmentStatusManager();
         $campusAssign = new MultiTableManager();
         $campusAssign->addRowManager($status, new JoinPair($assign->getJoinOnStatusID(), $status->getJoinOnStatusID()));
         $regsList = $campusAssign->getListIterator();
         $regsArray = $regsList->getDataList();
         // variables to be used for later checks
         $assignArray = array();
         $this->campus_id = '';
         // should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not)
         foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($regsArray);
             if ($record['assignmentstatus_desc'] != RowManager_AssignmentsManager::UNKNOWN_STATUS) {
                 $this->campus_id = $record['campus_id'];
                 $assignArray[$this->campus_id] = $record['assignmentstatus_desc'];
         // determine whether a campus assignment exists for the found person linked to the registration
         if (!isset($assignArray) || count($assignArray) < 1) {
             $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
             $status_message = "Please ensure that the registrant is assigned to a valid campus and has a valid status.";
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         // check cim_reg_fieldvalues to determine whether field values have been set for the registration
         $fields = new RowManager_FieldManager();
         $TRUE = 1;
         $fieldsList = $fields->getListIterator();
         $fieldsArray = $fieldsList->getDataList();
         // 		     reset($fieldsArray);	// should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not)
         // 		     foreach (array_keys($fieldsArray) as $k)
         // 		     {
         // 			     $record = current($fieldsArray);
         // 			     next($fieldsArray);
         // 		     }
         $fieldValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager();
         $valuesList = $fieldValues->getListIterator();
         $valuesArray = $valuesList->getDataList();
         // 		     reset($regsArray);	// should be only one campus assignment status (for now, later maybe not)
         // 		     foreach (array_keys($regsArray) as $k)
         // 		     {
         // 			     $record = current($regsArray);
         // 			     $assignArray[$record['campus_id'] = $record['assignmentstatus_desc']
         // 			     next($regsArray);
         // 		     }
         // ensure that the REQUIRED fields for an event all have a record for the particular registration
         if (count($valuesArray) < count($fieldsArray)) {
             $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
             $status_message = 'Some required event-specific field values were NOT set for the registration.';
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         if (!isset($this->event_id) || $this->event_id == '') {
             $this->event_id = $backup_event_id;
             // should have been set earlier when retrieving reg. data...
         // retrieve event deposit for later use
         $event = new RowManager_EventManager();
         $eventsList = $event->getListIterator();
         $eventsArray = $eventsList->getDataList();
         $event_deposit = -1;
         $event_basePrice = -1;
         // should be only one event per event_id
         foreach (array_keys($eventsArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($eventsArray);
             $event_deposit = $record['event_deposit'];
         if ($event_deposit == -1) {
             $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
             $status_message = 'Invalid event associated with registration.';
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         // check cim_reg_cashtransaction and cim_reg_cctransaction tables to determine if event deposit has been paid
         $ccTransaction = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager();
         $ccTransList = $ccTransaction->getListIterator();
         $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList();
         $ccAmount = 0;
         foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($ccTransArray);
             $ccAmount += $record['cctransaction_amount'];
         // check cash
         $cashTransaction = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
         $cashTransList = $cashTransaction->getListIterator();
         $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList();
         $cashAmount = 0;
         foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($cashTransArray);
             $cashAmount += $record['cashtransaction_amtPaid'];
         // check scholarship
         $scholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager();
         $scholarshipList = $scholarship->getListIterator();
         $scholarshipArray = $scholarshipList->getDataList();
         $scholarshipAmount = 0;
         foreach (array_keys($scholarshipArray) as $k) {
             $record = current($scholarshipArray);
             $scholarshipAmount += $record['scholarship_amount'];
         if ($ccAmount + $cashAmount + $scholarshipAmount < $event_deposit) {
             $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
             $status_message = 'The event deposit of $' . $event_deposit . ' has not been paid.';
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         // check that confirmation # exists and is in proper format (check that format is 'E<event_id>R<reg_id>C<campus_id>')
         $anyNum = '[0-9]+';
         // allow any number for campus ID because person may have been assigned new campuses
         $pattern = '(E' . $this->event_id . 'R' . $this->reg_id . 'C' . $anyNum . ')';
         if (!isset($confirm_num) || preg_match($pattern, $confirm_num) < 1) {
             // if campus-id missing from confirm. # then
             // search for campus-id, since user may have created new campus assignment during process
             $pattern = '(E' . $this->event_id . 'R' . $this->reg_id . 'C)';
             if (preg_match($pattern, $confirm_num) >= 1) {
                 $campusAssigned = new RowManager_AssignmentsManager();
                 $assignmentsList = $campusAssigned->getListIterator();
                 $assignmentsArray = $assignmentsList->getDataList();
                 $assignment = current($assignmentsArray);
                 $campusID = $assignment['campus_id'];
                 // retrieve latest campus_id assigned to registrant
                 // update confirmation # in database for the proper registration
                 $updateArray = array();
                 $updateArray['registration_id'] = $this->reg_id;
                 $updateArray['registration_confirmNum'] = $confirm_num . $campusID;
                 // append the new campus_ID
                 $regsManager = new RowManager_RegistrationManager($this->reg_id);
             } else {
                 $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE);
                 $status_message = 'The confirmation number has not been properly set.';
                 return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         // 			  $status = new RowManager_StatusManager();
         // 			  $status->setStatusDesc(RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED);
         // 		     $statusList = $status->getListIterator();
         // 		     $statusArray = $statusList->getDataList();
         // 		     $status_id = -1;
         // 		     reset($statusArray);		// should be only 1 record for a particular status description
         // 		     foreach (array_keys($statusArray) as $k)
         // 		     {
         // 			     $record = current($statusArray);
         // 			     $status_id = $record['status_id'];
         // 			     next($statusArray);
         // 		     }
         // 		     if ($status_id == -1)
         // 		     {
         // 			     $status_message = 'The registration status could not be properly set to REGISTERED.';
         // 					return  RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE.'|'.$status_message;
         // 			  }
         // 			  $updateValues = array();
         // 			  $updateValues['registration_id'] = $this->reg_id;
         // 			  $updateValues['registration_status'] = $status_id;	// mark registration as being REGISTERED
         //             // Store values in RegistrationManager object
         //             $regs->loadFromArray( $updateValues );
         // //              echo "<pre>".print_r($this->formValues ,true)."</pre>";
         //             // update information
         //              $regs->updateDBTable();
         $success = $this->storeRegStatus($this->reg_id, RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED);
         if ($success == false) {
             $status_message = 'The registration status could not be properly set to REGISTERED.';
             return RowManager_StatusManager::INCOMPLETE . '|' . $status_message;
         } else {
             $status_message = '';
             return RowManager_StatusManager::REGISTERED . '|' . $status_message;
     } else {
         return RowManager_StatusManager::UNASSIGNED . '|' . $status_message;
  * function getHTML
  * <pre>
  * This method returns the HTML data generated by this object.
  * </pre>
  * @return [STRING] HTML Display data.
 function getHTML()
     // Uncomment the following line if you want to create a template
     // tailored for this page:
     //$path = $this->pathModuleRoot.'templates/';
     // Otherwise use the standard Templates for the site:
      * store the link values
     // example:
     // $this->linkValues[ 'view' ] = 'add/new/href/data/here';
     // store the link labels
     $this->linkLabels['edit'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Edit]');
     $this->linkLabels['del'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Delete]');
     $this->linkLabels['cont'] = $this->labels->getLabel('[Continue]');
     // $this->linkLabels[ 'view' ] = 'new link label here';
      * store any additional link Columns
     // example:
     //$title = $this->labels->getLabel( '[title_groups]');
     //$columnLabel = $this->labels->getLabel( '[groups]');
     //$link = $this->linkValues[ 'groups' ];
     //$fieldName = 'accessgroup_id';
     //$this->addLinkColumn( $title, $columnLabel, $link, $fieldName);
      * Update any label tags ...
     // example:
     // $name = $user->getName();
     // $this->labels->setLabelTag( '[Title]', '[userName]', $name);
     // NOTE:  this parent method prepares the $this->template with the
     // common AdminBox data.
     // store the statevar id to edit
     $this->template->set('editEntryID', $this->cashtransaction_id);
     $this->formValues['form_name'] = 'cashTransForm';
     // store all the fields to the template
      * Form related Template variables:
      * Insert the date start/end values for the following date fields:
     // example:
     //$this->template->set( 'startYear_[fieldName]', 2000);
     //$this->template->set( 'endYear_[fieldName]', 2010);
      * List related Template variables :
     // Store the XML Node name for the Data Access Field List
     $xmlNodeName = RowManager_CashTransactionManager::XML_NODE_NAME;
     $this->template->set('rowManagerXMLNodeName', $xmlNodeName);
     // store the primary key field name for the data being displayed
     $this->template->set('primaryKeyFieldName', 'cashtransaction_id');
     // store data list to the template
     // NOTE: we initialize it here to make sure we capture any new data
     // from a recent processData() call.
     $dataAccessManager = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     //        $this->dataList = new CashTransactionList( $this->sortBy );
     $this->dataList = $dataAccessManager->getListIterator();
     $this->template->setXML('dataList', $this->dataList->getXML());
     $boolArray = array();
     $boolArray['0'] = 'no';
     $boolArray['1'] = 'yes';
     $this->template->set('list_cashtransaction_recd', $boolArray);
      * Add any additional data required by the template here
     $this->template->set('disableHeading', true);
     $this->template->set('formAnchor', 'RegCashTransactionForm');
     $templateName = 'siteAdminBox.php';
     // if you are creating a custom template for this page then
     // replace $templateName with the following:
     //$templateName = 'page_EditRegistrationCashTransactionsList.php';
     return $this->template->fetch($templateName);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * function getCashTransactions
  * <pre>
  * Returns array of arrays, indexed by cash transaction ID
  * </pre>
  * @param $regID [INTEGER]		registration ID
  * @return [ARRAY] the array of cash transaction records for registration $regID
 function getCashTransactions($regID)
     $cashTransactions = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashTransIterator = $cashTransactions->getListIterator();
     $cashTransArray = $cashTransIterator->getDataList();
     //echo "<pre>".print_r($cashTransArray,true)."</pre>";
     return $cashTransArray;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private function deleteAssociatedRegRecords($reg_id)
     // delete any CC transactions linked to the registration record
     $ccTrans = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager();
     $ccTransList = $ccTrans->getListIterator();
     $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $k) {
         $record = current($ccTransArray);
         $ccTransID = $record['cctransaction_id'];
         // delete any CC transaction receipts linked to the registration record
         $ccReceipt = new RowManager_ReceiptManager($ccTransID);
         // delete CC trans record now that we know CC trans. ID
         $deleteCCtrans = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager($ccTransID);
     // delete any cash transactions linked to the registration record
     $cashTrans = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashTransList = $cashTrans->getListIterator();
     $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $k) {
         $record = current($cashTransArray);
         $cashTransID = $record['cashtransaction_id'];
         // delete cash trans record now that we know cash trans. ID
         $deleteCashTrans = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager($cashTransID);
     // delete any scholarships linked to the registration record
     $scholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager();
     $scholarshipList = $scholarship->getListIterator();
     $scholarshipArray = $scholarshipList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($scholarshipArray) as $k) {
         $record = current($scholarshipArray);
         $scholarshipID = $record['scholarship_id'];
         // delete cash trans record now that we know scholarship ID
         $deleteScholarship = new RowManager_ScholarshipAssignmentManager($scholarshipID);
     // delete any field values linked to the registration record
     $fieldValues = new RowManager_FieldValueManager();
     $fieldValuesList = $fieldValues->getListIterator();
     $fieldValuesArray = $fieldValuesList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($fieldValuesArray) as $k) {
         $record = current($fieldValuesArray);
         $fieldValueID = $record['fieldvalues_id'];
         // delete cash trans record now that we know field value ID
         $deleteFieldValue = new RowManager_FieldValueManager($fieldValueID);
 protected function getPreviousPaid()
     // Get previously processed CC transactions
     $ccTransManager = new RowManager_CreditCardTransactionManager();
     $ccTransList = $ccTransManager->getListIterator();
     $ccTransArray = $ccTransList->getDataList();
     $paid = 0;
     foreach (array_keys($ccTransArray) as $key) {
         $record = current($ccTransArray);
         $paid += $record['cctransaction_amount'];
     // Get previously processed cash transactions
     $cashTransManager = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashTransList = $cashTransManager->getListIterator();
     $cashTransArray = $cashTransList->getDataList();
     foreach (array_keys($cashTransArray) as $key) {
         $record = current($cashTransArray);
         $paid += $record['cashtransaction_amtPaid'];
     return $paid;
 function getCashOwedTotal()
     $cashOwed = new RowManager_CashTransactionManager();
     $cashOwedTotal = new MultiTableManager();
     $cashOwedTotal->setFunctionCall('SUM', 'cashtransaction_amtPaid');
     $cashOwedList = $cashOwedTotal->getListIterator();
     $cashOwedArray = $cashOwedList->getDataList();
     $cash_owing = 0;
     foreach (array_keys($cashOwedArray) as $k) {
         $cash_owed = current($cashOwedArray);
         $cash_owing = $cash_owed['SUM(cashtransaction_amtPaid)'];
     return $cash_owing;