Exemplo n.º 1
 public function process()
     //echo "vao day";die;
     if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 1) {
         Tools::redirect('hotelpage.php?mid=' . self::$cookie->HotelID);
     $continentCode = Tools::getUserContinentCode(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
     $search_form = array();
     $search_form['CityId'] = 0;
     $search_form['AreaId'] = 0;
     if ((self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) && self::$cookie->OldLoginUserName == NULL) {
         $search_form['CheckIn'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . " + 5 days"));
         $search_form['Nights'] = 1;
         $search_form['CheckOut'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($search_form['CheckIn'] . " + {$search_form['Nights']} days"));
     $search_form['HotelClassId'] = 0;
     $search_form['HotelName'] = '';
     $search_form['ContinentCode'] = $continentCode;
     $roomtype_list = RoomPlan::getRoomTypeList();
     $roomtype_form_list = array();
     foreach ($roomtype_list as $roomtype) {
         $roomTypeId = $roomtype['RoomTypeId'];
         $roomtype_form_list[$roomTypeId] = 0;
     $search_form['RoomTypeVals'] = $roomtype_form_list;
     self::$smarty->assign("roomTypeList", $roomtype_list);
     self::$smarty->assign("search_form", $search_form);
     self::$smarty->assign("classList", Tools::getAllHotelClasses());
     self::$smarty->assign("areaList", Tools::getJapanAreas());
     //get Hotel List and Promotion List
     $promotionList = Promotion::getHomePromotionList(Promotion::$TYPE_PROMOTION);
     self::$smarty->assign('homePromotionList', $promotionList);
     $eventList = Promotion::getHomePromotionList(Promotion::$TYPE_EVENT);
     self::$smarty->assign('homeEventList', $eventList);
     // Get Popular Hotel List
     $poList = HotelDetail::getPopularHotelList(3);
     // 東京・横浜 - 関東 areaid = 3
     $popularList = array();
     global $cookie;
     $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->LanguageID);
     foreach ($poList as $popular) {
         $image = HotelDetail::getFirstFileOfHotel($popular['HotelId'], 150, 150);
         if (is_file(_TAS_ROOT_DIR_ . "/asset/" . $image['w5_path'])) {
             $popular['HotelFilePath'] = $image['w5_path'];
             $popular['w5'] = $image['w5'];
             $popular['h5'] = $image['h5'];
         $popular['LowestPrice'] = HotelDetail::getLowestPriceOfHotel($popular['HotelId']);
         $popular['AreaName'] = HotelDetail::getAreaName($popular['HotelArea']);
         $HotelNameKey = 'HotelName_' . $iso;
         $popular['HotelName'] = $popular[$HotelNameKey];
         $popularList[] = $popular;
     //self::$smarty->assign('homeAreaList', Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("select *, AreaName_".$this->iso." as AreaName from HT_Area where AreaId in (3, 5, 8, 12)"));
     self::$smarty->assign('homeAreaList', Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('select  *, AreaName_' . $this->iso . ' as AreaName from `HT_Area` where isPopular = 1'));
     self::$smarty->assign("popularList", $popularList);
 public function preProcess()
     // if (!Tools::hasFunction('room_plan_edit')) Tools::redirect('index.php');
     $rpid = Tools::getValue("rpid");
     $roomplan_sales = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanSales($rpid);
     // $roomplan_sales['Nights'] =(strtotime($roomplan_sales['ConToTime']) - strtotime($roomplan_sales['ConFromTime'])) / (24 * 60 * 60); // diff day
     self::$smarty->assign("roomplan_sales", $roomplan_sales);
     self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'roomplan_sales.tpl');
 public function preProcess()
     // if (!Tools::hasFunction('room_plan_edit')) Tools::redirect('index.php');
     $rpid = Tools::getValue("rpid");
     $price = Tools::getValue("price");
     $roomplan_summary = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanSummary($rpid);
     self::$smarty->assign("roomplan_summary", $roomplan_summary);
     self::$smarty->assign('price', $price);
     self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'roomplan_summary.tpl');
 public function process()
     global $cookie;
     $roomtype_list = RoomPlan::getRoomTypeList();
     $roomtype_form_list = array();
     $search_form = array();
     // get contient code
     $continentCode = Tools::getUserContinentCode(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
     if (Tools::isSubmit("search")) {
         $search_form = Tools::element_copy($_REQUEST, 'CityId', 'AreaId', 'CheckIn', 'CheckOut', 'Nights', 'HotelClassId', 'HotelName', 'SortBy', 'SortOrder');
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) {
             $search_form['ContinentCode'] = $continentCode;
             $search_form['HideRQ'] = @$_REQUEST['HideRQ'];
             $search_form['Role'] = 'Agent';
         foreach ($roomtype_list as $roomtype) {
             $roomTypeId = $roomtype['RoomTypeId'];
             $roomtype_form_list[$roomTypeId] = $_REQUEST['RoomType_' . $roomTypeId];
         $search_form['RoomTypeVals'] = $roomtype_form_list;
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3 || $search_form['CheckIn'] && $search_form['CheckOut']) {
             $search_form['Role'] = 'Agent';
             $hotel_roomplan_count = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlanCount($search_form);
             $hotel_roomplan_list = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlan($search_form, $this->p, $this->n);
         } else {
             $hotel_roomplan_count = HotelDetail::getHotelByAreaCityCount($search_form);
             $hotel_roomplan_list = HotelDetail::getHotelByAreaCity($search_form, $this->p, $this->n);
     } else {
         // redirect
     self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_list", $hotel_roomplan_list);
     self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_count", $hotel_roomplan_count);
     self::$smarty->assign("search_form", $search_form);
     self::$smarty->assign("search_city_name", Tools::getCityName($search_form['CityId']));
     self::$smarty->assign("search_area_name", Tools::getAreaName($search_form['AreaId']));
     self::$smarty->assign("roomTypeList", $roomtype_list);
     self::$smarty->assign("classList", Tools::getAllHotelClasses());
     self::$smarty->assign("areaList", Tools::getJapanAreas());
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function process()
     global $cookie;
     $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->LanguageID);
     $mid = $this->mid;
     //Tools::getValue("mid")!="" ? Tools::getValue("mid") : ((self::$cookie->RoleID==1) ? self::$cookie->HotelID : "");
     $hotel = new HotelDetail($mid);
     $HotelNameKey = 'HotelName_' . $iso;
     $hotel->HotelName = $hotel->{$HotelNameKey};
     $HotelAddressKey = 'HotelAddress_' . $iso;
     $hotel->HotelAddress = $hotel->{$HotelAddressKey};
     $HotelDescriptionKey = 'HotelDescription_' . $iso;
     $hotel->HotelDescription = $hotel->{$HotelDescriptionKey};
     $HotelPoliciesKey = 'HotelPolicies_' . $iso;
     $hotel->HotelPolicies = $hotel->{$HotelPoliciesKey};
     $UsefulInformationKey = 'UsefulInformation_' . $iso;
     $hotel->UsefulInformation = $hotel->{$UsefulInformationKey};
     $continentCode = Tools::getUserContinentCode(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
     // get CityName and AreaName of Hotel
     $hotel->HotelAreaName = Tools::getAreaName($hotel->HotelArea);
     $hotel->HotelCityName = Tools::getCityName($hotel->HotelCity);
     $hotel->HotelClassName = $hotel->getClassName();
     $number_star = 0;
     if ($hotel->HotelClass == 1 || $hotel->HotelClass == 4 || $hotel->HotelClass == 7) {
         $number_star = 5;
     } elseif ($hotel->HotelClass == 2 || $hotel->HotelClass == 5 || $hotel->HotelClass == 8) {
         $number_star = 4;
     } elseif ($hotel->HotelClass == 3 || $hotel->HotelClass == 6 || $hotel->HotelClass == 9) {
         $number_star = 3;
     $isOnsen = 0;
     $isResort = 0;
     if ($hotel->HotelClass == 4 || $hotel->HotelClass == 5 || $hotel->HotelClass == 6) {
         $isOnsen = 1;
     } elseif ($hotel->HotelClass == 9 || $hotel->HotelClass == 8 || $hotel->HotelClass == 7) {
         $isResort = 1;
     self::$smarty->assign("number_star", $number_star);
     self::$smarty->assign("isOnsen", $isOnsen);
     self::$smarty->assign("isResort", $isResort);
     self::$smarty->assign("hotel", $hotel);
     self::$smarty->assign("featureList", $hotel->getAllFeatures());
     $photoList = HotelDetail::getAllHotelFiles($hotel->HotelId);
     foreach ($photoList as $key => $var) {
         $iso_name = 'HotelFileName_' . $iso;
         $photoList[$key]['HotelFileName'] = $photoList[$key][$iso_name];
     self::$smarty->assign("photoList", $photoList);
     self::$smarty->assign("photoCount", sizeof($photoList));
     self::$smarty->assign("mid", $mid);
     // Get Similar Hotel List
     $simList = $hotel->getSimilarHotelList();
     $similarList = array();
     foreach ($simList as $similar) {
         $image = HotelDetail::getFirstFileOfHotel($similar['HotelId'], 145, 145);
         if (is_file(_TAS_ROOT_DIR_ . "/asset/" . $image['w5_path'])) {
             $similar['HotelFilePath'] = $image['w5_path'];
             $similar['w5'] = $image['w5'];
             $similar['h5'] = $image['h5'];
         $similar['LowestPrice'] = HotelDetail::getLowestPriceOfHotel($similar['HotelId']);
         $similar['AreaName'] = Tools::getAreaName($similar['HotelArea']);
         $HotelNameKey = 'HotelName_' . $iso;
         $similar['HotelName'] = $similar[$HotelNameKey];
         $similarList[] = $similar;
     self::$smarty->assign("similarList", $similarList);
     $roomtype_list = RoomPlan::getRoomTypeList();
     $roomtype_form_list = array();
     if (Tools::isSubmit("search")) {
         // search result
         $search_form = Tools::element_copy($_REQUEST, 'CheckIn', 'CheckOut', 'Nights', 'SortBy', 'SortOrder');
         $search_form['HotelId'] = $mid;
         foreach ($roomtype_list as $roomtype) {
             $roomTypeId = $roomtype['RoomTypeId'];
             $roomtype_form_list[$roomTypeId] = $_REQUEST['RoomType_' . $roomTypeId];
         $search_form['RoomTypeVals'] = $roomtype_form_list;
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) {
             $search_form['ContinentCode'] = $continentCode;
             $search_form['Role'] = 'Agent';
         $hotel_roomplan_count = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlanCount($search_form);
         $hotel_roomplan_list = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlan($search_form, $this->p, $this->n);
         // print_r($hotel_roomplan_list);
         self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_list", $hotel_roomplan_list);
         self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_count", $hotel_roomplan_count);
         self::$smarty->assign("search_form", $search_form);
     } else {
         $search_form = array();
         $search_form['CityId'] = 0;
         $search_form['AreaId'] = 0;
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) {
             $search_form['Role'] = 'Agent';
             $search_form['CheckIn'] = Tools::get_default_val($_REQUEST['CheckIn'], date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . " + 5 days")));
             $search_form['Nights'] = Tools::get_default_val($_REQUEST['Nights'], 1);
             $search_form['CheckOut'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($search_form['CheckIn'] . " + {$search_form['Nights']} days"));
         $search_form['HotelClassId'] = 0;
         $search_form['HotelName'] = '';
         $search_form['HotelId'] = $mid;
         foreach ($roomtype_list as $roomtype) {
             $roomTypeId = $roomtype['RoomTypeId'];
             $roomtype_form_list[$roomTypeId] = Tools::get_default_val($_REQUEST['RoomType_' . $roomTypeId], 0);
         $search_form['RoomTypeVals'] = $roomtype_form_list;
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) {
             $search_form['ContinentCode'] = $continentCode;
             $search_form['Role'] = 'Agent';
         self::$smarty->assign("search_form", $search_form);
         if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 1 && self::$cookie->HotelID == $mid || (self::$cookie->RoleID == 4 || self::$cookie->RoleID == 5)) {
             $search_form = array();
             $search_form['CityId'] = 0;
             $search_form['AreaId'] = 0;
             // $search_form['ContinentCode'] = $continentCode;
             $search_form['HotelClassId'] = 0;
             $search_form['HotelName'] = '';
             $search_form['HotelId'] = $mid;
             // $hotel_roomplan_list = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanListDetailByHotelId($mid);
             $hotel_roomplan_count = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlanCount($search_form);
             $hotel_roomplan_list = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlan($search_form, $this->p, $this->n);
             self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_list", $hotel_roomplan_list);
         } else {
             $temp = 0;
             foreach ($roomtype_form_list as $roomtype) {
                 if ($roomtype != 0) {
                     $temp = $roomtype;
             $hotel_roomplan_count = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlanCount($search_form);
             $hotel_roomplan_list = RoomPlan::searchHotelRoomPlan($search_form, $this->p, $this->n);
             if ($temp == 0) {
                 $hotel_roomplan_list = array();
             self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_list", $hotel_roomplan_list);
             self::$smarty->assign("hotel_roomplan_count", $hotel_roomplan_count);
     self::$smarty->assign("roomTypeList", $roomtype_list);
 public function process()
     global $cookie;
     // get hotel id
     // its value will retain from session.
     // get room plan list by hotel id
     $hotelId = $this->hotelId;
     // action switch
     global $cookie;
     $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->LanguageID);
     // show default list page
     $resRoomPlanList = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanListByHotelId($hotelId);
     // print_r($resRoomPlanList);
     $roomPlanList = array();
     foreach ($resRoomPlanList as $roomPlan) {
         $RoomPlanNameKey = 'RoomPlanName_' . $iso;
         $roomPlan['RoomPlanName'] = $roomPlan[$RoomPlanNameKey];
         $RoomPlanDescriptionKey = 'RoomPlanDescription_' . $iso;
         $roomPlan['RoomPlanDescription'] = addslashes($roomPlan[$RoomPlanDescriptionKey]);
         $roomPlan['FileIdList'] = RoomFile::getRoomFileListByRoomPlanId($roomPlan['RoomPlanId']);
         $photoList = RoomFile::getRoomFileListByRoomPlanId($roomPlan['RoomPlanId']);
         foreach ($photoList as $key => $var) {
             $iso_name = 'RoomFileName_' . $iso;
             $photoList[$key]['RoomFileName'] = $photoList[$key][$iso_name];
         $roomPlan['FileIdList'] = $photoList;
         $roomPlanList[] = $roomPlan;
     $roomTypeList = RoomPlan::getRoomTypeList();
     $today = date('Y-m-d');
     $tomorrow = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($today . " + 1 days"));
     self::$smarty->assign("roomPlanList", $roomPlanList);
     self::$smarty->assign("roomTypeList", $roomTypeList);
     self::$smarty->assign("hid", $hotelId);
     self::$smarty->assign("today", $today);
     self::$smarty->assign("tomorrow", $tomorrow);
 public function process()
     global $cookie;
     if ($_POST["booking"] != 'confirm' && $_POST["booking"] != 'calculate' && $_REQUEST['booking'] != 'view' && $_POST['booking'] != 'payment' && $_POST["booking"] != 'finish' && $_POST["booking"] != 'save') {
     if ($_REQUEST['booking'] == 'view') {
         // view page
         if ($_REQUEST['vouch_info'] == 1 || $_REQUEST['savepdf'] == 1) {
             $orderId = $_GET['oid'];
             if ($_REQUEST['savepdf'] == 1) {
                 $booking_info = Booking::getBookingInfo($_GET['oid'], "en");
             } else {
                 $booking_info = Booking::getBookingInfo($_GET['oid']);
             $booking_info['agent_info'] = new Member($booking_info['OrderUserId']);
             // make string of  "Total No or rooms"
             $_rooms = array();
             foreach ($booking_info['booked_roomplan_list'] as $roomplan) {
                 if ($_rooms[$roomplan[RoomPlanId]]) {
                 } else {
                     $_rooms[$roomplan[RoomPlanId]]['count'] = 1;
                     $_rooms[$roomplan[RoomPlanId]]['name'] = $roomplan[RoomPlanName];
             $_roomsString = "";
             foreach ($_rooms as $_room) {
                 if ($_roomsString != "") {
                     $_roomsString .= "& ";
                 $_roomsString .= $_room['count'] . " " . $_room['name'];
             $booking_info['roomString'] = $_roomsString;
             if ($_REQUEST['savepdf'] == 1) {
             } else {
                 self::$smarty->assign("booking_info", $booking_info);
         // move the engine to preprocess function
         			$booking_info = Booking::getBookingInfo ( $_GET ['oid'] );
         			if (! $booking_info)
         				Tools::redirect ( 'index.php' );
         			if ($_REQUEST ['payment'])
         				self::$smarty->assign ( "payment", $_REQUEST ['payment'] );
         			self::$smarty->assign ( "method", 'view' );
     } else {
         // other(build booking info from post variable for edit, confirm, finish)
         $booking_info = Booking::buildBookingInfoFromPost(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
         self::$smarty->assign("method", 'order');
         self::$smarty->assign("booking_info", $booking_info);
         foreach ($booking_info['booked_roomplan_list'] as $bi) {
             //echo $bi['Check_0'];
             if ($bi['Check_0'] == '0') {
                 $error['message'] = "満室のためご希望の日程には変更できません";
                 self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
                 self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
     if ($_POST["booking"] == 'calculate') {
         $checkin = $_POST['checkin'];
         $checkout = $_POST['checkout'];
         $ids = $_POST['ids'];
         $rpid_list = array();
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $rpid_list[] = $_POST['roomplan_ids_' . $id];
         $roomplan_list = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanListForBooking($rpid_list, $checkin, $checkout);
         $plan_list = array();
         foreach ($roomplan_list as $record) {
             $plan_list[$record['RoomPlanId']] = $record;
         $isOk = true;
         foreach ($rpid_list as $rpid) {
             if (empty($plan_list[$rpid])) {
                 $isOk = false;
         if (!$isOk) {
             $error['message'] = "There is not any room as requested";
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
         self::$smarty->assign("countries", Tools::getCountries());
         self::$smarty->assign("method", 'edit');
     if ($_POST["booking"] == 'save') {
         if ($booking_info['order_id'] == 0) {
             $error['message'] = "订单编号不存在";
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
         $checkin = $_POST['checkin'];
         $checkout = $_POST['checkout'];
         $ids = $_POST['ids'];
         $rpid_list = array();
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $rpid_list[] = $_POST['roomplan_ids_' . $id];
         $roomplan_list = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanListForBooking($rpid_list, $checkin, $checkout);
         $plan_list = array();
         foreach ($roomplan_list as $record) {
             $plan_list[$record['RoomPlanId']] = $record;
         $isOk = true;
         foreach ($rpid_list as $rpid) {
             if (empty($plan_list[$rpid])) {
                 $isOk = false;
         if (!$isOk) {
             $error['message'] = "There is not any room as requested";
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
         $booking_info['paymentMethod'] = Member::getPaymentMethod(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
         $order_id = Booking::modifyBooking($booking_info);
         if (empty($order_id)) {
             $error['message'] = "修改失败, 您修订的房间信息不存在。";
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
         } else {
             Tools::emailHotel($order_id, 11);
     if ($_POST["booking"] == 'finish') {
         //  $_POST ["booking"] == 'save'
         if ($booking_info['order_id'] == 0) {
             $booking_info['OrderUserId'] = self::$cookie->UserID;
         $booking_info['paymentMethod'] = Member::getPaymentMethod(self::$cookie->CompanyID);
         $order_id = Booking::insertNewBooking($booking_info);
         if ($order_id) {
             $booking_info = Booking::getBookingInfo($order_id);
             Tools::emailHotel($order_id, 10);
         } else {
             $error['message'] = "Booking has time out!";
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
         //$booking_info = Booking::getBookingInfo ( $order_id );
         self::$smarty->assign("booking_info", $booking_info);
         //if ($_POST ["booking"] == 'save')
         //	Tools::redirect ( 'booking_list.php' );
     if ($_POST['booking'] == 'payment') {
         $url = "http://localhost/payment.php";
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         //$content =
         $response = curl_getinfo($ch);
         if ($response['http_code'] == 200) {
             Booking::changeBookingStatus($booking_info['order_id'], 4);
             Booking::changePayStatus($booking_info['order_id'], 2);
             Booking::payment($booking_info['order_id'], $_POST['money']);
         } else {
             $error = array();
             $error['message'] = 'sorroy charge fail';
             self::$smarty->assign("error", $error);
             self::$smarty->display(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . 'error_redirect.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static function emailHotel($orderid, $orderstatus)
     $bookingInfo = Booking::getBookingOrder($orderid);
     $BookingNo = $bookingInfo['BookingNo'];
     $ContactName = $bookingInfo['contact_name'];
     //1.Customer Information
     $ContactEmail = $bookingInfo['contact_email'];
     $ContactTel = $bookingInfo['contact_tel'];
     $CheckIn = $bookingInfo['checkin'];
     $CheckOut = $bookingInfo['checkout'];
     $userid = $bookingInfo['OrderUserId'];
     $userinfo = Member::getUserInfoById($userid);
     $AgentName = $userinfo['Name'];
     $AgentPhoneNo = $userinfo['Tel'];
     $AgentEmail = $userinfo['Email'];
     $hotelid = $bookingInfo['hotel_id'];
     $hoteluserinfo = Member::getUserInfoByHotelId($hotelid);
     $UserName = $hoteluserinfo['Name'];
     $prefFax = $hoteluserinfo['PrefFax'];
     $prefEmail = $hoteluserinfo['PrefEmail'];
     $Fax = $hoteluserinfo['Fax'];
     $to = $hoteluserinfo['Email'];
     $languageid = $hoteluserinfo['LanguageID'];
     $iso = $hoteluserinfo['LanguageShortName'];
     if (!isset($hoteluserinfo['LanguageID'])) {
         $languageid = 4;
     $hotelinfo = HotelDetail::getHotelDescription($hotelid, $iso);
     $HotelName = $hotelinfo['HotelName'];
     $HotelAddress = $hotelinfo['HotelAddress'];
     $HotelContactNo = $hotelinfo['HotelContactNo'];
     $orderroominfo = RoomPlan::getOrderRoomInfo($orderid, $iso);
     $RoomList = '';
     $RoomListFax = '';
     $id = 1;
     foreach ($orderroominfo as $orderroom) {
         $RoomList .= "<table  width='100%' cellspacing='10' style='font-size:12px;'>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span style='color:#000000;font-weight:bold;font-zie:14px;'>- Room " . $id . "</span></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span>Room Plan(宿泊プラン):</span> " . $orderroom['RoomPlanName'] . " </td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span>Room Type(ルームタイプ):</span> " . $orderroom['RoomTypeName'] . " </td>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</tr> \n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span>Guest Name(宿泊者名):</span> " . $orderroom['CustomerName'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td width='30%'><span>Breakfast(朝食):</span> " . $orderroom['Breakfast'] . "</td>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<td><span>Dinner(夕食):</span> " . $orderroom['Dinner'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span>Special Request(特別リクエスト):</span> " . $orderroom['Special'] . " </td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2><span>* All Special request are subjects to availability </span></td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>";
         $RoomListFax .= "<table  width=190 >\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2 size=11>- Room " . $id . "</td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2>Room Plan(宿泊プラン): " . $orderroom['RoomPlanName'] . " </td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2>Room Type(ルームタイプ): " . $orderroom['RoomTypeName'] . " </td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2>Guest Name(宿泊者名): " . $orderroom['CustomerName'] . "</td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td>Breakfast(朝食): " . $orderroom['Breakfast'] . "</td>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td>Dinner(夕食): " . $orderroom['Dinner'] . "</td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2>Special Request(特別リクエスト): " . $orderroom['Special'] . " </td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t\t<tr>\n         \t\t\t\t\t<td width=5></td><td colspan=2>* All Special request are subjects to availability </td>\n         \t\t\t\t</tr>\n         \t\t\t</table>";
     $RoomString = RoomPlan::getRoomString($orderid, $iso);
     include_once substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -8) . '/config/mail.config.php';
     global $from, $message, $subject;
     $search = array('{#BookingNo}', '{#HotelName}', '{#UserName}', '{#HotelAddress}', '{#HotelContactNo}', '{#ContactName}', '{#ContactEmail}', '{#ContactTel}', '{#CheckIn}', '{#CheckOut}', '{#RoomString}', '{#RoomList}', '{#AgentName}', '{#AgentPhoneNo}', '{#AgentEmail}');
     $replace = array($BookingNo, $HotelName, $UserName, $HotelAddress, $HotelContactNo, $ContactName, $ContactEmail, $ContactTel, $CheckIn, $CheckOut, $RoomString, $RoomList, $AgentName, $AgentPhoneNo, $AgentEmail);
     $replaceFax = array($BookingNo, $HotelName, $UserName, $HotelAddress, $HotelContactNo, $ContactName, $ContactEmail, $ContactTel, $CheckIn, $CheckOut, $RoomString, $RoomListFax, $AgentName, $AgentPhoneNo, $AgentEmail);
     $msg = str_replace($search, $replace, $message[10][5][$languageid]);
     // $faxmsg = str_replace($search, $replaceFax, $message[21][5][$languageid]);
     $faxmsg = str_replace($search, $replaceFax, $message[21][5][4]);
     $sub = str_replace('{#BookingNo}', $BookingNo, $subject[$orderstatus][5][$languageid]);
     if ($orderstatus == 7) {
         $msg = str_replace('下記の予約をお願いいたします', '下記の予約のキャンセルをお願いいたします', $msg);
         $faxmsg = str_replace('下記の予約をお願いいたします', '下記の予約のキャンセルをお願いいたします', $faxmsg);
     if ($prefEmail) {
         $headers = "From: {$from}" . "\r\n";
         $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
         $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";
         $headers .= 'Bcc: booking@tas-agent.com';
         //echo $sub."<br/><br/><br/>".$msg;
         if ($sub != '' && $msg != '') {
             global $emailTail;
             $msgBody = $msg . $emailTail;
             self::sendEmail($to, $sub, $msg);
             //@mail($to, $sub, $msgBody, $headers);
             $Insertmsg = htmlentities($msg);
             $sql = 'insert into `HT_Mail`(MailTo, MailFrom, SubjectName, Body) value("' . $to . '", "' . $from . '", "' . $sub . '", "' . $Insertmsg . '")';
     if ($prefFax) {
         global $toemail, $faxTail, $faxHead;
         $emailBody = "<p>需要给酒店发送传真.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>传真号为: {$Fax}</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>订单状态为: {$orderstatus}</p>";
         $emailBody = "fax";
         $faxsub = $faxHead[$orderstatus];
         $faxsub2 = "<TAS-Agent.com> Booking ID:" . $BookingNo;
         $prefix = time();
         require_once _TAS_TOOL_DIR_ . "/tfpdf/pdffax.inc.php";
         $defFont = 'MyFont';
         $pdf = new PDFTable();
         $pdf->AddFont($defFont, '', 'ARIALUNI.TTF', true);
         $pdf->AddFont($defFont . 'B', '', 'ARIALUNI.TTF', true);
         $pdf->SetMargins(10, 2);
         $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0);
         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
         $pdf->SetSpacing(0, 0);
         $pdf->SetFont($defFont, '', 10);
         $pdf->Image(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . "/img/logo_pdf.png", 140, 15, 60);
         $pdf->htmltable("<table width=190><tr><td size=20 > </td></tr></table>", 1);
         $pdf->htmltable("<table width=190><tr><td size=14 colspan=2>" . $faxsub . " </td></tr>\n           \t    </table>", 1);
         $pdf->Image(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . "/img/linep.png", 10, $pdf->y, 190);
         $pdf->Image(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . "/img/linep.png", 10, $pdf->y, 190);
         $pdf->Image(_TAS_THEME_DIR_ . "/img/bottom_logo_pdf.png", 12, $pdf->y + 2, 20);
         $pdf->x = 35;
         $pdf->htmltable("<table width=90>\n    \t    <tr><td size=9>TAS Agent / TAS Co.Ltd<br>TEL 03-5565-5850<br>FAX 03-5565-5850<br>booking@tas-agent.com</td></tr>\n    \t    </table>", 0);
         $pdf->htmltable("<table width=190>\n                \t    <tr><td size=9>※TAS Agent はTAS Co.,Ltdが運営しております。 上記予約の内容については直接TASまでご連絡ください。\n                \t    </td></tr></table>", 1);
         $attachment_file = _TAS_ROOT_DIR_ . "/classes/temp/attachment_" . $prefix . ".pdf";
         require_once _TAS_TOOL_DIR_ . "/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php";
         $mail = new PHPMailer();
         // telling the class to use SMTP
         $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
         // enable SMTP authentication
         $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
         // sets the prefix to the servier
         $mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
         // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
         $mail->Port = 465;
         // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
         $mail->Username = "******";
         // GMAIL username
         $mail->Password = "******";
         // GMAIL password
         $mail->SetFrom('*****@*****.**', 'fax');
         $mail->AddReplyTo("*****@*****.**", "fax");
         $mail->Subject = $faxsub2;
         $toemail = $Fax . "@efaxsend.com";
         $mail->AddAddress($toemail, $Fax);
         // attachment
         if (file_exists($attachment_file)) {
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static function calculation_roomplan_price($rpid, $checkin, $checkout, $companyId)
     $price_result = array();
     $price_result['Price'] = 0;
     $price_result['OrgPrice'] = 0;
     $price_result['PriceString'] = '';
     $continentCode = Tools::getUserContinentCode($companyId);
     // @TODO validation room plan info
     // fetch roomplan info for consecutive information
     $rp_sales = RoomPlan::getRoomPlanSales($rpid);
     // fetch roomplan price info list
     $sql = "\n        SELECT DATE_FORMAT(A.ApplyDate, '%Y-%m-%d') as ApplyDate, (\n\n        \t\t\t\t\t\tIF('{$continentCode}' = 'AS',\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(A.`Asia` > 0, A.Asia, A.Price) ,\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF('{$continentCode}' = 'EU',\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIF(A.`Euro` > 0, A.Euro, A.Price) ,\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tA.Price) )\n        \t\t\t\t\t) as Price\n        FROM HT_RoomStockAndPrice as A, HT_RoomPlan as B\n        WHERE A.`ApplyDate` between '{$checkin}' and DATE_SUB('{$checkout}', INTERVAL 1 DAY) and A.`RoomPlanId` = {$rpid} and B.RoomPlanId = {$rpid}\n        ORDER BY A.`ApplyDate`\n        ";
     //echo $sql;
     $price_list = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
     // @TODO refactoring grouping code
     // sales duration recalc for checkin-checkout
     if ($rp_sales['ConFromTime'] < $checkin) {
         $rp_sales['ConFromTime'] = $checkin;
     if ($rp_sales['ConToTime'] > $checkout && $checkout >= $rp_sales['ConFromTime']) {
         $rp_sales['ConToTime'] = $checkout;
     // calc var that we can apply consecutive price
     $apply_con_var = 0;
     if ($rp_sales['UseCon'] == 1) {
         $diff_days = (strtotime($rp_sales['ConToTime']) - strtotime($rp_sales['ConFromTime'])) / (24 * 60 * 60);
         $apply_con_var = (int) ($diff_days / $rp_sales['Nights']);
         // echo 'apply : '.$apply_con_var;
     // ============================================================
     // grouping price string
     // ============================================================
     // each price will be demonstrated by [Price]/[Days]. For example 100$ / 1 day, 200$ / 2 days
     // we will group each values for showing. Grouping condition is that price and days value are all the same and sequential.
     // For example :
     //  100$/1day + 100$/1day + 200$/3days + 200$/3days + 200$/1day + 100$/1day will be
     //  100$/1day * 2 + 200$/3days * 2 + 200$/1day + 100$/1day
     // initialize variables
     $rp_price = 0;
     // roomplan total price
     $rp_price_string = '';
     // roomplan total price string
     // calc price / [n per day]
     $price = 0;
     // current price value
     $per_day = 1;
     // day
     $prev_price = 0;
     // previous price val
     $prev_per_day = 1;
     // previous day val
     $prev_day_count = 0;
     // counting previous same price/day pair
     $check_0 = 1;
     $shoushu_price = 0;
     $shoushu_prev_price = 0;
     foreach ($price_list as $price_info) {
         // if there is sales price
         if ($rp_sales['UseCon'] == 1 && $price_info['ApplyDate'] >= $rp_sales['ConFromTime'] && $price_info['ApplyDate'] <= $rp_sales['ConToTime']) {
             // check we can apply sales condition espetially nights
             $diff_days = (strtotime($price_info['ApplyDate']) - strtotime($rp_sales['ConFromTime'])) / (24 * 60 * 60);
             if ($diff_days / $rp_sales['Nights'] < $apply_con_var) {
                 // sales price
                 if ($diff_days % $rp_sales['Nights'] == 0) {
                     if ($continentCode == 'AS') {
                         $price_info['Price'] = $rp_sales['PriceAsia'] > 0 ? $rp_sales['PriceAsia'] : $rp_sales['PriceAll'];
                     } else {
                         if ($continentCode == 'EU') {
                             $price_info['Price'] = $rp_sales['PriceEuro'] > 0 ? $rp_sales['PriceEuro'] : $rp_sales['PriceAll'];
                         } else {
                             $price_info['Price'] = $rp_sales['PriceAll'];
                     $price = $price_info['Price'];
                     $per_day = $rp_sales['Nights'];
                     // sales day price
                 } else {
                     // other sales day, we can skip that
             } else {
                 // Even sales day, the sales condition is not acceptable so that we can't apply sales price.
                 $price = $price_info['Price'];
                 // room stock price
                 $per_day = 1;
         } else {
             // normal day, we apply room stock price
             $price = $price_info['Price'];
             $per_day = 1;
         // check grouping
         if ($prev_price == $price && $prev_per_day == $per_day) {
         } else {
             // the pair isn't same, the price string will be generated.
             if ($prev_day_count > 0) {
                 $rp_price_string .= "+ [ " . Tools::money(self::shoushuliao($prev_price, $rpid)) . "/{$prev_per_day}day(s) X {$prev_day_count} ]";
             $prev_price = $price;
             $prev_per_day = $per_day;
             $prev_day_count = 1;
         $rp_price += $price_info['Price'];
         if ($check_0 == '0') {
         $check_0 = $price_info['Price'];
     // finally we recheck price string.
     if ($prev_day_count > 0) {
         $rp_price_string .= "+ [ " . Tools::money(self::shoushuliao($prev_price, $rpid)) . "/{$prev_per_day}day(s) X {$prev_day_count} ]";
     $price_result['OrgPrice'] = $rp_price;
     $price_result['Price'] = self::shoushuliao($rp_price, $rpid);
     $price_result['PriceString'] = "" . trim($rp_price_string, '+') . " = " . Tools::money($price_result['Price']);
     $price_result['check_0'] = $check_0;
     //echo $check_0;
     return $price_result;
 function addRoomPlan($hotelId, $roomplaninfo)
     $roomTypeId = $this->getRoomTypeId($roomplaninfo['RoomTypeName']);
     return RoomPlan::addExcelRoomPlan($hotelId, $roomTypeId, $roomplaninfo);
Exemplo n.º 11
    public static function searchHotelRoomPlan($criteria, $p, $n)
        global $cookie;
        $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->LanguageID);
        $where_cond = RoomPlan::getCriteriaWhereClause($criteria);
        $having_cond = RoomPlan::getCriteriaHavingClause($criteria);
        $price_field = RoomPlan::getCriteriaPriceField($criteria);
        $having_cond2 = RoomPlan::getCriteriaHavingClause2($criteria);
        $role = RoomPlan::getCriteriaRole($criteria);
        $usecond_cond = ' ';
        if (array_key_exists('CheckIn', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['CheckIn'] && array_key_exists('CheckOut', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['CheckOut']) {
            // $usecond_cond .= " , if(C.UseCon = 1, (DATE_ADD(\"{$criteria['CheckIn']}\", INTERVAL C.Nights-1 DAY) <= C.`ConToTime`)  AND (DATE_SUB(\"{$criteria['CheckOut']}\",INTERVAL 1 DAY) >= C.`ConFromTime`) , 0) as UseCon ";
            $usecond_cond .= " , if(C.UseCon = 1, DATEDIFF(LEAST(C.`ConToTime`, DATE_SUB(\"{$criteria['CheckOut']}\",INTERVAL 1 DAY)) , GREATEST(\"{$criteria['CheckIn']}\", C.`ConFromTime`)) >= (C.Nights - 1), 0) as UseCon ";
        $order_by = '';
        if (array_key_exists('SortBy', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['SortBy'] && array_key_exists('SortOrder', $criteria) && '' != $criteria['SortOrder']) {
            if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'price' && array_key_exists('ContinentCode', $criteria)) {
                $order_by = " MinPrice " . $criteria['SortOrder'];
            } else {
                if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'class') {
                    $order_by = ' HotelClassName ' . $criteria['SortOrder'];
                } else {
                    if ($criteria['SortBy'] == 'name') {
                        $order_by = ' A.HotelName ' . $criteria['SortOrder'];
        $sql = '
			select A.HotelId,A.HotelName_' . $iso . ' as HotelName, A.HotelClass, A.HotelAddress_' . $iso . ' as HotelAddress, F.HotelClassName, A.HotelCity, G.CityName_' . $iso . ' as CityName, A.HotelArea, H.AreaName_' . $iso . ' as AreaName
					,A.HotelDescription_' . $iso . ' as HotelDescription, C.RoomPlanId, C.RoomTypeId, J.`RoomTypeName`, C.RoomPlanName_' . $iso . ' as RoomPlanName, C.RoomMaxPersons,C.zaiku
					, C.Breakfast, C.Dinner, E.HotelOrder, C.`StartTime` , F.HotelClassName
					, C.`EndTime` ' . $usecond_cond . $price_field;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ', min(I.`Amount`) as MinAmount';
        $sql .= '	FROM HT_Hotel as A, HT_HotelRoomPlanLink as B,  HT_RoomPlan as C';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ', `HT_RoomStockAndPrice` as I';
        $sql .= ',(
					SELECT HotelId,  @curRow := @curRow + 1 AS HotelOrder
					FROM (
								(A.HotelId), A.HotelName, F.HotelClassName, C.RoomTypeId ' . $price_field . '
								HT_Hotel as A, HT_HotelRoomPlanLink as B,  HT_RoomPlan as C,';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= '`HT_RoomStockAndPrice` as I,';
        $sql .= 'HT_HotelClass as F
								A.HotelId = B.HotelId and B.RoomPlanId = C.RoomPlanId and F.HotelClassId = A.HotelClass ';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' AND C.`RoomPlanId` = I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $where_cond;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $having_cond;
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= '       ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
        $sql .= '		)
						AS A GROUP BY HotelId ' . $having_cond2;
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
        $sql .= '	LIMIT ' . ($p - 1) * $n . ',' . $n;
        $sql .= ') AS A join (SELECT @curRow := 0) r
				) AS E,
				HT_HotelClass as F,
				HT_City as G,
				HT_Area as H,
				HT_RoomType as J
				A.HotelId = E.HotelId and
				A.HotelId = B.HotelId and B.RoomPlanId = C.RoomPlanId
				AND A.HotelClass = F.HotelClassId
				AND A.HotelCity = G.CityId
				AND A.HotelArea = H.AreaId
				AND C.`RoomTypeId` = J.`RoomTypeId`';
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' AND C.`RoomPlanId` = I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $where_cond;
        if ($role == 'Agent') {
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY I.`RoomPlanId`';
        $sql .= $having_cond . ' ORDER BY E.HotelOrder ASC';
        if ($order_by != '') {
            $sql .= ', ' . $order_by;
        } else {
            $sql .= ', C.`RoomPlanId` ASC';
        //echo $sql;
        $res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
        if (!$res) {
            return null;
        // indexed by hotel id
        $search_result = array();
        $pre_buy_plans = array();
        foreach ($res as $hotel_roomplan) {
            if ($hotel_roomplan['zaiku'] == '1' && $hotel_roomplan['MinAmount'] == '0') {
            // key
            $hotel_id = $hotel_roomplan['HotelId'];
            $search_record = array();
            $new_roomplan = Tools::element_copy($hotel_roomplan, 'RoomPlanId', 'RoomTypeId', 'RoomTypeName', 'RoomPlanName', 'RoomMaxPersons', 'UseCon', 'Breakfast', 'Dinner', 'RoomPriceId', 'ApplyDate', 'MinPrice', 'MinAmount');
            if (array_key_exists($hotel_id, $search_result)) {
                // get hotel record
                $search_record = $search_result[$hotel_id];
            } else {
                // It's new a hotel key
                // create new hotel info
                $search_record = Tools::element_copy($hotel_roomplan, 'HotelId', 'HotelName', 'HotelClass', 'HotelClassName', 'HotelAddress', 'HotelCity', 'CityName', 'HotelArea', 'AreaName', 'HotelDescription');
                // pre-calculation price for display
                // but user can reselect room type and count
                $search_record['BookingPrice'] = 0;
                // get hotel first image
                $image = HotelDetail::getFirstFileOfHotel($search_record['HotelId']);
                $search_record['HotelFilePath'] = $image['HotelFilePath'];
                $search_record['w5_path'] = $image['w5_path'];
                $search_record['w5'] = $image['w5'];
                $search_record['h5'] = $image['h5'];
                $search_record['RoomPlanList'] = array();
            $new_roomplan['PreSelect'] = 0;
            if ($criteria['RoomTypeVals'][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']] > 0) {
                if (!array_key_exists($hotel_id, $pre_buy_plans)) {
                    $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id] = array();
                // check already selected same room type
                if (!array_key_exists($new_roomplan['RoomTypeId'], $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id])) {
                    $new_roomplan['PreSelect'] = 1;
                    $pre_buy_plans[$hotel_id][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']] = 1;
                    // pre-select
                    $search_record['BookingPrice'] += $new_roomplan['MinPrice'] * $criteria['RoomTypeVals'][$new_roomplan['RoomTypeId']];
            // insert image information
            $rp_images = RoomFile::getRoomFileListByRoomPlanId($hotel_roomplan['RoomPlanId']);
            $file_id = $rp_images[0]['RoomFileId'];
            $res = RoomFile::getRoomFile($file_id);
            if (!$res) {
                $w2 = 0;
                $h2 = 0;
            } else {
                $filepath = $res[0]['RoomFilePath'];
                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filepath);
                if ($width < 100 && $height < 75) {
                    $w2 = width;
                    $h2 = $height;
                } else {
                    $ratio1 = $width / 100;
                    $ratio2 = $height / 75;
                    if ($ratio1 < $ratio2) {
                        $w2 = 100;
                        $h2 = intval($height / $ratio1);
                    } else {
                        $h2 = 75;
                        $w2 = intval($width / $ratio2);
                $pos = strpos($filepath, "asset");
                $new_roomplan['img_path'] = substr($filepath, $pos);
            $new_roomplan['img_width'] = $w2;
            $new_roomplan['img_height'] = $h2;
            // insert new roomplan-stock info
            $search_record['RoomPlanList'][] = $new_roomplan;
            // add or reset search result record
            $search_result[$hotel_id] = $search_record;
        return $search_result;