  * Renders the fbml into text and returns it.
  * @param RingsideSocialSession $network_session
  * @param unknown_type $fbmlText
  * @return unknown
 public function render(RingsideSocialSession $network_session, $fbmlText)
     $response = array();
     $error = null;
     // Exceptions are valid FBML and should be returned
     // to the end user.
     //try {
     $api_key = $this->getParam('api_key');
     // build a Social Session to get the properties for the api key passed in
     $apiSessionKey = RingsideSocialUtils::getApiSessionKey(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey, $network_session);
     $apiClientSocial = new RingsideApiClientsRest(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey, $apiSessionKey);
     // Get the app properties
     $result = $apiClientSocial->admin_getAppProperties("application_id,application_name,api_key,secret_key,callback_url", null, null, $api_key);
     $secret = $result['secret_key'];
     $app_id = $result['application_id'];
     // Now create the real session for this api
     $session_key = RingsideSocialUtils::getApiSessionKey($api_key, $secret, $network_session);
     $restClient = new RingsideApiClientsRest($api_key, $secret, $session_key);
     $text = $this->renderFbml($fbmlText, $network_session, $restClient, $app_id);
     if (!empty($text)) {
         $response['content'] = $text;
     //		} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
     //			error_log( "Exception : " . $exception->getMessage()." \n".$exception->getTraceAsString() );
     //			$error = RingsideSocialUtils::SOCIAL_ERROR_RENDER_EXCEPTION;
     //		}
     if ($error != null) {
         $response['error'] = $error;
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function execute($api_key, $callback_url, $params)
     $admin_client = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
     // TODO: SECURITY: Possibly security hole. We're signing and giving the signed payload to any URL, just by using the API key, which is public. A 3rd-party could hijack the signed payload and implement an offline brute force attack on the secret key
     $app_props = $admin_client->admin_getAppProperties("application_id,application_name,api_key,secret_key,callback_url", null, null, $api_key);
     // From RingsideSocialServerRender:
     // Recreate Session if we have it
     if (array_key_exists('social_session_key', $params)) {
         $session_key = $params['social_session_key'];
         $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($session_key);
         $uid = $network_session->getUserId();
         if (null == $uid || strlen($uid) == 0) {
             setcookie('social_session_key', $network_session->getSessionKey());
             $uid = $_REQUEST['uid'];
     } else {
         if (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {
             // Optimization if user is already logged into web front-end
             $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']);
             $uid = $network_session->getUserId();
         } else {
             // Not logged in, so login via annonymous user
             $trust = new RingsideSocialApiTrust($request);
             $network_session = $trust->getAnonymousSession();
     $ctx = self::buildCallContext($api_key, $network_session);
     $sig_params = $ctx->getParameters($app_props['secret_key']);
     $req_params = array_merge($params, $sig_params);
     //		error_log("Ajax Proxy to $callback_url with params:".var_export($req_params, true));
     $result = RingsideSocialUtils::get_request($callback_url, $req_params, $headers);
     echo str_replace('+', '+', $result);
 private static function determineAppCanvasUrl(&$params)
     //get the api_key for the app and retrieve the current canvas
     $admin_rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
     $appKey = isset($_REQUEST['api_key']) ? $_REQUEST['api_key'] : NULL;
     $props = $admin_rest->admin_getAppProperties("canvas_url", null, NULL, $appKey);
     if ($props != null) {
         $params['app'] = $props["canvas_url"];
     } else {
         throw new Exception('unknown application key supplied: ' . $params['appKey']);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function isAuthorized()
     $params = array();
     $params['xid'] = $_GET['xid'];
     if (!empty($callbackurl)) {
         $params['c_url'] = $_GET['callbackurl'];
     if (!empty($returnurl)) {
         $params['r_url'] = $_GET['returnurl'];
     $params['aid'] = $_GET['aid'];
     $params['sig'] = RingsideSocialUtils::makeSig($params, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey);
     //   		print 'secret: ' . RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey . '<br />';
     //   		print_r( $params );
     //   		print '<br />received sig: ' . $_GET['sig'] . '<br />';
     //   		print 'generated sig: ' . $params['sig'] . '<br />';
     return $params['sig'] == $_GET['sig'];
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function get_request($server, $params, &$headers, &$status)
     $post_string = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
     $result = null;
     //      error_log("Posting social request $post_string");
     if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
         // Use CURL if installed...
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Ringside.API Client (curl) ' . phpversion());
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
         $result = curl_exec($ch);
         $headersize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
         $status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         //         error_log("CURL status for $server is $status");
         $http_headers = substr($result, 0, $headersize - 1);
         $result = substr($result, $headersize);
         if ($headers !== null) {
             $parsed_headers = RingsideSocialUtils::parse_headers($http_headers);
             //         	error_log("Render headers are");
             //         	error_log(var_export($parsed_headers, true));
             foreach ($parsed_headers as $http_header => $value) {
                 $headers[$http_header] = $value;
     } else {
         // Non-CURL based version...
         $context = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . "\r\n" . 'User-Agent: OpenFB Client (non-curl) ' . phpversion() . "\r\n" . 'Content-length: ' . strlen($post_string), 'content' => $post_string));
         $contextid = stream_context_create($context);
         $sock = fopen($server, 'r', false, $contextid);
         if ($sock) {
             $result = '';
             while (!feof($sock)) {
                 $result .= fgets($sock, 4096);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     // TODO: This ONLY will work if API and Social tiers are co-located!
     $response = array();
     // Finish the API session, because we need to start a social session
     $_SESSION = array();
     $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession();
     $rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
     $session_key = $rest->auth_createAppSession($this->uid, RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, false);
     $network_session->addApiSessionKey(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, $session_key);
     //$network_session->addApiSessionKey($apiKey, $session_key);
     // TODO: Do user identity mapping right now
     $response[self::RESPONSE_SOCIAL_SESSION]['session_id'] = $network_session->getSessionKey();
     $response[self::RESPONSE_SOCIAL_SESSION]['initial_expiry'] = $network_session->getExpiry();
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Returns a valid app client using the information inside this gadget token.
  * The client will act on behalf of the api_key inside this gadget token.
  * @return unknown
 public function getAppClient()
     $apiKey = $this->getAppId();
     $socialSession = $this->getSocialSession();
     $secretKey = $this->getAppSecret();
     error_log("OS Producing Client: apiKey= {$apiKey} secretKey= {$secretKey} ");
     $apiSessionKeyApp = RingsideSocialUtils::getApiSessionKey($apiKey, $secretKey, $socialSession);
     $apiClientApplication = new RingsideApiClientsRest($apiKey, $secretKey, $apiSessionKeyApp);
     return $apiClientApplication;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function renderRemote($callbackUrl, $apiKey, $secretKey, $canvasType, $isAppAdded, $sessionKey, RingsideSocialClientInterface $socialClient, &$headers, &$status)
     //      error_log( "renderRemote : enter ($callbackUrl) ($apiKey)  " );
     $response = null;
     if (!empty($this->path)) {
         //         error_log( "renderRemote : path set" );
         $callbackUrl .= $this->path;
     // Create openFB request.
     $ctx = new RingsideSocialAppContext();
     if ($canvasType == RingsideSocialApiRender::CANVASTYPE_IFRAME || $canvasType == RingsideSocialApiRender::CANVASTYPE_OS) {
     } else {
     if ($socialClient->inSession()) {
         // We don't know whether the app is added unless the user is logged in, so don't send that part of the context
         //      $ctx->setProfileUpdateTime();
         if ($socialClient->getNetworkSession()->getPrincipalId()) {
     //      $ctx->setDeployedNetwork( RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey );
     //      $ctx->setHostNetwork(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey);
     $deployed_ctx = new RingsideSocialAppContext(array(), RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey);
     //      $deployed_ctx->setRestUrl(RingsideApiClientsConfig::$serverUrl);
     //      $deployed_ctx->setLoginUrl(RingsideApiClientsConfig::$webUrl.'/login.php');
     //      $deployed_ctx->setCanvasUrl(RingsideApiClientsConfig::$webUrl.'/canvas.php');
     //      $ctx->addNetwork($deployed_ctx);
     $cbReq = $ctx->getParameters($secretKey);
     //      error_log(var_export($cbReq, true));
      * Special case if we are to return an IFRAME, then the only thing we are returning is the
      * URL to ship out.  It is up to the returning application to place this inside some form of content
      * frame.
     if ($this->flavor == 'canvas' && $canvasType == RingsideSocialApiRender::CANVASTYPE_IFRAME) {
         $callbackQuery = http_build_query(array_merge($cbReq, $this->params));
         // TODO iframe generationg is off should be more expressive and configurable.
         $this->iframe = "{$callbackUrl}?{$callbackQuery}";
         //         error_log( "renderRemote: iframe : " . $this->iframe );
     } else {
         if ($this->flavor == 'canvas' && $canvasType == RingsideSocialApiRender::CANVASTYPE_OS) {
             //Open Social Gadget description is the $callbackUrl
             $callbackQuery = http_build_query(array_merge($cbReq, $this->params));
             // We also need to define fbsig_owner_id if the param id is present
             if (array_key_exists('id', $this->params)) {
                 $callbackQuery . '&fb_sig_owner_id=' . $this->params['id'];
             //TODO These parm options should be configurable
             $callbackQuery = $callbackQuery . '&view=canvas&synd=ringside&nocache=1';
             //If you change this you must change container.js
             $this->iframe = RingsideApiClientsConfig::$socialUrl . "/gadgets/ifr?url=" . urlencode($callbackUrl) . "&{$callbackQuery}";
             if (isset($this->params['forceIFrame']) && $this->params['forceIFrame'] == 'true') {
                 $headers['content-type'] = 'text/html';
                 $response = "<iframe width='100%' frameborder='0' src='" . $this->iframe . "' height='" . $this->params['forceIFrameHeight'] . "'/>";
             //         error_log( "renderRemote: OS iframe : " . $this->iframe );
         } else {
             $response = RingsideSocialUtils::get_request($callbackUrl, array_merge($cbReq, $this->params), $headers, $status);
             if (isset($headers['location'])) {
                 $this->redirect = $headers['location'];
     return $response;
 public function execute($params)
     $network_session = null;
     		foreach($params as $k => $v)
     			error_log("RingsideSocialServerRender: $k=$v");
     // Recreate Session if we have it
     error_log("Parameters for widget render are: " . var_export($params, true));
     error_log("PHPSESSID=" . (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) ? $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] : '<empty>'));
     if (array_key_exists('social_session_key', $params)) {
         $session_key = $params['social_session_key'];
         $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($session_key);
         $uid = $network_session->getUserId();
         if (null == $uid || strlen($uid) == 0) {
             setcookie('social_session_key', $network_session->getSessionKey());
             $uid = $network_session->getUserId();
             if (isset($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
                 // TODO: SECURITY: I don't think we should just be able to override the uid.
                 $uid = $_REQUEST['uid'];
                 // TODO: SECURITY: This shouldn't be a valid way to log in.
     } else {
         if (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {
             // Optimization if user is already logged into web front-end
             $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']);
             error_log("PHPSESSID says session is as follows: " . var_export($network_session, true));
             $uid = $network_session->getUserId();
             if (!isset($uid)) {
                 // The user has a network session but is not logged in
                 // Run as an anonymous user
                 $trust = new RingsideSocialApiTrust($_REQUEST);
                 $network_session = $trust->getAnonymousSession();
         } else {
             // Not logged in, so login via annonymous user
             $trust = new RingsideSocialApiTrust($_REQUEST);
             $network_session = $trust->getAnonymousSession();
     $api_session_key = $network_session->getApiSessionKey($params['api_key']);
     if (null == $api_session_key) {
         $rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
         $app_props = $rest->admin_getAppProperties(array('secret_key'), null, null, $params['api_key'], $network_session->getNetwork());
         error_log("Adding API key for " . $params['api_key'] . " to social session for user " . $network_session->getUserID());
         RingsideSocialUtils::getApiSessionKey($params['api_key'], $app_props['secret_key'], $network_session);
     } else {
         error_log("Using API session key {$api_session_key} for user " . $network_session->getUserID());
     if (array_key_exists('method', $params)) {
         $method = $params['method'];
         if (strcasecmp($method, 'fbml') == 0 && array_key_exists('fbml', $params)) {
             $fbml = $params['fbml'];
             //error_log("fbml: $fbml");
             $render = new RingsideSocialApiRenderFBML($params);
             $result = $render->render($network_session, $fbml);
             //error_log("content: ".$result['content']);
             return isset($result['content']) ? $result['content'] : $result['error'];
         } else {
             if (strcasecmp($method, 'app') == 0) {
                 $social = new RingsideSocialClientLocal(RingsideWebConfig::$networkKey, null, $network_session->getSessionKey());
                 $inSession = $social->inSession();
                 error_log("User " . ($inSession ? 'is' : 'is not') . " in session");
                 if ($inSession) {
                     $path = '';
                     if (array_key_exists('path', $params)) {
                         $path = $params['path'];
                     $view = 'canvas';
                     if (array_key_exists('view', $params)) {
                         $view = $params['view'];
                     //error_log("About to render: ".$params['app']." view: $view, path: $path");
                     $rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
                     $app_props = $rest->admin_getAppProperties(array('application_id', 'canvas_url'), null, null, $params['api_key'], null, $network_session->getNetwork());
                     $domain_props = $rest->admin_getDomainProperties(array('resize_url'), null, $network_session->getNetwork());
                     $content = $social->render($view, $app_props['application_id'], $app_props['canvas_url'], $path);
                     // TODO: Is this where error reporting should happen?
                     //error_log("content: $content");
                     if (isset($domain_props['resize_url'])) {
                         $content = "<html><head><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n      function resizeIframe(id) {\n        var iframe = document.getElementById( 'xdiframe' );\n        var wrapper = document.getElementById( 'wrapper' );\n        var height = Math.max( document.body.offsetHeight, document.body.scrollHeight );\n        var width = Math.max( document.body.offsetWidth, document.body.scrollWidth );\n        iframe.src = '{$domain_props['resize_url']}?height='+height+'&width='+width+'&id='+id;\n      }\n</script></head><body onload=\"resizeIframe('if_" . $params['api_key'] . "');\">" . $content . "<iframe id='xdiframe' width='1' height='1' frameborder='0'/></body></html>";
                     return $content;
                 } else {
                     echo "<error>User not Logged in!</error>";
     } else {
         error_log("No method specified for render request");
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Emits form and comments as divs.
 public function emitDivs($application, $parentHandler, $args)
     $xid = $args['xid'];
     $canpost = isset($args['canpost']) ? $args['canpost'] : "false";
     $candelete = isset($args['candelete']) ? $args['candelete'] : "false";
     $numposts = isset($args['numposts']) ? $args['numposts'] : 10;
     $uid = $application->getCurrentUser();
     $aid = isset($args['aid']) ? $args['aid'] : $application->getApplicationId();
     $callbackurl = isset($args['callbackurl']) ? $args['callbackurl'] : '';
     $returnurl = isset($args['returnurl']) ? $args['returnurl'] : '';
     $showform = isset($args['showform']) ? $args['showform'] : 'false';
     $client = $application->getClient();
     $comments = $client->comments_get($xid, null, null, $aid);
     $params = array();
     $params['xid'] = $xid;
     if (!empty($callbackurl)) {
         $params['c_url'] = $callbackurl;
     if (!empty($returnurl)) {
         $params['r_url'] = $returnurl;
     $params['aid'] = $aid;
     $params['sig'] = RingsideSocialUtils::makeSig($params, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey);
     //number of comments
     $theString = "";
     if (!isset($comments) || empty($comments)) {
         $theString .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">There are no posts yet.</div>';
         if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
             $theString .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
             if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                 $theString .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
             $theString .= '">Write Something</a>';
             $theString .= '</div>';
     } else {
         if (sizeof($comments) === 1) {
             $theString .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying the only post.</div>';
             if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                 $theString .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                 if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                     $theString .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                 $theString .= '">Write Something</a>';
                 $theString .= '</div>';
         } else {
             if (sizeof($comments) > 0 && sizeof($comments) < $numposts) {
                 $theString .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying all ' . sizeof($comments) . ' posts.</div>';
                 if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                     $theString .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                     if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                         $theString .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                     $theString .= '">Write Something</a>';
                     $theString .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $theString .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying ' . $numposts . ' of ' . sizeof($comments) . '.</div>';
                 $theString .= '<div class="comments_top_links">';
                 if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                     $theString .= '<a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                     if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                         $theString .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                     $theString .= '">Write Something</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                 $theString .= '<a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '">See All</a>';
                 $theString .= '</div>';
     if ($showform == 'true') {
         $theString .= '	<div class="comments_post_form">';
         $theString .= '	<form name="form1" id="form1" method="get" action="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php">';
         $theString .= '		<input type="hidden" name="xid" value="' . $xid . '"/>';
         $theString .= '		<input type="hidden" name="xid_action" value="post"/>';
         $theString .= '		<input type="hidden" name="aid" value="' . $aid . '"/>';
         $theString .= '		<input type="hidden" name="sig" value="' . $params['sig'] . '"/>';
         if (!empty($callbackurl)) {
             $theString .= '		<input type="hidden" name="callbackurl" value="' . $callbackurl . '"/>';
         $theString .= '  	<div class="comments_text_box"><textarea class="comments_text_area" name="text" cols="80"></textarea></div>';
         $theString .= '     	<br/>';
         $theString .= '     	<div class="comments_submit_button"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Post" /></div>';
         $theString .= '	</form>';
         $theString .= '	</div>';
     $currentCount = 0;
     if (isset($comments) && !empty($comments)) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $params['xid_action'] = 'delete';
             $params['cid'] = $comment['cid'];
             $paramString = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
             if ($currentCount < $numposts) {
                 $theString .= '	<div class="comment">';
                 $name = $client->users_getInfo($comment['uid'], "first_name,pic");
                 $theString .= '		<div class="comment_author_pic"><image src="' . $name[0]['pic'] . '" width="50"/></div>';
                 $theString .= '		<div class="comment_author">' . $name[0]['first_name'] . ' wrote</div>';
                 $time = $comment['created'];
                 $theString .= '		<div class="comment_time">at ' . $time . '</div>';
                 $theString .= '		<div class="comment_text">' . $comment['text'] . '</div>';
                 $theString .= '		<div class="comment_links"><a href="#">message</a>';
                 if (isset($candelete) && $candelete == 'true') {
                     $theString .= '  -  <a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?' . $paramString . '">delete</a></div>';
                 $theString .= '	</div>';
     $theString .= '</div>';
     echo $theString;
Exemplo n.º 11
$snid = isset($_REQUEST['snid']) ? $_REQUEST['snid'] : null;
$api_key = isset($_REQUEST['api_key']) ? $_REQUEST['api_key'] : null;
$canvas = isset($_REQUEST['canvas']) ? true : false;
$network = isset($_REQUEST['network']) ? true : false;
$social_session_key = isset($_REQUEST['social_session_key']) ? $_REQUEST['social_session_key'] : null;
$sig = '';
$network_session = null;
$authorities = null;
try {
    // We are expecting a social session key in the request, this can help us understand the current map request
    // the network it is coming from and more.
    // In the map process not sure where we need this, but its good to load it here.
    $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($social_session_key);
    // The mapping process is happening relative to some NETWORK, the user might not be logged in to the DEPLOYED NETWORK.
    // And we should not care.  However we have to ask some system questions.
    $ringside_rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient($snid);
    $authorities = $ringside_rest->admin_getTrustInfo();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    include "ringside/templates/error.tpl";
$this_authority = null;
foreach ($authorities as $authority) {
    if ($authority['trust_key'] == $snid) {
        $this_authority = $authority;
$hiddenInputs = <<<heredoc
   <input type="hidden" name="method" value="bindmap" />
   <input type="hidden" name="next" value="{$next}" />
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Re-routes an api request to another network. If trust.php is used as a rest server URL
  * and a path info is provided such that the request looks like the one below:
  *        http://localhost/trust.php/facebook/footprints/restserver.php 
  *            or
  *        http://localhost/trust.php/{network}/{canvas url}/{restserver path}
  * Attempts to remap and resign the api call using the app's secret on the new network
  * and then to change the uid to the equivelent uid on the forgin network.
  * The api call is then re-signed and issued and the response is returned.
  * @param unknown_type $params
 private static function proxy_app_request(&$params)
     $matches = array();
     // All these special cases are to ensure we aren't adding an additional "/" character to the URL.
     preg_match(',^/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/?.*)$,', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $matches);
     $network_key = $matches[1];
     $canvas_url = $matches[2];
     $rest = $matches[3];
     if ($rest == '') {
         $rest = '/';
     if ($network_key != RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey) {
         $skey = isset($_REQUEST['fb_sig_session_key']) ? $_REQUEST['fb_sig_session_key'] : '';
         $apiKey = isset($_REQUEST['fb_sig_api_key']) ? $_REQUEST['fb_sig_api_key'] : '';
         $ringside_rest = self::createRestClient($params['fb_sig_session_key']);
         $admin_rest = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
         $props = $admin_rest->admin_getAppProperties("application_id,application_name,api_key,secret_key,callback_url", null, $canvas_url, NULL);
         $network_app_props = $admin_rest->admin_getAppKeys(null, null, $props['api_key']);
         $network_api_key = $props['api_key'];
         $network_secret = $props['secret_key'];
         self::getApiKeyAndSecretForNetwork($network_key, $network_app_props, $network_api_key, $network_secret);
         $network_session = new RingsideSocialSession($params['fb_sig_session_key']);
         $idmaps = $ringside_rest->users_mapToPrincipal(array($params['fb_sig_user']), $network_key, $props['application_id']);
         // Create openFB request. These are just overrides for the original request.
         $has_fb_sig = isset($params['fb_sig']);
         $cbReq = array();
         // We can't append fb_sig unless Facebook has already passed fb_sig; this would prevent the app's client from creating a session during login
         if ($has_fb_sig) {
             if (isset($params['fb_sig_nuser'])) {
                 // Since we're proxying a request, do NOT forward the user mapping!
             $cbReq['fb_sig_flavor'] = 'canvas';
             //				      $cbReq['fb_sig_in_iframe'] = 0;
             $cbReq['fb_sig_nid'] = $network_key;
             // The social session key needs to be for _this_ social session!
             $cbReq['fb_sig_soc_session_key'] = $network_session->getSessionKey();
             if (!empty($idmaps) && isset($idmaps[0]) && $idmaps[0] !== null) {
                 $cbReq['fb_sig_nuser'] = $idmaps[0]['pid'];
         // error_log("cbReq social session key is {$cbReq['fb_sig_soc_session_key']}; params is $fb_sig_soc_session_key");
         // TODO: Set up social session key for trust-based proxy
         // $cbReq['fb_sig_soc_session_key'] = ;
         $req_params = array_merge($params, $cbReq);
         error_log("Invoking {$canvas_url} with params: " . var_export($req_params, true));
         // Now, we need to re-sign the parameters, since we've added the "nid" and "nuser" fb_sig params
         if ($has_fb_sig) {
             $sig = RingsideSocialUtils::makeSig($req_params, $network_secret, 'fb_sig');
             $req_params['fb_sig'] = $sig;
         //					error_log("Logged in user is principal ".$pids[0]);
         //					error_log("Proxying to app callback URL ".$props['callback_url']);
         $headers = array();
         $callback_url = self::safe_append_url($props['callback_url'], $rest);
         $result = RingsideSocialUtils::get_request($callback_url, $req_params, $headers);
         //					error_log("Result: $result");
         if (isset($headers['location'])) {
             $proxy_redir_url = self::buildProxyUrl($props['callback_url'], $headers['location']);
             error_log("Proxying for redirect to {$proxy_redir_url}");
             // Build the remote network's callback_url
             // We'll redirect _within_ the frame (the commented-out script will redirect the _top_ of the frame
             if (isset($params['fb_sig_in_iframe']) && 0 != $params['fb_sig_in_iframe']) {
                 //							RingsideWebUtils::redirect($headers['location']);
                 $apps_url = RingsideApiClientsConfig::$webUrl . '/canvas.php';
                 if ($nid == 'facebook') {
                     $apps_url = 'http://apps.facebook.com/';
                 //							$real_location = self::buildProxyUrl($props['callback_url'], $headers['location']);
                 //							echo "<script>top.location.href='".$real_location."';</script>";
             } else {
                 //							$real_location = self::buildProxyUrl($props['callback_url'], $headers['location']);
                 if (isset($params['fb_sig_in_canvas']) && 0 != $params['fb_sig_in_canvas']) {
                     echo "<fb:redirect url='{$proxy_redir_url}'/>";
                 } else {
         echo $result;
     // Map network user to principal
     // Rewrite fb_sig
     // Proxy to callback_url
     echo '<ERROR>Unknown Callback_Url!</ERROR>';
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Builds the expected results, emitting divs.
  * @param $inputs Array containing fb:comments parameters.
  * @param $comments Array of mock comments
  * @return string Expected results
 public static function makeExpectedResultsDivs($inputs, $comments, $aid)
     $xid = $inputs[0];
     $canpost = $inputs[1];
     $candelete = $inputs[2];
     $numposts = $inputs[3];
     $callbackurl = $inputs[4];
     $returnurl = $inputs[5];
     $showform = isset($inputs[6]) ? $inputs[6] : 'false';
     $uid = $inputs[7];
     $title = $inputs[8];
     $params = array();
     $params['xid'] = $xid;
     if (!empty($callbackurl)) {
         $params['c_url'] = $callbackurl;
     if (!empty($returnurl)) {
         $params['r_url'] = $returnurl;
     $params['aid'] = $aid;
     $params['sig'] = RingsideSocialUtils::makeSig($params, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey);
     $expected = '<div class="comments">';
     if (!isset($title) || empty($title)) {
         $expected .= '    <div class="comments_title">Comments</div>';
     } else {
         $expected .= '    <div class="comments_title">' . $title . '</div>';
     //number of comments
     if (!isset($comments) || empty($comments)) {
         $expected .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">There are no posts yet.</div>';
         if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
             $expected .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
             if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                 $expected .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
             $expected .= '">Write Something</a>';
             $expected .= '</div>';
     } else {
         if (sizeof($comments) === 1) {
             $expected .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying the only post.</div>';
             if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                 $expected .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                 if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                     $expected .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                 $expected .= '">Write Something</a>';
                 $expected .= '</div>';
         } else {
             if (sizeof($comments) > 0 && sizeof($comments) < $numposts) {
                 $expected .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying all ' . sizeof($comments) . ' posts.</div>';
                 if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                     $expected .= '<div class="comments_top_links"><a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                     if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                         $expected .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                     $expected .= '">Write Something</a>';
                     $expected .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $expected .= '    <div class="comments_numposts">Displaying ' . $numposts . ' of ' . sizeof($comments) . '.</div>';
                 $expected .= '<div class="comments_top_links">';
                 if ($canpost == 'true' && $showform == 'false') {
                     $expected .= '<a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '&sig=' . $params['sig'];
                     if (!empty($callbackurl) && isset($callbackurl)) {
                         $expected .= '&r_url=' . $callbackurl;
                     $expected .= '">Write Something</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                 $expected .= '<a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?xid=' . $xid . '&aid=' . $aid . '">See All</a>';
                 $expected .= '</div>';
     self::handleShowForm($showform, $expected, $xid, $aid, $callbackurl, $params['sig']);
     $currentCount = 0;
     if (isset($comments) && !empty($comments)) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $params['xid_action'] = 'delete';
             $params['cid'] = $comment['cid'];
             $paramString = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
             if ($currentCount < $numposts) {
                 $expected .= '	<div class="comment">';
                 $expected .= '		<div class="comment_author">' . $uid . ' wrote</div>';
                 $time = $comment['created'];
                 $expected .= '		<div class="comment_time">at ' . $time . '</div>';
                 $expected .= '		<div class="comment_text">' . $comment['text'] . '</div>';
                 $expected .= '		<div class="comment_links"><a href="#">message</a>';
                 if (isset($candelete) && $candelete == 'true') {
                     $expected .= '  -  <a href="' . RingsideSocialConfig::$webRoot . '/wall.php?' . $paramString . '">delete</a></div>';
                 $expected .= '	</div>';
     $expected .= '</div>';
     return $expected;
Exemplo n.º 14

 * Document this file.
 * @author Jason Kinner <*****@*****.**>
require_once 'ringside/api/clients/RingsideApiClients.php';
require_once 'ringside/social/RingsideSocialUtils.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['social_session_key'])) {
    $client = RingsideSocialUtils::getAdminClient();
    $domain_info = $client->admin_getDomainProperties(array('secret_key'), null, $_REQUEST['network_key']);
    error_log("For network " . $_REQUEST['network_key'] . ", the values are: " . var_export($domain_info, true));
    $secret = $domain_info['secret_key'];
    $params = array('social_session_key' => $_GET['social_session_key'], 'next' => $_GET['next']);
    error_log("Verifying signature with params: " . var_export($params, true) . " and secret '{$secret}'");
    $check_sig = Facebook::generate_sig($params, $secret);
    if ($check_sig == $_REQUEST['sig']) {
        $social_session_key = $_GET['social_session_key'];
        error_log("Site connect signature verified. Setting cookie.");
        setcookie('PHPSESSID', $social_session_key);
        $next = $_REQUEST['next'];
        // TODO: Think about restricting this redirect to the registered site's domain, like app login redirection
        if (strpos($next, '?') !== false) {
            $next .= "&";
        } else {
            $next .= "?";
        $params = array('sc_social_session_key' => $social_session_key, 'sc_sig' => Facebook::generate_sig(array('social_session_key' => $social_session_key), $domain_info['secret']));
        $next .= http_build_query($params);
        header('Location: ' . $next, null, 302);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Handle the trust situation for a web application, this
  * will force redirects to canvas or callback url as specified. 
  * @param Application $application
  * @param int $uid
  * @param boolean $infinite
  * @param boolean $canvas
  * @param string next
  * @return boolean success failure
 function handleWebAppTrust($apikey, $application, $uid, $infinite, $canvas, $trust, $next)
     $this->trustUser($application, $uid, $infinite);
     try {
         // Get a client which is represents this SOCIAL engine to API relationship
         $apiSessionKey = RingsideSocialUtils::getApiSessionKey(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey, $application->getSocialSession());
         $apiClientSocial = new RingsideApiClientsRest(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey, RingsideSocialConfig::$secretKey, $apiSessionKey, null, RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey);
         // Get information about a given application.
         $result = $apiClientSocial->admin_getAppProperties("application_id,secret_key,canvas_url,callback_url", null, null, $apikey);
         $canvas_url = isset($result['canvas_url']) ? $result['canvas_url'] : "";
         $callback_url = isset($result['callback_url']) ? $result['callback_url'] : "";
         $secret = isset($result['secret_key']) ? $result['secret_key'] : "";
         if ($canvas === true) {
             $trust_info = $apiClientSocial->admin_getTrustInfo(array(RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey));
             $canvas_root = $trust_info[0]['trust_canvas_url'];
             $this->redirect = $canvas_root . '/' . $canvas_url . $next;
         } else {
             // get the clients applications and create
             $appClient = new RingsideApiClientsRest($apikey, $secret, null, null, RingsideSocialConfig::$apiKey);
             $token = $appClient->auth_createToken($infinite);
             if (strpos($next, "?") === false) {
                 $next = $next . "?";
             } else {
                 if (strpos($next, "&") !== false) {
                     $next = $next . "&";
             if ($trust === true) {
                 $redir = $next . "auth_token=" . $token;
             } else {
                 if (strpos($next, $callback_url) === 0) {
                     $redir = $next . "auth_token=" . $token;
                 } else {
                     $redir = $callback_url . $next . "auth_token=" . $token;
             $this->redirect = $redir;
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->removeTrust($application, $uid);
         return false;