Exemplo n.º 1
 function parseResultSetFromFile($fd)
     $start = getmicrotime();
     $rs = new ResultSet();
     // read in the whole file
     fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_END);
     $size = ftell($fd);
     fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
     $wholeFile = fread($fd, $size);
     $lines = explode("\n", $wholeFile);
     $wholeFile = "";
     $rec = $this->parseRowFromLine($lines[0]);
     $rec = $this->parseRowFromLine($lines[1]);
     $rec = $this->parseRowFromLine($lines[2]);
     $lineCount = count($lines);
     for ($i = 3; $i < $lineCount; ++$i) {
         //inlining function parseRowFromLine() for better performance
         $line = $lines[$i];
         if (strlen(trim($line)) == 0) {
         // handle Windows \x0D\x0A (\r\n) newlines
         $line = rtrim($line);
         $rec = explode(COLUMN_SEPARATOR_CHAR, $line);
         $rec = str_replace($this->escapeCodeRead, $this->replaceWithRead, $rec);
         if (count($rec) == count($rs->colNames)) {
             $setDefaults = false;
         } else {
             $setDefaults = true;
         if ($rec) {
             $rs->rows[$rs->pos]->fields = $rec;
             $rs->rows[$rs->pos]->id = -1;
     debug_print("<i>II: parseResultSetFromFile: " . (getmicrotime() - $start) . " seconds elapsed</i><br>");
     $rs->setColumnAliases(create_array_fill(count($rs->colNames), ""));
     $rs->setColumnTables(create_array_fill(count($rs->colNames), ""));
     $rs->setColumnTableAliases(create_array_fill(count($rs->colNames), ""));
     $rs->setColumnFunctions(create_array_fill(count($rs->colNames), ""));
     $rs->colFuncsExecuted = create_array_fill(count($rs->colNames), false);
     return $rs;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function executeSelectQuery(&$sqlQuery)
     global $g_sqlGroupingFuncs;
     global $g_sqlSingleRecFuncs;
     $resultSets = array();
     // create a copy
     $aliases = $sqlQuery->colAliases;
     $funcs = $sqlQuery->colFuncs;
     // Read all Tables
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqlQuery->tables); ++$i) {
         debug_printb("<br>[executeSelectQuery] Reading table " . $sqlQuery->tables[$i] . "<br>");
         if (!($resultSets[$i] = $this->readTable($sqlQuery->tables[$i]))) {
             print_error_msg("Reading Table " . $sqlQuery->tables[$i] . " failed");
             return false;
         // set all functions to the ResultSet of the current table
         // if table and column name matches
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Setting functions for the current table:<br>");
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($funcs); ++$j) {
             if (!$funcs[$j] || !$sqlQuery->colNames[$j]) {
             if ($sqlQuery->colTables[$j] == $sqlQuery->tables[$i] || $sqlQuery->colTables[$j] == $sqlQuery->tableAliases[$i]) {
                 $colNr = $resultSets[$i]->findColNrByAttrs($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], $sqlQuery->colTables[$j], "");
                 if ($colNr == NOT_FOUND) {
                 // create a new column for each function
                 $resultSets[$i]->addColumn($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], $sqlQuery->colAliases[$j], $sqlQuery->colTables[$j], "", "str", "", $funcs[$j], "", true);
                 $funcs[$j] = "";
         // set all aliases where table, column name and function matches
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Setting aliases for the current table:<br>");
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($aliases); ++$j) {
             if (!$aliases[$j]) {
             if ($sqlQuery->colTables[$j] == $sqlQuery->tables[$i] || $sqlQuery->colTables[$j] == $sqlQuery->tableAliases[$i]) {
                 if (($colNr = $resultSets[$i]->findColNrByAttrs($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], $sqlQuery->colTables[$j], $sqlQuery->colFuncs[$j])) != NOT_FOUND) {
                     $resultSets[$i]->setColumnAlias($colNr, $aliases[$j]);
                     $aliases[$j] = "";
         if (TXTDBAPI_DEBUG) {
             debug_printb("<br>[executeSelectQuery] Dump of Table {$i} (" . $sqlQuery->tables[$i] . "):<br>");
     // set remaining functions to the ResultSet where column name matches
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Setting remaining functions where column name matches:<br>");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultSets); ++$i) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($funcs); ++$j) {
             if (!$funcs[$j] || !$sqlQuery->colNames[$j]) {
             $colNr = $resultSets[$i]->findColNrByAttrs($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], "", "");
             if ($colNr == NOT_FOUND) {
                 // 'text' or 123 ? => add column
                 if (!(is_numeric($sqlQuery->colNames[$j]) || has_quotes($sqlQuery->colNames[$j]))) {
                 debug_print("Adding function with quoted string or number paremeter!<br>");
             // create a new column for each function
             $resultSets[$i]->addColumn($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], $sqlQuery->colAliases[$j], $sqlQuery->colTables[$j], "", "str", "", $funcs[$j], "", true);
             $funcs[$j] = "";
     // set remaining aliases where column name and function matches
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Setting remaining aliases where column name and function matches:<br>");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultSets); ++$i) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($aliases); ++$j) {
             if (!$aliases[$j]) {
             if (($colNr = $resultSets[$i]->findColNrByAttrs($sqlQuery->colNames[$j], "", $sqlQuery->colFuncs[$j])) != NOT_FOUND) {
                 $resultSets[$i]->setColumnAlias($colNr, $aliases[$j]);
                 $aliases[$j] = "";
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Executing single-rec functions (on the separate ResultSet's):<br>");
     // execute single-rec functions (on the separate ResultSet's)
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultSets); ++$i) {
     // A query without tables ? => make a dummy ResultSet
     $dummyResultSet = false;
     if (count($sqlQuery->tables) == 0) {
         $dummyResultSet = true;
         $rsMaster = new ResultSet();
         $rsMaster->addColumn("(dummy)", "(dummy)", "(dummy)", "(dummy)", "str", "(dummy)", "", "", true);
         // else: real ResultSet
     } else {
         $dummyResultSet = false;
         // join the ResultSet's
         $rsMaster = $resultSets[0];
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($resultSets); ++$i) {
             $rsMaster = $rsMaster->joinWithResultSet($resultSets[$i]);
     // from here we only work with $rsMaster and can free the other ResultSet's
     $resultSets = "";
     // generate additional columns for the remaining functions (functions without params)
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($funcs); ++$i) {
         if ($funcs[$i]) {
             $rsMaster->addColumn($sqlQuery->colNames[$i], $sqlQuery->colAliases[$i], "", "", "str", "", $funcs[$i], execFunc($funcs[$i], ""));
     // generate additional columns from the WHERE-expression
     // generate additional columns from ORDER BY
     // generate additional columns from GROUP BY
     // execute the new single-rec functions (on the Master ResultSet)
     // set row id's
     $rId = -1;
     while (++$rsMaster->pos < count($rsMaster->rows)) {
         $rsMaster->rows[$rsMaster->pos]->id = ++$rId;
     debug_printb("<br>[executeSelectQuery] Master ResultSet:</b><br>");
     if (TXTDBAPI_DEBUG) {
     // apply WHERE expression
     if ($sqlQuery->where_expr) {
         $ep = new ExpressionParser();
         $rsMaster = $ep->getFilteredResultSet($rsMaster, $sqlQuery);
     // free $ep
     $ep = "";
     // stop if the WHERE expression failed
     if (txtdbapi_error_occurred()) {
         return false;
     // check if we can use some optimization
     // (use the limit in group by, but only if there are no grouping function
     // in the groupRows. To be able to do this we must order before grouping)
     $optimizedPath = true;
     if (!$sqlQuery->limit || !$sqlQuery->orderColumns) {
         $optimizedPath = false;
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqlQuery->colFuncs); ++$i) {
             if (in_array($sqlQuery->colFuncs[$i], $g_sqlGroupingFuncs)) {
                 $optimizedPath = false;
     if ($optimizedPath) {
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Using optimized path!<br>");
     } else {
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Using normal path!<br>");
     // Order ResultSet (if optimizedPath)
     if ($optimizedPath) {
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Calling orderRows() (optimized path)..<br>");
         if (count($sqlQuery->orderColumns) > 0) {
             $rsMaster->orderRows($sqlQuery->orderColumns, $sqlQuery->orderTypes);
     // Group ResultSet (process GROUP BY)
     $numGroupingFuncs = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqlQuery->colFuncs); ++$i) {
         if ($sqlQuery->colFuncs[$i] && in_array($sqlQuery->colFuncs[$i], $g_sqlGroupingFuncs)) {
     if ($numGroupingFuncs > 0 || count($sqlQuery->groupColumns) > 0) {
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Calling groupRows()..<br>");
         $rsMaster = $rsMaster->groupRows($sqlQuery, $optimizedPath);
     // Order ResultSet (if NOT optimizedPath)
     if (!$optimizedPath) {
         debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Calling orderRows() (normal path)..<br>");
         if (count($sqlQuery->orderColumns) > 0) {
             $rsMaster->orderRows($sqlQuery->orderColumns, $sqlQuery->orderTypes);
     // add direct value columns
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Adding direct value columns..<br>");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($sqlQuery->colNames); ++$i) {
         if ($sqlQuery->colNames[$i] && (is_numeric($sqlQuery->colNames[$i]) || has_quotes($sqlQuery->colNames[$i])) && !$sqlQuery->colTables[$i] && !$sqlQuery->colFuncs[$i] && $rsMaster->findColNrByAttrs($sqlQuery->colNames[$i], "", "") == NOT_FOUND) {
             $value = $sqlQuery->colNames[$i];
             if (has_quotes($value)) {
             $rsMaster->addColumn($sqlQuery->colNames[$i], $sqlQuery->colAliases[$i], "", "", "str", "", "", $value, true);
     // return only the requested columns
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Removing unwanted columns...<br>");
     // order columns (not their data)
     debug_printb("[executeSelectQuery] Ordering columns (amog themself)...<br>");
     if (!$rsMaster->orderColumnsBySqlQuery($sqlQuery)) {
         print_error_msg("Ordering the Columns (themself) failed");
         return false;
     // process DISTINCT
     if ($sqlQuery->distinct == 1) {
         $rsMaster = $rsMaster->makeDistinct($sqlQuery->limit);
     // Apply Limit
     $rsMaster = $rsMaster->limitResultSet($sqlQuery->limit);
     verbose_debug_print("<br>Limited ResultSet:<br>");
     return $rsMaster;
Exemplo n.º 3
 for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; ++$i) {
     if (isset($_POST['delete' . $i])) {
         echo "Row {$i} deleted!<br>";
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['dup' . $i])) {
             echo "Row {$i} duplicated!<br>";
 echo "{$rowsSaved} Rows saved!<br>";
 if (isset($_POST['append_row'])) {
     echo "1 Row appended!<br>";
 echo "colCount: {$colCount}<br>";
 for ($i = 0; $i < $colCount; ++$i) {
     if (isset($_POST['dupCol' . $i])) {
         echo "Column {$i} duplicated!<br>";
 for ($i = 0; $i < $colCount; ++$i) {
     if (isset($_POST['delCol' . $i])) {
         echo "Column {$i} deleted!<br>";