Exemplo n.º 1
namespace php_active_record;

/* connector for ARKive
estimated execution time:
There is already a published data for this resource. This connector modifies the resource 6.xml in Beast.
Partner is un-responsive for a while so we decided to just adjust the resource XML ourselves.
This connector will just change all text objects with subject #Description to #TaxonBiology.
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../config/environment.php";
$timestart = time_elapsed();
$resource_id = 6;
/* change subject mapping from #Description to #TaxonBiology */
$resource_path = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7597512/resources/6.xml.gz";
$result = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->select("SELECT accesspoint_url FROM resources WHERE id={$resource_id}");
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$new_resource_path = $row[0];
if ($resource_path != $new_resource_path && $new_resource_path != '') {
    $resource_path = $new_resource_path;
print "\n processing resource:\n {$resource_path} \n\n";
$func = new ResourceDataObjectElementsSetting($resource_id, $resource_path);
$xml = $func->load_xml_string();
$xml = $func->replace_data_object_element_value_with_condition("subject", "http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems#GeneralDescription", "http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems#TaxonBiology", $xml, "dc:title", "Description");
$elapsed_time_sec = time_elapsed() - $timestart;
echo "\n";
echo "elapsed time = {$elapsed_time_sec} seconds             \n";
echo "elapsed time = " . $elapsed_time_sec / 60 . " minutes  \n";
echo "\n\n Done processing.";
Exemplo n.º 2
namespace php_active_record;

/* connector for Natural History Museum Species of the day
estimated execution time: 1 second
There is already a published data for this resource. This connector modifies the resource 281.xml in Beast.
This resource is set to import once.
This connector will replace all <subject> elements to "#TaxonBiology" only if <dc:title> is "Introduction".
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../config/environment.php";
$timestart = time_elapsed();
$resource_id = 281;
$resource_path = CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id . ".xml";
//if partner will provide an accesspointURL the connector will use that, if not it will use what is uploaded.
$result = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->select("SELECT accesspoint_url FROM resources WHERE id={$resource_id}");
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$new_resource_path = $row[0];
if ($new_resource_path != '') {
    $resource_path = $new_resource_path;
print "\n processing resource:\n {$resource_path} \n\n";
$func = new ResourceDataObjectElementsSetting($resource_id, $resource_path);
$xml = Functions::get_remote_file($resource_path);
$xml = $func->replace_data_object_element_value_with_condition("subject", "", "http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/SPMInfoItems#TaxonBiology", $xml, "dc:title", "Introduction", false);
$elapsed_time_sec = time_elapsed() - $timestart;
echo "\n";
echo "elapsed time = {$elapsed_time_sec} seconds             \n";
echo "elapsed time = " . $elapsed_time_sec / 60 . " minutes  \n";
echo "\n\n Done processing.";