Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get all resources associated with the current tag.
  * @return array
  * @access public
 public function getResources()
     $resList = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT "resource".* FROM "resource_tags", "resource" ' . 'WHERE "resource"."id" = "resource_tags"."resource_id" ' . 'AND "resource_tags"."tag_id" = ' . "'" . $this->escape($this->id) . "'";
     $res = new Resource();
     if ($res->N) {
         while ($res->fetch()) {
             $resList[] = clone $res;
     return $resList;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function getResources()
     $resList = array();
     $sql = "SELECT resource.* FROM resource_tags, resource " . "WHERE resource.id = resource_tags.resource_id " . "AND resource_tags.tag_id = '{$this->id}'";
     /** @var Resource|object $res */
     $res = new Resource();
     if ($res->N) {
         while ($res->fetch()) {
             $resList[] = clone $res;
     return $resList;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * レコードを取得する。
  * @param Resource    $result    クエリの結果セット。
  * @return    mixed    レコードデータを含む連想配列を返す。レコードが無い場合はfalseを返す。
 public function fetch($result)
     $ret = $result->fetch();
     if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
         return array_map('stripslashes', $ret);
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function getSuggestions($userId = -1)
     global $configArray;
     if ($userId == -1) {
         global $user;
         $userId = $user->id;
     //Load all titles the user is not interested in
     $notInterestedTitles = array();
     $notInterested = new NotInterested();
     $resource = new Resource();
     $notInterested->userId = $userId;
     while ($notInterested->fetch()) {
         if ($notInterested->source == 'VuFind') {
             $fullId = $notInterested->record_id;
         } else {
             $fullId = 'econtentRecord' . $notInterested->record_id;
         $notInterestedTitles[$fullId] = $fullId;
     //Load all titles the user has rated (print)
     $allRatedTitles = array();
     $allLikedRatedTitles = array();
     $ratings = new UserRating();
     $ratings->userid = $userId;
     $resource = new Resource();
     while ($ratings->fetch()) {
         $allRatedTitles[$ratings->record_id] = $ratings->record_id;
         if ($ratings->rating >= 4) {
             $allLikedRatedTitles[] = $ratings->record_id;
     //Load all titles the user has rated (eContent)
     $econtentRatings = new EContentRating();
     $econtentRatings->userId = $userId;
     while ($econtentRatings->fetch()) {
         $allRatedTitles['econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId] = 'econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId;
         if ($econtentRatings->rating >= 4) {
             $allLikedRatedTitles[] = 'econtentRecord' . $econtentRatings->recordId;
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     $db = new $class($url);
     if ($configArray['System']['debugSolr']) {
         $db->debug = true;
     //Get a list of all titles the user has rated (3 star and above)
     $ratings = new UserRating();
     $ratings->whereAdd("userId = {$userId}", 'AND');
     $ratings->whereAdd('rating >= 3', 'AND');
     $ratings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC, id DESC');
     //Use the 20 highest ratings to make real-time recommendations faster
     $ratings->limit(0, 5);
     $suggestions = array();
     //echo("User has rated {$ratings->N} titles<br/>");
     if ($ratings->N > 0) {
         while ($ratings->fetch()) {
             $resourceId = $ratings->resourceid;
             //Load the resource
             $resource = new Resource();
             $resource->id = $resourceId;
             if ($resource->N != 1) {
                 //echo("Did not find resource for $resourceId<br/>");
             } else {
                 //echo("Found resource for $resourceId - {$resource->title}<br/>");
                 $ratedTitles[$resource->record_id] = clone $ratings;
                 $numRecommendations = 0;
                 if ($resource->isbn) {
                     //If there is an isbn for the title, we can load similar titles based on Novelist.
                     $isbn = $resource->isbn;
                     $numRecommendations = Suggestions::getNovelistRecommendations($ratings, $isbn, $resource, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles);
                     //echo("&nbsp;- Found $numRecommendations for $isbn from Novelist<br/>");
                 if ($numRecommendations == 0) {
                     Suggestions::getSimilarlyRatedTitles($db, $ratings, $userId, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles);
                     //echo("&nbsp;- Found $numRecommendations based on ratings from other users<br/>");
     //Also get eContent the user has rated highly
     $econtentRatings = new EContentRating();
     $econtentRatings->userId = $userId;
     $econtentRatings->whereAdd('rating >= 3');
     $econtentRatings->orderBy('rating DESC, dateRated DESC');
     $econtentRatings->limit(0, 5);
     //echo("User has rated {$econtentRatings->N} econtent titles<br/>");
     if ($econtentRatings->N > 0) {
         while ($econtentRatings->fetch()) {
             //echo("Processing eContent Rating {$econtentRatings->recordId}<br/>");
             //Load the resource
             $resource = new Resource();
             $resource->record_id = $econtentRatings->recordId;
             $resource->source = 'eContent';
             if ($resource->N != 1) {
                 //echo("Did not find resource for $resourceId<br/>");
             } else {
                 //echo("Found resource for $resourceId - {$resource->title}<br/>");
                 $ratedTitles[$resource->record_id] = clone $econtentRatings;
                 $numRecommendations = 0;
                 if ($resource->isbn) {
                     //If there is an isbn for the title, we can load similar titles based on Novelist.
                     $isbn = $resource->isbn;
                     $numRecommendations = Suggestions::getNovelistRecommendations($ratings, $isbn, $resource, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles);
                     //echo("&nbsp;- Found $numRecommendations for $isbn from Novelist<br/>");
                 if ($numRecommendations == 0) {
                     Suggestions::getSimilarlyRatedTitles($db, $ratings, $userId, $allRatedTitles, $suggestions, $notInterestedTitles);
                     //echo("&nbsp;- Found $numRecommendations based on ratings from other users<br/>");
     $groupedTitles = array();
     foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) {
         $groupingTerm = $suggestion['titleInfo']['grouping_term'];
         $groupedTitles[] = $groupingTerm;
     //If the user has not rated anything, return nothing.
     if (count($allLikedRatedTitles) == 0) {
         return array();
     //Get recommendations based on everything I've rated using more like this functionality
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     /** @var Solr $db */
     $db = new $class($url);
     //$db->debug = true;
     $moreLikeTheseSuggestions = $db->getMoreLikeThese($allLikedRatedTitles);
     if (count($suggestions) < 30) {
         foreach ($moreLikeTheseSuggestions['response']['docs'] as $suggestion) {
             $groupingTerm = $suggestion['grouping_term'];
             if (array_key_exists($groupingTerm, $groupedTitles)) {
                 //echo ($suggestion['grouping_term'] . " is already in the suggestions");
             $groupedTitles[$groupingTerm] = $groupingTerm;
             if (!array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $allRatedTitles) && !array_key_exists($suggestion['id'], $notInterestedTitles)) {
                 $suggestions[$suggestion['id']] = array('rating' => $suggestion['rating'] - 2.5, 'titleInfo' => $suggestion, 'basedOn' => 'MetaData for all titles rated');
             if (count($suggestions) == 30) {
     //sort suggestions based on score from ascending to descending
     uasort($suggestions, 'Suggestions::compareSuggestions');
     //Only return up to 50 suggestions to make the page size reasonable
     $suggestions = array_slice($suggestions, 0, 30, true);
     //Return suggestions for use in the user interface.
     return $suggestions;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Load information from the resource table associated with this user.
  * @param array $tags Array of tags to use as a filter (optional).
  * @return array
  * @access public
 public function getResources($tags = null)
     $resourceList = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT "resource".*, "user_resource"."saved" FROM "resource", "user_resource" ' . 'WHERE "resource"."id" = "user_resource"."resource_id" ' . 'AND "user_resource"."user_id" = ' . "'" . $this->escape($this->id) . "'";
     if ($tags) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags); $i++) {
             $sql .= ' AND "resource"."id" IN ' . '(SELECT DISTINCT "resource_tags"."resource_id" ' . 'FROM "resource_tags", "tags" WHERE ' . '"resource_tags"."tag_id"="tags"."id" AND "tags"."tag" = ' . "'" . $this->escape($tags[$i]) . "'" . ' AND "resource_tags"."user_id" = ' . "'" . $this->escape($this->id) . "')";
     $resource = new Resource();
     if ($resource->N) {
         while ($resource->fetch()) {
             $resourceList[] = clone $resource;
     return $resourceList;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Given an array of item ids, remove them from a list
  * @param array  $ids    IDs to remove from the list
  * @param string $source Type of resource identified by IDs
  * @return bool          True on success, false on error.
  * @access public
 public function removeResourcesById($ids, $source = 'VuFind')
     $sqlIDS = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $sqlIDS[] = "'" . $this->escape($id) . "'";
     // No work is needed if we have no IDs to delete:
     if (empty($sqlIDS)) {
         return true;
     // Get Resource Ids
     $sql = 'SELECT "id" FROM "resource" WHERE ("record_id" = ' . implode(' OR "record_id" = ', $sqlIDS) . ") ";
     // Don't use source here, MetaLib records would fail
     // . 'AND "source" = ' . "'" . $this->escape($source) . "'";
     $resources = new Resource();
     if ($resources->N) {
         while ($resources->fetch()) {
             $resourceList[] = "'" . $this->escape($resources->id) . "'";
     // Remove Resource
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM "user_resource" ' . "WHERE \"user_id\" = '" . $this->escape($this->user_id) . "' " . "AND \"list_id\" = '" . $this->escape($this->id) . "' " . 'AND ("resource_id" =' . implode(' OR "resource_id" =', $resourceList) . ")";
     $removeResource = new User_resource();
     // Remove Resource Tags
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM "resource_tags" ' . "WHERE \"user_id\" = '" . $this->escape($this->user_id) . "' " . "AND \"list_id\" = '" . $this->escape($this->id) . "' " . 'AND ("resource_id" =' . implode(' OR "resource_id" =', $resourceList) . ")";
     $removeTags = new Resource_tags();
     // Update list modification date
     // If we got this far, there were no fatal DB errors so report success
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getMyTransactions($patron, $page = 1, $recordsPerPage = -1, $sortOption = 'dueDate')
     global $configArray;
     global $timer;
     if (is_object($patron)) {
         $patron = get_object_vars($patron);
     if (isset($this->transactions[$patron['id']])) {
         return $this->transactions[$patron['id']];
     if (!$this->useDb) {
         //Get transactions by parsing hip
         $transactions = $this->getMyTransactionsViaHIP($patron);
         $timer->logTime("Got transactions from HIP");
         //return json_decode('[{"id":843869,"itemid":1466355,"duedate":"2011-03-29 12:00:00","checkoutdate":"2011-03-07 12:00:00","barcode":"33025015826504","renewCount":1,"request":null},{"id":944097,"itemid":1897017,"duedate":"2011-03-28 12:00:00","checkoutdate":"2011-03-07 12:00:00","barcode":"33025021052830","renewCount":0,"request":null},{"id":577167,"itemid":2057415,"duedate":"2011-03-29 12:00:00","checkoutdate":"2011-03-07 12:00:00","barcode":"33025021723778","renewCount":3,"request":null}]', true);
     } else {
         $transactions = $this->getMyTransactionsViaDB($patron);
         $timer->logTime("Got transactions from Database");
     if (isset($transactions)) {
         //Load information about titles from Resources table (for peformance)
         $recordIds = array();
         foreach ($transactions as $i => $data) {
             $recordIds[] = "'" . $data['id'] . "'";
         //Get records from resource table
         $resourceInfo = new Resource();
         if (count($recordIds) > 0) {
             $recordIdString = implode(",", $recordIds);
             $resourceSql = "SELECT * FROM resource where source = 'VuFind' AND record_id in ({$recordIdString})";
             $timer->logTime('Got records for all titles');
             //Load title author, etc. information
             while ($resourceInfo->fetch()) {
                 foreach ($transactions as $key => $transaction) {
                     if ($transaction['id'] == $resourceInfo->record_id) {
                         $transaction['shortId'] = $transaction['id'];
                         //Load title, author, and format information about the title
                         $transaction['recordId'] = $transaction['id'];
                         $transaction['title'] = isset($resourceInfo->title) ? $resourceInfo->title : 'Unknown';
                         $transaction['sortTitle'] = isset($resourceInfo->title_sort) ? $resourceInfo->title_sort : 'unknown';
                         $transaction['author'] = isset($resourceInfo->author) ? $resourceInfo->author : null;
                         $transaction['format'] = isset($resourceInfo->format) ? $resourceInfo->format : null;
                         $transaction['isbn'] = isset($resourceInfo->isbn) ? $resourceInfo->isbn : '';
                         $transaction['upc'] = isset($resourceInfo->upc) ? $resourceInfo->upc : '';
                         $transaction['format_category'] = isset($resourceInfo->format_category) ? $resourceInfo->format_category : '';
                         $transaction['renewIndicator'] = $transaction['barcode'] . '|';
                         $transactions[$key] = $transaction;
         //Get econtent info and hold queue length
         foreach ($transactions as $key => $transaction) {
             //Check for hold queue length
             $itemData = $this->_loadItemSIP2Data($transaction['barcode'], '');
             $transaction['holdQueueLength'] = intval($itemData['holdQueueLength']);
             $transactions[$key] = $transaction;
     //Process sorting
     $sortKeys = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($transactions as $key => $transaction) {
         $sortTitle = isset($transaction['sortTitle']) ? $transaction['sortTitle'] : "Unknown";
         if ($sortOption == 'title') {
             $sortKeys[$key] = $sortTitle;
         } elseif ($sortOption == 'author') {
             $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($transaction['author']) ? $transaction['author'] : "Unknown") . '-' . $sortTitle;
         } elseif ($sortOption == 'dueDate') {
             if (preg_match('/.*?(\\d{1,2})[-\\/](\\d{1,2})[-\\/](\\d{2,4}).*/', $transaction['duedate'], $matches)) {
                 $sortKeys[$key] = $matches[3] . '-' . $matches[1] . '-' . $matches[2] . '-' . $sortTitle;
             } else {
                 $sortKeys[$key] = $transaction['duedate'] . '-' . $sortTitle;
         } elseif ($sortOption == 'format') {
             $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($transaction['format']) ? $transaction['format'] : "Unknown") . '-' . $sortTitle;
         } elseif ($sortOption == 'renewed') {
             $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($transaction['renewCount']) ? $transaction['renewCount'] : 0) . '-' . $sortTitle;
         } elseif ($sortOption == 'holdQueueLength') {
             $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($transaction['holdQueueLength']) ? $transaction['holdQueueLength'] : 0) . '-' . $sortTitle;
         $sortKeys[$key] = $sortKeys[$key] . '-' . $i++;
     array_multisort($sortKeys, $transactions);
     //Limit to a specific number of records
     $totalTransactions = count($transactions);
     if ($recordsPerPage != -1) {
         $startRecord = ($page - 1) * $recordsPerPage;
         $transactions = array_slice($transactions, $startRecord, $recordsPerPage);
     $this->transactions[$patron['id']] = $transactions;
     return array('transactions' => $transactions, 'numTransactions' => $totalTransactions);
Exemplo n.º 8
 function getTags()
     $tagList = array();
     $sql = "SELECT resource_tags.* FROM resource, resource_tags, user_resource " . "WHERE resource.id = user_resource.resource_id " . "AND resource.id = resource_tags.resource_id " . "AND user_resource.user_id = '{$this->user_id}' " . "AND user_resource.list_id = '{$this->id}'";
     /** @var Resource|object $resource */
     $resource = new Resource();
     if ($resource->N) {
         while ($resource->fetch()) {
             $tagList[] = clone $resource;
     return $tagList;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Return all resources that the user has saved
  * @param string[] $tags Tags to filter the resources by
  * @return Resource[]
 function getResources($tags = null)
     require_once 'User_resource.php';
     $resourceList = array();
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT resource.* FROM resource, user_resource " . "WHERE resource.id = user_resource.resource_id " . "AND user_resource.user_id = '{$this->id}'";
     if ($tags) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags); $i++) {
             $sql .= " AND resource.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT resource_tags.resource_id " . "FROM resource_tags, tags " . "WHERE resource_tags.tag_id=tags.id AND tags.tag = '" . addslashes($tags[$i]) . "' AND resource_tags.user_id = '{$this->id}')";
     /** @var Resource|object $resource */
     $resource = new Resource();
     if ($resource->N) {
         while ($resource->fetch()) {
             $resourceList[] = clone $resource;
     return $resourceList;
Exemplo n.º 10
    if ($res) {
        $object->busy = $busy;
        $object->mandatory = $mandatory;
        $result = $object->update_element_resource($user);
        if ($result >= 0) {
            Header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?element=" . $element . "&element_id=" . $element_id);
        } else {
            setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
// Delete a resource linked to an element
if ($action == 'confirm_delete_linked_resource' && $user->rights->resource->delete && GETPOST('confirm') == 'yes') {
    $res = $object->fetch(GETPOST('id'));
    if ($res) {
        $result = $object->delete_resource($lineid, $element);
        if ($result >= 0) {
            Header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?element=" . $element . "&element_id=" . $element_id);
        } else {
            setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
    } else {
        setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
$parameters = array('resource_id' => resource_id);
$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function getMyHolds($patron = null, $page = 1, $recordsPerPage = -1, $sortOption = 'title')
     global $timer;
     global $configArray;
     global $user;
     $patronDump = $this->driver->_getPatronDump($this->driver->_getBarcode());
     //Load the information from millennium using CURL
     $sResult = $this->driver->_fetchPatronInfoPage($patronDump, 'holds');
     $timer->logTime("Got holds page from Millennium");
     $holds = $this->parseHoldsPage($sResult);
     $timer->logTime("Parsed Holds page");
     //Get a list of all record id so we can load supplemental information
     $recordIds = array();
     foreach ($holds as $holdSections) {
         foreach ($holdSections as $hold) {
             $recordIds[] = "'" . $hold['shortId'] . "'";
     //Get records from resource table
     $resourceInfo = new Resource();
     if (count($recordIds) > 0) {
         $recordIdString = implode(",", $recordIds);
         $resourceSql = "SELECT * FROM resource where source = 'VuFind' AND shortId in (" . $recordIdString . ")";
         $timer->logTime('Got records for all titles');
         //Load title author, etc. information
         while ($resourceInfo->fetch()) {
             foreach ($holds as $section => $holdSections) {
                 foreach ($holdSections as $key => $hold) {
                     $hold['recordId'] = $hold['id'];
                     if ($hold['shortId'] == $resourceInfo->shortId) {
                         $hold['recordId'] = $resourceInfo->record_id;
                         $hold['id'] = $resourceInfo->record_id;
                         $hold['shortId'] = $resourceInfo->shortId;
                         //Load title, author, and format information about the title
                         $hold['title'] = isset($resourceInfo->title) ? $resourceInfo->title : 'Unknown';
                         $hold['sortTitle'] = isset($resourceInfo->title_sort) ? $resourceInfo->title_sort : 'unknown';
                         $hold['author'] = isset($resourceInfo->author) ? $resourceInfo->author : null;
                         $hold['format'] = isset($resourceInfo->format) ? $resourceInfo->format : null;
                         $hold['isbn'] = isset($resourceInfo->isbn) ? $resourceInfo->isbn : '';
                         $hold['upc'] = isset($resourceInfo->upc) ? $resourceInfo->upc : '';
                         $hold['format_category'] = isset($resourceInfo->format_category) ? $resourceInfo->format_category : '';
                         //Load rating information
                         $hold['ratingData'] = $resourceInfo->getRatingData($user);
                         $holds[$section][$key] = $hold;
     //Process sorting
     //echo ("<br/>\r\nSorting by $sortOption");
     foreach ($holds as $sectionName => $section) {
         $sortKeys = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($section as $key => $hold) {
             $sortTitle = isset($hold['sortTitle']) ? $hold['sortTitle'] : (isset($hold['title']) ? $hold['title'] : "Unknown");
             if ($sectionName == 'available') {
                 $sortKeys[$key] = $sortTitle;
             } else {
                 if ($sortOption == 'title') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'author') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($hold['author']) ? $hold['author'] : "Unknown") . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'placed') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = $hold['createTime'] . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'format') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($hold['format']) ? $hold['format'] : "Unknown") . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'location') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($hold['location']) ? $hold['location'] : "Unknown") . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'holdQueueLength') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($hold['holdQueueLength']) ? $hold['holdQueueLength'] : 0) . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'position') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = str_pad(isset($hold['position']) ? $hold['position'] : 1, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } elseif ($sortOption == 'status') {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = (isset($hold['status']) ? $hold['status'] : "Unknown") . '-' . (isset($hold['reactivateTime']) ? $hold['reactivateTime'] : "0") . '-' . $sortTitle;
                 } else {
                     $sortKeys[$key] = $sortTitle;
                 //echo ("<br/>\r\nSort Key for $key = {$sortKeys[$key]}");
             $sortKeys[$key] = strtolower($sortKeys[$key] . '-' . $i++);
         array_multisort($sortKeys, $section);
         $holds[$sectionName] = $section;
     //Limit to a specific number of records
     if (isset($holds['unavailable'])) {
         $numUnavailableHolds = count($holds['unavailable']);
         if ($recordsPerPage != -1) {
             $startRecord = ($page - 1) * $recordsPerPage;
             $holds['unavailable'] = array_slice($holds['unavailable'], $startRecord, $recordsPerPage);
     } else {
         $numUnavailableHolds = 0;
     if (!isset($holds['available'])) {
         $holds['available'] = array();
     if (!isset($holds['unavailable'])) {
         $holds['unavailable'] = array();
     //Sort the hold sections so available holds are first.
     $patronId = isset($patron) ? $patron['id'] : $this->driver->_getBarcode();
     $this->holds[$patronId] = $holds;
     $timer->logTime("Processed hold pagination and sorting");
     return array('holds' => $holds, 'numUnavailableHolds' => $numUnavailableHolds);
Exemplo n.º 12
    if ($res) {
        $object->busy = $busy;
        $object->mandatory = $mandatory;
        $result = $object->update_element_resource($user);
        if ($result >= 0) {
            Header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?element=" . $element . "&element_id=" . $element_id);
        } else {
            setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
// Delete a resource linked to an element
if ($action == 'confirm_delete_linked_resource' && $user->rights->resource->delete && $confirm === 'yes') {
    $res = $object->fetch($id);
    if ($res > 0) {
        $result = $object->delete_resource($lineid, $element);
        if ($result >= 0) {
            Header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?element=" . $element . "&element_id=" . $element_id);
        } else {
            setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
    } else {
        setEventMessage($object->error, 'errors');
$parameters = array('resource_id' => $resource_id);
$reshook = $hookmanager->executeHooks('doActions', $parameters, $object, $action);