Exemplo n.º 1
function upload($uid, $uploadName = false, $FILE, $newWidth = 0, $newHeight = 0)
    global $OP;
    $dots = explode(".", $FILE['name']);
    $extension = strtolower($dots[count($dots) - 1]);
    $extensions = array("png", "jpg", "gif", "jpeg");
    if ($uploadName === false) {
        $uploadName = $OP->randStr(5) . "_" . $OP->randStr(5) . "_" . $OP->randStr(5);
     * Check if User Id is numeric and $FILE array contain more than 0 items
    if (is_numeric($uid) && is_array($FILE) && count($FILE) > 0) {
         * Check if File Extension is supported
        if (array_search($extension, $extensions) !== false) {
            $path = $FILE['tmp_name'];
            $resize = new ResizeImage($path);
            $ratio = $resize->imgw() / $resize->imgh();
            $newWidth = ($newWidth == 0 ? $resize->imgw() : $newWidth) * $ratio;
            $newHeight = ($newHeight == 0 ? $resize->imgh() : $newHeight) * $ratio;
             * We resize to reduce the file size of image
            $resize->resizeTo($newWidth, $newHeight, 'exact');
            $resize->saveImage($path, 50);
             * For Saving Database Space, we md5 the upload file name
            $uploadMD5Name = md5($uploadName);
            $uploadContent = file_get_contents($path);
             * Only do data insertion if the data doesn't exist, else update the already existing value
            $sql = $OP->dbh->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `data` WHERE `uid`=? AND `name`=?");
            $sql->execute(array($uid, $uploadMD5Name));
            if ($sql->rowCount() == 0) {
                $sql = $OP->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO `data` (`uid`, `name`, `txt`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
                $sql->execute(array($uid, $uploadMD5Name, $uploadContent));
            } else {
                $sql = $OP->dbh->prepare("UPDATE `data` SET `txt` = ? WHERE `uid`=? AND `name`=?");
                $sql->execute(array($uploadContent, $uid, $uploadMD5Name));
            /* We, for fun add a .png extension to the file name */
            $uploadName .= ".png";
            /* and return the image URL */
            return Open::URL("/data/{$uid}/{$uploadName}");
        } else {
            return "extensionNotSupported";
    } else {
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /* Was it already cached before by the browser ? The old etag will be sent by the browsers as HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH. We interpret it */
 if ($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] == $etag) {
     /* "Yes, it's the old version and nothing has been changed" - We send this message to the browser */
     header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
 /* Serve the small image if it's the one that is requested */
 if (isset($resizeIMG)) {
     /* make a temporary file and replace it with the original image */
     $temp = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
     file_put_contents($temp, $fileData);
     $resize = new ResizeImage($temp);
      * Make the small image resize to small according to the original ratio
     $ratio = $resize->imgw() / $resize->imgh();
     $newWidth = $ratio * $fileCrop;
     $newHeight = $ratio * $fileCrop;
     if ($newWidth > $resize->imgw() || $newHeight > $resize->imgh()) {
         $fileData = file_get_contents($temp);
     } else {
          * Resize & Save
         $resize->resizeTo($newWidth, $newHeight, 'exact');
         $resize->saveImage($temp, 80);
         $fileData = file_get_contents($temp);
 /* Output the file data */
 echo $fileData;
Exemplo n.º 3
    $etag = hash("md5", $fileName . $fileCrop);
    header("ETag: {$etag}");
    /* Was it already cached before by the browser ? The old etag will be sent by the browsers as HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH. We interpret it */
    if ($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] == $etag) {
        /* "Yes, it's the old version and nothing has been changed" - We send this message to the browser */
        header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
    /* Get the original image file */
    $fileData = base64_decode($fileData);
    /* Serve the small image if it's the one that is requested */
    if (isset($resizeIMG)) {
        /* make a temporary file and replace it with the original image */
        $temp = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
        file_put_contents($temp, $fileData);
        $resize = new ResizeImage($temp);
        /* Make the small image resize to small according to the original ratio */
        $total = $resize->imgw() + $resize->imgh();
        $newWidth = $resize->imgw() / $total * $fileCrop;
        $newHeight = $resize->imgh() / $total * $fileCrop;
        if ($newWidth > $resize->imgw() || $newHeight > $resize->imgh()) {
        /* Resize & Save */
        $resize->resizeTo($newWidth, $newHeight, 'exact');
        $resize->saveImage($temp, 80);
        $fileData = file_get_contents($temp);
    /* Output the file data */
    echo $fileData;