Exemplo n.º 1
  * The method of the request was set to get in the constructor
  * @depends	testConstructorNoParams
  * @return	null
 public function testIsGetPostCli()
     $this->assertEquals('get', $this->input->getMethod());
     $input = new AppInput('post');
     $this->assertEquals('post', $input->getMethod());
     $input = new AppInput('cli');
     $this->assertEquals('cli', $input->getMethod());
     /* prove not case sensitive */
     $input = new AppInput('GET');
     $this->assertEquals('get', $input->getMethod());
     $input = new AppInput('POST');
     $this->assertEquals('post', $input->getMethod());
     $input = new AppInput('CLI');
     $this->assertEquals('cli', $input->getMethod());
Exemplo n.º 2
 function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     if (Request::isXhr() && Request::isGet()) {
         $request = Request::getInstance();
         foreach (words('default_body default_subject') as $key) {
             $request[$key] = Request::removeMagicQuotes($_GET[$key]);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testMethods()
     $Request = new Request();
     $this->assertEqual($Request->method(), 'POST');
     $Request = new Request();
     $this->assertEqual($Request->method(), 'GET');
     $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function run()
     $dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(TXTROOT);
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Slackbot-LinkExpanding') !== false) {
         Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_403, ['error' => "No slackbots allowed"]);
     if (!getenv('REDIS_URL')) {
         Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_500, ['error' => "REDIS_URL environment variable required"]);
     if (!Request::isGet() && !Request::isPost()) {
         Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_405, ['error' => "Please use a GET or POST"]);
     if (getenv('AUTH') && (!isset($_POST['auth']) || !static::compareStrings(getenv('AUTH'), $_POST['auth']))) {
         Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_401, ['error' => "'auth' parameter is missing or invalid"]);
     //    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ' . $_SERVER['ORIGIN']);
     //    header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
     //    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST
     // x-frame-options
     $redis = Redis::getRedis(getenv('REDIS_URL'));
     $hash = ltrim(Request::getPath(), '/');
     if ($hash) {
         if ($hash == 'robots.txt') {
             Response::setContent("User-agent: *\nDisallow: /");
         if (Request::isPost()) {
             Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_405, ['error' => "Cannot post to a hash"]);
         if (strlen($hash) > Redis::MAX_KEY_LENGTH || !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $hash)) {
             Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_404, ['error' => "Invalid hash"]);
         $data = $redis->hGetAll(Redis::PREFIX . $hash);
         if (!$data) {
             Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_404, ['error' => "Hash not found"]);
         $datum = Datum::createFromArray($data);
         if ($datum->once) {
             $redis->del(Redis::PREFIX . $hash);
         // set proper cache header, esp for read-once
         // actually, PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA, esp for things that are meant to expire. we should do the opposite - dont cache
         // Response::setCacheForeverHeaders();
         Response::sendResponse('datum', ['datum' => $datum]);
     if (Request::isGet()) {
         Response::sendResponse('home', ['domain' => 'http' . (Request::isSSL() ? 's' : '') . '://' . Request::getHost()]);
     } else {
         $data = isset($_POST['data']) ? $_POST['data'] : file_get_contents("php://input");
         if (!$data) {
             Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_400, ['error' => 'No data submitted']);
         $datum = new Datum(trim($data), Datum::T_TEXT, Request::isFlagOn('once'));
         $key = substr(static::randId(), 0, Redis::MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
         $ttl = isset($_POST['ttl']) ? max(1, min((int) $_POST['ttl'], Redis::MAX_TTL)) : Redis::MAX_TTL;
         $redis->hMSet(Redis::PREFIX . $key, $datum->toArray());
         $redis->expire(Redis::PREFIX . $key, $ttl);
         $url = 'http' . (Request::isSSL() ? 's' : '') . '://' . Request::getHost() . '/' . $key;
         Response::sendResponse(Response::HTTP_201, ['url' => $url, 'ttl' => $ttl, '_textKey' => 'url']);
Exemplo n.º 5
                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
                            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="myInput" name="myInput" placeholder="Search for...">

    <!-- content body -->
    <div class="padding">
        <div class="full col-sm-9">              
            <div class="row">
if (Request::isGet()) {
    switch ($uri[0]) {
        case "category":
            switch ($uri[1]) {
                case "all":
                    $cat = DBDriver::all("SELECT id,title, permalink, description FROM kb_category WHERE published=1");
                    if (!empty($cat)) {
                        foreach ($cat as $c) {
                            $sumcat = DBDriver::row("SELECT COUNT(id) as totalarticle FROM kb_article WHERE category=:id", array(":id" => $c->id));
                            include "category.php";
                    } else {
                                    <div class="panel panel-warning">
                                        <div class="panel-heading">
                                           <h3 class="panel-title">Empty!</h3>
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function testRequestMethodGet()
Exemplo n.º 7
  * delete one room request
 public function delete_action()
     $request = RoomRequest::find(Request::option('request_id'));
     if (!$request) {
         throw new Trails_Exception(403);
     if (Request::isGet()) {
         $factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($this->dispatcher->trails_root . '/views/');
         $template = $factory->open('course/room_requests/_del.php');
         $template->action = $this->link_for('delete/' . $this->course_id, array('request_id' => $request->getid()));
         $template->question = sprintf(_('Möchten Sie die Raumanfrage "%s" löschen?'), $request->getTypeExplained());
         $this->flash['message'] = $template->render();
     } else {
         if (Request::submitted('kill')) {
             if ($request->delete()) {
                 $this->flash['message'] = MessageBox::success("Die Raumanfrage wurde gelöscht.");
     $this->redirect('course/room_requests/index/' . $this->course_id);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * This checks the request and returns either true or false. It is
  * implicitly called by CSRFProtection::verifySecurityToken() and
  * it should never be needed to call this.
  * @returns boolean  returns true if the request is valid
 static function verifyRequest()
     return Request::isGet() || Request::isXhr() || self::checkSecurityToken();
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Store or retrieve settings.
  * Settings are further subdivided into groups. For example: global, 
  * seminar- and user-specific settings (see below).
  * returns a JSON object with current settings.
  * expects a JSON object with settings to store and returns 
  * updated settings as a JSON object. Some settings are read-only,
  * others can only be set if the user has the necessary access level.
  * Currently only the following basic features are supported:
  * HTTP GET wysiwyg/settings/global
  *   Always returns:
  *   {
  *     "upload": {
  *       "permission": "autor",
  *         "folder": {
  *           "name": "Wysiwyg Uploads",
  *           "description": "Vom WYSIWYG Editor hochgeladene Dateien."
  *         }
  *       }
  *     }
  *   }
  * HTTP GET wysiwyg/settings/users/current
  *   Always returns following setting for the authenticated user:
  *   {
  *     "disabled": false | true
  *   }
  * HTTP PUT wysiwyg/settings/users/current
  *   Allows only to reset or set the disabled state with:
  *   {
  *     "disabled": false | true
  *   }
  * Below is a specification of possible future extensions to this
  * interface, that are based on current feature requests by users
  * (mainly people from ELMO, ELAN and ECULT).
  * wysiwyg/settings/global
  *   Common settings for all WYSIWYG editors throughout Stud.IP.
  * wysiwyg/settings/seminars
  *   Settings of all seminars.
  *   Listed seminars depend on access level:
  *     root => full access to all seminars
  *     dozent, tutor of a seminar => full access to those seminars
  *     others => read-access to seminars they are a member of
  * wysiwyg/settings/seminars/ID
  *   Settings of the seminar with the given ID.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * wysiwyg/settings/seminars/ID/users
  *   Seminar's settings for all its users.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * wysiwyg/settings/seminars/ID/users/ID
  *   Seminar's settings for a specific user in that seminar.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * wysiwyg/settings/users
  *   Settings of all users.
  *   Listed users depend on access level:
  *     root => full access to all users
  *     not root => full access to own settings only
  * wysiwyg/settings/users/ID
  *   Settings of the user with the given ID.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * wysiwyg/settings/users/ID/seminars
  *   User's settings for all seminars the user is a member of.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * wysiwyg/settings/users/ID/seminars/ID
  *   User's settings for the seminar with the given ID.
  *   Access permissions: see above.
  * The difference of seminar's settings for a user and user's settings
  * for a seminar:
  *   A seminar's teacher may want to set the upload directory for each user 
  *   to a separate one, which should not be overwritable by a user, in 
  *   order to make sure that users cannot see other users uploads (there 
  *   are other ways to do this, but it's just an example).
  *   A user might want to have a specific upload directory in order to 
  *   collaborate better with other users in the same seminar (e.g. when 
  *   students form a study group).
  *   For example the ELMO module needs such settings.
  * JSON scheme for access to wysiwyg/settings:
  * {
  *   "global": { "SETTING": ..., ... },
  *   "seminars": {
  *     "ID": {
  *       "users": { "ID": {...}, ... },
  *       "SETTING": ...,
  *       ...
  *     },
  *     "ID": {...},
  *     ...
  *   },
  *   "users": {
  *     "ID": {
  *       "seminars": { "ID": {...}, ... },
  *       "SETTING": ...,
  *       ...
  *     },
  *     "ID": {...},
  *     ...
  *   }
  * }
  * When accessing a sub-resource that resource's branch of the JSON scheme 
  * will be returned.
 public function settings_action()
     try {
         if (!Request::isGet() && !Request::isPut()) {
             throw new WysiwygHttpExceptionMethodNotAllowed(_('Nur die HTTP-Methoden GET und PUT sind erlaubt.'));
         $arguments = func_get_args();
         $settingsGroup = array_shift($arguments);
         if (Request::isPut()) {
             $this->setSettings($settingsGroup, $arguments);
         $this->render_json($this->objectToArray($this->getSettings($settingsGroup, $arguments)));
     } catch (WysiwygHttpException $e) {
         $this->set_content_type('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
Exemplo n.º 10
function messages_getMessages($caveID, $deletebox, $box)
    global $template;
    // open template
    // init messages class
    $messagesClass = new Messages();
    // Nachrichten löschen
    $deleted = $marked_as_read = 0;
    // alte status msg?
    if ($template->getVar('status_msg')) {
        $statusMsg = $template->getVar('status_msg');
    $action = Request::getVar('action', '');
    $messageID = Request::getVar('messageID', 0);
    // checkboxes checked
    if (is_array($deletebox) && Request::isPost('button') || Request::getVar('action', '') && Request::getVar('messageID', 0) != 0) {
        if (Request::getVar('action', '') && Request::getVar('messageID', 0) != 0) {
            $deletebox = array($messageID);
            $switch = Request::getVar('action', '');
        } else {
            $switch = Request::getVar('button', '');
        if (!sizeof($deletebox)) {
            $statusMsg = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => _('Du mußt mindestens eine Nachricht auswählen.'));
            $switch = '';
        switch ($switch) {
            // mail and delete
            case 'mark_mail':
                $mailCount = $messagesClass->mailAndDeleteMessages($deletebox);
                $statusMsg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('%d Nachricht(en) per E-Mail verschickt erfolgreich gelöscht.'), $mailCount));
                // just delete
            // just delete
            case 'mark_delete':
                $deleteCount = $messagesClass->deleteMessages($deletebox);
                $statusMsg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('%d Nachricht(en) erfolgreich gelöscht.'), $deleteCount));
                // mark as read
            // mark as read
            case 'mark_read':
                $readCount = $messagesClass->markAsRead($deletebox);
                $statusMsg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('%d Nachricht(en) als gelesen markiert.'), $readCount));
                // recover messages
            // recover messages
            case 'mark_recover':
                $recoverCount = $messagesClass->recoverMessages($deletebox);
                $statusMsg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('%d Nachricht(en) wurden wiederhergestellt.'), $recoverCount));
    // delete all
    if (Request::isPost('delete_all')) {
        $deleted = $messagesClass->deleteAllMessages($box, Request::getVar('messageClass', -2));
        $statusMsg = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => sprintf(_('%d Nachricht(en) erfolgreich gelöscht.'), $deleted));
        unset($_REQUEST['messageClass'], $_POST['messageClass'], $_GET['messageClass']);
    // verschiedene Boxes werden hier behandelt... //
    $boxes = array(BOX_INCOMING => array('boxname' => _('Posteingang'), 'from_to' => _('Absender')), BOX_OUTGOING => array('boxname' => _('Postausgang'), 'from_to' => _('Empfänger')), BOX_TRASH => array('boxname' => _('Papierkorb'), 'from_to' => _('Absender')));
    $classes = array();
    foreach ($messagesClass->MessageClass as $id => $text) {
        $messageClass = Request::isGet('messageClass', true) || Request::isPost('messageClass', true) ? Request::getVar('messageClass', 0) : 0;
        if ($id != 1001) {
            $selected = $messageClass == $id ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $classes[] = array('id' => $id, 'text' => $text, 'selected' => $selected);
        //für jede Nachrichtenart wird eine eigene Box angelegt
        array_push($boxes, array($text => array('boxname' => _($text), 'von_an' => '')));
    // calculate offset
    $offset = Request::getVar('offset', 0);
    $messageClass = Request::isGet('messageClass', true) || Request::isPost('messageClass', true) ? Request::getVar('messageClass', 0) : -2;
    switch ($box) {
        case BOX_INCOMING:
            $message_count = $messagesClass->getIncomingMessagesCount($messageClass);
        case BOX_OUTGOING:
            $message_count = $messagesClass->getOutgoingMessagesCount($messageClass);
        case BOX_TRASH:
            $message_count = $messagesClass->getTrashMessagesCount($messageClass);
    // offset "normalisieren"
    if ($offset < 0) {
        $offset = 0;
    if ($offset > $message_count - 1) {
        $offset = $message_count;
    // Nachrichten einlesen und ausgeben
    $messages = array();
    switch ($box) {
        case BOX_INCOMING:
            $messages = $messagesClass->getIncomingMessages($offset, MSG_PAGE_COUNT, $messageClass);
        case BOX_OUTGOING:
            $messages = $messagesClass->getOutgoingMessages($offset, MSG_PAGE_COUNT, $messageClass);
        case BOX_TRASH:
            $messages = $messagesClass->getTrashMessages($offset, MSG_PAGE_COUNT, $messageClass);
    // vor-zurück Knopf
    $message_prev = $message_next = array();
    if ($offset - MSG_PAGE_COUNT >= 0) {
        $message_prev = array('offset' => $offset - MSG_PAGE_COUNT, 'box' => $box, 'modus' => MESSAGES_LIST, 'message_class' => $messageClass);
    if ($offset + MSG_PAGE_COUNT <= $message_count - 1) {
        $message_next = array('offset' => $offset + MSG_PAGE_COUNT, 'box' => $box, 'modus' => MESSAGES_LIST, 'message_class' => $messageClass);
    * Übergeben ans Template
    $template->addVars(array('from_to' => $boxes[$box]['from_to'], 'messages' => $messages, 'message_box' => $box, 'message_classes' => $classes, 'message_class_id' => isset($messageClass) ? $messageClass : 0, 'message_class_name' => isset($messagesClass->MessageClass[$messageClass]) ? $messagesClass->MessageClass[$messageClass] : '', 'message_min' => $message_count == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, 'message_max' => min($offset + MSG_PAGE_COUNT, $message_count), 'message_count' => $message_count, 'message_prev' => $message_prev, 'message_next' => $message_next, 'status_msg' => isset($statusMsg) ? $statusMsg : '', 'trash' => $box == BOX_TRASH ? true : false));
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @covers Request::isGet
 public function testIsGet()
     $actual = $this->req->isGet();