/** * @param $data * @throws Exception */ public function report($data) { $reporting = new Reporting(); if (!is_array($data)) { throw new Exception('Bad Request'); } $reporting->setReport($data); $reporting->save(); $this->show('Generate report file: ' . $reporting->getReportName() . PHP_EOL); }
public static function displayErrorPage($type, $msg = "") { $page = new Page(PageManager::$smarty, "pages/bigMessage.tpl"); switch ($type) { case "access": $page->assign("page", "Access denied"); $page->assign("message", Reporting::error("You dont have access to display this page.")); break; case "error": $page->assign("page", "An error occured."); $page->assign("message", Reporting::error($msg)); break; case "404": $page->assign("page", "Page not found"); $page->assign("message", Reporting::error("The requests page you are looking for, wasn't found in our System. Sorry :(")); break; default: $page->assign("page", "Error Occured"); $page->assign("message", Reporting::error("And undefined error occured. Please try to reload the page or contact the system administrator.")); break; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $page->assign("referrer", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $page->display(); }
function __construct() { $this->checkRights(); if (Funcs::$uri[2] == '') { $data['list'] = Reporting::getList(); View::plugin('list', $data); } elseif (Funcs::$uri[2] == 'export') { Reporting::export(); } }
public function salesThisWeek() { $dayOfWeek = date('w'); $statsData = array(); for ($d = 1; $d < $dayOfWeek + 1; $d++) { $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($d . " day ago midnight")); $statsData[$d - 1] = parent::salesByDate($date); } $statsData = array_reverse($statsData); for ($d; $d < 8; $d++) { $statsData[$d] = 0; } }
public static function getEventData($startDate, $endDate, $piwikLabel, $eventName, $scenario) { try { // this token is used to authenticate your API request. // You can get the token on the API page inside your Piwik interface $piwikToken = '2f0c833e9c37cd00f7aa8df52bc02413'; // we call the REST API $url = ""; $url .= "?module=API&method=Events.getCategory"; $url .= "&idSite=1&period=day&date={$startDate},{$endDate}"; $url .= "&format=JSON&filter_limit=30&expanded=1"; $url .= "&token_auth={$piwikToken}"; $url .= "&label[]={$piwikLabel}"; echo $url . '<br><br>'; $response = file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($response, true); foreach ($data as $date => $row) { // get event count $count = $row[0]['nb_events']; // check if record exist for this specific date, event name and scenario $model = Reporting::model()->findByAttributes(array('reportingdate' => $date, 'eventname' => $eventName, 'scenario' => $scenario)); if ($model === null) { // record doesn't exist, create a new one $model = new Reporting(); $model->eventname = $eventName; $model->scenario = $scenario; $model->reportingdate = $date; } else { // record exists - set update timestamp $model->updated = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); } // set the event count and save record $model->count = $count; $model->save(); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
public function __construct($input) { if (filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) || is_file($input)) { $this->data = file_get_contents($input); $this->source["source"] = $input; $this->source["info"] = pathinfo($input); $this->source["info"]["size"] = strlen($this->data); $this->mode = $this->data != "false" ? "read" : "write"; if (MODE === "dev") { Reporting::notify($input . "|" . strlen($this->data), "info"); Reporting::dump($this->data, "info"); } } }
public function send($message) { $this->message = '<html><body>'; $this->message .= '<div>' . $message . '</div>'; $this->message .= "</body></html>"; if (!empty($this->message) && $this->status == 1) { mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $this->headers); if (MODE === "dev") { Reporting::notify("Mail sent to {$this->to}!", "success"); } } else { if (MODE === "dev") { Reporting::notify("Please add an message!", "error"); } } }
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ include "../core.php"; // Admin Check $user = UserManager::getLocalUser(); if (!$user->isAdmin()) { PageManager::displayErrorPage("access"); return; } include "assets/classes/PhysicalServerManager.class.php"; include "assets/classes/PhysicalServer.class.php"; include "assets/classes/TemplateManager.class.php"; include "assets/classes/Template.class.php"; $page = new Page($smarty, "modals/TemplateInstallOnServer.tpl"); if (empty($_GET['templateid'])) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("No template id given.")); } else { if (!TemplateManager::existsById($_GET['templateid'])) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("The given template id doesn't exist.")); } else { $page->assign("template", new Template($_GET['templateid'])); } } $sc = PhysicalServerManager::getCount(); if ($sc == 0) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::info("There are no servers yet. Try <a href='" . Core::GetConfig("dirRoot") . "Server'>adding one</a>.")); } else { $page->assign("serverArrayData", PhysicalServerManager::getAllPhysicalServer()); } $page->display();
$error = array(); if (!UserManager::checkValidEmail($email)) { $error[] = "Ungültige E-Mail Adresse."; } if (!UserManager::checkValidPassword($pass)) { $error[] = "Ungültiges Passwort."; } if (count($error) == 0 && !UserManager::tryLogin($email, $pass)) { $error[] = "Es wurde kein Nutzer mit den angegeben Login-Daten gefunden."; } if (count($error) == 0) { if (isset($_POST['keepLoggedIn'])) { setcookie("username", $email, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 4); setcookie("password", $pass, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12 * 4); } $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::success("Sie wurden erfolgreich eingeloggt!<br />Sie werden in Kürze weitergeleitet.")); $page->assign("t_Redirect", array("seconds" => 2, "link" => Core::GetConfig("dirRoot") . "Dashboard")); } else { $msg = "Es sind Fehler aufgetreten!<ul>"; foreach ($error as $e) { $msg .= "<li>" . $e . "</li>"; } $msg .= "</ul>"; $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error($msg)); $page->assign("error", 1); } } if (is_dir("install")) { $page->assign("t_StaticInformation", Reporting::info("<br />Standard Werte für den Admin Nutzer: <br />E-Mail: admin@admin.de<br />Passwort: admin<br />Um diese Nachricht auszublenden, lösche das Verzeichnis 'install'")); } $page->display();
/** * Set user criteria and display report */ function view($VAR) { # validation if (empty($VAR['report_module']) || empty($VAR['report_template'])) { return false; } $module = $VAR['report_module']; $report = $VAR['report_template']; $format = $VAR['report_format']; # include reporting classess require_once PATH_MODULES . 'report/class.Report.php'; require_once PATH_MODULES . 'report/class.Level.php'; require_once PATH_MODULES . 'report/class.ReportParser.php'; set_time_limit(0); if ($format == 'text') { $f = new TXT_ReportFormatter(); } elseif ($format == 'html') { $f = new HTML_ReportFormatter(); } elseif ($format == 'pdf') { $f = new PDF_ReportFormatter(); } # Tell the formatter where to save the output $dir = md5(tempnam(PATH_FILES, "s")); $path = PATH_FILES . 'reports/' . $dir; @unlink($path); mkdir($path, 0775); $f->setOutputDirectory($path); # set report construct file to use $r = new Reporting($f, true); $p = new ReportParser($r); $result = $p->setInputFile(PATH_AGILE . 'reports/' . $module . '/' . $report); # Get user criteria $arr = $p->getUserCriteria(); # Set the user criteria if (!empty($VAR['report']['conditions']) && is_array($VAR['report']['conditions'])) { foreach ($VAR['report']['conditions'] as $arr) { $exp = $arr['exp']; $col = $arr['col']; $val = $arr['value']; $type = $arr['type']; foreach ($col as $i => $name) { if ($type[$i] == 'date_year_month') { $val[$i] = array('month' => $val['month'][$i], 'year' => $val['year'][$i]); } $this->setSQLCondition($p, $col[$i], $exp[$i], $val[$i], $type[$i]); } } } #echo '<pre>'.print_r($p,true).'</pre>'; exit; $result = $p->parse(); #echo '<pre>'.print_r($p,true).'</pre>'; exit; $r->display(); if ($format == 'text') { header('Content-type: text/txt'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="report.txt"'); echo file_get_contents($f->getOutput()); @unlink($f->getOutput()); } elseif ($format == 'html') { $f->getOutput(); $url = URL . 'includes/files/reports/' . $dir . '/report.html'; echo "<script>document.location='{$url}';</script>"; } elseif ($format == 'pdf') { header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="report.pdf"'); readfile($f->getOutput()); @unlink($f->getOutput()); } }
<?php /* * WolfPanel (c) 2015 by Fursystems.de (Marcel Kallen) * * WolfPanel is licensed under a * Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. * * You should have received a copy of the license along with this * work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>. */ include "../core.php"; // Admin Check $user = UserManager::getLocalUser(); if (!$user->isAdmin()) { PageManager::displayErrorPage("access"); return; } $page = new Page($smarty, "modals/AdminGameserverControl.tpl"); $gsID = isset($_GET['gameserver']) ? $_GET['gameserver'] : null; if (GameserverManager::existsById($gsID)) { $gs = new Gameserver($gsID); $page->assign("gs", $gs); $page->assign("controllable", $gs->isControlable()); if (!$gs->isControlable()) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("This Gameserver is not availabe for control at the moment.")); } } else { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("This Gameserver isnt available.")); } $page->display();
# these three files make up the reporting system include 'class.Report.php'; include 'class.Level.php'; include 'class.ReportParser.php'; /* Good idea, reports can be a beast */ set_time_limit(0); /* Uncomment one of the output formater lines below */ #$f = new TXT_ReportFormatter; $f = new HTML_ReportFormatter(); #$f = new PDF_ReportFormatter; # Tell the formatter where to save the output $dir = tempnam(PATH_FILES, "s"); @unlink($dir); mkdir($dir, 0775); $f->setOutputDirectory($dir); # This creates the report class, specifying the ReportFormatter to use and whether or not to paginate the title $r = new Reporting($f, true); # This creates the report XML parser, specify the report class object to use in building the report $p = new ReportParser($r); # This sets the XML report definition file #$result = $p->setInputFile(PATH_MODULES.'report/year_month_sales_by_sku.xml'); $result = $p->setInputFile(PATH_AGILE . 'reports/invoice/sales_report.xml'); # set criteria $p->setUserCriteria('yearmonth', '>=', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2005)); # Parse that puppy! $result = $p->parse(); /* COULD INSERT CODE TO DO SMARTY JUNK HERE - then skip the display call */ /* COULD ALSO call back into $p to assign some SQL statement criteria changes from the UI/Smarty's POST/GET */ # Render my report, now! $r->display(); echo $f->getOutput();
<?php /* * WolfPanel (c) 2015 by Fursystems.de (Marcel Kallen) * * WolfPanel is licensed under a * Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. * * You should have received a copy of the license along with this * work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>. */ include "assets/core.php"; $smarty->assign("page", "Logout"); $smarty->assign("t_CSS", "login.css"); $page = new Page($smarty, "pages/bigMessage.tpl"); $page->assign("message", Reporting::success("Sie wurden erfolgreich ausgeloggt. <br />Sie werden nun weitergeleitet.")); $page->assign("t_Redirect", array("seconds" => 2, "link" => Core::GetConfig("dirRoot") . "Login")); session_destroy(); setcookie("username", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("password", "", time() - 3600); $page->display();
* WolfPanel (c) 2015 by Fursystems.de (Marcel Kallen) * * WolfPanel is licensed under a * Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. * * You should have received a copy of the license along with this * work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>. */ include "../core.php"; // Admin Check $user = UserManager::getLocalUser(); if (!$user->isAdmin()) { PageManager::displayErrorPage("access"); return; } if (isset($_GET["userid"])) { if (UserManager::existsById($_GET['userid'])) { $gs = GameserverManager::getAllByUserID($_GET['userid']); if ($gs !== false) { $smarty->assign("Gameservers", $gs); } } else { $smarty->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("The given user doesnt exist.")); } } else { $gs = GameserverManager::getAll(); if ($gs !== false) { $smarty->assign("Gameservers", $gs); } } $smarty->display("ajax/getAdminGameserverList.tpl");
/* ============================ CONSTANTS ============================== */ define("ROOT", getcwd() . "/"); define("CFG", ROOT . "config/"); define("MODE", "dev"); // dev | prod /* ============================ LOCALE SETTINGS ============================== */ date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Brussels'); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL'); /* ============================ PHP SETTINGS ============================== */ set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", true); /* ============================ INCLUDES ============================== */ include 'includes/Strings.php'; include 'includes/Reporting.php'; include 'includes/data/database.php'; include 'includes/data/base.php'; include 'includes/data/json.php'; include 'includes/Mail.php'; include 'music/bootstrap.php'; Reporting::notify("Init succesful", "success");
<?php //date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Jerusalem'); $_googUrl = $_POST['url']; //$_googUrl = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=blah'; if (!$_googUrl) { die("error in request"); } include_once 'Reporting.php'; Reporting::LogIncommingRequest($_googUrl); include_once 'Position.php'; include_once 'RequestManager.php'; include_once 'GoogleProxyMongo.php'; $_cacheLookup = GoogleProxyMongo::findUrl($_googUrl); if ($_cacheLookup) { Reporting::LogCacheHit($_googUrl); exit($_cacheLookup); } else { $_req = new ReqestsManager(); $_pos = new Position(); //$_req->getPositionInLine($_pos); zzzWhileObjectFunctionFalse($_req, 'getPositionInLine', $_pos); zzzWhileObjectFunctionFalse($_req, "okToSendRequest", $_pos); $_googleResponse = file_get_contents($_googUrl, 0, null, null); GoogleProxyMongo::storeUrl($_googUrl, $_googleResponse); exit($_googleResponse); }
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ include "../core.php"; // Admin Check $user = UserManager::getLocalUser(); if (!$user->isAdmin()) { PageManager::displayErrorPage("access"); return; } $userid = isset($_GET['userid']) ? $_GET['userid'] : null; if ($userid != null) { if (UserManager::existsById($userid)) { $user = new User($userid); $page = new Page($smarty, "modals/CustomerRemove.tpl"); if ($user->getData("gameServerCount") == 0) { $page->assign("u", $user); } else { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::Error("This customer cannot be deleted because still has gameservers. They have to be deleted manually.")); } $page->display(); } else { $p = new Page($smarty, "modals/DefaultError.tpl"); $p->display(); } } else { $p = new Page($smarty, "modals/DefaultError.tpl"); $p->display(); }
<?php /* ============================ CONSTANTS ============================== */ /* ============================ INCLUDES ============================== */ include 'notes.php'; include 'chord.php'; include 'scale.php'; include 'harmony.php'; Reporting::notify("Music package init succesful", "success");
<?php $_reqUrl = $_POST['url']; //$_reqUrl = 'http://gis.eyezeek.atlasct.com/gis/geocoder?q=;city|תaaaל אביב;neighborhood|לב העיר;street|לונץ;&lang=heb&countrycode=isr&key=Gu5rdksS86zC39Sa&output=KML&api=3.0&projection=latlong&ie=utf-8'; if (!$_reqUrl) { die("error in request"); } include_once 'Reporting.php'; Reporting::LogIncommingRequest($_reqUrl); function cleanUrlAddress($gq) { $params = array(); parse_str($gq, $params); return http_build_query($params); } $_fixedUrlFragments = array(parse_url($_reqUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME), '://', parse_url($_reqUrl, PHP_URL_HOST), parse_url($_reqUrl, PHP_URL_PATH), '?', str_replace('%5C%5C%5C%5C%5C%5C%5C', '', cleanUrlAddress(parse_url($_reqUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY)))); $_reqUrl = implode('', $_fixedUrlFragments); include_once 'GoogleProxyMongo.php'; $_cacheLookup = GoogleProxyMongo::findUrl($_reqUrl); if ($_cacheLookup) { Reporting::LogCacheHit($_reqUrl); die($_cacheLookup); } else { $_googleResponse = file_get_contents($_reqUrl, 0, null, null); GoogleProxyMongo::storeUrl($_reqUrl, $_googleResponse); die($_googleResponse); }
$smarty->assign("pageActive", "userservercontrol"); $lU = UserManager::GetLocalUser(); if ($lU->getSelectedGameserver() != null) { $gs = $lU->getSelectedGameserver(); $page = new Page($smarty, "pages/userServerControl.tpl"); if (isset($_GET['do']) || isset($_POST['do'])) { $do = isset($_GET['do']) ? $_GET['do'] : $_POST['do']; } else { $do = "nothing"; } // Controllable $page->assign("controllable", $gs->isControlable()); if (!$gs->isControlable()) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error("This Gameserver is not availabe for control at the moment.")); } else { if ("Start" == $do) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::success("The gameserver will be started soon.")); $gs->scheduleStart(); } else { if ("Stop" == $do) { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::success("The gameserver will be stopped soon.")); $gs->scheduleStop(); } } } $page->display(); } else { $page = new Page($smarty, "pages/bigmessage.tpl"); $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::Error("You havent selected any gameserver yet.")); $page->display(); }
$errors[] = "Es wurde keine Server-ID angegeben."; } else { if (!is_numeric($sid)) { $errors[] = "Es wurde eine ungültige Server-ID angegeben."; } else { if (!PhysicalServerManager::existsById($sid)) { $errors[] = "Die angegebene Server-ID existiert nicht."; } } } if (count($errors) == 0) { $server = new PhysicalServer($sid); $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::success("Der Server \"" . $server->getData("name") . "\" wird demnächst aktualisiert. (Task geplant)")); $server->addTask(TASK_SERVER_UPDATE); //header("Location: " . Core::GetConfig("dirRoot") . "Server"); } else { $page->assign("t_Report", Reporting::error(Utils::buildErrorString($errors))); } } } } } } } $sc = PhysicalServerManager::getCount(); $smarty->assign("servercount", $sc); $smarty->assign("physicalServerStates", $physicalServerStates); if ($sc != 0) { $smarty->assign("serverArrayData", PhysicalServerManager::getAllPhysicalServer()); } $page->display();
<?php include "bootstrap.php"; $harmony = new Harmony("C", "minor"); foreach ($harmony->chords as $chord) { Reporting::notify($chord->name); Reporting::dump($chord->notes); }