Exemplo n.º 1
                             array('lun' => 5,'nam'=>'Um'),
                             array('lun' => 14,'nam'=>'Quant.'),
                             array('lun' => 14,'nam'=>'Prezzo'),
                             array('lun' => 8,'nam'=>'%Sc.'),
                             array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Importo'),
                             array('lun' => 11,'nam'=>'%Prov.'),
                             array('lun' => 16,'nam'=>'Provv.')
$item_head['top']= array(array('lun' => 50,'nam'=>'Indirizzo'),
                                   array('lun' => 60,'nam'=>'Città/Telefono'),
                                   array('lun' => 37,'nam'=>'Periodo')
$pdf = new Report_template();
$config = new Config;

$ctrlAgente = 0;
$ctrlDoc = 0;
$tot_prov = 0.00;
while ($row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) {
      $pdf -> setRiporti($aRiportare);
      if ($ctrlAgente != $row['id_agente']) {
         if ($ctrlAgente > 0) {
             $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][0]['lun'],4,'Totale provvigioni: ',1,0,'R');
Exemplo n.º 2
                                array('lun' =>108,'nam'=>'Descrizione (Dati del documento'),
                                array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Dare'),
                                array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Avere'),
                                array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'SALDO')
$aRiportare = array('top'=>array(array('lun' => 166,'nam'=>'da riporto : '),
                           array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'')
                    'bot'=>array(array('lun' => 166,'nam'=>'a riportare : '),
                           array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'')
$pdf = new Report_template();
$config = new Config;
$ctrlConto = '';
$movSaldo = 0.00;
while ($row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) {
      $datadoc = substr($row['datdoc'],8,2).'-'.substr($row['datdoc'],5,2).'-'.substr($row['datdoc'],0,4);
      $datareg = substr($row['datreg'],8,2).'-'.substr($row['datreg'],5,2).'-'.substr($row['datreg'],0,4);
      if ($ctrlConto != $row['codcon']) {
         $movSaldo = 0.00;
         if (!empty($ctrlConto)) {
                   $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][0]['lun'],4,'SALDO al '.$descrDatafin.' : ',1,0,'R');
Exemplo n.º 3
                           array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' =>  6,'nam'=>'')
                    'bot'=>array(array('lun' => 88,'nam'=>'a riportare : '),
                           array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' => 19,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>''),
                           array('lun' =>  6,'nam'=>'')
$pdf->setAuthor($admin_aziend['ragso1'].' '.$_SESSION['Login']);
if ($_GET['partner'] == 1 or $_GET['partner'] == 3){
    $queryData = createRowsAndErrors(1);
    $castel_partners = $queryData[0];
    foreach ($castel_partners as $key=>$value ) {
      $totale = $value['operazioni_imponibili']+
Exemplo n.º 4
$result = mergeTable($gTables['rigmoc'],"*",$gTables['tesmov'],"*","id_tes","codcon = ".intval($_GET['codice'])." AND datreg BETWEEN '".intval($_GET["annini"])."0101' AND '".intval($_GET["annfin"])."1231' AND caucon <> 'CHI' AND caucon <> 'APE' OR (caucon = 'APE' AND codcon ='".intval($_GET['codice'])."%' AND datreg LIKE '".intval($_GET["annini"])."%') ORDER BY datreg ASC");
$emissione = 'Estratto conto: '.$conto['ragso1'].' '.$conto['ragso2'];
$title = array('title'=>$emissione,
               'hile'=>array(array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Data'),
                             array('lun' => 75,'nam'=>'Descrizione'),
                             array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>'N.Doc.'),
                             array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>'Data.Doc.'),
                             array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>'Dare'),
                             array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>'Avere'),
                             array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Saldo')

$pdf = new Report_template();
$config = new Config;

$totmovpre =0.00;
$totmovsuc =0.00;
$ctrlmopre = 0;
$saldo = 0.00;

while ($movimenti = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)){
    $giomov = substr($movimenti['datreg'],8,2);
    $mesmov = substr($movimenti['datreg'],5,2);
    $annmov = substr($movimenti['datreg'],0,4);
    $giodoc = substr($movimenti['datdoc'],8,2);
Exemplo n.º 5
$result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query($gTables['assist'].".*,
		".$gTables['anagra'].".ragso1, ".$gTables['anagra'].".telefo, ".$gTables['anagra'].".cell, ".$gTables['anagra'].".fax, ".$gTables['clfoco'].".codice ",  $gTables['assist'].
		" LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['clfoco']." ON ".$gTables['assist'].".clfoco = ".$gTables['clfoco'].".codice". 
		" LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['anagra'].' ON '.$gTables['clfoco'].'.id_anagra = '.$gTables['anagra'].'.id',
		$where, "id", $limit, $passo);
//$result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query ($what, $table,$where,"clfoco");
//echo " what: ".$what. " table: ".$table. " where: ".$where." <br>";

/*while ($a_row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) {
	echo $a_row["descri"]."<br>";

$pdf = new Report_template();
$config = new Config;

$row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result);

$html = "<span style=\"font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:28px;\">";
$html .= "Cliente : <b>". $row["codice"] ." - ". $row["ragso1"]."</b><br>";
if ( $row["telefo"] ) $html .= "Telefono : <b>".$row["telefo"]."</b><br>";
if ( $row["telefo"] ) $html .= "Cellulare : <b>".$row["cell"]."</b><br>";
if ( $row["telefo"] ) $html .= "Fax : <b>".$row["fax"]."</b><br>";
$html .= "</span>";

$html .= "