     * Gives a unique id to each named capture within a regex.
     * Reassigns unique identifiers to named captures within a regular expression. The new
     * identifiers will have the form "prefix_x", where "prefix" is given by the $prefix
     * parameter, and "x" a unique identifier starting from 0.
     * @param string $pattern 
     *	Regex pattern containing potential named captures to be renamed.
     * @param array $correspondances 
     *	On output, will hold an associative array whose keys are the new capture group names, and values the old ones.
     * @param string $prefix 
     *	Prefix string for capture name replacements.
     * @return string
     *	Returns the input pattern with all named captures replaced by unique identifiers.
     * @notes
     *	This method, along with the GroupNamedCaptures() one, is used by the Preg*Ex methods
     *	to allow processing of regular expressions having duplicate named captures.
    public static function RenumberNamedCaptures($pattern, &$correspondances = [], $prefix = 'match_')
        static $re = '/
					\\( \\? P < 
						(?P<pattern> [^>]+ )
        // Get named captures
        if (self::PregMatchAll($re, $pattern, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
            $index = 0;
            $pattern_matches = [];
            // Loop through pattern matches
            foreach ($matches['pattern'] as $match) {
                $pname = $match[0];
                $poffset = $match[1];
                $newpattern = "{$prefix}{$index}";
                // Build the correspondance array
                $correspondances[$newpattern] = $pname;
                // Add this entry (old name, new name, offset) into an array for the Regex::MultiSubsrReplace() method
                $pattern_matches[] = [$pname, $newpattern, $poffset];
            // Perform the multiple-string replace
            $new_pattern = Regex::MultiSubstrReplace($pattern, $pattern_matches);
        } else {
            $new_pattern = $pattern;
        // All done, return
        return $new_pattern;