public function testGetAccessToken()
     $access_token_bean = $this->redbean->dispense($this->tables['access_token']);
     $access_token = new \ebussola\oauth\accesstoken\AccessToken($access_token_bean);
     $access_token->client_id = 1;
     $access_token->expires_in = 3600;
     $access_token->has_expired = false;
     $access_token->token = md5('token');
     $access_token->scope = 'read,write';
     $access_token->data = array();
     $access_token = $this->redbean_storage->getAccessToken(md5('token'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\ebussola\\oauth\\AccessToken', $access_token);
Exemplo n.º 2
function createUser()
    $success = false;
			dbname=didapi', 'root', '');
    //$user = R::find('user', ' username = ?', array( 'admin') );
    //	if (!isset($user))
    //	{
    $user = RedBean_Facade::dispense('user');
    $user->username = '******';
    $user->name = 'Admin';
    $user->firstname = 'Admin';
    $user->is_admin = true;
    $user->password = hash('sha256', 'Di8Ap1');
    $id = RedBean_Facade::store($user);
    if ($id != null) {
        $success = true;
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		$success = false;
    //	}
    return $success;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function setLogo($image, $shop)
     $shopID = self::existsShop($shop)->getID();
     $shopBean = R::load('shops', $shopID);
     $shopBean->logo = $image;
     $this->logo = $image;
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Store the supplied access token values to storage.
  * We need to store access token data as we create and verify tokens.
  * @param string        $oauth_token
  * The access token string to be stored.
  * @param IOAuth2Client $client
  * The client associated with this refresh token.
  * @param mixed         $data
  * Application data associated with the refresh token, such as a User object.
  * @param int           $expires
  * The timestamp when the refresh token will expire.
  * @param string        $scope
  * (optional) Scopes to be stored in space-separated string.
  * @ingroup oauth2_section_4
 public function createAccessToken($oauth_token, IOAuth2Client $client, $data, $expires, $scope = null)
     $access_token_bean = $this->redbean->dispense($this->tables['access_token']);
     $access_token = new AccessToken($access_token_bean);
     $access_token->token = $oauth_token;
     $access_token->client_id = $client->getPublicId();
     $access_token->data = $data;
     $access_token->expires_in = $expires;
     $access_token->has_expired = false;
     $access_token->scope = $scope;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function setUp()
     $redbean = new RedBean_Facade();
     $tables = array('client' => 'clients', 'access_token' => 'accesstokens', 'code' => 'codes');
     $this->storage = new \ebussola\oauth\redbean\GrantCode($redbean, $tables);
     $client_bean = $redbean->dispense($tables['client']);
     $client = new \ebussola\oauth\client\Client($client_bean);
     $client->redirect_uris = array();
     $client->client_secret = 'xpto';
     $this->oauth2 = new \OAuth2\OAuth2($this->storage);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function defaultLayer()
     $layer = R::findOne('layer', 'identifier = ?', array('justmapit'));
     if (!$layer) {
         $layer = R::dispense('user');
         $layer->identifier = 'justmapit';
         $layer->creator = "admin";
         $layer->title = "testing";
         $layer->description = 'This is the base layer for Just Map It add any points of interest';
         $layer->security = JMIAuthenticationType::ANONYMOUS;
     return $layer;
Exemplo n.º 7
        return $r->respond(500, 'ERROR WHILE INSERTING DATA', true);
    return $r->respond(404, 'NOT FOUND', true);
$app->delete('/:package/:name/:id', 'API', 'CHECKTOKEN', 'RATELIMITER', function ($package, $name, $id) use($r) {
    $tableName = $r->genTableName($package, $name);
    if (!$r->packageOK($package, 'remove') && $tableName !== 'managepackages') {
        return $r->respond(400, 'BAD REQUEST', true);
    $data = R::findOne($tableName, 'id = ?', array($id));
    if ($data) {
        $existingSyncMeta = R::findOne('syncmeta', 'where row_id = ? and tableName = ?', array($id, $tableName));
        if ($existingSyncMeta) {
            $existingSyncMeta->type = 'remove';
            $existingSyncMeta->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if ($r->fireHookIfExists($package, $name, 'beforeRemove', $r->unserialize(array($data->export()))[0])) {
            $r->fireHookIfExists($package, $name, 'afterRemove', $r->unserialize(array($data->export()))[0]);
            return $r->respond(200, 'DELETED');
        return $r->respond(403, 'FORBIDDEN:HOOK', true);
    return $r->respond(404, 'NOT FOUND', true);
/* Handle Options Route */
$app->options('/:any+', 'API', function () use($app, $r) {
    return $r->respond(200);
/* default 404 and Error Handler */
Exemplo n.º 8
            $bean = R::findOne('email', 'forwardto=:email AND time >= :time', array(':email' => $email, ':time' => time()));
            if ($bean) {
                $bean->time = time() + 120 * 60;
                echo json_encode(array('success' => TRUE, 'email' => $bean->email . ''));
            } else {
                $rndmail = '';
                do {
                    $rndmail = generateRandomString(8);
                } while (R::count('email', 'email=:email AND time>=:time', array(':email' => $rndmail, ':time' => time())) > 0);
                $bean = R::dispense('email');
                $bean->email = $rndmail;
                $bean->forwardto = $email;
                $bean->time = time() + 120 * 60;
                $bean->ip = $ip;
                echo json_encode(array('success' => TRUE, 'email' => $rndmail . ''));
function check_email_address($email)
    if (!preg_match("/^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}\$/", $email)) {
        return false;
    // Split it into sections to make life easier
    $email_array = explode("@", $email);
    $local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) {
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function store($filePath, $shop, $imagePath)
     $shopID = Shop::existsShop($shop)->id;
     $model = R::dispense('models');
     $model->name = 'new';
     $model->url = $filePath;
     $model->shop_id = $shopID;
     $model->image = $imagePath;
     return $id = R::store($model);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function handleJSONRequest($jsonString)
     $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonString, true);
     if (!$jsonArray) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32700, "Cannot Parse JSON");
     if (!isset($jsonArray["jsonrpc"])) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, "No RPC version");
     if ($jsonArray["jsonrpc"] != "2.0") {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, "Incompatible RPC Version");
     if (!isset($jsonArray["id"])) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, "No ID");
     $id = $jsonArray["id"];
     if (!isset($jsonArray["method"])) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, "No method");
     if (!isset($jsonArray["params"])) {
         $data = array();
     } else {
         $data = $jsonArray["params"];
     $method = explode(":", trim($jsonArray["method"]));
     if (count($method) != 2) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, "Invalid method signature. Use: BEAN:ACTION");
     $beanType = $method[0];
     $action = $method[1];
     if (preg_match("/\\W/", $beanType)) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, "Invalid Bean Type String");
     if (preg_match("/\\W/", $action)) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, "Invalid Action String");
     try {
         switch ($action) {
             case "store":
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, "First param needs to be Bean Object");
                 $data = $data[0];
                 if (!isset($data["id"])) {
                     $bean = RedBean_Facade::dispense($beanType);
                 } else {
                     $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data["id"]);
                 $rid = RedBean_Facade::store($bean);
                 return $this->resp($rid, $id);
             case "load":
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, "First param needs to be Bean ID");
                 $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data[0]);
                 return $this->resp($bean->export(), $id);
             case "trash":
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, "First param needs to be Bean ID");
                 $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data[0]);
                 return $this->resp("OK", $id);
                 $modelName = $this->modelHelper->getModelName($beanType);
                 if (!class_exists($modelName)) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32601, "No such bean in the can!");
                 $beanModel = new $modelName();
                 if (!method_exists($beanModel, $action)) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32601, "Method not found in Bean: {$beanType} ");
                 return $this->resp(call_user_func_array(array($beanModel, $action), $data), $id);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32099, $exception->getCode() . "-" . $exception->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function store()
     $date = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time());
     $game = R::dispense('games');
     $game->player_id = self::getUserID($this->player);
     $game->enemy_id = self::getUserID($this->enemy);
     $game->date = $date;
     $game->goals = $this->goals;
     $game->goals_against = $this->goals_against;
     $game->points = self::getPoints($this->goals, $this->goals_against);
     $game = R::dispense('games');
     $game->player_id = self::getUserID($this->enemy);
     $game->enemy_id = self::getUserID($this->player);
     $game->date = $date;
     $game->goals = $this->goals_against;
     $game->goals_against = $this->goals;
     $game->points = self::getPoints($this->goals_against, $this->goals);
     return R::store($game);
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected static function Store($entity)
     $id = RedBean_Facade::store($entity);
     if ($id != null) {
         $success = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Adds tags to a bean.
  * If $tagList is a comma separated list (string) of tags all tags will
  * be associated with the bean.
  * You may also pass an array instead of a string.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean    bean
  * @param mixed				$tagList tags
  * @return void
 public static function addTags(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $tagList)
     if ($tagList !== false && !is_array($tagList)) {
         $tags = explode(",", (string) $tagList);
     } else {
         $tags = $tagList;
     if ($tagList === false) {
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $t = RedBean_Facade::findOne("tag", " title = ? ", array($tag));
         if (!$t) {
             $t = RedBean_Facade::dispense("tag");
             $t->title = $tag;
         RedBean_Facade::associate($bean, $t);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Wiki install procedure
  * NOTE: after install, you should disable the route in the Slim application
 public static function install()
     $account = R::dispense('account');
     $account->username = '******';
     $account->password = self::encrypt('admin');
     $account->displayname = 'Admin';
     $account->profile = '';
     // English content
     $idiom_en = R::dispense('idiom');
     $idiom_en->code = 'en';
     $idiom_en->name = 'English';
     $idiom_en->flag_image = 'web/img/flags/United_Kingdom.png';
     $content = new Content('Welcome to BootWiki!', '<p>A php Wiki with Twitter Bootstrap, RedBeanPHP and Slim Framework</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>A php Wiki with Twitter Bootstrap for your organization</p>';
     $content->description = 'A php Wiki with Twitter Bootstrap for your organization';
     $content->keywords = 'php wiki twitter bootstrap redbeanphp slim nice simple organizarion';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_en->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('Wiki Features', '<ul><li>Add text and image content</li>
                 <li>Most recent list</li>
                 <li>Most popular list</li>
                 <li>Keywords search</li>
                 <li>WYSIHTML5 editor</li>
                 <li>Configure homepage featured content</li>
     $content->intro = '<p>Look at the features that are essencial to a good and organized content.</p>';
     $content->description = 'Look at the features that are essencial to a good and organized content';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki features text image wysihtml5 multi idiom featured versioning';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_en->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('How To Install', '<p>Dependencies: Apache + PHP5.3 + Sqlite (or LAMP), Composer and Git</p>
             <p>How to install:</p>
             <p>Download zip file from <a href=""></a> and extract to a folder as /var/www/html/bootwiki</p>
             <p>Open in browser <strong>http://localhost/bootwiki</strong> and follow installer instructions</p>
             <p>Login with admin user and admin password</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>Follow the few steps to install on linux</p>';
     $content->description = 'Follow the few steps to install on linux';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki install steps';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_en->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('Documentation', '<p>Source code is at <a href="">BootWiki on GitHub!</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>See the documentation, yet in development, for BootWiki usage</p>';
     $content->description = 'See the documentation, yet in development, for BootWiki usage';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki documentation';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_en->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     // Portuguese content
     $idiom_pt = R::dispense('idiom');
     $idiom_pt->code = 'pt';
     $idiom_pt->name = 'Português';
     $idiom_pt->flag_image = 'web/img/flags/Portugal.png';
     $content = new Content('Bem-vindo à Wiki!', '<p>A Wiki built upon Twitter Bootstrap, RedBeanPHP and Slim Framework</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>Uma Wiki muito básica mas bonita para a sua organização</p>';
     $content->description = 'Uma Wiki muito básica mas bonita para a sua organização';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki bootstrap redbeanphp slim bonita simples organização';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_pt->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('Funcionalidades', '<ul><li>Adição de conteúdo</li>
                 <li>Listagem por mais recentes</li>
                 <li>Listagem por mais vistos</li>
                 <li>Pesquisa por palavras-chave</li>
                 <li>Editor WYSIHTML5</li>
                 <li>Upload de imagens</li>
                 <li>Configuração de destaques na homepage</li>
                 <li>Sistema de revisões</li></ul>');
     $content->intro = '<p>Veja as funcionalidades que são essenciais para uma uma boa apresentação de conteúdo</p>';
     $content->description = 'Veja as funcionalidades que são essenciais para uma uma boa apresentação de conteúdo';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki funcionalidades texto image wysihtml5 multi idioma destaques reviões';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_pt->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('Como instalar', '<p>Dependências: Apache + PHP5.3 + Sqlite (or LAMP), Composer and Git</p>
             <p>Como instalar:</p>
             <p>Descarregue o ficheiro ZIP de <a href=""></a> e extraia para uma pasta do servidor web.</p>
             <p>No browser, abra o endereço http://localhost/bootwiki e siga as instruções</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>Siga os simples passos de instalação para linux</p>';
     $content->description = 'Siga os simples passos de instalação para linux';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki install';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_pt->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
     $content = new Content('Documentação', '<p>Código fonte em <a href="">BootWiki no GitHub!</p>');
     $content->intro = '<p>Veja a documentação, ainda em desenvolvimento, para a utilização da BootWiki</p>';
     $content->description = 'Veja a documentação, ainda em desenvolvimento, para a utilização da BootWiki';
     $content->keywords = 'wiki documentação';
     $content->idiom = new Idiom($idiom_pt->code);
     $content->featured = 1;
     $content->author = $account->username;
     $bean = R::dispense('content');
Exemplo n.º 15

use RedBean_Facade as R;
$payload = $app->request()->getBody();
if (empty($payload['name'])) {
    throw new \Exception('name is required!', 412);
$user = R::dispense('user');
$user->name = $payload['name'];
$app->result = $user->export();
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Handles a JSON RPC 2 request to store a bean.
  * @param string $id       request ID, identification for request
  * @param string $beanType type of the bean you want to store
  * @param array  $data     data array
  * @return string
 private function store($id, $beanType, $data)
     if (!isset($data[0])) {
         return $this->resp(NULL, $id, self::C_JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMETERS, 'First param needs to be Bean Object');
     $data = $data[0];
     if (!isset($data['id'])) {
         $bean = RedBean_Facade::dispense($beanType);
     } else {
         $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data['id']);
     $rid = RedBean_Facade::store($bean);
     return $this->resp($rid, $id);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function save($_entity = false)
     $entity = !$_entity ? $this->entity : $_entity;
     $this->insertId = R::store($entity);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Changes account password
  * @param array $post
  * @return boolean
 public function changePassword($post)
     // Validate create before continue
     $result = $this->validatePassword($post);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     // Load account
     $username = BootWiki::getLoggedAccount()->username;
     $account = R::findOne('account', 'username = ?', array($username));
     $account->password = $post['password'];
     // Encrypt password
     $passwd = BootWiki::encrypt($post['password']);
     $account->password = $passwd;
     // Send email to user
     $this->template_path = BootWiki::template('register_mail');
     $message = (string) $this;
     BootWiki::sendMail($username, 'BootWiki - New password', $message);
     // Return success
     BootWiki::setMessage('Password has changed!');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Processes a JSON object request.
  * @param array $jsonObject JSON request object
  * @return mixed $result result
 public function handleJSONRequest($jsonString)
     //Decode JSON string
     $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonString, true);
     if (!$jsonArray) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32700, 'Cannot Parse JSON');
     if (!isset($jsonArray['jsonrpc'])) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, 'No RPC version');
     if ($jsonArray['jsonrpc'] != '2.0') {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, 'Incompatible RPC Version');
     //DO we have an ID to identify this request?
     if (!isset($jsonArray['id'])) {
         return $this->resp(null, null, -32600, 'No ID');
     //Fetch the request Identification String.
     $id = $jsonArray['id'];
     //Do we have a method?
     if (!isset($jsonArray['method'])) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, 'No method');
     //Do we have params?
     if (!isset($jsonArray['params'])) {
         $data = array();
     } else {
         $data = $jsonArray['params'];
     //Check method signature
     $method = explode(':', trim($jsonArray['method']));
     if (count($method) != 2) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, 'Invalid method signature. Use: BEAN:ACTION');
     //Collect Bean and Action
     $beanType = $method[0];
     $action = $method[1];
     //May not contain anything other than ALPHA NUMERIC chars and _
     if (preg_match('/\\W/', $beanType)) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, 'Invalid Bean Type String');
     if (preg_match('/\\W/', $action)) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32600, 'Invalid Action String');
     try {
         switch ($action) {
             case 'store':
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, 'First param needs to be Bean Object');
                 $data = $data[0];
                 if (!isset($data['id'])) {
                     $bean = RedBean_Facade::dispense($beanType);
                 } else {
                     $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data['id']);
                 $rid = RedBean_Facade::store($bean);
                 return $this->resp($rid, $id);
             case 'load':
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, 'First param needs to be Bean ID');
                 $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data[0]);
                 return $this->resp($bean->export(), $id);
             case 'trash':
                 if (!isset($data[0])) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32602, 'First param needs to be Bean ID');
                 $bean = RedBean_Facade::load($beanType, $data[0]);
                 return $this->resp('OK', $id);
                 $modelName = $this->modelHelper->getModelName($beanType);
                 if (!class_exists($modelName)) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32601, 'No such bean in the can!');
                 $beanModel = new $modelName();
                 if (!method_exists($beanModel, $action)) {
                     return $this->resp(null, $id, -32601, "Method not found in Bean: {$beanType} ");
                 return $this->resp(call_user_func_array(array($beanModel, $action), $data), $id);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         return $this->resp(null, $id, -32099, $exception->getCode() . '-' . $exception->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Uses database to save current data
 public function save()
     $bean = R::findOne('content', 'alias = ?', array($this->alias));
     $bean = $this->exportToBean($bean);
     return R::store($bean);