Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function makeQuery($tableName, RedBeanModelSelectQueryAdapter $selectQueryAdapter, RedBeanModelJoinTablesQueryAdapter $joinTablesAdapter, $offset = null, $count = null, $where = null, $orderBy = null, $groupBy = null)
     assert('is_string($tableName) && $tableName != ""');
     assert('$offset  === null || is_integer($offset)  && $offset  >= 0');
     assert('$count   === null || is_integer($count)   && $count   >= 1');
     assert('$where   === null || is_string ($where)   && $where   != ""');
     assert('$orderBy === null || is_string ($orderBy) && $orderBy != ""');
     assert('$groupBy === null || is_string ($groupBy) && $groupBy != ""');
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $sql = $selectQueryAdapter->getSelect();
     $sql .= "from ";
     //Added ( ) around from tables to ensure precedence over joins.
     $joinFromPart = $joinTablesAdapter->getJoinFromQueryPart();
     if ($joinFromPart !== null) {
         $sql .= "(";
         $sql .= "{$quote}{$tableName}{$quote}";
         $sql .= ", {$joinFromPart}) ";
     } else {
         $sql .= "{$quote}{$tableName}{$quote}";
         $sql .= ' ';
     $sql .= $joinTablesAdapter->getJoinQueryPart();
     $joinWherePart = $joinTablesAdapter->getJoinWhereQueryPart();
     if ($where !== null) {
         $sql .= "where {$where}";
         if ($joinWherePart != null) {
             $sql .= " and {$joinWherePart}";
     } elseif ($joinWherePart != null) {
         $sql .= " where {$joinWherePart}";
     if ($groupBy !== null) {
         $sql .= " group by {$groupBy}";
     if ($orderBy !== null) {
         $sql .= " order by {$orderBy}";
     if ($count !== null) {
         $sql .= " limit {$count}";
     if ($offset !== null) {
         $sql .= " offset {$offset}";
     return $sql;
 public function testAddLeftTableAndGetAliasNameWithSpecifiedOnTableAliasName()
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $adapter = new RedBeanModelJoinTablesQueryAdapter('QueryFromModel');
     $alias = $adapter->addLeftTableAndGetAliasName('zz', 'joinid');
     $this->assertEquals('zz', $alias);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $adapter->getFromTableJoinCount());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $adapter->getLeftTableJoinCount());
     $fromPart = $adapter->getJoinFromQueryPart();
     $joinPart = $adapter->getJoinQueryPart();
     $wherePart = $adapter->getJoinWhereQueryPart();
     $compareFromPart = null;
     $compareJoinPart = "left join {$quote}zz{$quote} ";
     $compareJoinPart .= "on {$quote}zz{$quote}.{$quote}id{$quote} = {$quote}queryfrommodel{$quote}.{$quote}joinid{$quote} ";
     $compareWherePart = null;
     $this->assertEquals($compareFromPart, $fromPart);
     $this->assertEquals($compareJoinPart, $joinPart);
     $this->assertEquals($compareWherePart, $wherePart);
     //Now add a specified onTableAliasName
     $alias = $adapter->addLeftTableAndGetAliasName('xyz', 'ajoinid', 'zz');
     $this->assertEquals('xyz', $alias);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $adapter->getFromTableJoinCount());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $adapter->getLeftTableJoinCount());
     $fromPart = $adapter->getJoinFromQueryPart();
     $joinPart = $adapter->getJoinQueryPart();
     $wherePart = $adapter->getJoinWhereQueryPart();
     $compareFromPart = null;
     $compareJoinPart = "left join {$quote}zz{$quote} ";
     $compareJoinPart .= "on {$quote}zz{$quote}.{$quote}id{$quote} = {$quote}queryfrommodel{$quote}.{$quote}joinid{$quote} ";
     $compareJoinPart .= "left join {$quote}xyz{$quote} ";
     $compareJoinPart .= "on {$quote}xyz{$quote}.{$quote}id{$quote} = {$quote}zz{$quote}.{$quote}ajoinid{$quote} ";
     $compareWherePart = null;
     $this->assertEquals($compareFromPart, $fromPart);
     $this->assertEquals($compareJoinPart, $joinPart);
     $this->assertEquals($compareWherePart, $wherePart);