  * Render <place> tag
  * @param string $content tag content (will be ignored)
  * @param array $attributes tag attributes
  * @param Parser $parser MW parser instance
  * @param PPFrame $frame parent frame with the context
  * @return string HTML output of the tag
 public static function renderPlaceTag($content, array $attributes, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame)
     // wrap data in a model object
     $placeModel = PlaceModel::newFromAttributes($attributes);
     // are we rendering for RTE?
     $inRTE = !empty(F::app()->wg->RTEParserEnabled);
     if ($inRTE) {
         $wikitext = RTEData::get('wikitext', self::$lastWikitextId);
         $data = array('wikitext' => $wikitext, 'placeholder' => 1);
         $rteData = RTEData::convertDataToAttributes($data);
     } else {
         $rteData = false;
     // render parser hook
     $html = F::app()->sendRequest('Places', 'placeFromModel', array('model' => $placeModel, 'rteData' => $rteData))->toString();
     // add JS snippets code
     if (!$inRTE) {
         $html .= self::getJSSnippet();
     // add model to be stored in database
     (new PlacesHooks())->setModelToSave($placeModel);
     $html = self::cleanHTML($html);
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function replaceIdxByData($var)
     $data = RTEData::get('data', intval($var[1]));
     if (isset($data['type'])) {
         if (isset($data['wikitextIdx'])) {
             $data['wikitext'] = RTEData::get('wikitext', $data['wikitextIdx']);
             // macbre: correctly handle and unmark entities inside links wikitext (RT #38844)
             $data['wikitext'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['wikitext']);
             $data['wikitext'] = RTEParser::unmarkEntities($data['wikitext']);
             if (strpos($data['wikitext'], '_rte_wikitextidx') !== false) {
                 RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMPLEX.01';
             } else {
                 if (strpos($data['wikitext'], '_rte_dataidx') !== false) {
                     RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMPLEX.02';
                 } else {
                     if ($data['type'] == 'double-brackets') {
                         if (strrpos($data['wikitext'], '{{') !== 0 && strpos($data['wikitext'], '{{') !== strlen($data['wikitext']) - 2) {
                             RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMPLEX.03';
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($data['wikitext'], "") !== false) {
                             RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMPLEX.07';
     return self::convertDataToAttributes($data);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Render HTML for given placeholder
  * @author: Macbre
 public static function renderPlaceholder($label, $data)
     // this is placeholder
     $data['placeholder'] = 1;
     // store data
     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('data', $data);
     // render placeholder
     global $wgBlankImgUrl;
     return Xml::element('img', array('_rte_dataidx' => sprintf('%04d', $dataIdx), 'class' => "placeholder placeholder-{$data['type']}", 'src' => $wgBlankImgUrl, 'type' => $data['type']));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function renderTag($input, $params, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame)
     //$this->frame = $frame;
     global $wgRTEParserEnabled, $wgHTTPProxy, $wgFogbugzAPIConfig, $wgCaptchaDirectory, $wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels, $wgStylePath;
     if (!isset($params['id'])) {
         return '';
     $output = Xml::openElement('span', array('class' => 'fogbugz_tck', 'data-id' => $parser->recursiveTagParse($params['id'], $frame)));
     //$output .= $input;
     $output .= Xml::openElement('img', array('src' => $wgStylePath . '/common/images/ajax.gif'));
     $output .= Xml::closeElement('span');
     $data = array('wikitext' => RTEData::get('wikitext', self::$mWikitextIdx), 'placeholder' => 1);
     //$dataIdx = RTEData::put('data', $data);
     //$output = RTEData::addIdxToTag($dataIdx, $output);
     $output .= F::build('JSSnippets')->addToStack(array('/extensions/wikia/FogbugzTag/js/FogbugzTag.js'));
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Return the text to be used for a given extension tag.
  * This is the ghost of strip().
  * @param $params Associative array of parameters:
  *     name       PPNode for the tag name
  *     attr       PPNode for unparsed text where tag attributes are thought to be
  *     attributes Optional associative array of parsed attributes
  *     inner      Contents of extension element
  *     noClose    Original text did not have a close tag
  * @param $frame PPFrame
  * @return string
 function extensionSubstitution($params, $frame)
     $name = $frame->expand($params['name']);
     $attrText = !isset($params['attr']) ? null : $frame->expand($params['attr']);
     $content = !isset($params['inner']) ? null : $frame->expand($params['inner']);
     # RTE (Rich Text Editor) - begin
     # @author: Inez Korczyński
     global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
     if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
         $wikitextIdx = RTEMarker::getDataIdx(RTEMarker::EXT_WIKITEXT, $content);
         # Allow parser extensions to generate their own placeholders (instead of default one from RTE)
         # @author: Macbre
         if (wfRunHooks('RTEUseDefaultPlaceholder', array($name, $params, $frame, $wikitextIdx))) {
             if ($wikitextIdx !== null) {
                 $dataIdx = RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'ext', 'wikitextIdx' => $wikitextIdx));
                 return RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, $dataIdx);
         } else {
             RTE::log(__METHOD__, "skipped default placeholder for <{$name}>");
             // restore value of $content
             $content = RTEData::get('wikitext', $wikitextIdx);
             // keep inner content of tag
             $content = preg_replace('#^<[^>]+>(.*)<[^>]+>$#s', '\\1', $content);
     # RTE - end
     $marker = "{$this->mUniqPrefix}-{$name}-" . sprintf('%08X', $this->mMarkerIndex++) . self::MARKER_SUFFIX;
     $isFunctionTag = isset($this->mFunctionTagHooks[strtolower($name)]) && ($this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre']);
     if ($isFunctionTag) {
         $markerType = 'none';
     } else {
         $markerType = 'general';
     if ($this->ot['html'] || $isFunctionTag) {
         $name = strtolower($name);
         # PLB - begin
         # @author: Tomasz Odrobny
         $this->mCurrentTagName = $name;
         # PLB - end
         $attributes = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes($attrText);
         if (isset($params['attributes'])) {
             $attributes = $attributes + $params['attributes'];
         if (isset($this->mTagHooks[$name])) {
             # Workaround for PHP bug 35229 and similar
             if (!is_callable($this->mTagHooks[$name])) {
                 throw new MWException("Tag hook for {$name} is not callable\n");
             wfRunHooks('ParserTagHooksBeforeInvoke', [$name, $marker, $content, $attributes, $this, $frame]);
             $output = call_user_func_array($this->mTagHooks[$name], array($content, $attributes, $this, $frame));
         } elseif (isset($this->mFunctionTagHooks[$name])) {
             list($callback, $flags) = $this->mFunctionTagHooks[$name];
             if (!is_callable($callback)) {
                 throw new MWException("Tag hook for {$name} is not callable\n");
             $output = call_user_func_array($callback, array(&$this, $frame, $content, $attributes));
         } else {
             $output = '<span class="error">Invalid tag extension name: ' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '</span>';
         if (is_array($output)) {
             # Extract flags to local scope (to override $markerType)
             $flags = $output;
             $output = $flags[0];
     } else {
         if (is_null($attrText)) {
             $attrText = '';
         if (isset($params['attributes'])) {
             foreach ($params['attributes'] as $attrName => $attrValue) {
                 $attrText .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($attrName) . '="' . htmlspecialchars($attrValue) . '"';
         if ($content === null) {
             $output = "<{$name}{$attrText}/>";
         } else {
             $close = is_null($params['close']) ? '' : $frame->expand($params['close']);
             $output = "<{$name}{$attrText}>{$content}{$close}";
     if ($markerType === 'none') {
         return $output;
     } elseif ($markerType === 'nowiki') {
         $this->mStripState->addNoWiki($marker, $output);
     } elseif ($markerType === 'general') {
         $this->mStripState->addGeneral($marker, $output);
     } else {
         throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': invalid marker type');
     return $marker;
  * Render gallery placeholder for RTE
  * @param $gallery WikiaPhotoGallery
  * @param $width Integer
  * $param $height Integer
 public static function renderGalleryPlaceholder($gallery, $width, $height)
     $data = $gallery->getData();
     $class = 'media-placeholder image-gallery';
     if ($data['type'] == WikiaPhotoGallery::WIKIA_PHOTO_SLIDESHOW) {
         $class .= ' image-slideshow';
     // support "position" attribute (gallery alignment)
     switch ($gallery->getParam('position')) {
         case 'left':
             $class .= ' alignLeft';
         case 'center':
             $class .= ' alignCenter';
         case 'right':
             $class .= ' alignRight';
     if ($data['type'] == WikiaPhotoGallery::WIKIA_PHOTO_SLIDER) {
         $class .= ' image-gallery-slider';
     global $wgBlankImgUrl;
     $attribs = array('src' => $wgBlankImgUrl, 'class' => $class, 'type' => 'image-gallery', 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width);
     // render image for media placeholder
     $ret = Xml::element('img', $attribs);
     // store wikitext
     $data['wikitext'] = RTEData::get('wikitext', self::$mWikitextIdx);
     // store data and mark HTML
     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('data', $data);
     $ret = RTEData::addIdxToTag($dataIdx, $ret);
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Returns placeholder for broken image link
  * This one is called directly by RTEParser::makeImage()
 public static function makeBrokenImageLinkObj($title, $html = '', $query = '', $trail = '', $prefix = '', $time = false, $wikitextIdx = null)
     if (!$title instanceof Title) {
         throw new \Exception('$title is not Title class instance');
     // try to resolve internal links in broken image caption (RT #90616)
     $wikitext = RTEData::get('wikitext', $wikitextIdx);
     if (RTEData::resolveLinksInMediaCaption($wikitext)) {
         // update wikitext data
         $wikitextIdx = RTEData::put('wikitext', $wikitext);
     $ret = RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'broken-image', 'wikitextIdx' => $wikitextIdx, 'title' => $title->getDBkey())));
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Return XML object for parser when RTE enabled
  * called from Parser::replaceInternalLinks2
  * @param $poll WikiaPoll
  * @param $nt Title
  * @param $RTE_wikitextIdx
 public static function generateRTE($poll, $nt, $RTE_wikitextIdx)
     global $wgBlankImgUrl;
     $data = array();
     $data['type'] = 'poll';
     $data['pollId'] = $nt->getArticleId();
     $data['wikitext'] = RTEData::get('wikitext', $RTE_wikitextIdx);
     $pollData = $poll->getData();
     if (isset($pollData['question'])) {
         $data['question'] = $pollData['question'];
     if (isset($pollData['answers'])) {
         foreach ($pollData["answers"] as $answer) {
             $data['answers'][] = $answer['text'];
     // store data and mark HTML
     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('data', $data);
     // render poll placeholder
     $tag = Xml::element('img', array('_rte_dataidx' => sprintf('%04d', $dataIdx), 'class' => "media-placeholder placeholder-poll", 'src' => $wgBlankImgUrl, 'type' => 'poll'));
     return RTEData::addIdxToTag($dataIdx, $tag);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @throws MWException
  * @param $root
  * @param $flags int
  * @return string
 function expand($root, $flags = 0)
     static $expansionDepth = 0;
     if (is_string($root)) {
         return $root;
     if (++$this->parser->mPPNodeCount > $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPNodeCount()) {
         return '<span class="error">Node-count limit exceeded</span>';
     if ($expansionDepth > $this->parser->mOptions->getMaxPPExpandDepth()) {
         return '<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span>';
     if ($root instanceof PPNode_DOM) {
         $root = $root->node;
     if ($root instanceof DOMDocument) {
         $root = $root->documentElement;
     $outStack = array('', '');
     $iteratorStack = array(false, $root);
     $indexStack = array(0, 0);
     $RTEext_1 = false;
     $RTEext_2 = false;
     while (count($iteratorStack) > 1) {
         if ($RTEext_1) {
             $RTEext_1 = false;
             $RTEext_2 = true;
         $level = count($outStack) - 1;
         $iteratorNode =& $iteratorStack[$level];
         $out =& $outStack[$level];
         $index =& $indexStack[$level];
         if ($iteratorNode instanceof PPNode_DOM) {
             $iteratorNode = $iteratorNode->node;
         if (is_array($iteratorNode)) {
             if ($index >= count($iteratorNode)) {
                 // All done with this iterator
                 $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
                 $contextNode = false;
             } else {
                 $contextNode = $iteratorNode[$index];
         } elseif ($iteratorNode instanceof DOMNodeList) {
             if ($index >= $iteratorNode->length) {
                 // All done with this iterator
                 $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
                 $contextNode = false;
             } else {
                 $contextNode = $iteratorNode->item($index);
         } else {
             // Copy to $contextNode and then delete from iterator stack,
             // because this is not an iterator but we do have to execute it once
             $contextNode = $iteratorStack[$level];
             $iteratorStack[$level] = false;
         if ($contextNode instanceof PPNode_DOM) {
             $contextNode = $contextNode->node;
         $newIterator = false;
         if ($contextNode === false) {
             // nothing to do
         } elseif (is_string($contextNode)) {
             $out .= $contextNode;
         } elseif (is_array($contextNode) || $contextNode instanceof DOMNodeList) {
             $newIterator = $contextNode;
         } elseif ($contextNode instanceof DOMNode) {
             if ($contextNode->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
                 # RTE (Rich Text Editor) - begin
                 global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
                 if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
                     if ($RTEext_2) {
                         if (strpos($contextNode->nodeValue, 'table') !== false) {
                             RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMPLEX.11';
                 # RTE - end
                 $out .= $contextNode->nodeValue;
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'template') {
                 # Double-brace expansion
                 $xpath = new DOMXPath($contextNode->ownerDocument);
                 $titles = $xpath->query('title', $contextNode);
                 $title = $titles->item(0);
                 $parts = $xpath->query('part', $contextNode);
                 # RTE (Rich Text Editor) - begin
                 # @author: Inez Korczyński
                 global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
                 if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
                     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'double-brackets', 'wikitextIdx' => $contextNode->getAttribute('_rte_wikitextidx'), 'lineStart' => $contextNode->getAttribute('lineStart'), 'title' => $title->textContent));
                     $out .= RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, $dataIdx);
                 } else {
                     if ($flags & PPFrame::NO_TEMPLATES) {
                         $newIterator = $this->virtualBracketedImplode('{{', '|', '}}', $title, $parts);
                     } else {
                         $lineStart = $contextNode->getAttribute('lineStart');
                         $params = array('title' => new PPNode_DOM($title), 'parts' => new PPNode_DOM($parts), 'lineStart' => $lineStart);
                         $ret = $this->parser->braceSubstitution($params, $this);
                         if (isset($ret['object'])) {
                             $newIterator = $ret['object'];
                         } else {
                             $out .= $ret['text'];
                 # RTE - end
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'tplarg') {
                 # Triple-brace expansion
                 $xpath = new DOMXPath($contextNode->ownerDocument);
                 $titles = $xpath->query('title', $contextNode);
                 $title = $titles->item(0);
                 $parts = $xpath->query('part', $contextNode);
                 # RTE (Rich Text Editor) - begin
                 # @author: Wladyslaw Bodzek
                 global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
                 if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
                     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'tplarg', 'wikitextIdx' => $contextNode->getAttribute('_rte_wikitextidx'), 'lineStart' => $contextNode->getAttribute('lineStart'), 'title' => $title->textContent));
                     $out .= RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, $dataIdx);
                 } else {
                     if ($flags & PPFrame::NO_ARGS) {
                         $newIterator = $this->virtualBracketedImplode('{{{', '|', '}}}', $title, $parts);
                     } else {
                         $params = array('title' => new PPNode_DOM($title), 'parts' => new PPNode_DOM($parts));
                         $ret = $this->parser->argSubstitution($params, $this);
                         if (isset($ret['object'])) {
                             $newIterator = $ret['object'];
                         } else {
                             $out .= $ret['text'];
                 # RTE - end
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'comment') {
                 # HTML-style comment
                 # Remove it in HTML, pre+remove and STRIP_COMMENTS modes
                 if ($this->parser->ot['html'] || $this->parser->ot['pre'] && $this->parser->mOptions->getRemoveComments() || $flags & PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS) {
                     # RTE (Rich Text Editor) - begin
                     # @author: Inez Korczyński
                     global $wgRTEParserEnabled;
                     if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) {
                         if (strlen($out) === 0 || substr($out, -1) == "\n") {
                             if (substr($contextNode->textContent, -1) == "\n") {
                                 $add = "\n";
                                 $text = substr($contextNode->textContent, 0, -1);
                             } else {
                                 $add = "";
                                 $text = $contextNode->textContent;
                             $dataIdx = RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'comment', 'wikitext' => $text));
                             $out .= RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, $dataIdx) . $add;
                         } else {
                             RTE::$edgeCases[] = 'COMMENT';
                             $out .= '';
                     } else {
                         $out .= '';
                     # RTE - end
                 } elseif ($this->parser->ot['wiki'] && !($flags & PPFrame::RECOVER_COMMENTS)) {
                     $out .= $this->parser->insertStripItem($contextNode->textContent);
                 } else {
                     $out .= $contextNode->textContent;
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'ignore') {
                 # Output suppression used by <includeonly> etc.
                 # OT_WIKI will only respect <ignore> in substed templates.
                 # The other output types respect it unless NO_IGNORE is set.
                 # extractSections() sets NO_IGNORE and so never respects it.
                 if (!isset($this->parent) && $this->parser->ot['wiki'] || $flags & PPFrame::NO_IGNORE) {
                     $out .= $contextNode->textContent;
                 } else {
                     $out .= '';
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'ext') {
                 # Extension tag
                 $xpath = new DOMXPath($contextNode->ownerDocument);
                 $names = $xpath->query('name', $contextNode);
                 $attrs = $xpath->query('attr', $contextNode);
                 $inners = $xpath->query('inner', $contextNode);
                 $closes = $xpath->query('close', $contextNode);
                 $params = array('name' => new PPNode_DOM($names->item(0)), 'attr' => $attrs->length > 0 ? new PPNode_DOM($attrs->item(0)) : null, 'inner' => $inners->length > 0 ? new PPNode_DOM($inners->item(0)) : null, 'close' => $closes->length > 0 ? new PPNode_DOM($closes->item(0)) : null);
                 $out .= $this->parser->extensionSubstitution($params, $this);
                 $RTEext_1 = true;
             } elseif ($contextNode->nodeName == 'h') {
                 # Heading
                 $s = $this->expand($contextNode->childNodes, $flags);
                 # Insert a heading marker only for <h> children of <root>
                 # This is to stop extractSections from going over multiple tree levels
                 if ($contextNode->parentNode->nodeName == 'root' && $this->parser->ot['html']) {
                     # Insert heading index marker
                     $headingIndex = $contextNode->getAttribute('i');
                     $titleText = $this->title->getPrefixedDBkey();
                     $this->parser->mHeadings[] = array($titleText, $headingIndex);
                     $serial = count($this->parser->mHeadings) - 1;
                     $marker = "{$this->parser->mUniqPrefix}-h-{$serial}-" . Parser::MARKER_SUFFIX;
                     $count = $contextNode->getAttribute('level');
                     $s = substr($s, 0, $count) . $marker . substr($s, $count);
                     $this->parser->mStripState->addGeneral($marker, '');
                 $out .= $s;
             } else {
                 # Generic recursive expansion
                 $newIterator = $contextNode->childNodes;
         } else {
             throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid parameter type');
         if ($newIterator !== false) {
             if ($newIterator instanceof PPNode_DOM) {
                 $newIterator = $newIterator->node;
             $outStack[] = '';
             $iteratorStack[] = $newIterator;
             $indexStack[] = 0;
         } elseif ($iteratorStack[$level] === false) {
             // Return accumulated value to parent
             // With tail recursion
             while ($iteratorStack[$level] === false && $level > 0) {
                 $outStack[$level - 1] .= $out;
         $RTEext_2 = false;
     return $outStack[0];
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function doDoubleUnderscoreReplace($matches)
     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('placeholder', array('type' => 'double-underscore', 'wikitext' => $matches[0]));
     $ret = RTEMarker::generate(RTEMarker::PLACEHOLDER, $dataIdx);
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Render HTML for given placeholder
  * @author: Macbre
 public static function renderPlaceholder($label, $data)
     // this is placeholder
     $data['placeholder'] = 1;
     // Special case for WikiaPoll placeholder
     // If we do more of these, refactor
     if (defined("NS_WIKIA_POLL")) {
         global $wgContLang;
         $pollNamespace = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_WIKIA_POLL);
         // Check for both canonical Poll and localized version of Poll
         if (isset($data['title']) && (stripos($data['title'], 'Poll') === 0 || stripos($data['title'], $pollNamespace) === 0)) {
             $data['type'] = 'poll';
             $cssClass = "media-placeholder placeholder-poll";
             $title = Title::newFromText($data['title'], NS_WIKIA_POLL);
             if ($title->exists()) {
                 $data['pollId'] = $title->getArticleId();
                 $poll = WikiaPoll::newFromTitle($title);
                 $pollData = $poll->getData();
                 $data['question'] = $pollData['question'];
                 if (isset($pollData['answers'])) {
                     foreach ($pollData["answers"] as $answer) {
                         $data['answers'][] = $answer['text'];
     // store data
     $dataIdx = RTEData::put('data', $data);
     // render placeholder
     global $wgBlankImgUrl;
     return Xml::element('img', array('_rte_dataidx' => sprintf('%04d', $dataIdx), 'class' => "placeholder placeholder-{$data['type']}", 'src' => $wgBlankImgUrl, 'type' => $data['type']));