Exemplo n.º 1
 public function listJsonAction()
     $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria(array(), true);
     $dao = new RM_Units();
     $filters = $this->_getParam('filter', array());
     $isSelector = $this->_getParam('selector', false);
     $showOnlyAvailable = $this->_getParam('showOnlyAvailable', false);
     if ($showOnlyAvailable) {
         $reservationPeriod = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date(strtotime($this->_getParam('start_datetime'))), new RM_Date(strtotime($this->_getParam('end_datetime'))));
         $unitsReserved = $dao->getReservedUnits($reservationPeriod);
         $unitArray = array();
         foreach ($unitsReserved as $unit) {
             $unitArray[] = $unit->getId();
         if (count($unitArray) > 0) {
             $filters[] = array('field' => "id", 'data' => array('type' => "listin", 'value' => implode(",", $unitArray), 'comparison' => 'notin'));
     if ($this->_getParam('reservationID') !== null) {
         $reservationID = $this->_getParam('reservationID');
         $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
         $reservation = $reservationModel->find($reservationID)->current();
         if ($reservation !== null) {
             $detailsModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
             $details = $detailsModel->getAllByReservation($reservation);
             $reservedUnitIDs = array();
             foreach ($details as $detail) {
                 $reservedUnitIDs[] = $detail->unit_id;
             if (count($reservedUnitIDs) > 0) {
                 $filters[] = array('field' => "id", 'data' => array('type' => "listin", 'value' => implode(",", $reservedUnitIDs), 'comparison' => 'notin'));
     $criteria->filters = $filters;
     $units = $dao->getAll($criteria)->toArray();
     $criteria->offset = $this->_getParam('start');
     $criteria->order = $this->_getParam('sort', 'id') . ' ' . $this->_getParam('dir', 'DESC');
     $criteria->count = $this->_getParam('limit');
     $total = $dao->getAll($criteria)->count();
     $json = new stdClass();
     $json->total = $total;
     $json->data = $units;
     return array('data' => $json);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * saves the new reservation selection
  * @return JSON
 public function insertJsonAction()
     // get the data
     $data = Zend_Json::decode($this->_getParam('data'));
     $unitID = $data['cid'];
     $userID = $data['uid'];
     $start = $data['start'];
     $end = $data['end'];
     // get the unit object
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $unit = $unitModel->get($unitID);
     // convert the date selection to a period object
     $periodObj = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date(strtotime($start)), new RM_Date(strtotime($end)));
     // check if the dates are allowed
     $reservationModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     $currentReservationCount = $reservationModel->getReservationCount($unit, $periodObj);
     if ($currentReservationCount > 0) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false, 'message' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN)->_('Admin.Reservations.Edit', 'InvalidSelection')));
     $unitDetails = null;
     // reset the unit array for safe keeping
     $unitDetails = array(new RM_Reservation_Details($unit, $periodObj, new RM_Reservation_Persons()));
     $userModel = new RM_Users();
     $user = $userModel->find($userID)->current();
     // get the "system user"
     // get a reservation ID
     $reservationID = RM_Reservations::createReservationID();
     $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
     $result = $reservationModel->insertNewReservation($user, $unitDetails, 0, 1, $reservationID);
     if (!$result) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false, 'message' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_ERRORS)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', 'ServerError')));
     } else {
         // mark the new block as paid
         $reservation = $reservationModel->find($reservationID)->current();
         if ($userID === "") {
         $idArray = explode("-", $reservationID);
         $id = (int) $idArray[1];
         // check time
         $ad = true;
         // all day
         $starttime = explode(" ", $start);
         if ($starttime[1] !== "00:00:00") {
             $ad = false;
         $endtime = explode(" ", $end);
         if ($endtime[1] !== "00:00:00") {
             $ad = false;
         return array('data' => array("success" => true, "message" => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', "LoadedData"), "data" => array("id" => $id, "cid" => $unitID, "uid" => (int) $userID, "title" => $reservationID, "start" => $start, "end" => $end, "ad" => $ad)));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Returns all saved reservation detail rows
  * @return Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract
 public function getDetails()
     $model = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     return $model->getAllByReservation($this);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Return JSON data for the chart
  * @return string
 function getData()
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $units = $this->_getUnits();
     $datetimes = $this->_getDatetimes();
     $reservationDetailsModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     // for fusion charts we need xml, so the data needs to be formatted
     // so that the json data can render the xml using an xtemplate.
     // we need:-
     // array dates containing all dates of the period we need to chart.
     // array units containing 'name', 'color', array: 'data' containing the unit reservation count for each period
     $jsonSeries = new stdClass();
     $jsonDates = new stdClass();
     $feildsArray = array();
     $jsonSeriesArray = array();
     $jsonChartDataArray = array();
     $feildsArray[] = 'date';
     // this loop, loops through the units once to get the series data
     foreach ($units as $unit) {
         $feildsArray[] = 'unit' . $unit->getId();
         $jsonSeries->yField = 'unit' . $unit->getId();
         $jsonSeries->displayName = $unit->name;
         $jsonSeries->type = 'line';
         // the graph type
         $jsonSeries->style = '{color: 0x' . $unit->color . '}';
         // the graph type
         $jsonSeriesArray[] = clone $jsonSeries;
     // this loop, loops through all dates and gets the data for each period
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($datetimes) - 1; $i++) {
         // get the date
         $date = $config->convertDates($datetimes[$i], RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::HUMAN_MONTH_DATEFORMAT);
         $chartData = array();
         $chartData['date'] = $date;
         // loop through each unit
         foreach ($units as $unit) {
             $SdateParts = explode("-", $datetimes[$i]);
             $startDatetimes = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $SdateParts[1], (int) $SdateParts[2], (int) $SdateParts[0]);
             // set the endDatetimes to the last day of the month
             $EdateParts = explode("-", $datetimes[$i + 1]);
             $endDatetimes = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $EdateParts[1], (int) $SdateParts[2], (int) $EdateParts[0]);
             //mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year)
             $period = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date($datetimes[$i]), new RM_Date($datetimes[$i + 1]));
             $count = $reservationDetailsModel->getReservationCount($unit, $period);
             $chartData['unit' . $unit->getId()] = $count;
         //$chartData->units = $dataArray;
         $jsonChartDataArray[] = $chartData;
     $returnData = new stdClass();
     // fields: array containing all the fields ie: 'date', 'unit1', 'unit2', 'unit3'
     // series: array containing objects for each series item:-
     // type: 'line',displayName: 'Unit 1',yField: 'unit1',style: {color:0x99BBE8}
     // note yField = the field name.
     // data should contain the data:-
     // data: [
     //     {date:'Jul 07', unit1: 9, unit2: 11, unit3: 4},
     //     {date:'Aug 07', unit1: 5, unit2: 0, unit3: 3},
     //     {date:'Sep 07', unit1: 4, unit2: 0, unit3: 4},
     //     {date:'Oct 07', unit1: 8, unit2: 5, unit3: 5},
     //     {date:'Nov 07', unit1: 4, unit2: 6, unit3: 6},
     //     {date:'Dec 07', unit1: 0, unit2: 8, unit3: 7},
     //     {date:'Jan 08', unit1: 0, unit2: 11, unit3: 0},
     //     {date:'Feb 08', unit1: 8, unit2: 15, unit3: 7}
     // ]
     $returnData->fields = $feildsArray;
     $returnData->series = $jsonSeriesArray;
     $returnData->data = $jsonChartDataArray;
     return $returnData;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function calculateJsonAction()
     $value = $this->_getParam('value');
     if ($value === null) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false));
     $extraID = $this->_getParam('extra_id');
     if ($extraID === null) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false));
     $extrasModel = new RM_Extras();
     $extra = $extrasModel->find($extraID)->current();
     if ($extra === null) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false));
     $reservationDetailID = $this->_getParam('detail_id');
     if ($reservationDetailID == null) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false));
     $reservationDetailsModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     $reservationDetail = $reservationDetailsModel->find($reservationDetailID)->current();
     if ($reservationDetail == null) {
         return array('data' => array('success' => false));
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $currencySymbol = $config->getValue('rm_config_currency_symbol');
     // calculate the tax due on the extra...
     $extraSubTotal = $extra->calculate($reservationDetail);
     // we need to create a new reservation details object so that the tax can be calculated
     $periodObj = new RM_Reservation_Period(new RM_Date(strtotime($reservationDetail->start_datetime)), new RM_Date(strtotime($reservationDetail->end_datetime)));
     $persons = new RM_Reservation_Persons(array("adults" => $reservationDetail->adults, "children" => $reservationDetail->children, "infants" => $reservationDetail->infants));
     $fullReservationDetails = new RM_Reservation_Details($reservationDetail->findUnit(), $periodObj, $persons, array());
     return array('data' => array('success' => true, 'value' => $currencySymbol . $extraSubTotal * $value));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns the list data for the Unit Assignment Grid.
  * This creates a JS variable containing the list configuration/setup for
  * the reservation list. This is implicated in list.js
  * @deprecated
  * @param  	request id  the reservation id.
  * @param  	request type    if this is a new or existing reservation.
  * @param    request start   list start used for pagenation
  * @param    request limit   list limit used for pagenation
  * @param    request sort    list sort parameter
  * @param    request dir list direction Asc/desc
  * @param    request filter  an array of any filters applied
  * @return   json    information required to configure unit selection grid.
 public function listunitsJsonAction()
     $id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $type = $this->_getParam('type');
     $offset = $this->_getParam('start');
     $count = $this->_getParam('limit');
     $sort = $this->_getParam('sort', 'id');
     $direction = $this->_getParam('dir', 'DESC');
     $language = $this->_translate->getAdapter()->getLocale();
     $order = $sort . ' ' . $direction;
     $dao = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     if ($type == "new") {
         $unitTypeDAO = new RM_UnitTypes();
         $unitType = $unitTypeDAO->find('1')->current();
         $details = $dao->getAll($unitType, $order, $count, $offset, $language, $filters)->toArray();
         $total = $dao->getAll($unitType, $order, null, null, $language, $filters)->count();
     } else {
         $reservationDAO = new RM_Reservations();
         $reservation = $reservationDAO->find($id)->current();
         $total = $dao->fetchAllByReservation($reservation, $order, null, null, $language)->count();
         $details = $dao->fetchAllByReservation($reservation, $order, $count, $offset, $language)->toArray();
     $json = new stdClass();
     $json->total = $total;
     $json->data = $details;
     return array('data' => $json);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Checks if in system exists any reservation with this unitID
  * @param int $unitID unit primary key value
  * @return bool
 public function isReserved($unitID)
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $unit = $unitModel->find($unitID)->current();
     if ($unit == null) {
         return false;
     $model = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     $details = $model->fetchAllBy($unit);
     return count($details) > 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function insertNewReservation($user, $unitDetails, $inprogres = 0, $confirmed = 1, $bookingRef = null)
     //1. add information into rm_reservation
     if ($user->id) {
         $userID = $user->id;
     } else {
         // at this point the user does not exist in ResMania let's add it...
         $userData = array();
         foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == 'name') {
                 $nameArray = explode(" ", $value);
                 $userData['first_name'] = $nameArray[0];
                 $userData['last_name'] = $nameArray[1] . " " . $nameArray[2];
             $userData[$key] = $value;
         $userData['group_id'] = 0;
         $rmUsers = new RM_Users();
         $userID = $rmUsers->insert($userData);
     $reservation = $this->createRow();
     $reservation->user_id = $userID;
     $reservation->confirmed = $confirmed;
     $reservation->in_progress = $inprogres;
     // this will hide the reservation until we have completed the process
     if ($bookingRef !== null) {
         $reservation->id = $bookingRef;
     $reservation->creation_datetime = date(RM_Config::MYSQL_DATEFORMAT);
     //current server datetime
     $reservationID = $reservation->save();
     //2. add information into rm_reservation_details
     $detailsModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     $priceSystem = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getPriceSystem();
     foreach ($unitDetails as $unitDetail) {
         $detail = $detailsModel->createRow();
         $selectedUnit = $unitDetail->getUnit();
         // get the master unit
         if (class_exists("RM_Groups")) {
             $groupsObject = new RM_Groups();
             $isMaster = $groupsObject->isMain($selectedUnit);
             if (!$isMaster) {
                 $unitModel = new RM_Units();
                 $group = $groupsObject->getByUnit($selectedUnit);
                 if ($group != null) {
                     try {
                         $groupID = $group->main_unit_id;
                         $selectedUnit = $unitModel->get($groupID, RM_Environment::getInstance()->getLocale());
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $information = new RM_Prices_Information($selectedUnit, $unitDetail->getPeriod(), $unitDetail->getPersons(), $unitDetail->getOtherInfo());
         try {
             $detail->total_price = $priceSystem->getTotalUnitPrice($information);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $detail->total_price = 0;
         $detail->reservation_id = $reservationID;
         $detail->unit_id = $unitDetail->getUnit()->getId();
         $detail->start_datetime = $unitDetail->getPeriod()->getStart()->toMySQL();
         $detail->end_datetime = $unitDetail->getPeriod()->getEnd()->toMySQL();
         $detail->adults = $unitDetail->getPersons()->getAdults() == 0 ? 1 : $unitDetail->getPersons()->getAdults();
         $detail->children = $unitDetail->getPersons()->getChildren();
         $detail->infants = $unitDetail->getPersons()->getInfants();
         // process other information (this allows the price system to manage
         // other data i.e: board_types for the hospitality price module
         $otherInfo = $unitDetail->getOtherInfo();
         if ($otherInfo) {
             foreach ($otherInfo as $key => $value) {
                 $detail->{$key} = $value;
         $this->_insertDetailExtraData($unitDetail, $detail);
     return $reservationID;