Exemplo n.º 1
  * Main Construct for the Whole Application
  * Sets Registry and Default Values (if none present)
  * @return null
  * @added 2.0
 public function __construct()
     if (!get_option('RMVer')) {
         add_option('RMVer', RM_Registry::get('config', 'current_version'));
     if (!get_option('RMOptions')) {
         add_option('RMOptions', RM_Registry::get('defaults'));
     RM_Registry::set('options', get_option('RMOptions'));
     RM_Registry::set('version', get_option('RMVer'));
Exemplo n.º 2
| Save Config to the Registry
| Again, some people don't like Registry's in PHP Applications, but here we
| have one and it is very useful for retrieving our settings throughout the app
RM_Registry::set('config', $config);
| Responsive Menu Defaults
| Another configuration array of type, this time we hold all the application
| default options.
$defaults = array('RM' => '', 'RMBreak' => 800, 'RMDepth' => 2, 'RMTop' => 10, 'RMRight' => 5, 'RMCss' => '', 'RMTitle' => __('Menu Title', 'responsive-menu'), 'RMLineCol' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMClickBkg' => '#000000', 'RMClickTitle' => '', 'RMBkgTran' => false, 'RMFont' => '', 'RMPos' => '', 'RMImage' => '', 'RMWidth' => '75', 'RMBkg' => '#43494C', 'RMBkgHov' => '#3C3C3C', 'RMTitleCol' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMTextCol' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMBorCol' => '#3C3C3C', 'RMTextColHov' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMTitleColHov' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMAnim' => 'overlay', 'RMPushCSS' => '', 'RMTitleBkg' => '#43494C', 'RMFontSize' => 13, 'RMTitleSize' => 14, 'RMBtnSize' => 13, 'RMCurBkg' => '#43494C', 'RMCurCol' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMAnimSpd' => 0.5, 'RMTranSpd' => 1, 'RMTxtAlign' => 'left', 'RMSearch' => false, 'RMExpand' => false, 'RMLinkHeight' => 20, 'RMExternal' => false, 'RMSide' => 'left', 'RMFooter' => true, 'RMClickImg' => false, 'RMMinify' => true, 'RMClickClose' => false, 'RMRemImp' => false, 'RMX' => false, 'RMMinWidth' => null, 'RMMaxWidth' => null, 'RMExpandPar' => true, 'RMIgnParCli' => false, 'RMCliToClo' => false, 'RMSearchPos' => 'below', 'RMTitleLink' => null, 'RMTitleLoc' => '_self', 'RMHtml' => null, 'RMHtmlLoc' => 'bottom', 'RMShortcode' => false, 'RMLineHeight' => 5, 'RMLineWidth' => 33, 'RMLineMargin' => 6, 'RMClickImgClicked' => null, 'RMAccordion' => false, 'RMArShpA' => json_encode('▲'), 'RMArShpI' => json_encode('▼'), 'RMArImgA' => false, 'RMArImgI' => false, 'RMTrigger' => '#click-menu', 'RMPushBtn' => false, 'RMCurBkgHov' => '#43494C', 'RMCurColHov' => '#FFFFFF', 'RMWalker' => null, 'RMUseTran' => null, 'RMLoc' => 'right', 'RMThemeLocation' => null);
| Save Defaults to the Registry
| Again, some people don't like Registry's in PHP Applications, but here we
| have it again and it is very useful for retrieving our default values
| throughout the app
RM_Registry::set('defaults', $defaults);