Exemplo n.º 1
  * This gathers all the data required for the user end google maps view
 public function mapAction()
     // get the unit information
     $unitID = $this->_getParam('unit_id');
     $locationsModel = new RM_Locations();
     $location = $locationsModel->fetchByUnit($unitID)->toArray();
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $location = $location[0];
     } else {
         $location['address1'] = "";
         $location['address2'] = "";
         $location['city'] = "";
         $location['state'] = "";
         $location['postcode'] = "";
         $location['country'] = "";
     // get the coordinates
     $coordinates = new stdClass();
     // set default map center points...
     if (empty($location['longitude']) || empty($location['latitude'])) {
         $location['longitude'] = 150.644;
         $location['latitude'] = -34.397;
     $coordinates->longitude = $location['longitude'];
     $coordinates->latitude = $location['latitude'];
     $this->view->coordinates = $coordinates;
     // construct the address for GMAPs to use
     $address = "";
     if ($location['address1']) {
         $address .= $location['address1'];
     if ($location['address2']) {
         $address .= ", " . $location['address2'];
     if ($location['city']) {
         $address .= ", " . $location['city'];
     if ($location['address1']) {
         $address .= ", " . $location['state'];
     if ($location['address1']) {
         $address .= ", " . $location['postcode'];
     if ($location['address1']) {
         $address .= ", " . $location['country'];
     $this->view->address = $address;
     // gmaps settings
     $settingsObj = new RM_GMaps();
     $settings = $settingsObj->getSettings()->toArray();
     $this->view->settings = $settings[0];
     // call the view
     echo $this->view->render('GMaps/map.phtml');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getadminmapAction()
     // do a quick net check
     $parsed = parse_url('http://maps.google.com/maps');
     $host = $parsed["host"];
     $fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 20);
     if (!$fp) {
         $this->view->error = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_ERRORS)->_('Admin.GMaps.Errors', 'ConnectionError');
     } else {
         $this->view->error = 'false';
         // get the unit information
         $unitID = $this->_getParam('unit_id');
         $locationsModel = new RM_Locations();
         $location = $locationsModel->fetchByUnit($unitID)->toArray();
         if (!empty($location)) {
             $location = $location[0];
             // get the coordinates
             $coordinates = new stdClass();
             // set default map center points...
             if (empty($location['longitude']) || empty($location['latitude'])) {
                 $location['longitude'] = 150.644;
                 $location['latitude'] = -34.397;
             $coordinates->longitude = $location['longitude'];
             $coordinates->latitude = $location['latitude'];
             $this->view->coordinates = $coordinates;
             // construct the address for GMAPs to use
             $address = "";
             if ($location['address1']) {
                 $address .= $location['address1'];
             if ($location['address2']) {
                 $address .= ", " . $location['address2'];
             if ($location['city']) {
                 $address .= ", " . $location['city'];
             if ($location['address1']) {
                 $address .= ", " . $location['state'];
             if ($location['address1']) {
                 $address .= ", " . $location['postcode'];
             if ($location['address1']) {
                 $address .= ", " . $location['country'];
             $this->view->address = $address;
         // gmaps settings
         $settingsObj = new RM_GMaps();
         $settings = $settingsObj->getSettings()->toArray();
         $this->view->settings = $settings[0];
     // call the view
     echo $this->view->render('GMaps/adminmap.phtml');