include "/srv/athenace/lib/shared/functions_form.php"; if (!is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { header("Location: /quotes/?id=notFound"); exit; } # Set up HTML Form input error array # Check if we have Form Data to process if (isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go'] == "y") { if (empty($errors)) { if ($_POST['live'] != 1) { $_POST['live'] = 0; } # Update DB $quotesUpdate = new Quotes(); $quotesUpdate->setQuotesid($_GET['id']); $quotesUpdate->setLive($_POST['live']); $quotesUpdate->updateDB(); $logContent = 'Changed Quote Status to ' . $input['live']; $logresult = logEvent(5, $logContent); header("Location: /quotes/view.php?id=" . $_GET['id']); exit; } } # Define elements for the HTML Header include $pagetitle = "Edit Quote"; $pagescript = array("/pub/calpop/calendar_eu.js"); $pagestyle = array("/css/calendar.css"); include "../tmpl/header.php"; $sqltext = "SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE quotesid=?"; $q = $db->select($sqltext, array($_GET['id']), 'i'); if ($q) {