// Now, re-add it so we can charge/authorize against it
if ($walletID = $MS->addWallet($customerID, $Card)) {
    print 'New wallet ID created: ' . $walletID . "\n";
} else {
    print 'An error occurred: [' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . ']' . "\n";
// Authorize funds against the wallet
$amount = 1.06;
$salestax = 0.06;
// Optional
$comment = 'Test Comment';
// Optional
$cvv = '349';
// Optional
if ($Transaction = $MS->authorizeWallet($customerID, $walletID, $amount, $salestax, $comment, $cvv)) {
    print 'Wallet authorized!' . "\n";
} else {
    print 'An error occurred: [' . $MS->errorNumber() . ': ' . $MS->errorMessage() . ']' . "\n";
// Charge funds against the wallet
$amount = 1.06;
$salestax = 0.06;
// Optional
$comment = 'Test Comment';
// Optional
$cvv = '349';
// Optional
if ($Transaction = $MS->chargeWallet($customerID, $walletID, $amount, $salestax, $comment, $cvv)) {
    print 'Wallet charged!' . "\n";