Exemplo n.º 1
     $start = abs($HTTP_GET_VARS['start']);
 } else {
     $start = 1;
 if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['step']) {
     $step = abs($HTTP_GET_VARS['step']);
 } else {
     $step = 10;
 $stop = $start + $step;
 // Put the search term in LoC syntax
 // convert query syntax from my form of CCL/whatver to the weird prefix
 // notation used by LoC
 $term = Query_Convertor::convert_query($term);
 //@attr 1=4 title
 //@attr 1=1003 author
 //@attr 1=7 ISBN
 //@attr 1=16 LoC Call number
 if (strlen($term) > 255) {
     ShelveIt::$messages['warnings'][] = "Your search is too long. It has been truncated from" . strlen($term) . "to 255 characters (including markup). This may cause your search to fail entirely.";
     $term = substr($term, 0, 255);
 switch ($HTTP_GET_VARS['type']) {
     case Title:
         $term = '@attr 1=4 ' . $term;
     case Author:
         $term = '@attr 1=1003 ' . $term;
 public static function convert_query($query)
     // initialize vars
     $rpn = "";
     $stack = array();
     //last was an operand
     $lastWasOpd = false;
     // put spaces on either side of parens to guarantee they're
     // seperate tokens
     $query = str_replace(')', ' ) ', $query);
     $query = str_replace('(', ' ( ', $query);
     // break the query into tokens, delimited by spaces
     self::$tokens = explode(" ", $query);
     self::$token_count = count(self::$tokens);
     //while( false ) {
     for ($i = 0; $i < self::$token_count; $i++) {
         //ignore empty tokens
         if (self::$tokens[$i] != "") {
             if (self::$tokens[$i] == '(') {
                 // push it onto the stack
                 $stack[] = '(';
                 $lastWasOpd = false;
             } else {
                 if (self::$tokens[$i] == ')') {
                     $lastWasOpd = true;
                     // Keep popping from the stack and prepending to RPN string
                     // until we reach the left parenthesis.
                     $popped = array_pop($stack);
                     while ($popped != '(') {
                         // If stack becomes empty and we didn't reach the left
                         // parenthesis then break out with error "Unbalanced
                         // parenthesis"
                         if ($popped == null) {
                             die("ERROR! Unbalanced parentheses");
                         $rpn = $popped . ' ' . $rpn;
                         $lastWasOpd = false;
                         $popped = array_pop($stack);
                 } else {
                     if (isset(self::$operatorMapping[self::$tokens[$i]])) {
                         // 3. Operator: If stack is empty or operator has a higher
                         // precedence than the top of the stack then push operator
                         // into stack.
                         // 	Else if operator has lower precedence then we keep
                         // popping and prepending to RPN string, self is repeated
                         // until operator in stack has lower precedence than the
                         // current operator.
                         $curOp = self::$operatorMapping[self::$tokens[$i]];
                         $topOp = array_pop($stack);
                         if ($topOp == null || $topOp == '(' || self::get_precedence($curOp) > self::get_precedence($topOp)) {
                             $stack[] = $topOp;
                             $stack[] = $curOp;
                         } else {
                             while ($topOp != null && $topOp != '(' && self::get_precedence($curOp) <= self::get_precedence($topOp)) {
                                 $rpn = $curOp . ' ' . $rpn;
                                 // incrementation step
                                 $curOp = $topOp;
                                 $topOp = array_pop($stack);
                             // we may have popped off one extra, if so put it back on
                             if ($topOp == null) {
                                 $stack[] = $curOp;
                             } else {
                                 $stack[] = $topOp;
                         $lastWasOpd = false;
                     } else {
                         //self must be an operand
                         if ($lastWasOpd) {
                             // insert an implicit AND and rewind to handle it
                             self::$tokens[$i - 1] = "AND";
                             $i -= 2;
                         } else {
                             $fchar = self::$tokens[$i][0];
                             // detect quotes
                             // note: passing i by ref causes it to be in the right
                             // place. The return value is, therefore, stored in the
                             // last token that was part of the quote. Self both
                             // spares a temp var and allows the part afterwards to
                             // be general
                             if ($fchar == '"' || $fchar == '\'') {
                                 // collect quoted part into the last token forming it
                                 $temp = self::collect_string($fchar, $i);
                                 // note self has to be done because of
                                 // strangess in eval order - $i is
                                 // incremented in collect string, but the
                                 // left-hand of the assignment occurs
                                 // before the call
                                 self::$tokens[$i] = $temp;
                             $rpn = self::convert_operand(self::$tokens[$i]) . ' ' . $rpn;
                             $lastWasOpd = true;
     // if any operators remain on the stack, prepend them now
     for ($topOp = array_pop($stack); $topOp != null; $topOp = array_pop($stack)) {
         $rpn = $topOp . ' ' . $rpn;
     return $rpn;