Exemplo n.º 1
include "./myclasses.php";
//load queries
$q = new Queries();
//Get connection to the DB
$connObj = new MySQLConn();
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
    //3 scenarios: upload the image, view images and delete image
    if ($_GET['act'] == "uimg") {
        //TODO: put more restrictions like file size, type of file, etc
        $filename = $connObj->escapeMe($_FILES['imgfile']['name']);
        $fileSize = $_FILES["imgfile"]["size"];
        $fileObj = $_FILES["imgfile"]["tmp_name"];
        $userId = $_SESSION["userId"];
        $sql = sprintf($q->insInsertImg(), $userId, $fileObj, $filename, $fileSize);
        echo "<h1>Your image has been saved!!!</h1>";
        echo "<hr><h3>Please go to the main <a href=http://localhost/dashboard.php>menu</a> for more options.</h3>";
    if ($_GET['act'] == "viewimg") {
        $userId = $_SESSION["userId"];
        $sql = sprintf($q->getImgByUserId(), $userId);
        $result = $connObj->fetchArray();
        foreach ($result as $img) {
            echo '<img src=' . $img . '/>';
        echo "<hr><h3>Please go to the main <a href=http://localhost/dashboard.php>menu</a> for more options.</h3>";