Exemplo n.º 1
  * Loads data from JSON found in a file
  * @method load
  * @param {string} $filename The filename of the file to load.
  * @param {boolean} $ignoreCache=false
  *  Defaults to false. If true, then this function ignores
  *  the cached value, if any, and attempts to search
  *  for the file. It will cache the new value.
  * @return {boolean} Returns true if loaded, otherwise false.
  * @throws {Q_Exception_InvalidInput}
 function load($filename, $ignoreCache = false)
     $filename2 = Q::realPath($filename, $ignoreCache);
     if (!$filename2) {
         return false;
     $this->filename = $filename2;
     // if class cache is set - use it
     if (isset(self::$cache[$filename2])) {
         return true;
     // check Q_Cache and if set - use it
     // update class cache as it is not set
     $arr = Q_Cache::get("Q_Tree\t{$filename2}");
     if (isset($arr)) {
         self::$cache[$filename2] = $arr;
         return true;
      * @event Q/tree/load {before}
      * @param {string} filename
      * @return {array}
     $arr = Q::event('Q/tree/load', compact('filename'), 'before');
     if (!isset($arr)) {
         try {
             // get file contents, remove comments and parse
             $json = file_get_contents($filename2);
             $json = preg_replace('/\\s*(?!<\\")\\/\\*[^\\*]+\\*\\/(?!\\")\\s*/', '', $json);
             $arr = json_decode($json, true);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $arr = null;
     if (!isset($arr)) {
         throw new Q_Exception_InvalidInput(array('source' => $filename));
     if (!is_array($arr)) {
         return false;
     // $arr was loaded from $filename2 or by Q/tree/load before event
     self::$cache[$filename2] = $arr;
     Q_Cache::set("Q_Tree\t{$filename2}", $arr);
     // no need to check result - on failure Q_Cache is disabled
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Check if a file exists in the include path
  * And if it does, return the absolute path.
  * @method realPath
  * @static
  * @param {string} $filename
  *  Name of the file to look for
  * @param {boolean} $ignoreCache=false
  *  Defaults to false. If true, then this function ignores
  *  the cached value, if any, and attempts to search
  *  for the file. It will cache the new value.
  * @return {string|false}
  *  The absolute path if file exists, false if it does not
 static function realPath($filename, $ignoreCache = false)
     $filename = str_replace('/', DS, $filename);
     if (!$ignoreCache) {
         // Try the extended cache mechanism, if any
         $result = Q::event('Q/realPath', array(), 'before');
         if (isset($result)) {
             return $result;
         // Try the native cache mechanism
         $result = Q_Cache::get("Q::realPath\t{$filename}");
         if (isset($result)) {
             return $result;
     // Do a search for the file
     $paths = explode(PS, get_include_path());
     array_unshift($paths, "");
     $result = false;
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (substr($path, -1) == DS) {
             $fullpath = $path . $filename;
         } else {
             $fullpath = ($path ? $path . DS : "") . $filename;
         // Note: the following call to the OS may take some time:
         $realpath = realpath($fullpath);
         if ($realpath && file_exists($realpath)) {
             $result = $realpath;
     // Notify the cache mechanism, if any
     Q_Cache::set("Q::realPath\t{$filename}", $result);
      * @event Q/realPath {after}
      * @param {string} $result
     Q::event('Q/realPath', compact('result'), 'after');
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Loads the configuration and plugins in the right order
  * @method configure
  * @static
  * @param boolean [$force_reload=false] If true, forces the reload of the cache.
  *  Otherwise it happens only if Q/configServer/interval seconds
  *  have passed since the last time.
  * @throws {Q_Exception_MissingPlugin}
 static function configure($force_reload = false)
     $app_tree = new Q_Tree();
     // check if config need to be reloaded
     if (Q_Cache::connected()) {
         // we need to know reload interval
         $config_files = $app_tree->get('Q', 'configFiles', array());
         foreach ($config_files as $cf) {
         // second round to catch configFiles inside configFiles
         $config_files = $app_tree->get('Q', 'configFiles', array());
         foreach ($config_files as $cf) {
         $interval = $app_tree->get('Q', 'configServer', 'interval', 60);
         // reload each minute by default
         $timestamp = Q_Cache::get("Q_Config\tupdate_time");
         if (!isset($timestamp) || time() - $timestamp > $interval) {
             $force_reload = true;
     if ($force_reload) {
         $old_setting = Q_Cache::ignore(true);
     // clear the config
     // Get the app config, but don't load it yet
     // Load all the plugin config files first
     $paths = explode(PS, get_include_path());
     $plugins = $app_tree->get('Q', 'plugins', array());
     if (!in_array('Q', $plugins)) {
         array_unshift($plugins, 'Q');
     global $Q_Bootstrap_config_plugin_limit;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($plugins as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($Q_Bootstrap_config_plugin_limit) and $i > $Q_Bootstrap_config_plugin_limit) {
         $plugin = is_numeric($k) ? $v : $k;
         $plugin_path = Q::realPath('plugins' . DS . $v);
         if (!$plugin_path) {
             throw new Q_Exception_MissingPlugin(compact('plugin'));
         Q_Config::load($plugin_path . DS . 'config' . DS . 'plugin.json');
         array_splice($paths, 1, 0, array($plugin_path));
         $PLUGIN = strtoupper($plugin);
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_DIR', $plugin_path);
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'config');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_CLASSES_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_CLASSES_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'classes');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_FILES_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_FILES_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'files');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_HANDLERS_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_HANDLERS_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'handlers');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_PLUGINS_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_PLUGINS_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'plugins');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_SCRIPTS_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_SCRIPTS_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'scripts');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_VIEWS_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_VIEWS_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'views');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_TESTS_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_TESTS_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'tests');
         if (!defined($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_WEB_DIR')) {
             define($PLUGIN . '_PLUGIN_WEB_DIR', $plugin_path . DS . 'web');
         self::$plugins[$plugin] = $plugin_path;
     $paths = array_unique($paths);
     set_include_path(implode(PS, $paths));
     // Now, we can merge in our app's config
     // Now, load any other files we were supposed to load
     $config_files = Q_Config::get('Q', 'configFiles', array());
     foreach ($config_files as $cf) {
     // second round to catch configFiles inside configFiles
     $config_files = Q_Config::get('Q', 'configFiles', array());
     foreach ($config_files as $cf) {
     $script_files = Q_Config::get('Q', 'scriptFiles', array());
     foreach ($script_files as $cf) {
     error_reporting(Q_Config::get('Q', 'errorReporting', E_ALL));
     if (isset($old_setting)) {
     set_time_limit(Q_Config::get('Q', 'internal', 'phpTimeout', 30));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get contents of config file
  * Config file is searched in APP_DIR/files forder. If config server url is defined
  * the filename is searched on config server
  * @method getFromServer
  * @static
  * @param {string} $filename The name of the config file. If config server is defined, file is got from there
  * @return {array} The loaded tree
 static function getFromServer($filename)
     if ($cs = self::serverInfo()) {
         // check Q_Cache and if set - use it
         // update class cache as it is not set
         $arr = Q_Cache::get("Q_Config\t{$filename}");
         if (isset($arr)) {
             $tree = new Q_Tree();
             return $tree->getAll();
         // request config server
         if (!empty($cs['url'])) {
             if (!empty($cs['internal'])) {
                 // query "internal" Qbix server
                 $return = Q_Utils::queryInternal('Q/Config', array('Q/method' => 'get', 'filename' => $filename), $cs['url']);
             } else {
                 // query "external" Qbix server
                 $return = Q_Utils::queryExternal('Q/Config', array('Q/method' => 'get', 'filename' => $filename), $cs['url']);
             Q_Cache::set("Q_Config\t{$filename}", $return);
             return $return;
     // take local file, return empty tree if file does not exists
     $tree = new Q_Tree();
     if (defined('APP_DIR')) {
         $filename = APP_DIR . DS . 'files' . DS . $filename;
     } else {
         throw new Q_Exception("'APP_DIR' is not defined");
     return $tree->getAll();