public static function pusher4PopUp($ids)
     //        IMBAuth::checkOAuth();
     //        pr($_POST);
     if ($ids == "") {
         die("Please insert Customer ID");
     //        if($camp_id == "")die("Please insert Campaign ID");
     $ps = new PushNotPopUp();
     //        $arrPS = $ps->getWhere("camp_app_popup = 1 AND camp_active = 1 ORDER BY camp_id DESC LIMIT 0,1");
     //berdasarkan request 27 Jan 2016, skrg bisa multiple send push not
     $arrPS = $ps->getWhere("camp_app_popup = 1 AND camp_active = 1 ORDER BY camp_id DESC");
     if (count($arrPS) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrPS as $ps) {
             //                $ps = $arrPS[0];
             //            $exp = explode(",", $ids);
             //            $arrAcc = array();
             //            foreach ($exp as $ac) {
             //                $arrAcc[] = trim(rtrim($ac));
             //            }
             //dijadikan singular...
             $arrAcc = array();
             $arrAcc[] = $ids;
             $_POST['no_echo'] = 1;
             //from acc get device ID
             Pusher::sendUsingAccountArray($arrAcc, $ps, 0);
             //1 for testing
 public static function kerjakan($VRO, $dob = "", $acquire = 0)
     //print $VRO->saveXML();
     $json = array();
     //$map = new VRCustMapper($VRO);
     if ($_GET['test']) {
         echo "in1" . $dob;
     $ll = VRCustMapper::parseToLLAccount($VRO);
      * tambahan 9 nov 2015
      * untuk handle kalau tokenstatus != '1' , 4 adalah sdh tidak aktif
     if ($ll->macc_token_status != '1') {
         //request ulang, tetapi apa yang terjadi kalau request nanti berkali2 ?
         //request sekali lagi saja ...
         $VRO = VRCustModel::findByID($ll->macc_id);
         $ll = VRCustMapper::parseToLLAccount($VRO);
     if ($_GET['test']) {
         echo "finished : ";
     if ($dob != "") {
         if ($ll->macc_dob != $dob) {
             $json['status_code'] = 0;
             $json['status_message'] = Efiwebsetting::getData("Constant_invalid_credential");
             echo json_encode($json);
     $ll = VRCustMapper::getBeginDate($ll);
     if ($_GET['test']) {
         echo "getbegindate : ";
     $statement = VRCustModel::statement($ll, $ll->macc_id, $ll->macc_member_tier);
     if ($_GET['test']) {
         echo "statement : ";
     * $datetime1 = new DateTime('2009-10-11');
             $datetime2 = new DateTime('2009-10-13');
             $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
     $parsed_statement = VRCustMapper::parseStatement($statement, $ll);
     $ll = VRCustMapper::getExpiryDate($ll, $parsed_statement);
     $ll->statements = $parsed_statement;
     $ll->statement_cash_total = $parsed_statement->cash_total;
     $ll->statement_point_total = $parsed_statement->point_total;
     $ll->statement_total_transaction = $parsed_statement->total_transaction;
     $ll->macc_acquire = $acquire;
     if ($_GET['test']) {
         echo "getexpiry : ";
         echo "ll final sebelum save";
     //request : 6 jan 2016 : firstimer dapat msg
     $firstime = 0;
     //save tanggal acquire
     if ($ll->macc_acquire_date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || $ll->macc_acquire_date == "") {
         $ll->macc_acquire_date = leap_mysqldate();
         //request : 6 jan 2016 : firstimer dapat msg
         $firstime = 1;
     $ll->macc_login_date = leap_mysqldate();
     //update lyb_expiry_date
     // update database
     // insert on duplicate key updates
     $succ = $ll->save(1);
     if ($succ) {
         //request : 6 jan 2016 : firstimer dapat msg
         //send msg here
         if ($firstime) {
             $_POST['acc_id'] = $ll->macc_id;
             $_POST['no_echo'] = 1;
             $pnw = new PushNotWeb();
         //logged all login 19 nov 2015 roy
         $logged = new LL_AccountLogger();
         $logged->log_acc_id = $ll->macc_id;
         $logged->log_date = leap_mysqldate();
         if ($_GET['test']) {
             echo "succ : " . $succ;
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
         $obj = $ll;
         $obj->default_read_coloms = $obj->crud_webservice_allowed;
         $main_id = $obj->main_id;
         $exp = explode(",", $obj->crud_webservice_allowed);
         $sem = array();
         foreach ($exp as $attr) {
             if (!isset($obj->{$attr}) || $obj->{$attr} == NULL) {
                 $obj->{$attr} = 0;
             $sem[$attr] = $obj->{$attr};
         $json['results'] = $sem;
         return $json;
         //echo json_encode($json);
     } else {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "Save Failed";
         echo json_encode($json);